voice – Elite Authors https://eliteauthors.com Expert Publishing Services Mon, 18 Sep 2023 17:53:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://eliteauthors.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/cropped-EA_profile-32x32.jpg voice – Elite Authors https://eliteauthors.com 32 32 Developing Your Writer’s Voice: Finding Your Unique Style https://eliteauthors.com/blog/developing-writers-voice-finding-unique-style/ https://eliteauthors.com/blog/developing-writers-voice-finding-unique-style/#respond Mon, 25 Sep 2023 14:00:39 +0000 https://eliteauthors.com/?p=3053 Hey, fellow writers! As self-published authors, we embark on a journey not to just tell stories but to tell them in our own special way. In this blog post, we’re […]

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A blank notebook with a pen resting on it surrounded by crumbled sheets of paper

Hey, fellow writers! As self-published authors, we embark on a journey not to just tell stories but to tell them in our own special way. In this blog post, we’re diving into the art of cultivating your writer’s voice. That essence that makes your writing undeniably yours. So grab your pen or keyboard. Let’s explore the path to uncovering your unique style and author persona.

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What is writer’s voice?

Your writer’s voice is like your signature, a distinct mark that sets you apart from other writers. It encompasses the tone, style, and personality that seep into your writing, instantly making it recognizable to your readers. Developing your writer’s voice is a part of your journey as a self-published author.

The exciting quest of discovering your voice

Read to develop your unique style—it’s important to be a connoisseur of other writers’ voices. Dive into a range of books spanning genres both within and beyond your preferred genre. Take note of what resonates with you and what doesn’t.

Write consistently. The more you write, the closer you get to uncovering your voice. Experiment with genres, tones, and styles as you explore the realm of writing possibilities. Don’t worry about making mistakes. They actually help you develop your style.

Write with passion. Let your writing be a reflection of who you are. Choose topics that ignite your emotions and enthusiasm. Your genuine energy will shine through your words.

Embrace imperfections. Don’t strive for perfection in your draft. Sometimes our inner critic can hide our writer’s voice. Embrace the idea of imperfection—you can always improve later.

Crafting your author persona

Your author persona is the image you present to the public as a writer. It should align with your writer’s voice. Here’s how to create it:

Authenticity matters: Ensure that your author persona reflects who you truly are. If you have a sense of humor, let it come through in your interactions. If you’re more contemplative, share thoughts with your audience.

Consistency is key: Maintain consistency in portraying your author persona across all platforms. Consistency builds trust and helps foster a readership.

Engage with your readers: Interact genuinely and sincerely with those who read your work. Respond to their comments and participate in book events. Let them join you on this writing journey.

Share your story: Readers always appreciate getting to know the person behind the books. It’s fascinating to hear about your experiences, the moments that happen behind the scenes, and what inspires your writing. Your unique journey is just as captivating as the stories you create.


Developing your writer’s voice and shaping your author persona are steps on the path to becoming a self-published author with an identity. It’s a voyage of self-discovery and artistic exploration that should be embraced with excitement.

So, fellow authors, as you embark on this quest to discover your writer’s voice and author persona, remember that your individuality is your strength. Embrace it, nurture it, and allow it to shine through in every word you write. Not only will readers connect with your stories, but they’ll also connect with the heart and soul that lies within them. If you need help with further developing your writing, contact Elite Authors today.

Happy writing!

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Content Marketing for Authors https://eliteauthors.com/blog/content-marketing-for-authors/ https://eliteauthors.com/blog/content-marketing-for-authors/#respond Wed, 21 Sep 2022 14:00:07 +0000 https://eliteauthors.com/?p=1884 You might think that marketing is best suited for companies selling products to consumers. However, content marketing is also a crucial component for authors hoping to sell books. In fact, […]

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person working at a big table with a tablet and camera

You might think that marketing is best suited for companies selling products to consumers. However, content marketing is also a crucial component for authors hoping to sell books. In fact, as an indie author, it’s extremely important to market your book to your target audience!

