tools – Elite Authors Expert Publishing Services Mon, 18 Sep 2023 17:55:02 +0000 en-US hourly 1 tools – Elite Authors 32 32 Using Metaphors and Symbolism: How to Add Depth and Meaning to Your Writing Tue, 26 Sep 2023 14:00:14 +0000 Hey there, fellow writers and aspiring authors! Writing goes beyond just putting words together; it’s about creating a captivating experience that resonates with your readers. And one powerful tool in […]

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Moveable type tiles that spell the word metaphor

Hey there, fellow writers and aspiring authors! Writing goes beyond just putting words together; it’s about creating a captivating experience that resonates with your readers. And one powerful tool in your writing toolbox is the use of metaphors and symbolism. In this blog post, we’ll explore how you can masterfully wield these literary devices to add depth and meaning to your work, leaving your readers utterly captivated.

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Metaphors: The art of comparison

Metaphors are like magical bridges that connect the familiar with the unfamiliar. They take something we know well and use it to describe something less known, painting vivid and unforgettable pictures in our minds. Here’s how you can make them work wonders for you:

Embrace visual imagery: Metaphors are a feast for our imagination. By comparing abstract concepts to concrete things, you can create stunning visual landscapes with your words. For instance, describing someone’s heart as a “stone” evokes a striking image of emotional detachment.

Stir emotions: Use metaphors to evoke feelings and emotions within your readers. Compare moods or sentiments to elements from nature, colors, or even everyday objects. Phrases like “her smile was a ray of sunshine” instantly convey warmth and happiness.

Unleash your creativity: While using common metaphors can be effective, adding your own unique metaphors to your writing can truly make it stand out. Be innovative and think outside the box to let your creativity flow.

The power of symbols—language that speaks to the unconscious mind

Symbols hold the key to unlocking the depths of our subconscious. They add layers of meaning and complexity to your writing, allowing readers to interpret them on various levels. Here’s how you can harness their power:

Choose thoughtfully: When incorporating symbolism, carefully select symbols that resonate with the themes and characters of your story. A red rose may symbolize love and passion, while a wilting flower could represent decay or missed opportunities.

Consistency is crucial: Once you introduce a symbol in your story, ensure that it maintains a consistent presence throughout. It becomes a thread that weaves your narrative together and leaves a lasting impression.

Strike the balance: Symbolism can be subtle or explicit, depending on what suits your story best. Sometimes, allowing readers to unravel the symbolism themselves is effective, while other times a more direct approach can be impactful.

Embrace contrast and juxtaposition: Experiment with contrasting symbols to create tension and intrigue in your storytelling. For instance, depicting a butterfly emerging from its cocoon can symbolize transformation and rebirth amid an environment of stagnation.


Metaphors and symbolism are like the brushes and paints of literature, adding depth and complexity to your writing. They invite readers to explore deeper into your story, discovering hidden meanings and enjoying a more fulfilling reading experience.

As you embark on your writing journey, always remember that the true magic of metaphors and symbolism lies in their ability to evoke emotions, stimulate thinking, and forge a lasting connection with your readers. So, my fellow self-publishing authors, embrace these powerful tools and let your words resonate in the hearts and minds of your audience. Enjoy the process of writing, and may your metaphors and symbols shine brightly in the world of literature! If you need help with the writing process, contact Elite Authors today.

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Self-Publishing as a Business: Accounting and Taxes Fri, 25 Aug 2023 14:00:13 +0000 Are you a content marketer or writer looking to explore entrepreneurship? Have you considered self-publishing as an avenue for monetization? As with any business venture, there are certain financial and […]

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A person using a calculator at a cluttered desk

Are you a content marketer or writer looking to explore entrepreneurship? Have you considered self-publishing as an avenue for monetization? As with any business venture, there are certain financial and legal obligations associated with the endeavor. Knowing how and when to pay taxes and manage your accounting requirements can be overwhelming; How much do I owe in income tax? Do I need to register my business with the IRS or state government? What expenses should I track in order to maximize my deductions come April 15? This post will provide helpful information about self-published authors who are also small business owners, helping ensure your finances stay on track!

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Understanding the basics of self-publishing

Self-publishing can be a thrilling adventure for writers, but it can also feel like navigating uncharted waters. Understanding the basics of self-publishing can give you the confidence and know-how to tackle the process head-on. To begin, decide on your publishing platform, such as Amazon’s KDP or Barnes & Noble’s Nook Press. Once you have a platform, choose the format for your book—e-book, print on demand, or both. It’s also important to consider cover design and editing, as well as marketing strategies. By mastering the basics of self-publishing, you can bring your writing to life and share it with the world on your own terms.

Establishing a business entity for self-publication

If you’re considering self-publishing, it’s important to establish a business entity to protect yourself and your assets. Creating a separate legal entity, such as an LLC or corporation, can provide you with liability protection, tax benefits, and the ability to establish credit. It may seem daunting, but there are plenty of resources available to guide you through the process, including online filing services and legal professionals. By taking the time to establish a business entity, you can focus on what you do best—creating and sharing your words with the world.

Setting up an accounting system to track finances

Self-publishing can be a highly rewarding endeavor, both creatively and financially. However, in order to truly thrive as a self-published author, it’s essential to have a solid accounting system in place to track your finances. This can help you keep an accurate record of your income and expenses, as well as enable you to make informed decisions about pricing, marketing, and future investments in your writing career. By taking the time to set up an effective accounting system, you can free up more mental energy to focus on the creative side of self-publishing, knowing that your financial well-being is being properly taken care of.

Keeping records of sales and expenses

As a self-published author, it’s important to keep track of your sales and expenses to get a better understanding of your book’s profitability. Keeping records of sales and expenses can also help you file your taxes correctly and plan future marketing strategies. With the rise of digital publishing, there are many software options available to help you manage your bookselling process, from tracking book sales to automatically importing your expenses. Whether you choose a spreadsheet or software program, taking the time to keep accurate records can save you headaches and money in the long run. So take control of your self-publishing business by keeping detailed records of your sales and expenses.

Calculating your quarterly estimated tax payments 

As a self-published author, calculating your quarterly estimated tax payments can seem like a daunting task. However, it is crucial to stay on top of your taxes to avoid any potential penalties or fees. By estimating your tax payments each quarter, you can ensure that you are properly withholding enough money for taxes throughout the year. It may take some time and effort to calculate these payments, but it is well worth it to ensure that you are staying within the legal guidelines of the IRS and keeping your self-publishing business on track. With the right tools and resources, you can make the process of calculating your quarterly estimated tax payments much simpler and stress free.

Working with a professional tax preparer or accountant on year-end filing

As a self-published author, you know the importance of managing your finances and filing your taxes appropriately. However, navigating the complexities of tax law can be overwhelming, and mistakes can be costly. That’s where a professional tax preparer or accountant can be invaluable. By working with someone who understands the ins and outs of self-employment taxes and deductions specific to writers and publishers, you can ensure that you file accurately and potentially save money on taxes. With the end of the year quickly approaching, now is the time to consider partnering with a qualified professional who can help take the stress out of filing your taxes.

