social media – Elite Authors Expert Publishing Services Mon, 16 Oct 2023 20:53:26 +0000 en-US hourly 1 social media – Elite Authors 32 32 Book Launch Strategies That Go Beyond Amazon Tue, 17 Oct 2023 14:00:14 +0000 Hey there, fellow self-published author! Congratulations on finishing your literary masterpiece. It’s such an incredible accomplishment to pour your heart and soul into a book. Now, it’s time to share […]

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A lightbulb with drawings of rocket and space imagery drawn around it on a yellow background

Hey there, fellow self-published author! Congratulations on finishing your literary masterpiece. It’s such an incredible accomplishment to pour your heart and soul into a book. Now, it’s time to share your work with the world. While Amazon is undoubtedly a big player in the book-selling realm, it might not be the best idea to solely rely on Amazon for your book launch strategy. In this blog post, we’ll explore some effective book launch strategies that go beyond Amazon and can help you reach a wider audience, boost sales, and maximize your marketing success. So, grab yourself a nice cup of your favorite drink, and let’s dive into the exciting world of book marketing.

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Harness the power of social media

In today’s digital era, social media plays a crucial role in connecting with potential readers. It’s essential for authors to establish a strong presence on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. On these platforms, share captivating content, create visually appealing graphics, and regularly interact with your audience. Social media is where word of mouth spreads like wildfire. Building a loyal social media following can make all the difference when it comes to boosting book sales.

Within the social media world, specific communities worth tapping into are Instagram (Bookstagram) and YouTube (BookTube). Connect with popular Bookstagrammers and BookTubers who specialize in books from your genre.

Additionally, you could even consider running paid social media ads. Platforms like Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and BookBub allow you to effectively target your ideal audience. For best results, create visually appealing ads with compelling copy that highlights the unique aspects of your book. Once the ads have begun running, monitor their performance and make adjustments as needed to maximize return on investment.

Build relationships with book bloggers and reviewers

Book bloggers and reviewers are invaluable allies throughout your book launch journey. Make sure to reach out to them well ahead of your book launch, offering a free copy in exchange for an honest review. Positive reviews can create excitement and add credibility, making it more likely for other readers to grab a copy of your book. And don’t forget the personal touch—send a heartfelt thank-you to these bloggers and reviewers. This kindness can go a long way in building positive relationships.

Use email marketing

Harness the power of email marketing to directly connect with your readers. To use this strategy effectively, start building a mailing list early on in your writing journey. Additionally, offer incentives, like a free short story or an exclusive sneak peek of your book, to encourage readers to subscribe. After this initial incentive, send regular newsletters with updates about your book, exclusive content, and special offers.

Collaborate with other authors

Collaborating with other authors opens up doors for cross-promotion opportunities. Seek out authors who share a similar target audience and propose collaboration ideas. These ideas could involve joint giveaways, author interviews, or even cowriting projects. By combining efforts, you can expand your reach and strengthen your overall book launch strategy.

Host virtual events

Consider hosting virtual events as one of your book launch strategies. Virtual events can be effective because they create excitement and provide an opportunity for direct interaction with your audience. For example, you could host a virtual book launch or Q&A session on platforms such as Zoom or Facebook Live. Extend invitations to your friends, family, and fans. Also, make sure to promote the event across your social media channels and email list.

Create a Goodreads profile

Another effective book launch strategy is to use Goodreads as a means of connecting with readers. Create an author profile and actively engage with the Goodreads community by joining relevant groups, taking part in discussions, and sharing your own reading experiences. Take advantage of Goodreads giveaways to generate buzz around your book and to encourage readers to add it to their “to read” lists. Using Goodreads can be priceless in building anticipation for your book launch.

Find other retailers

It’s essential not to limit yourself solely to Amazon when it comes to online book sales. Explore other credible online retailers, like Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, Kobo, and Smashwords. These platforms have their own loyal customer bases, so making your book available on multiple sites can help you reach a wider audience.