It’s pretty simple: the better your book marketing strategy, the more people you’ll reach—and the more books you’ll sell. The good news is that you don’t have to be a professional content marketer to create an effective strategy. The first step in successfully marketing your book is learning how content marketing actually works.

How content marketing works

As an indie author, you need a strong content marketing strategy to get your name in front of your target audience and earn book sales. Regardless of whether you’ve written a nonfiction book or a fiction novel, great content marketing is crucial to your success.

When you focus on content marketing, you can attract more potential readers. And in many cases, you’ll earn referral book sales when your current readers tell their family and friends about your work! Book content marketing is designed to get your name out into the world and help you sell books. And when done correctly, it can catapult your success as an author.

What is content marketing designed to do?

Content marketing is designed to achieve two main goals. First, it attracts your target audience. Second, it helps you retain your audience by engaging with them. When you publish high-quality content in both your books and your marketing, potential readers will find you, you’ll increase your brand awareness as a serious author, and you’ll sell more books.

A great content marketing strategy includes a wide variety of content. Here are a few digital marketing elements that you can include as you design your strategy:

  • Your author website
  • Strong social media presence, including Facebook and Twitter
  • Appearances on other websites, whether you write a blog post or participate in an interview

If you create a solid content marketing strategy, you’ll be able to more easily attract your target audience.

How does content marketing better attract your desired audience?

You’ll need to design your content marketing strategy to attract your target audience. Start by looking online and on social media to find out what similar authors or genre-related websites they visit and groups they join or follow. Then tailor your content to them!

How do you know if you should consider using content marketing for your book?

Every indie author should consider using content marketing for their books. It’s one of the best ways to attract the attention of more readers so that you can sell more books and gain a large following.

Remember that an indie author is a writer—not a professional content marketer. If you feel that your book marketing strategy could use some help or are concerned that you might try out some bad campaigns as you try your hand at book marketing, don’t worry! There are ways that you can design and execute a successful content marketing strategy.

Successful marketing strategies for authors

There’s no universal format for successful book content marketing strategies. In fact, your strategy should be as unique as you are!

To a new indie author who is unfamiliar with content marketing, creating a great content marketing strategy might seem like a daunting task. Fortunately, you don’t have to be a professional marketing writer to create a successful strategy. There are plenty of examples that you can take inspiration from!

What are some examples of authors who have used successful content marketing strategies?

When you’re looking for examples of an effective content marketing strategy, start with some of the most famous authors in your genre. You can use other writers’ success to guide you in building your strategy. Here are a few questions to ask yourself as you research other authors’ marketing efforts:

  • What social media platforms are they most active on, and how often do they post?
  • How would you improve their author website?
  • Do they have a consistent brand voice throughout all their digital marketing?
  • How easy was it to find them online?
  • Did they hire a content marketer, or did they handle their content creation on their own?

Take notes as you go through each author’s marketing material. Keep track of what you feel will work for you and what you would change or avoid completely. This will help you build a great content marketing strategy!

What are some top content marketing strategies for different book genres?

From B2B marketers to indie authors, it’s always important to focus your marketing efforts on your target audience. The first step here is finding out where your audience searches for new books and authors.

For example, maybe your target audience generally reads e-books. If that’s the case, read up on marketing for Kindle books and other online marketplaces. If your genre’s readers tend to find their next favorite book in bookstores or by listening to podcasts, produce some high-quality content in those media.

How can you avoid the pitfalls of unsuccessful content marketing?

One of the biggest mistakes that an indie author can make is using an inconsistent brand voice. Make sure that every social media post, blog post, and piece of content throughout your author website communicates the same message with a similar tone. Just be yourself! Consistent brand voice generally means authentic marketing. And the more genuine and authentic you are, the more trustworthy you’ll seem to each potential customer who is considering buying your book.

Another content marketing pitfall that indie authors can fall into is, quite simply, not enough high-quality content. As part of your marketing efforts, put together a content creation calendar. Schedule a few social media posts per week and at least one blog post per month. Stay in front of your target audience so they can easily find you online—and so you’re top of mind when they’re looking for a new book!

When you use your own voice and consistently post valuable content, you’ll reach your marketing goals in no time.