With the essence of self-publishing firmly rooted in understanding the basics, it is clear that one needs to keep a close eye on finances and establish business entities. Setting up an accounting system allows effective tracking of sales and expenses, which helps you accurately pay quarterly estimated taxes. Working with a professional tax preparer or accountant at year-end filing ensures that your returns are compliant with IRS procedures. All these steps create a pathway for all new self-publishers to achieve success. Ultimately, pursuing self-publishing should lead to profits while being mindful of having professional financial guidance throughout the journey. To learn more about this process, contact Elite Authors and set yourself up for success today!

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Using Feedback to Improve Your Writing: How to Incorporate Criticism Effectively Fri, 11 Aug 2023 14:00:18 +0000 Getting feedback on your writing can be incredibly helpful, but it’s important to know how to best utilize critiques, constructive criticism, and suggestions. Since feedback is an integral part of […]

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Two people engaged in conversation. They are referring to a piece of paper

Getting feedback on your writing can be incredibly helpful, but it’s important to know how to best utilize critiques, constructive criticism, and suggestions. Since feedback is an integral part of the creative process for authors and writers, it’s essential to understand how you can use it in a way that will improve your skills and take your writing projects up a notch. In this article, we’ll explore the ways you can incorporate feedback into your work effectively so that you can craft compelling stories within any genre.

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Identify the strengths of your written work and celebrate them

As a writer, it is important to identify and celebrate your strengths. Whether it’s your compelling descriptions, well-developed characters, or clever plot twists, taking the time to recognize what you excel in can boost your confidence and inspire you to pursue your craft even further. Celebrating your strengths also allows you to showcase your unique style and voice, setting you apart from other writers in the industry. Remember to take pride in your abilities, as it can lead to greater success and a more enjoyable writing experience.

Acknowledge and accept criticism with humility

Criticism can be difficult to hear, especially when it’s directed at something we’ve put a lot of effort into. However, it is possible to turn criticism into a positive experience by acknowledging and accepting it with humility. Rather than becoming defensive or dismissive, we can take a step back and objectively evaluate the feedback we’ve received. By doing so, we may discover areas where we can improve and grow. Accepting criticism with humility not only helps us become better individuals, but it also demonstrates a level of maturity and strength that is admirable. So next time you receive criticism, take a pause, listen, and approach it with an open mind and a humble attitude. You never know, it might just be the catalyst you need to become the best version of yourself.

Analyze the feedback—what is the overall message you are receiving and how can you use it to improve your writing further?

Receiving feedback can be hard. Writers often put so much effort into their work that hearing critiques can feel like a personal attack. However, feedback is an essential tool in perfecting one’s craft. The overall message you receive from feedback can vary from person to person, but it’s essential to look for patterns and trends. Are readers struggling with the same section? Did they have trouble understanding a particular point? These are valuable insights that can help writers improve their work further. Additionally, looking at feedback as a whole can help writers identify areas of strength and areas that need improvement. By analyzing feedback with a critical eye, writers can use it to polish their writing and create stronger, more engaging pieces.

Be critical of yourself—spot any weaknesses in your writing that you can work on

As writers, we often have a love-hate relationship with our work. While we may be proud of what we’ve written, we also know that there is always room for improvement. Being critical of ourselves can be a challenging task, but it’s necessary if we want to grow as writers. One of the most significant things we can do is to identify weaknesses in our writing. Perhaps you struggle with creating strong dialogue or struggle to vary sentence structure. Maybe you tend to repeat certain phrases or rely too heavily on adjectives. Whatever it may be, recognizing our weaknesses can help us take steps towards improvement and ultimately, create stronger, more compelling writing.

Ask questions—don’t be afraid to reach out for clarification or more information about specific suggestions

One of the most important things you can do in any situation is to ask questions. This is especially true when it comes to getting clarification on points or gaining more information about specific suggestions. Don’t be afraid to speak up and say that you don’t quite understand something or that you would like more detail. By asking questions, you’ll be able to enhance your knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of the topic at hand. Remember, there’s no such thing as a stupid question and seeking clarification is the key to success.

Implement changes in a way that works best for you—don’t be afraid to take risks

Change can be intimidating, but it’s important to remember that everyone handles it differently. What might work best for one person may not work for you, and that’s okay! The key is to find the approach that makes you the most comfortable and confident. Don’t be afraid to take risks and try something new—after all, nothing is gained without a little bit of risk. Whether it’s implementing changes in your personal life or at work, remember that it’s your journey and you get to pave the way. So take charge, be bold, and trust in yourself and your ability to handle whatever comes your way.

Ultimately, understanding how to work with and use feedback is a crucial part of the creative process. It can be daunting to invite another person’s opinion into your process, but it can also be an empowering experience when you learn how to magnify your abilities and create something truly meaningful. This post has given you several useful strategies for working with feedback so that you can hone your craft effectively and confidently engage in the creative dialogue between author and editor. So if you’re feeling stuck, take some time to assess what kind of advice might be best for you—and contact Elite Authors if you need any help along the way. With these insights in hand, nothing stands between you and amazing writing success!

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Writing Habits of Self-Published Authors: Tips for Consistency Wed, 28 Jun 2023 14:00:19 +0000 You may find yourself overwhelmed with ideas and unsure of how to put those ideas into written form. Whether you’re writing a novel or an essay, having consistent writing habits […]

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White cubes with black arrows on them lined up on a blue background

You may find yourself overwhelmed with ideas and unsure of how to put those ideas into written form. Whether you’re writing a novel or an essay, having consistent writing habits is key to becoming successful in both quantity and quality of your content produced. The good news? Establishing (and keeping!) productive writing habits doesn’t need to be difficult or time consuming! Drawing from what experienced self-published authors do helps us learn and develop our own unique strategies for success—let’s dive into it today!

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Set a goal for how many words to write each day

Writing is an art that requires discipline and dedication. One way to achieve writing goals is by setting a daily word count target. This can help writers stay motivated and focused on their writing projects. Whether you are working on a novel, a blog post, or a research paper, setting a daily word count can be a great way to track your progress and achieve your writing goals. By establishing a realistic and achievable target for each day, you can gradually increase your writing output and see your project come to life. While it may seem challenging at first, with practice and persistence, you can make it a habit to hit your daily word count and become a more productive writer.

Establish a routine that works best for you and stick to it

Establishing a routine is crucial to keeping things organized and maintaining a sense of productivity. It’s not always easy to stick to a set schedule, but the benefits are undeniable. Flexibility is important, but staying consistent with your routine will give you a sense of stability. It may take trial and error to determine what works best for you, so don’t be afraid to make adjustments if needed. Once you’ve found a routine that suits you, commit to it and watch as your productivity and overall well-being increase.