Also, don’t forget the importance of local support. It’s worth reaching out to bookstores and libraries in your area. Offer to do readings or book signings, and provide these places with copies of your book to display on their shelves. Local businesses often enjoy supporting authors from their own community, and these connections can lead to valuable word-of-mouth recommendations.

Seek out book clubs

Engaging with book clubs is another effective book launch strategy. Book clubs are filled with avid readers who are always looking for their next great read. Research book clubs in your genre and get in touch with them. Offer discussion guides, participate in virtual meetings, or even send signed copies of your book to their members. Recommendations from book clubs can have a ripple effect, resulting in increased sales and visibility.

Reach out to local media

Don’t underestimate the power of local media in promoting your book. Reach out to local newspapers, magazines, and radio stations to pitch your story as a local author. Craft a press release that highlights the unique aspects of your book, shares your journey as an author, and showcases your connection to the community. Getting coverage from local media can generate more visibility and interest in your work.


Successfully launching a book requires more than just listing it on Amazon and hoping for sales. As a self-published author, you have the freedom to explore various avenues for connecting with readers and maximizing your marketing success. Think of these book launch strategies as valuable tools in your arsenal as an author—using them wisely can make all the difference.

Remember that marketing is an ongoing process that requires persistence. Stay engaged with your audience, nurture relationships with readers and fellow authors, and adapt your strategies based on what works best for you.

With a touch of ingenuity, a hint of insight, and a great deal of passion, you have the power to go beyond Amazon and launch your book to extraordinary levels. So, go ahead and unveil your literary masterpiece to the world. Your readers eagerly await!

If you need help with launching your book, contact Elite Authors today.

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Using Social Media to Connect with Your Readers Mon, 16 Oct 2023 14:00:37 +0000 Hear ye, brave authors of the self-published realm! In the ever-evolving world of literature, where knights wield keyboards and dragons are mere digital beasts, social media has become the enchanted […]

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A person smiling at their smartphone

Hear ye, brave authors of the self-published realm! In the ever-evolving world of literature, where knights wield keyboards and dragons are mere digital beasts, social media has become the enchanted forest where authors and readers convene. If you seek to embark on a quest to connect with your readers, build your author brand, and slay the marketing dragon, then this blog post is your trusty map and compass. So, fasten your literary armor and sharpen your quills, and let’s dive into the magical world of using social media to connect with your readers.

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The social media quest

In the grand tapestry of marketing and authorship, social media is the vibrant marketplace—a bustling bazaar where authors can interact with readers, share tales of their literary journeys, and enchant potential buyers with their words. But like any grand quest, the path through this digital realm requires strategy, creativity, and a sense of adventure.

Why social media matters for authors

Before we delve into the enchanted forest of social media, let’s pause to understand why it’s so crucial for authors, especially those in the self-publishing realm.

  • Social media allows you to engage directly with your readers. It’s the place where you can listen to their thoughts, answer their questions, and share in their enthusiasm for your books.
  • Social media helps you build and promote your author brand. It’s where you can showcase your unique voice, personality, and style, making readers more likely to connect with you on a personal level.
  • You can use social media to promote your books, announce new releases, and run promotions or giveaways. It’s your digital megaphone for spreading the word about your literary treasures.
  • Social media provides valuable insights into your target audience. By observing reader discussions, preferences, and trends, you can tailor your writing and marketing strategies more effectively.
  • The digital realm is teeming with fellow authors, publishers, and industry professionals. Social media is your gateway to building connections, collaborating on projects, and staying informed about the publishing world.

Now that we’ve recognized the power of social media, let’s uncover the secrets to master it.