Using your own voice in content marketing for your books

When marketing indie books, it’s important to always use your own voice. Your target audience will enjoy your books because you have a unique tact and tone. Similarly, they’ll appreciate your content marketing because you use your own voice.

One of the most important elements of your book marketing strategy is maintaining a consistent, authentic voice. As long as you stay true to your voice throughout your content marketing, this will be an easy goal to achieve.

What does it mean to have an authentic voice when marketing your books?

As an author, you create a brand voice with everything you write. From your books to your digital marketing, you need to have a consistent brand voice that truly speaks to your target audience.

Having an authentic brand voice just means that you’re consistently true to how you write as an indie author. For example, if your books are extremely serious but your content marketing is lighthearted, you are sending conflicting messages. However, if you maintain a similar tact and tone in your digital marketing as you do throughout your books, your target audience will know that you’re authentic.

In other words, be yourself and use your own voice throughout your content marketing!

Why do you need to ensure that you use your own voice when marketing your books?

Each potential reader who finds your books will consider purchasing your work because they appreciate your voice. All you have to do is be yourself! The tact, tone, and rhythm that you create as an author draw people to your work.

When you stay true to that voice, your target audience will know that they can connect with you. They’ll be more inclined to follow your career, which will lead to a larger following and more book sales!

What can happen if readers feel that your marketing voice is not authentic?

No one wants to support people who they think are fake or disingenuous. However, authenticity breeds trust. And when you’re trustworthy, more people will want to read your books! So maintain a consistent brand voice that’s true to who you are throughout your entire content marketing strategy. Make sure that every Facebook and TikTok post shows who you actually are.

Ways to use content marketing for authors to help sell your books

It doesn’t matter if you write poetry, fiction, or nonfiction. As an indie author, you need a great content marketing strategy to help you sell books. When you have a strong, creative strategy supported by great content, you’ll draw in your target audience. You just need a few tips on how to use content marketing to ring up those book sales!

What are the best ways to use marketing to help sell your books?

You don’t have to be a professional content marketer to come up with great book marketing ideas. There are many marketing avenues available to use as an indie author. You just have to spend some time researching them and creating great content!

One of the best elements to include in your book marketing strategy is social media. Many platforms are free and allow you to purchase advertisements if you’d like to. You can post on Facebook, Twitter, and any other free social media platform that allows you to create an author or publication page. If you’ve allocated some funds to your marketing budget and want to really boost those book sales, consider investing in an influencer.

How do you choose a content marketing strategy for your books?

Part of choosing the book marketing strategy that will work best for your book is keeping up to date with current content marketing trends. This will help you figure out where your target audience is searching for their next favorite author.

Here are a few questions to ask yourself as you choose your optimal content marketing strategy:

  • Is your target audience searching for their next read on a social media platform like Facebook, or do they prefer to go to a bookstore?
  • Are readers in your genre prone to reading blogs, or do they listen to podcasts that discuss the new indie authors they might enjoy?
  • Do your potential readers base their purchases on graphic elements like your book cover, or would they rather chat with their next favorite author at an event like a book launch?

Your answers to these questions will help you develop a content marketing strategy for selling your books.

Who can help you develop a content marketing strategy for selling your books?

As you build your writing career, you might need some help developing and executing your marketing strategy. And that’s OK! Being an indie author doesn’t make you a professional content marketer. If you need a hand determining how to reach your target audience—and creating great content that will draw them in—you can always hire a content marketing service.

Regardless of which media you choose as part of your book marketing strategy, remember that great content is key. Whether you’re writing a Facebook post, a blog, or just adding to your author website, you have to provide each potential reader with high-quality content in order to draw them in. And a content marketing service can help!

A great content marketing strategy helps promote your book the right way

Don’t think of yourself as an indie author. Think of yourself as an Elite Author! After you’ve finished and published your masterpiece, we’ll help you execute a content marketing strategy that’s designed to help you sell more books.

Whether you need help with your book marketing plan, book cover text, or even an optimized Amazon book listing, we can help! Visit our website to learn more.

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