Break up the writing process into small, manageable chunks 

Do you ever feel overwhelmed when you sit down to write? Whether it’s a school paper or a work report, the writing process can seem daunting. By taking your writing process one step at a time, not only will you make progress faster, but you’ll also feel less stressed along the way. Start by brainstorming your ideas, then move onto outlining, drafting, editing, and finally reviewing. By breaking your work down into bite-size tasks, you can tackle each one with more focus and clarity. Trust me, your writing (and your sanity) will thank you.

Utilize online tools and platforms to help organize your thoughts, like Word or Google Docs

Luckily, there are online tools and platforms available that make it easy to organize your thoughts and stay on top of your tasks. Whether you prefer to use Word or Google Docs, these platforms offer a variety of features that allow you to jot down notes, create to-do lists, and even collaborate with others. With the power of these online tools at your fingertips, you’ll never have to worry about forgetting an important thought or idea again. So why not utilize them to streamline your thought process and make your life just a little bit easier?

Take regular breaks throughout the writing process to stay inspired and focused 

Writing can be a daunting task, especially when the words just don’t seem to come to mind. However, taking regular breaks throughout the writing process can help keep you inspired and focused. Whether you take a walk, sip on some coffee, or simply step away from the computer for a few minutes, these moments of rest will serve you well. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the task at hand, but by pacing yourself and giving your mind a break, you’ll find that the words come more easily and your focus remains sharp. So embrace those moments of relaxation and allow yourself to recharge—your writing will thank you for it.

Keep track of your progress regularly to stay on track and motivated toward achieving your goals

Consistency is key when it comes to achieving our goals, but how can we stay motivated throughout the process? One simple solution is to track our progress regularly. Whether it’s through a journal, an app, or simply jotting down notes in a planner, keeping track of our progress can give us a sense of accomplishment and help us stay focused on what we want to achieve. Plus, seeing how far we’ve come can be a powerful motivator to keep pushing forward. So, if you’re looking to stay on track and motivated toward your goals, try monitoring your progress and watch how it can help you achieve success.

Writing can be a daunting task for many, but with perseverance and determination, it is something that everyone has the capacity to succeed at. Taking the aforementioned tips into consideration can help you tackle any writing project with confidence. Set achievable goals for yourself and develop a strategy that works best for your individual needs, which may include utilizing online tools or breaking up the writing process into small steps. Taking regular breaks throughout will help keep you motivated and inspired; additionally, tracking your progress regularly can provide an added sense of accomplishment. Finally, remember that Elite Authors is always available should you need advice or assistance with any step of your writing journey. Good luck!

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Creating an Email List and Newsletter for Book Promotion Fri, 23 Jun 2023 14:00:57 +0000 Are you an aspiring author trying to promote your new book? Have you ever considered creating an email list and newsletter but weren’t sure where to start? You’re not alone! […]

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A smartphone surrounded by email icons

Are you an aspiring author trying to promote your new book? Have you ever considered creating an email list and newsletter but weren’t sure where to start? You’re not alone! Content marketing is a powerful tool for getting the word out—especially when it comes to launching a book. In this blog post, we dig into how authors can use content marketing and email newsletters to generate excitement about their work. We cover everything from setting up your list in Mailchimp or AWeber, crafting compelling emails that speak to readers, and even diving into split testing once it’s all up and running. By the end of this blog post, you’ll have the knowledge necessary to create an effective email system tailored just for book promotion. Read on!

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Define your audience and goals—determine who your ideal readers are and what you want to achieve by creating a newsletter

As an author, creating a newsletter can be a valuable tool for book promotion. However, before you start crafting content, it’s important to define your audience and goals. Who are your ideal readers? What do they enjoy reading about? What kind of language and tone will resonate with them? Additionally, what do you hope to achieve by sending out your newsletter? Are you looking to increase book sales or drive traffic to your website? Once you have a clear understanding of your audience and goals, you’ll be able to create content that speaks directly to your readers and achieves your desired outcomes.

Establish an email listing platform and sign-up form—choose an email provider that suits your needs and create a sign-up form 

As an author, getting your book out there and into the hands of readers is crucial. One powerful way to promote your work is through email marketing. By creating an email list, you can keep readers up to date on new releases, book signings, and other news. Choosing the right email provider can be daunting, but with a little research, you can find one that suits your needs, whether it’s affordability, ease of use, or advanced features. Once you have your provider, it’s time to create a sign-up form that will entice readers to join your list. With a well-designed form and valuable content, you’ll be on your way to building a loyal following for your book promotion efforts.

Craft engaging content for your newsletter—decide the topics, format, frequency, etc., of your newsletter

As a savvy marketer, you know that newsletters are an essential tool to connect with your audience and keep them engaged. Crafting engaging content for your newsletter is critical to keep your subscribers hooked and excited about your brand. With a bit of careful planning, you can maximize the impact of your newsletter by selecting relevant topics, determining the frequency of your sends, and carefully selecting the format you will use to communicate with your subscribers. If you have an upcoming book launch or promotion, this is the perfect opportunity to showcase your latest masterpiece and drum up excitement among your readers. Be sure to select topics that are relevant and interesting to your readers, such as author interviews, behind-the-scenes looks at your book production process, and exclusive previews of your upcoming releases. With these tips in mind, you’ll be well on your way to crafting a newsletter that will keep your audience engaged and excited about your brand.

Design an eye-catching newsletter template—create a design template that captures attention with visuals and colors

As book promotion becomes increasingly competitive, it’s important to make your marketing stand out. An eye-catching newsletter is a great way to grab potential readers’ attention, but it can be difficult to design one that stands out from the crowd. To create a successful newsletter template, it’s essential to use striking visuals and bold colors. You want your design to convey the excitement and energy of your book, so don’t be afraid to get creative. Whether you choose playful patterns or elegant typography, your goal should be to create a visual experience that perfectly complements your content. So why settle for a boring newsletter template when you can create one that truly captures the essence of your book promotion?

Launch your newsletter campaign—advertise through social media, blogs, newsletters, etc., to bring in subscribers

Are you an author looking for new ways to promote your books? Launching a newsletter campaign could be the perfect solution! By advertising through social media, blogs, and existing newsletters, you can bring in subscribers who are interested in your work and eager to hear from you. Your newsletter can be a valuable tool for promoting your books, sharing behind-the-scenes insights, and interacting directly with your readers. With a little effort and some strategic planning, your newsletter could be the key to boosting your book sales and growing your fanbase. So why not give it a try and see the results for yourself?

Track performance of your newsletter campaigns—use analytics to gain insights about reader interaction with your emails

If you’re looking to promote a book, email newsletters can be a powerful tool to get the word out. But how can you tell if your newsletters are actually engaging readers? This is where analytics come in. By tracking important metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and conversions, you can gain valuable insights into how your readers are interacting with your emails. Are they clicking on specific links? Are they sharing with others? Are they actually purchasing your book? Armed with this data, you can make informed decisions on how to improve and optimize your newsletter campaigns for even greater success.

