Get Your Book Ready for Amazon Success!

We take you from your first draft to the polished final product of your dreams.

Save up to $750 with an all-inclusive publishing package. Ask us how!

Indie authors don’t have to go it alone.

By acting as a direct channel between writers and readers, Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP) offers independent authors—and eager readers—a phenomenal service. It does not, however, replace CreateSpace. KDP won’t proof your copy, design a cover, or help you craft marketing materials.

That is where we come in. Elite Authors will do all of that—and more.

When you partner with Elite Authors, you’re choosing to work with top talent to give your book the best possible chance for success. Each year we collaborate with thousands of independent authors to create beautiful books.

Polishing before publishing is a crucial investment in your book. Get in touch with us and talk about how Elite Authors can help you make your KDP dreams come true. KDP is ready for your book—but is your book ready for release? Let’s talk!

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Bundle and save up to $750 with custom-curated packages.

Elite Authors’ packages give you everything you need and nothing you don't.

Our packages include services to take your book from manuscript to masterpiece. Whether you are a first-time author seeking a budget-friendly solution or are looking for all the bells and whistles, we have a package to suit your needs. Services include the following:

  • Line Editing
  • Copyediting
  • Interior Formatting with Digital Conversion
  • Simple Cover Design with E-Book
  • Back-Cover Text
  • KDP Upload Service
  • Optimized Amazon Listing
  • Proofreading
  • Book Reviews
  • Marketing 3D Cover Image
  • Author Success Manager
  • White-Glove Assistance 

Speak to a publishing consultant today to see what solutions suit your needs!


Can you self-publish on Amazon?
You can absolutely self-publish on Amazon—or more specifically, on Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). Millions (and that is not an exaggeration) of writers already do, and that’s one of the greatest challenges indie writers face. When you release your e-book on the KDP bookstore (better known as Amazon), it’s joining an overflowing field of offerings. In order to succeed, your book needs to stand out from the crowd. It’s so important that you do not publish on KDP before your book is ready—and that means making sure it has been edited, proofed, and packaged in the most appealing way possible. We can help you with every one of those steps.

What is Kindle Select?
Kindle Select—or more accurately, KDP Select—is a program offered by KDP to help authors gain readership and boost sales. To participate, you must make your e-book exclusively available on the KDP bookstore (a.k.a. Amazon). It costs nothing to enroll. Once your book is part of the KDP Select program, you have access to a wider range of promotional tools, and you earn 70 percent royalties on sales of your book in Brazil, Japan, India, and Mexico.

What does KDP do for authors?
KDP is an e-book and paperback self-publication service, a conduit that allows authors to access the power and reach of Amazon and Kindle. As an author, you ensure that your file meets Amazon publishing submission guidelines. Then you upload your manuscript file, cover, marketing copy, and author bio to the KDP platform. Finally, you make your book live, and you’re done! What KDP won’t do is make sure that your formatting is correct, that your marketing copy is appealing, or that your cover is attractive. That’s all up to you, and that’s where Elite Authors comes in.

How do I publish a book on KDP?
Taking your publication-ready file and publishing it via the KDP platform couldn’t be easier. You make an account, submit your files, upload your cover, insert your keywords and marketing copy, and hit publish. Within a very short time, your book will be available on Amazon! What Kindle Direct Publishing can’t do is help you get your manuscript ready for publication. Their whole process assumes that you’ve already ensured your book is free from errors and properly formatted. That’s where Elite comes in. We take you from your first draft to a polished final product. We can also create an eye-catching cover and make sure that your marketing copy is optimized for Amazon’s search algorithms, making your book easier to find.

see what our clients are saying

Discover the Elite Authors experience through our authors' words:

5 stars
“This was a great experience from beginning to end. All departments are efficient, professional, patient, and personable. Becoming a published author is difficult but so rewarding. This is due in large part to Elite explaining some of the processes—and achieving the desired results with excellence.”
—Nancy Pitt

5 stars
“I had a really complicated book, full of images and tables. I used Elite Authors for formatting, and they did an outstanding job. From start to end, communication was awesome. Very professional and great work quality. I highly recommend them.”
—Amit Uppal

5 stars
“Everything from the cover design to the content management was absolutely first class! The various people I dealt with were all caring, considerate, and CONCERNED. Early reviews are in, and I am very pleased with them. I'm about to do my second public reading, and a movie deal is in the works. I have nothing but the highest praise for Elite Authors!”
—Jack Lieberum

Ready to talk to a KDP expert and get started?

An expert publishing consultant is standing by to make your dreams become a reality.