Choosing your social media platforms

Just as adventurers select their trusty companions for a journey, authors must choose their social media platforms wisely. Here are some popular options:

  • Facebook: The grand castle of social media, Facebook is ideal for building a loyal following. You can create an author page, share updates, and connect with readers in groups and communities.
  • Twitter: A bustling marketplace of ideas, Twitter is perfect for posting quick updates, engaging in conversations, and participating in literary hashtags like #WritingCommunity and #AmReading.
  • Instagram: A visual realm, Instagram is excellent for showcasing your author life. Share photos of your writing process, book covers, and behind-the-scenes glimpses.
  • Pinterest: A treasure trove of inspiration, Pinterest is ideal for authors with visually appealing content. Create boards for book covers, character inspiration, and writing tips.
  • LinkedIn: For authors with a professional edge, LinkedIn is the realm of choice. Connect with other authors, share your writing journey, and network with industry professionals.
  • Goodreads: The sacred library of readers, Goodreads is where you can connect directly with book lovers, join reading groups, and promote your books.
  • TikTok: The realm of short and captivating videos, TikTok is a rising star in the social media world. Authors can create engaging content related to their books and writing process.

Choose the platforms that align with your author brand and where your target readers are most active. Remember, it’s better to excel on a few platforms than to spread yourself too thin across many.

Building your social media presence

Now that you’ve chosen your platforms, let’s delve into the art of building a captivating social media presence.

Begin by creating a compelling profile. Use a professional author photo, write a captivating bio that reflects your brand, and include links to your website and other social profiles. Maintain consistent branding across all your social profiles by using the same author photo, color scheme, and style to reinforce your author brand.

Once you’ve set up your profile, consistency is the magic wand of social media success. Regularly post content and stick to a posting schedule, whether it’s daily, weekly, or monthly. Keep your content fresh and varied. Share snippets of your writing, updates about your books, personal anecdotes, writing tips, and relevant industry news.

Though social media is a storytelling platform, don’t forget the power of visual content. Use eye-catching images, graphics, and videos to make your posts stand out. Book covers, character art, and promotional images work wonders.

Another important aspect of social media is hashtags. Use relevant hashtags to increase the visibility of your posts. Research popular hashtags in your genre or niche and include them in your posts.

Engaging your audience

Creating content is only half the quest; the other half is engaging your audience. Here’s how to foster meaningful connections with your readers:

  • Ask questions: Encourage interaction by asking questions. Whether about favorite books, writing dilemmas, or reader preferences, questions invite responses.
  • Host giveaways: Organize book giveaways or contests to reward your loyal readers and attract new ones. Social media loves a good giveaway.
  • Share reader content: Showcase reader reviews, fan art, and bookstagram photos on your profile. Sharing your readers’ content is a great way to acknowledge and appreciate them.
  • Host Q&A sessions: Host live sessions where readers can ask you questions in real time. These sessions are an excellent opportunity to connect on a personal level.
  • Show behind the scenes: Offer behind-the-scenes glimpses of your writing process, research adventures, or book promotion efforts. Readers love to see the human side of authors.
  • Collaborate with readers: Collaborate with your readers on projects or contests. Doing so not only engages your audience but also makes them feel like a part of your literary journey.

Measuring your success

As you navigate the enchanted forest of social media, it’s essential to measure your success. Keep an eye on key metrics, such as the following:

  • Follower growth: Track the growth of your followers over time. A steady increase indicates your content is resonating.
  • Engagement rate: Measure likes, comments, shares, and retweets. A high engagement rate suggests your content is captivating your audience.
  • Click-through rate: Monitor how many people click on links in your posts. It’s a valuable metric for tracking the success of book promotions and website traffic.
  • Conversion rate: If you use social media to sell books or products, track the conversion rate to measure the effectiveness of your sales campaigns.
  • Content performance: Look at which types of content (for example, book quotes, writing tips, or cover images) perform best with your audience and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Remember, social media success is a marathon, not a sprint. It takes time to build a loyal following and see significant results.

The ongoing quest

Using social media to connect with your readers is an ongoing adventure—one filled with storytelling, engagement, and meaningful connections. As an author, you have the power to enchant and inspire your audience through the magic of words. So, embrace the digital realm, forge connections, and embark on a quest that will not only enrich your author journey but also captivate the hearts of your readers. If you would like help marketing your book, contact Elite Authors today. Happy social media adventures!