To summarize, crafting a successful newsletter campaign requires careful planning and attention to detail. First, it’s essential to define the audience that you are targeting in order to focus on topics that are appropriate and in line with your goals. You must also establish an email listing platform and create sign-up forms to ensure list growth. Additionally, it is important to design engaging content that supports the success of your campaign and develop an eye-catching template for each issue of your newsletter. Finally, launch your newsletter through multiple channels and track the performance of the campaigns. With these steps in place, you can achieve an effective newsletter strategy that offers real results and promotes long-term success. Don’t wait any longer—contact Elite Authors today to jumpstart your successful newsletter campaign!

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Follow a Three Act Structure for Satisfying Plots in Your Story Fri, 12 May 2023 14:00:44 +0000 Are you looking to create an engaging, polished story? Consider following a three act structure. From ancient Greek drama to Lord of the Rings and beyond, this framework has been […]

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A hang with three fingers raised

Are you looking to create an engaging, polished story? Consider following a three act structure. From ancient Greek drama to Lord of the Rings and beyond, this framework has been proven effective time and again in captivating readers across genres and eras. Whether you’re writing a short blog post or an epic novel, understanding the basics of what makes up successful storytelling is invaluable—and it all begins with learning about its foundation: the three act structure.

What is the concept and purpose of the three act structure? 

As a writer, you want to take your readers on a journey they will never forget. One way to achieve this is by using the three act structure. This story structure involves dividing your story into three parts: the setup, the confrontation, and the resolution. In the first act, the setup, you introduce your characters, the setting, and the conflict. During the confrontation, which is the second act, the protagonist faces obstacles and challenges that heighten the stakes and make the story more engaging. Finally, in the resolution, the third act, the conflicts are resolved, and the story comes to a satisfying conclusion. Using the three act structure will help you create a compelling story that keeps readers invested until the very end. It provides a framework that ensures your story moves along at a steady pace and maintains the audience’s attention.

How to use the three act structure effectively

As a writer, you may be familiar with the three act structure, but are you using it effectively? Let’s break it down. Act one is all about setting the stage and introducing your characters. You want to establish a strong hook that will keep your audience engaged and wanting more. Act two is where the real meat of your story should be. This is where conflict arises, and characters face challenges that will propel the story forward. It’s essential to create a suspenseful arc that will keep your readers invested in the outcome. Finally, act three is where your story reaches its climax and resolution. You want to make sure that all loose ends are tied up and that your readers feel satisfied with the conclusion. Remember, the key to using the three act structure effectively is having a solid understanding of each act and creating compelling arcs that will keep your audience on the edge of their seats.

Create engaging plots using the three act structure 

The three act structure has become a staple in storytelling for its ability to effectively engage audiences. It is a formula that has been applied to a variety of genres, including film, literature, and theater, guiding the audience on a journey with a clear beginning, middle, and end. One great example of this can be seen in the classic coming-of-age genre. From Catcher in the Rye to The Breakfast Club, these stories often begin with the introduction of the protagonist’s struggle, showcase growth through trials and tribulations, and culminate in a satisfying resolution. Horror is another genre that effectively utilizes the three act structure by introducing the initial fear, escalating the tension, and concluding with a climactic confrontation. Overall, the three act structure is a powerful tool for writers to create engaging plots and stories in any genre.

Character development using a three act structure

Investing into characters when using a three act structure can elevate a story from good to exceptional. While plot structure is crucial, character development is equally important in engaging an audience. A well-developed protagonist is not only relatable, but also drives the plot forward, and ultimately, determines the success or failure of a story. The audience wants to see the character’s growth and transformation, particularly when facing challenges and obstacles, in order to root for them. Thus, investing time and effort into creating well-rounded and dynamic characters will pay off in the long run, resulting in a story that resonates deeply with the audience.

Crafting satisfying endings with the three act structure  

Crafting a satisfying ending is an art form that requires careful planning and execution. With the three act structure, writers have a framework that allows them to explore different possibilities while ensuring an impactful finish. This structure divides the story into three parts: the setup, the confrontation, and the resolution. Each act plays a crucial role in building tension and creating a satisfying conclusion. But it’s not just about resolving conflicts—the ending needs to leave a lasting impression on the reader. It should tie up loose ends, answer lingering questions, and elicit an emotional response. Crafting a successful ending requires a balance of structure, creativity, and skill.

Finding success with the three act structure

As we come to the end of our discussion on effective writing methods, it’s worth summarizing the key points we’ve explored. Firstly, it’s important to set clear goals and objectives before beginning your writing journey. Secondly, maintaining a consistent writing routine can help you stay motivated and on track. Additionally, learning from contrasting viewpoints and seeking feedback can greatly enhance the quality of your work. Lastly, keep in mind that success doesn’t happen overnight – perseverance and dedication are key. As you continue on your writing path, remember to stay focused, determined, and keep refining your craft. With hard work and effort, you too can achieve success as a writer.

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Defining 12 Most Common Character Archetypes in Writing Thu, 11 May 2023 14:00:59 +0000 Exploring character archetypes is a great way to make your story’s characters more dynamic and memorable. While incorporating any way that readers can connect emotionally with your characters is important, […]

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Three dark silhouettes of people in front of a red curtain

Exploring character archetypes is a great way to make your story’s characters more dynamic and memorable. While incorporating any way that readers can connect emotionally with your characters is important, there are certain “personas” that often appear in storytelling. In this blog post, we’ll look at the 12 most common character archetypes found in writing—each of which acknowledges people’s inherent need for heroes and villains, mentors and wise teachers—and how understanding their purpose can help bring new life to even your oldest tales.

Overview of different character archetypes

From the wise mentor to the rebellious free spirit, character archetypes have been a fundamental part of storytelling for centuries. Each archetype represents a unique set of qualities and characteristics that help drive the narrative forward and create relatable and memorable characters. Whether it’s the hero on a quest to save the kingdom or the trickster stirring up trouble, understanding different archetypes can help writers craft compelling and dynamic characters. But beware of falling into cliches; a truly skilled writer can take these archetypes and breathe new life into them, making them feel fresh and exciting. So go ahead, explore the world of character archetypes and see where they can take your writing.

The protagonist—the main player 

Without a strong and engaging main character, a story can fall flat and lose the attention of its audience. A well-written protagonist needs to be relatable, dynamic, and capable of growth throughout the story. The hero must face challenges and obstacles that test their resolve and push them to the limits, all while remaining true to their core values and beliefs. The protagonist is the main player in any story, and their success or failure is what ultimately determines a story’s outcome.

The antagonist—the opposing force 

In any great story, there must be an antagonist, a force that opposes the protagonist and makes their journey all the more challenging. The role of the antagonist is not to exist solely to cause trouble, but rather to add depth and complexity to the plot. Whether it’s a personal enemy or a larger societal issue, the antagonist serves as the driving force to push the protagonist toward their ultimate goal. A well-written antagonist can make a story truly captivating, as readers become invested in the protagonist’s journey and root for them to triumph over the opposing force. The next time you’re crafting a story or analyzing your favorite book, take a moment to appreciate the role that the antagonist plays in making it all the more compelling.

