Custom-Curated Packages to Prepare Your Book for Publication

Turn your manuscript into a masterpiece with expert publishing services.

Our packages deliver everything you need and nothing you don't.

Publishing Packages Designed for You

Take your manuscript from draft to published book with foundational services tailored for every author.

Specialty Packages

Select from one of our niche packages to enhance your manuscript. Choose a package covering story development, captivating young readers, ESL author support, or maximizing book visibility.

Developing Story

Transform your manuscript with expert guidance focusing on story structure, character development, and narrative flow.

From $1,799*

Package Details
  • Developmental Editing
  • Author Success Manager

*Estimated price based on 20K word count. Final price determined at time of order.


Our one-stop solution for children’s authors. Bring your book to life with services designed to captivate young readers.

From $2,099*

Package Details
  • Copyediting
  • Interior Formatting for Children's Book with Digital Conversion
  • Simple Cover Design with E-Book
  • Back-Cover Text
  • KDP Upload Service
  • Optimized Amazon Listing
  • Author Success Manager

*Estimated price based on 1,500 word count. Final price determined at time of order.


Make a lasting impression with specialized support services, from copyediting for ESL authors to bespoke marketing support.

From $2,999*

Package Details
  • Copyediting Plus for English as a Second Language
  • Proofreading
  • Interior Formatting with Digital Conversion
  • Simple Cover Design with E-Book
  • Back-Cover Text
  • KDP Upload Service
  • Optimized Amazon Listing
  • Author Success Manager

*Estimated price based on 20K word count. Final price determined at time of order.

Book Launch Pro

Enhance the visibility of your book with tailored services aimed at capturing readers' attention and increasing your presence.


Package Details
  • 5 Book Reviews
  • Marketing 3D Cover Image
  • Author Success Manager

This is a flat-rate service and is not dependent on manuscript word count. Additional cost for book purchase may be applicable. 

Book Reviews Service

Unlock the potential of your book with our book reviews package, starting at just $449.

Looking to amplify your book's reach and credibility? Look no further! Our book reviews service offers you the power of authentic feedback from real readers. Unlike AI-generated reviews, our service ensures genuine posts that resonate with potential buyers.


Upgrades and Add-On Options

We know that one size doesn't fit all and you may want to add on more items to enhance your book.


  • Upgrade to Illustration for Cover Design
  • Upgrade to Complex Cover Design with E-Book 


  • Proofreading
  • Hardcover Creation—Casebound Laminate
  • Hardcover Dust Jacket Creation
  • Additional Cover Design
  • Audible Cover Image
  • Indexing
  • Interior Images (Pack of 10)

Marketing Add-Ons

  • Book Reviews
    (Sold in Packs of 5)
  • 45-Second Video Book Trailer
  • Optimized Amazon Listing
  • Query Letter

Make your publishing journey smoother, faster, and more successful than ever before.

Streamlined Publishing Process

Experience efficient project planning and faster timelines with our package options. Say goodbye to delays caused by fragmented purchases and hello to timely publication.

Elite Quality Every Step of the Way

Choose a custom-curated package to benefit from consistent top-tier quality across all services. Your book deserves nothing less than the best, and we deliver just that.

Personalized White-Glove Service

Enjoy direct access to a dedicated author success manager who will be your guide and troubleshooter throughout your publishing journey. Our team is committed to providing the assistance you deserve.

Comprehensive Support for Your Project

From initial planning to final launch, our packages offer support for every aspect of your project. You have done the hard part—let us handle the details to help you create your best work.

Maximize Your Time and Resources

Opting for a package means maximizing your time and resources by streamlining the publishing process and ensuring top-quality results. Invest in your book's success with a comprehensive package.

Ready to start your publishing journey?

An expert publishing consultant is standing by to make your dreams become a reality!