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Marketing Your Book on a Budget: Creative and Affordable Strategies Thu, 21 Sep 2023 14:00:41 +0000 Congratulations on completing your self-published masterpiece! You’ve dedicated your time and passion to bring your book to life and now it’s time to introduce it to the world. However, one […]

The post Marketing Your Book on a Budget: Creative and Affordable Strategies appeared first on Elite Authors.

Gold and silver coins raining down on an open book

Congratulations on completing your self-published masterpiece! You’ve dedicated your time and passion to bring your book to life and now it’s time to introduce it to the world. However, one daunting question remains: How can you effectively promote your book without exceeding your budget? Fear not, my fellow writers, as we embark on an exciting journey through the realm of cost-effective book marketing. Prepare your pens and notebooks: we are about to explore clever and affordable marketing approaches.

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Harnessing the power of social media

Social media is not only a platform filled with cat memes and viral trends, but also invaluable resources for authors on a budget. Establish compelling author profiles across platforms such as Facebook, X (formerly known as Twitter), Instagram, and Pinterest. Share glimpses into your writing process, intriguing facts about your book’s universe, or engaging character profiles. Interact authentically with your followers while utilizing relevant hashtags to enhance discoverability.

Building connections in the blogosphere

Guest blogging is a highly effective, yet economical marketing strategy.

  1. Look for blogs and websites that cater to your book’s genre or specific niche and offer to contribute insightful articles or interviews. This not only helps you gain exposure but also establishes you as an authority in your field.
  1. Harness the power of book reviews by offering your book for free (or at a significant discount) in exchange for honest reviews on platforms like Goodreads and Amazon. Genuine reviews are crucial for self-published authors, and this strategy only requires a few copies of your book.
  1. Get creative with eye-catching visual content, even if you don’t possess graphic design skills. Utilize free tools like Canva to design attractive promotional graphics featuring your book covers, quotes from the book, or engaging visuals related to the story. Share these on social media and your website to captivate your audience’s attention.
  1. Don’t underestimate the potential of local resources within your community. Reach out to libraries, bookstores, and local media outlets to organize events such as book readings, signings, or author talks. Your community can be a valuable support system and you might be pleasantly surprised by their eagerness to assist a hometown author.

Jump on the newsletter bandwagon

Start building a mailing list and encourage readers to sign up on your website or social media. Crafting a well-written newsletter can effectively engage your audience and keep them informed about your upcoming projects, promotions, and exclusive content.

Connect with book clubs and reading groups

Search for book clubs and reading groups online or in your local area that focus on the genre of your book. Engage with these communities by offering to answer questions or recommending your book as a potential addition to their reading list. These groups often have dedicated and passionate followers.

Master the art of networking

Networking isn’t just for business conferences in formal attire. Connect with other self-published authors, exchange marketing tips, and support each other’s work. You can gain valuable insights from fellow writers’ experiences and collaboration may open doors to new marketing opportunities.

Utilize book discounts effectively

Offering temporary discounts on your ebook or even making it available for free can generate a surge in downloads and potentially lead to more reviews. Promote these discounts through platforms like BookBub or mention them in your newsletter to maximize their impact.

Embrace DIY book trailers

Creating video trailers for promoting your book doesn’t have to be an expensive endeavor.

You can make your own book trailer using free video editing software such as HitFilm Express or DaVinci Resolve. Even a simple and creative trailer has the potential to capture readers’ attention and can be easily shared on social media platforms.

To sum it up, marketing your book on a limited budget is not only feasible but also incredibly rewarding. By adding a touch of creativity, staying persistent, and utilizing online resources wisely, you can effectively connect with your target audience without breaking the bank. So, dear fellow authors who are mindful of their finances, may your journey in book marketing be fruitful and fulfilling. If you need help with marketing, contact Elite Authors today.