The mentor—guiding voice of wisdom 

As the protagonist navigates the twists and turns of the story, having a mentor character to guide the way with wisdom is invaluable. A mentor is someone who has been there before, who has made the mistakes and gained the experience to offer valuable insight. They are someone that provides the protagonist with perspective, guidance, and support as they seek to solve the problems faced in the book. A good mentor is a guiding voice of wisdom, offering their knowledge and expertise in a clever way. Whether the protagonist receives formal mentoring or simply seeks out the advice of a respected elder, the mentor character helps the protagonist navigate the ups and downs of life with greater confidence and success.

The trickster—mischievous, deceptive and entertaining 

Throughout mythology and folklore, the trickster is a unique and fascinating character. Mischievous, deceptive, and always entertaining, the trickster often serves as a catalyst for change and a bringer of chaos. Whatever the form, the trickster is a master of wit and cunning, always keeping us on our toes and challenging our perceptions. From the Norse Loki to the Native American Coyote, the trickster is an enduring and beloved figure, reminding us not to take ourselves too seriously and to embrace life’s surprises with open arms.

The caregiver—protective and supportive

The caregiver, with expertise in providing protective and supportive care, is an invaluable resource to protagonists in need. Caregivers are the ones who step up to offer their support. Their ability to anticipate a fellow character’s needs and provide individualized care is one of their many strengths.

Character archetypes are powerful tools for creating characters that audiences connect and identify with. From the protagonists who drive the action forward, to the antagonists that challenge them, to mentors who provide valuable advice, tricksters offering representation, and caregivers supplying protection and support—each archetype has its own impact on a story’s progress. As authors looking to sharpen our craft of storytelling, we need to make sure that each of these characters are carefully crafted if we want our writing to leave a lasting impression. If you’d like some help in creating dynamic, compelling character-driven narratives, consider working with Elite Authors. Their experience in building strong characters within compelling plots can be an invaluable addition to your work as a writer. Get in touch today—we’d love to share our insights!

The post Defining 12 Most Common Character Archetypes in Writing appeared first on Elite Authors.

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How to Market Your Book for Free Wed, 09 Feb 2022 15:00:26 +0000 Book marketing is a lot of work—but it can also be a lot of fun! It gives you a chance to be creative and show each potential reader how passionate […]

The post How to Market Your Book for Free appeared first on Elite Authors.

a person looking at a book with a big table of books nearby

Book marketing is a lot of work—but it can also be a lot of fun! It gives you a chance to be creative and show each potential reader how passionate you are about your work. If you’re self-publishing your e-book and don’t have much of a book promotion budget, you can still successfully promote your work. And we can give you the steps to finding the best ways to market your book for free!

One of the best places to start your free e-book marketing campaign is social media. After you learn how to leverage platforms like Facebook and Twitter, you can research other places to market and find some great tools to build buzz.

How to leverage social media for free e-book marketing

Social media marketing is a fantastic free e-book digital marketing method. After you set up your account and complete your profile, create a list of hashtags to promote your e-book. And don’t forget to cross promote! Make sure your followers know they can find you on multiple social media platforms.

Follow these steps, and you’re on your way to making your e-book go viral!

How do you make your e-book go viral?

Going viral isn’t just for influencer marketing. It’s for any kind of social media marketing! You can create viral posts as an author (although it never hurts to have an influencer adding to your effort). If you haven’t already set up an author website, that should be your next step toward digital marketing for your e-book. Then jump on social media and find more followers to grow your presence.

How can you grow your social media presence?

You’ll have to do some work to grow your social media presence so your audience can find you. Here are a few methods that can help you earn followers and attract readers:

  • Post the right content on each social media platform. You’ll need to adjust your content marketing strategy to cater to platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
  • Connect with influencers to catch their followers’ attention. If they create a guest post for your page, your visibility can skyrocket.
  • Use trending hashtags to attract more readers.
  • If you have a marketing budget, consider paid advertising to boost your social media presence and awareness about your e-book. Facebook ads can be an affordable way to get in front of more readers.

Once you’ve grown your presence, you can start leveraging social media for free e-book marketing.

How can you leverage social media for free e-book marketing?

Self-publishing often means that an author needs to handle their own book marketing. Fortunately, you can leverage social media to promote your e-book for free. You can create a giveaway contest for each follower that subscribes to your mailing list. People love to win free stuff!

Other places to market your e-book for free

In addition to social media, there are other ways to market your e-book for free. You’ll have to get a little creative to show the world your writing on a tight budget. As long as you’re willing to dedicate some time, though, you can show off your writing skills to your audience and ring up those book sales!

What are some effective ways to promote an e-book and generate sales?

You’ll have to dedicate some time to promoting your e-book and generating sales. In addition to social media marketing on platforms, here are a few ways to attract more readers and earn book sales:

  • Your manuscript must be edited and proofread. Some self-published books have typos or continuity gaps—and those are turnoffs for many readers.
  • Design an interesting and inviting book. Your cover design, book synopsis, and author bio are your book’s first impression to your readers, and you want to draw them in.
  • Create an author website, and post information about your book and yourself. Then ask every person you can think of (family, friends, coworkers) to be your online reviewers. The more positive reviews you have, the more likely new readers are to check out your book.
  • Incorporate content marketing like a blog post into your author website. Ask a friend or an influencer to write a guest post or blog to add a little variation to the site.
  • Set up a featured deal with the platforms you’re selling your e-book
  • Hold an online contest for a free book. This will garner interest and put your e-book into the hands of a potential reader.

Some larger e-book platforms offer built-in book promotion methods—and Amazon Kindle is one of them.

Does Amazon promote your book?

Amazon offers several tools to help you promote your book when you publish a Kindle e-book. You can purchase an Amazon ad, set up a Kindle e-book preorder promotion, and post sample chapters so potential readers can get a taste of your book.

Because Amazon has such a huge following, it can be a powerful book promotion tool. However, since there are so many authors selling e-books and so many customers buying them, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle. So create a book marketing strategy to help you stand out. And be prepared to budget for an Amazon ad or two. Kindle can put your book in front of millions of people, but there will be a price associated with this service.

Although Amazon book promotion comes at a cost, there are other places that you can market your e-book for free.

What are some other places to market your e-book for free?

You can handle much of your book marketing at no cost. You just need to be a little creative! In addition to free social media platforms, here are a few ideas that you can check out for free e-book promotion:

  • Find a book promotion site to post your e-book. You do have to pay a fee for many of these, but some sites offer a free trial or discount.
  • Search for a book club that might be interested in reading your work, and offer them a free or discounted copy of your e-book.
  • Ask your local bookstore if you can hold a book launch event like an author meet and greet or a chapter reading.

Don’t forget to add each new person you reach to your mailing list. Hang on to their contact information so you can keep marketing to them!

Free tools that can help build buzz for an e-book

Part of your book promotion strategy is creating buzz about your e-book. This is an exciting part of your journey as a professional writer, so have some fun with it. Build that buzz, earn some book sales, and make some money!