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Creating Buzz with Preorders: How to Build Anticipation for Your Book Release Thu, 14 Sep 2023 14:00:31 +0000 Are you eagerly anticipating the arrival of your favorite author’s upcoming book? Have you come across the concept of preordering? Preordering entails placing an order for a product, such as […]

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Wooden blocks with letters spelling the word preorder on them

Are you eagerly anticipating the arrival of your favorite author’s upcoming book? Have you come across the concept of preordering? Preordering entails placing an order for a product, such as a book, before its release. This not only ensures that you’ll receive the book on release day but also provides several other advantages. For instance, many publishers offer content or exclusive editions to those who preorder. Moreover, preordering can show support for your favorite authors and contribute to their success. If you’re eagerly anticipating the release of a book, it’s worth considering preordering to make sure you don’t miss out on any content or limited editions.

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Outline your preorder procedure and schedule

As an author releasing a book is an exciting and fulfilling experience. However, the preorder process can sometimes feel overwhelming. By outlining your order procedure and schedule, you not only can simplify things for yourself but also let your readers know exactly when they can expect to get their hands on your book. Whether you’re using a platform like Amazon or managing preorders through your website, it’s important to establish clear expectations for both yourself and your readers. This may involve announcing the release date in advance, creating a dedicated landing page specifically for preorders, and offering special bonuses or incentives to those who choose to preorder your book. By taking the time to carefully plan out your order procedure and schedule, you can ensure a successful book release without unnecessary stress.

Emphasize the advantages of preordering

There are benefits for avid readers who decide to preorder a book before its official release. First, by preordering a book you have the advantage of securing your copy and avoiding any disappointment of not being able to get your hands on a highly anticipated book. Preorders often come with discounts or special promotions, allowing you to save some money in the process. Moreover, preordering demonstrates support for the author and contributes to the initial success of the book, potentially leading to more future releases. Additionally, when you preorder a book, it is likely that you will receive it on its release day without having to endure lines or face any delays. So whether you are an avid reader or a more casual one, considering preordering can be a wise choice when new books are released.

Generate social media excitement through giveaways and contests

Are you an author preparing for a book release? Are you interested in generating buzz on social media platforms? Look no further than organizing giveaways and contests. Everyone loves the opportunity to win something, and by offering a free copy of your book or other prizes related to your work you can attract more attention to your content. Encourage your followers to share your post, tag their friends, or use hashtags as entry requirements.

Not only will this generate more engagement for you, but it will also help spread the word about your new book. So let your creativity flow and start brainstorming ways to use giveaways and contests to create buzz for your release.

Develop strategies to connect with your audience

Engaging your audience is crucial when it comes to launching a book. You don’t just want readers to purchase your book—you want them to feel excited about it, share their enthusiasm, and become fans. To achieve that you need to devise strategies that capture their attention and leave them craving more. One approach is to provide your audience with a behind-the-scenes glimpse into your writing process or share stories that inspired your book. Hosting an interactive event that encourages readers to participate and voice their thoughts is another option. Whichever tactics you choose, remember that engagement goes both ways. By listening to your audience, responding to their feedback, and fostering a sense of community around your work, you’ll cultivate a devoted following that will propel the success of your book.

Utilize influencers to spread awareness of your book

When it comes to launching a book, authors often wonder how they can maximize their exposure to reach as many readers as possible. This is where influencers play a role. Collaborating with influencers in your genre or niche allows you to tap into their large follower base and introduce your book to individuals who may not have otherwise discovered it. Whether it’s through shout-outs on social media, guest blogging opportunities, or even book reviews, influencers can effectively amplify the word about your book release and enhance its overall visibility. Additionally, having someone with an established audience endorse your work helps establish credibility and encourages people to give your book a chance.

Don’t overlook traditional marketing strategies for a wider reach

In today’s fast-paced digital era, it is easy to solely rely on online marketing tactics to connect with your target audience. However, it is essential to not disregard marketing methods that have proven effective over the years. By supplementing your efforts with strategies such as direct mail campaigns, print advertisements, and event sponsorships, you can expand your reach and capture the attention of potential customers who may not be as active online.

Furthermore, traditional marketing plays a role in building your brand reputation and credibility within the marketplace. So don’t dismiss these tried-and-true methods yet. They could hold the key to unlocking even greater success for your business.