How much money can you make from writing an e-book?

As an author, you probably love writing stories that your readers enjoy. And although writing is your passion, it can also be a great source of income.

The amount of money you make depends on a few factors, including the following:

  • The size of the marketable audience for your e-book. In other words, how many people are interested in your genre?
  • How you publish your e-book. A traditional publisher might pay you commission, but it can be hard for a new author to find a publisher. Self-publishing doesn’t have to be expensive, but you will have to handle the book promotion on your own.
  • How you market your e-book. You can purchase an Amazon ad on the Kindle store, boost some Facebook ads, or work with free book promotion The money you make will be directly tied to the success of your book marketing efforts.

You can really make as much money as you want from writing an e-book. It just depends on how much time you’re willing to spend on your book promotion.

What is the best e-book creator?

Self-publishing an e-book requires some basic technology to design your book. And although there isn’t an objective “best e-book creator,” there are options. You just have to find the one that’s best for you.

If you’re writing a text-heavy novel, the e-book creator can be a simple word processing program like Microsoft Word, Apple Pages, or Google Docs. And if you’re creating a graphic novel or a children’s book with a lot of illustrations, you might need graphic design software like the Adobe Creative Suite.

Your e-book publisher might also have its own software or template. For example, you can download an Amazon Kindle template to make sure your e-book will be laid out exactly the way you want it to. So before you get too far into designing your e-book’s layout, make sure it falls within the publisher’s parameters.

What are some free tools that can help build buzz for an e-book?

When you’re trying to build buzz, content marketing is key. And you can post content just about anywhere online. Create great content for Facebook, Twitter, and any other social media platforms your readers follow. Beef up your author website with a guest post about your genre. And check out these other free tools to help you build buzz:

  • Canva. You can use this free graphic design software to create eye-catching content for your website and social media.
  • Help a Reporter Out (HARO). Blog writers and reporters use this site to find sources that they can quote about their topics. Join HARO for some free interview opportunities to get your name out there.
  • Podcasts. Podcasts are an especially popular media. Search for a podcast about new authors, or one pertaining to your genre or story. Then ask if you can be a guest. It’ll be a fun experience, and that good PR can earn you some book sales!

Best ways to market your e-book for free

Ideally, every author would be able to easily find a literary agent or a professional publisher. Since that’s not possible for every author, there are multiple ways to market your e-book for free. Sometimes it just takes a little work to find the best book promotion method to fit your needs and capture the right audience.

What are the best ways to market your e-book for free?

The best ways help you reach the widest audience. If your potential readers are on social media, then Facebook and Twitter might be your best book marketing avenues. And if your audience is more inclined to join a book club or read input from professional reviewers, spend time marketing to those sources.

What is a good target for e-book sales?

Every author has their own book sales target. Some write purely for fun and try out the self-publishing industry for the heck of it. And other authors want to make a living off their e-book.Whether you fall on one side of this spectrum or somewhere in between, you at least want to sell enough books to cover any costs you incurred during your book creation and production. Here are a few expenses you might want to earn back in e-book sales:

  • Supplies you purchased to create a storyboard
  • Professional illustrations, including your book cover
  • Editing or proofreading fees
  • Submission fees if you submitted your book to a traditional publisher
  • Return on investment for any Facebook ads or the Amazon ad you purchased when you posted your Kindle e-book

What can you learn from how other self-published e-book authors have marketed their e-book?

One of the best e-book marketing resources you’ll find is what other writers have done. Research a few successful authors and how they promoted their book. Did they join a book promotion site? How often did they post on social media? Did they host a book launch event or a free book giveaway contest?

Book promotion can be challenging. However, with some research into the best free methods and what your predecessors have done, you can successfully promote your e-book.

Market your book the right way and earn book sales!

To make a name for yourself as a professional author, you could use a little help from experts on the self-publishing industry. And we’re here to help.

Elite Authors works with self-publishing platforms like Kindle Direct Publishing. So we know how to market your book. Visit our website today to find out how we can help you turn your e-book into a bestseller!

The post How to Market Your Book for Free appeared first on Elite Authors.

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How to Market a Book Wed, 15 Dec 2021 15:00:52 +0000 Writing a book takes time, commitment, and a little bit of blood, sweat, and tears (though hopefully not too much blood!). With a finished manuscript and a published book on […]

The post How to Market a Book appeared first on Elite Authors.

an open book on a tableWriting a book takes time, commitment, and a little bit of blood, sweat, and tears (though hopefully not too much blood!). With a finished manuscript and a published book on the way, you can kick back and bask in your success, right? Well, not exactly. Even if you sign a deal with a traditional publisher, much of the marketing falls on you, the author. A focused, consistent book marketing plan is key to finding readership. That includes knowing where and how to market a book and how to assemble a book launch team and connect with influencers.

Where to market your book

Marketing is no easy task, but it can be done on a budget. Authors can spend as little as $50 to upward of $2,000, depending on how in depth the marketing campaign is. The key is to know where your readers are and how to allocate your resources.

Marketing online and IRL

An online presence is crucial for most authors, especially self-published ones. Staying active on social media will help you connect with, and find, a potential reader. To further promote your work, consider book discovery sites like BookBub or Bargain Booksy, which aim to expose readers to new authors.

Offline book communities are just as important in determining how to market your book. Contact your local library or bookstores to see if they host events like signings or literary festivals. Reach out to local news stations, newspapers, or radio shows for an interview or to ask for reviews.

International book marketing

If you’re publishing through a US publishing company, you will have access to US markets. This is great news, given that the United States is one of the largest publishing markets in the world. If you want international exposure, however, you must make your book available for purchase in multiple regions. Consider tailoring your book cover and ad campaigns to appeal to different regions. Because Amazon separates reviews by region, it’s also important to garner book reviews in each country you’re promoting in.

Optimize your book’s appeal

A well-designed cover will pique your reader’s interest. Intriguing back cover text highlights the compelling aspects of your book, making it clear why the reader should buy it. A branded online presence brings it all together, allowing the reader to get to know you and your work before they even click “add to cart.”

Using book reviews as marketing for your book

Amazon’s algorithm prioritizes books with more reviews, so the more reviews a new book has, the more book sales and the greater the social proof that it’s worth reading. For the reader skimming your book page, reviews offer insight that will help them decide if the book is right for them.

Aside from increasing visibility, reviews are great tools for your marketing campaign. For example, if you share a glowing review on social media, you’ll remind your audience that your book exists and encourage them to add a review of their own.

There are two kinds of reviews: reader reviews and editorial reviews, which come from media outlets, literary establishments, and other figureheads in the industry.

Soliciting reader reviews

Often, the best way to get something is to simply ask. Leave a call to action in the back of your book (with a link, if it’s an e-book) asking readers to leave a review and thanking them for their time. Ask your social media following and mailing list to take a few minutes and leave a review. Run free book promotions and giveaways in exchange for reviews.

Soliciting media reviews

As important as reader reviews are, libraries and booksellers aren’t going to take an Amazon review from bookluver98 seriously. Alternately, endorsements from well-known people and publications add credibility to your book.

To get media reviews, reach out to publications that review similar books and genres. Before publishing, provide reviewers with an advanced reader copy so they can post the review during launch. You can quote these reviews in press releases and use them on front and back cover copy.

Website ideas for how to market your book

Your author website, if used properly, is a powerful tool for staying in touch with your audience and finding new readers. Before book launch, you can use it to create buzz, ask for reviews, and keep people updated on your writing life.  Once you launch, you can directly link readers to a page where they can buy your book.

Promoting your book on an author website

Maintaining an active online presence raises your visibility and helps you rank higher in search engine results pages. An appealing, clean author website has several important elements to it:

  • Information about your book. Here, you can quote reviews to entice prospective readers, include a picture of your cover and book description, and link to interviews or media spotlights related to your book.
  • Information about other work you’ve done. Have you published another book or won relevant awards? Listing these on your author site builds your credibility as an author. If you have an upcoming book, make readers aware of it by including a release date and cover photo if available.
  • Information about you. An author bio and photo will highlight your personality and put a human behind the words on the page.
  • Information about how to contact you and what events you’ve done, if any. This provides an opportunity to schedule more events to further get the word out about your book.

Promoting your book on social media

Like an author website, social media is a great way to update your audience and build community. Because it’s more immediate than a website, social media has greater potential to help you connect more deeply with readers.

The key to social media success is highly elusive. Here are a few fast tips:

  • Research similar authors and books. Go where your audience is. Instagram’s #bookstagram community, for example, is popular among readers of YA and poetry. Hashtags like #FantasyBooks and #RomanceBooks also help readers find relevant interests. Among writers of all genres, Twitter is currently the place to be within the publishing industry.
  • To connect with readers, create a space where you can interact more meaningfully. For example, a Facebook community page allows you to foster a fan club. You can host Q&As, share extra information or deleted scenes from your book, and make other posts to get to know your readership.
  • Interact with others by commenting on a relevant topic or recent article. Tag influencers (in moderation), and research hashtags to take advantage of community events. Common hashtags on Twitter include #AmWriting and #WritingCommunity.

How to assemble a launch team for book marketing

Whether you’re traditionally publishing or self-publishing, book marketing should not be a one-person show. There are many facets to marketing, and it’s okay (and encouraged) to reach out for help.

Depending on your marketing strategy, you may need any of the following:

  • A marketing advisor to plan your posts, run ad campaigns, get in touch with influencers and media outlets, and act as a sounding board for marketing strategy ideas
  • A copywriter to write newsletters, emails, blogs, and social media posts
  • A graphic designer to create engaging graphics for your website, social media, and promotional materials
  • A video editor to create book trailers or promotional materials for a website or YouTube channel

In addition, you should assemble a team to generate hype during launch week. Reviewers in your launch team will read your book in advance, release an honest review after publication, and promote your work on social media.

Assembling a successful book launch team

When recruiting your team, it’s tempting to turn to friends and family members. One major pitfall of this, however, is that they don’t always fit your ideal reader profile. Worse, personal bias can skew their opinions, and Amazon policy prohibits family members or close friends from submitting customer reviews. And family and friends often don’t know the first thing about how to market a book professionally.

How do you find proper reviewers? Make sure people are committed to launch, vet with an application process, and cast a wide net. Seek out industry professionals, influencers in your genre, and—most importantly—readers who fit your audience profile.

Managing your team

It cannot be overstated how important it is to manage your expectations. Be very clear with your team about what you want them to do and when. Lay out a timeline, and provide detailed guidelines.

What are people supposed to do, and how do they do it? What deadlines do they need to meet? Where do they go? Should they post reviews on Goodreads, Amazon, both, or neither? Are there specific talking points you’d like to see mentioned in your review or a specific length?

Next, check in on your team periodically. Don’t ask people to review your book or throw together a trailer just before launch. Give them plenty of time in advance, and stay in touch throughout.

Finally, reward your team. You can offer a free copy of your book, free merch, free copies for people running giveaways, exclusive access to a private Facebook group, bonus content, a Q&A session, and more. If your book focuses on an area of expertise, you can offer free tutorials and learning materials.

Be sure that your rewards align with your book, however. If you wrote a high fantasy romance, it wouldn’t make sense to offer classes on social media promotion.

How to connect with influencers for book promotion

Speaking of social media promotion, let’s talk influencers.

Influencer marketing is an important tool in your marketing tool kit. Influencers persuade their audience to invest in a particular product.

The word “influencer” may bring to mind the Kardashians, and some celebrities like Oprah and Reese Witherspoon share their book club picks. On the smaller scale, however, book-focused influencers exist in a more approachable manner.

Consider book bloggers, YouTubers, and social media personalities who read and review books in your genre. One note: do not request a review from someone who has expressly asked for no reviews.

Reaching out to influencers

When writing to influencers, always be polite, even if they turn you down. Find influencers who are relevant to your audience. Which influencers do your coworkers and followers engage with?

Establish a connection with the influencer, making it clear what’s in it for them. At the end of your message, thank them for their time.

If the influencer decides to review your book, provide them with resources, and be available to answer any questions. Set them up for success so they can help bolster your success in turn.

Additional resources for authors on how to market a book

Publishers offer some marketing resources, but a lot is left up to the author—especially after launch. A publisher may prepare promotional material, like advanced reader copies, marketing copy, a press kit, and printed material like posters, as well as advertising and publicity among industry events, trade catalogs, and the internet.

Unless you’re a big-name author, however, you’re going to have to do a lot of heavy lifting on your own. Resources you may use include the following:

  • Software for creating promotional materials, like Canva for graphics
  • Sites where you can run ads, like Facebook and Amazon
  • Tutorials for learning about SEO and developing a social media strategy, like Skillshare

For self-published authors, online publishing services can help with your marketing effort. Services vary, but many online publishers will help with social media promotion, writing website copy, and formatting your book.

An Elite marketing strategy

Learning how to market your book takes a lot of effort and love. As an author, you know what that’s like—you have the grit to finish a manuscript. Now it’s time to put that grit into action to promote your book and get it the attention it deserves.

Are you looking for professional marketing services but don’t want to break the bank? Elite’s publishing bundle can help you save up to $1,200 by offering professional editing, formatting, cover design, and marketing services in one. Reach out today for a quote!

The post How to Market a Book appeared first on Elite Authors.

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Indie Author Day Wed, 03 Nov 2021 14:00:18 +0000 Twenty years ago, the publishing industry looked vastly different. Indie Author Day was a distant dream. Online retailers like Amazon, where users could easily upload and publish a book, hadn’t […]

The post Indie Author Day appeared first on Elite Authors.

picking a book off a shelf

Twenty years ago, the publishing industry looked vastly different. Indie Author Day was a distant dream. Online retailers like Amazon, where users could easily upload and publish a book, hadn’t grown into the titans they are today. Nor was there such a plethora of businesses focused on indie author success to help authors copyedit, design, and promote their work.