Implementing an order strategy is an excellent way to give your book an impactful launch. By planning and executing this strategy, you can ensure long-term sales growth. It’s crucial for every author to establish a defined preorder timeline and process before their book is released to maximize its potential reach. Generating excitement among your audience can be achieved through giveaways, contests, or collaborating with influencers who can effectively spread the word. Additionally, it’s important to not overlook the power of marketing tactics such as promoting your book through podcasts, radio shows, or media outlets. A comprehensive campaign that encompasses all these elements will ensure reach and also lay the foundation for future books by establishing a strong presence in the market. If you require guidance on developing any of these processes or strategies for your book launch, please don’t hesitate to contact Elite Authors. We have a proven track record of creating successful preorder campaigns that have resulted in remarkable sales numbers!

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Social Media for Self-Published Authors: Best Practices Mon, 12 Jun 2023 14:00:39 +0000 When it comes to selling books, self-published authors need every advantage they can get. One key tool in any successful author’s marketing arsenal these days is social media—and mastering its […]

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A person interacting with a pink smartphone

When it comes to selling books, self-published authors need every advantage they can get. One key tool in any successful author’s marketing arsenal these days is social media—and mastering its nuances can mean the difference between success and failure when it comes to launching your latest book. While navigating the maze of posts, tweets, pics, videos, and more might seem overwhelming at first glance, don’t worry! In this blog post, we’ll cover some of the best practices for using social media effectively as a self-published author so that you can boost your reach and engage with readers like never before. So let’s dive in!

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Creating your social media presence—selecting the right platforms and setting up your pages 

In today’s digital age, creating a strong social media presence is absolutely essential for any business or professional looking to succeed online. But with so many different platforms out there, it can be overwhelming to know where to focus your efforts. That’s where strategic thinking comes into play. By carefully selecting the right platforms based on your target audience, goals, and content strategy, you can maximize your impact and reach. From Facebook to Twitter to Instagram and beyond, each platform offers its own unique audience and benefits. And once you’ve chosen your platforms, setting up your pages with a clear and cohesive brand message is crucial. So why not let your social media presence speak for itself? Take thoughtful steps to craft a strategy that’s tailored to you and set yourself up for success.

Engage, engage, engage—respond to comments and messages quickly 

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to forget the importance of engaging with our audience. However, it’s crucial to keep the conversation going and respond to comments and messages promptly. After all, our audience is the reason why we do what we do. That’s why we make it a priority to engage, engage, engage! We believe that responding quickly is a sign of respect and shows that we value our audience’s opinions. So go ahead and drop a comment or message—we’re ready to engage with you.

Develop a strategy for content creation—keep your audience engaged 

Creating engaging content is a challenge, but with the right strategy, it doesn’t have to feel overwhelming. To keep your audience engaged, it’s essential to consistently provide fresh, relevant, and share-worthy content. One way to do this is by taking a page from the playbook of successful content creators and mixing up the types of content you create. This could include everything from video tutorials and insightful blog posts to visually appealing infographics and hilarious social media memes. Another key aspect of content creation is ensuring that content is tailored to your audience’s interests, preferences, and needs. By doing so, you’ll create a magnet for their attention, resulting in increased engagement and growth for your brand. So arm yourself with the right tools, analyze your audience’s behavior and preferences, and get to work creating content that captivates and delights your followers!

Leveraging the power of visuals—use eye-catching images and video 

In today’s age of short attention spans and endless scrolling, it’s more important than ever to catch your audience’s eye with captivating visuals. Whether it’s an eye-catching photograph or a witty video, visuals can convey your message in a memorable and engaging way. With the power to convey emotion, showcase products, and bring your brand to life, harnessing the power of visuals is an invaluable tool in any marketer’s arsenal. So don’t be afraid to get creative and experiment with different types of visuals that speak to your brand and audience. By leveraging the power of visuals, you can take your marketing efforts to the next level and leave a lasting impression.

Monitor analytics—track how your posts are performing 

As a savvy social media user, you probably already understand the importance of monitoring your analytics. After all, how else can you be sure that your posts are truly resonating with your followers? Fortunately, there are plenty of tools out there that help you track how your content is performing. From overall engagement rates to the number of likes and shares on individual posts, you can get a detailed, data-driven look at how your social media presence is stacking up. So why not take advantage of these tools and start making some strategic tweaks to your online strategy? With the right monitoring tactics, you’ll be well on your way to social media success in no time.

Utilize relevant hashtags to reach new audiences

In this digital age, it’s not enough to simply create and share content. You need to make sure that your content reaches the right people. And what better way to do that than by utilizing relevant hashtags? By doing so, you can expand your reach and connect with new audiences who are interested in your niche. But it’s not just about adding any hashtag to your post—you need to do your research and find the ones that are trending and relevant to your brand. With a little bit of strategy and creativity, incorporating hashtags into your social media posts can help you build your online presence and attract a whole new audience.

Social media can be a powerful tool for businesses to reach and engage their target audiences. With some tactical planning, the right platforms, beautiful visuals, and useful hashtags, you can make your social media presence felt in no time. As always, practice makes perfect. Take your time learning about each platform you use—their features, key updates, best posting practices, etcetera, to ensure that you get it right. Whenever faced with any doubts or questions along the way, Elite Authors is here to help out. Contact us and our experts will be ready to step up and equip you with valuable solutions that will help fuel your social media success!

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Marketing a Book on LinkedIn Mon, 14 Nov 2022 22:00:54 +0000 Finishing a book is quite an accomplishment. Once you’ve published your masterpiece, it’s time to start marketing! Fortunately, you can successfully market your book on social media platforms like LinkedIn […]

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person tapping table at a table

Finishing a book is quite an accomplishment. Once you’ve published your masterpiece, it’s time to start marketing! Fortunately, you can successfully market your book on social media platforms like LinkedIn even if you’re not a professional marketer. And because there are plenty of free marketing methods, you can start at a very low cost and allocate a marketing budget if you choose.

Free LinkedIn marketing options for your book

You might’ve noticed that self-publishing costs can add up quickly—including book promotion expenses. However, LinkedIn offers some free marketing options that you can take advantage of. LinkedIn provides helpful support for both business and individuals hoping to market their products and services—you just have to know where to look.

How does LinkedIn support marketing?

As a social media platform built mainly for professionals and businesspeople, LinkedIn is a fantastic venue for marketing. Many companies use tools like a customized LinkedIn company page or targeted ads that cater to their followers. They can even create a full LinkedIn campaign as part of their overall content marketing strategy.

In addition to corporate marketing, LinkedIn is a great book promotion venue! You can create posts about your book, join groups to discuss your work, and track your success. When you effectively market your book on LinkedIn, you can start getting ready for some serious book sales.

How does marketing a book work on LinkedIn?

Marketing your book on LinkedIn requires some work to get started. However, since it’s a user-friendly system, you’ll be on your way to book sales in no time. Here are a few elements to include in your LinkedIn strategy for book promotion:

  • Update your LinkedIn profile to include all your published books and create a custom URL for your LinkedIn page.
  • Write at least one LinkedIn post per week about your book to stay in front of your followers.
  • Include four or five relevant hashtags in each LinkedIn post to attract your target audience.
  • Link your other social media accounts like Facebook and Twitter to your LinkedIn profile so your followers can find you across multiple platforms.

You can spend money marketing your book on LinkedIn if you’d like. However, there are some free options that you might want to check out before you create a marketing budget.

What sort of free LinkedIn marketing options can you use to promote your book?

LinkedIn has plenty of free book marketing tools—especially if you’re willing to spend some time and energy on it!

One of the best ways to market your book for free is to create a great LinkedIn profile. Include a nice picture of yourself—never use a stock image or an avatar. Add all your publications, links to your other social media platforms, and a link to your author page. The easier you make it for your target audience to contact you, the better chance you’ll have of earning book sales through LinkedIn.

Another helpful free LinkedIn marketing strategy is to join a few groups. Each LinkedIn group is a lead generation opportunity. Your posts should create buzz about your book and help the other group members get to know you as both an author and a person. These are the first couple of steps toward effective LinkedIn marketing.