But with the rise of these businesses, self-publishing has taken hold. From 2008 to 2018, the number of self-published books in a year grew from approximately 85,000 books to over 1.6 million.

Because of this, the ways libraries include books on their shelves is changing, and indie authors are seeking more recognition for their work.

No longer is self-publishing seen as something to do for a small passion project or a last resort when your writing is too bad to be “really” published.

Traditional publishing takes a long time and a lot of resources, and it often locks out voices that are deemed unprofitable—further marginalizing already marginalized authors. That’s why events like Indie Author Day have been created and why they’re so important.

It’s is an outgrowth of the Indie Author Project, an organization that aims to connect indie authors with libraries. Let’s take a dive into what this event is, when it’s held, and how to get involved.

When is Indie Author Day?

This is a planned event where libraries host indie authors for a day of networking and education. It’s not just for published authors, though. Readers and unpublished writers are welcome to join the events, where they can learn more about the indie publishing industry and meet their favorite indie authors.

In 2021, for instance, the event was scheduled for November 12–13. On November 12, the official organization would announce the 2021 Indie Author Project contest winners. These contests recognize the best indie titles in each participating region across the nation.

November 13 would feature live author panels throughout the day.

The event’s history

When Indie Author Day first launched in 2016, it reached hundreds of libraries across the United States and Canada. Its goal was to bring together independent authors, readers, and libraries to promote the presence of indie authors within the local community.

Indie Author Day events feature open mics, Q&A panels with authors and professionals in publishing, writing workshops, educational presentations, and networking opportunities.

All about the day

Even if the official date is November 12–13, the fun doesn’t have to end there. The organization’s website invites libraries to host events at any time of year and offers promotional resources online.

Different libraries have seen different amounts of public interest, but Indie Author Day has generally been successful—especially when it comes to networking among indie authors. On several occasions, authors who met at an Indie Author Day event later went on to form writing groups.

The official website is your go-to resource for everything about the event. If your local library, bookstore, or another organization is hosting an Indie Author Day in your area, check their website and social media too.


There are a few ways to prepare for Indie Author Day to get the most out of the event. Authors can fill out a form on the Indie Author Day website to signal their interest. If there are any nearby participating libraries, the Indie Author Day organization will pass that information along. Filling out the form also signs you up for a newsletter to stay updated on local events.

Once you’ve committed to an event, promote it on social media. As with any other marketing ideas, promotion is important. That may look like sending out a newsletter to your readers or downloading a graphic from the official website to post on Instagram, for example.

Readers can follow along with their favorite authors online or subscribe to a library newsletter.

Libraries can sign up to host an event. Indie Author Day’s website also has resources for planning, promoting, and hosting an author event in person or online. Check them out here.

Schedule of events

Event length varies from branch to branch, but typically things start in the midmorning or early afternoon and wrap up by the early evening.

This schedule example from Old Bridge Public Library in New Jersey started the festivities at 11:00 a.m. with an Author Alley. Meanwhile, the last scheduled event, a virtual panel and Q&A for authors, was held at 2:00 p.m.

Who participates?

Indie Author Day is free and open to the public, though registration is required. Anyone with an interest in indie books can come, including the following:

  • Local authors looking to promote their work and network
    • Nonpublished writers can come too. Whether you’re a veteran of the indie industry or still working on your first book, this event is a great chance to meet other writers and pick up tips!
  • Professionals in the indie publishing industry who give presentations or sit on Q&A panels to give advice
  • Readers who are fans of indie authors or are hoping to support the local writing community

Virtual events

With the pandemic raging in 2020, 72 libraries and other organizations out of 120 total hosted virtual programs. In 2021, many libraries returned to in-person gatherings. However, the pandemic showed that a virtual event can be successful, and some libraries stayed digital for 2021’s Indie Author Day.

Zoom meetings like this one from the Buffalo & Erie County Public Library included presentations and Q&A panels. The library sent everyone who registered a Zoom link through email.

Though authors might not be able to network in person, the Buffalo & Erie County Public Library compiled a directory of indie authors to be distributed to everyone who registered for Indie Author Day.

Indie authors who will be participating in Indie Author Day events

Additionally, Indie Author Day will feature a mix of award-winning authors and those just starting out.

Indie regulars at Indie Author Day

The recipient of 2019’s Indie Author of the Year award, Ran Walker, has made several appearances with Indie Author Project events. In 2020, he joined the Fairfax County Public Library for a virtual Indie Author Day.

And 2020’s Indie Author of the Year, dystopian novelist Jacqui Castle, joined the Indie Author Project for the announcement of the 2021 Indie Author of the Year award.

Another collaborator with the Indie Author Project is Cody Sisco, a community organizer and writer of speculative fiction. Sisco cofounded the writing group Made in L. A. after meeting other writers at an event in 2016.

Finding new indie authors at Indie Author Day

The best way to find new indie authors is to go to a scheduled event. In the meantime, research participating authors through social media, and sign up for library and author newsletters. Also, library branches will post itineraries, often listing indie authors who will make an appearance.

How to get involved

For authors, you can build your platform by meeting other authors and readers. Furthermore, for libraries, the event helps spur local interest and brings people together. Want to get involved? Here are some tips.

Info for libraries

Advertise on your library website, on social media, and through your local newspaper. Get the word out in advance—the earlier, the better.

Consider obtaining print copies of indie books and have them on a display, ready to be checked out of the library.

Finally, check out this overview of tips for planning and promoting the event from the official website.

Info for authors

Fill out the form on the Indie Author Day website to signal your interest. Then, contact your local library or bookstore to see if they’re doing Indie Author Day. If not, there’s an opportunity to propose the event.

And if you’re pitching Indie Author Day to your library, it’s best to be prepared and show public interest. Consider forming a local indie author group to bring the idea to the table.

More resources

The Indie Author Day website offers video resources from past Indie Author Day participants and organizations, including the following:

  • Romance Writers of America, an association formed to raise awareness of the romance genre
  • National Novel Writing Month, or NaNoWriMo, an organization that leads an event of the same name where authors try to write a novel of at least 50,000 words in the month of November
  • Wattpad, an online platform where writers can publish their work for free

In addition, the website features an e-book from Elite Authors (hi, that’s us!) with a comprehensive overview on the road to self-publishing.

These educational resources cover a range of topics, such as developing characters, designing a cover, and forming a book marketing plan.

Finally, the Indie Author Project posts updates to their Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.

Become an indie author with Elite

Indie publishing is flourishing. Why not flourish with it?

Through Elite, you can edit, design, format, and market your book to match your vision perfectly. Gone are the days of endless query letters and two-year publishing schedules.

Tell us about your book. Let’s talk about how we can help you with anything you need. Who knows? Maybe next year you’ll be promoting your work at an Indie Author Day!

The post Indie Author Day appeared first on Elite Authors.

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