Effectiveness of paid book marketing on LinkedIn

Authors hoping to make money from their books sometimes have to allocate money to paid book promotion. Although digital marketing might sound expensive, you can easily and effectively control your costs if you do your research and keep a close eye on your overall spend. Just get to know your options!

What sort of paid marketing options does LinkedIn offer for books?

There are a couple of paid marketing options that LinkedIn offers for books. The first is sponsored content, which is sometimes referred to as native ads. In this type of paid media, you basically purchase advertising space on your target audience’s LinkedIn feed.

Sponsored content is available in a few different formats, including a single image or a carousel that rotates a few different images. You might include your book cover, your author picture, or some illustrations. Make sure they’re eye-catching so your followers click on your ad instead of just scrolling right past it!

In addition to native ads, you can create an entire LinkedIn campaign to market your book. This process will include a few steps:

  • Set your budget. Many ads are “pay per click,” which basically means you’ll be charged a fee every time someone clicks on your ad. You can set a daily budget so you don’t spend more than you want to.
  • Identify your target audience. To maximize your marketing dollars, choose the demographic that you want to see your ads the most. Narrowing your audience increases your odds of earning a book sale.
  • Schedule your campaign. Instead of logging into the social platform every day, you can schedule your LinkedIn campaign to run on particular days of the week. Think of it as putting your campaign on autopilot!

Book marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. If you don’t see results immediately, it doesn’t mean your LinkedIn campaign isn’t successful. You just have to be patient and sometimes make small adjustments to your campaign to ensure that it’s effective.

How can you track the effectiveness of LinkedIn’s paid marketing options?

To ensure the effectiveness of your paid ads on LinkedIn, you’ll need to track a few different metrics. The first is impressions, or how many people your ad reaches. Even if people scroll past your ad, it counts as an impression.

The second paid social media advertisement metric to track is engagement, which is how many people interact with your ad. To calculate this, divide your total engagements by your total impressions. You want your engagement rate to be between three and five percent.

A third metric is cost per click, or CPC. This basically tells you how much money you’re spending to attract each potential customer. CPC helps you keep track of your return on investment (ROI). If an ad isn’t earning ROI, you might want to change it up so you earn money back on your marketing investment. The higher your ROI, the higher your book sales!

What else should you know about LinkedIn’s paid marketing options?

If you invest in paid media on LinkedIn to promote your book, keep in mind that you can’t actually sell books directly through LinkedIn. Digital marketing on social media is great for lead generation and letting your target audience know that you have a new book. However, you’ll have to include links to wherever your potential readers can buy your book.

For example, your LinkedIn profile and posts should include links to Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and any other websites where people can make the purchase. If you’re also selling print books at a local bookstore, include links there too! In other words, you can use social media to generate leads instead of earning actual book sales.

What to do with LinkedIn leads generated by marketing your book

Lead generation is one of the biggest goals of every marketing campaign. This is also true in your book promotion strategy! Leads are potential sales that haven’t happened yet. Once you start earning leads, you’ll need to put in some work to turn them into book sales.

What are LinkedIn leads?

In all marketing—including indie book marketing—you might think that a “lead” is anyone that could potentially be interested in purchasing your work. However, LinkedIn leads go through more of a vetting process.

When you cater your LinkedIn ads to your particular target audience, the leads that you earn though this social media platform will likely be legitimate. LinkedIn can help you generate targeted leads so you’re not wasting advertising money.

How does LinkedIn generate leads created by marketing your book?

As a social media platform, LinkedIn is a great venue for discussion. That means that every content marketing effort can start a conversation. LinkedIn can generate leads for you as long as you dedicate some time and energy to talking about your book.

Use LinkedIn to create buzz and excitement about your book. Post your book cover design or some teasers about your book. Make people excited to read it. The more effective your marketing efforts, the more leads LinkedIn will generate!

What can you do with LinkedIn leads?

Once your LinkedIn marketing efforts produce lead generation, you’ll have to follow up with your potential customers to guide them to actually purchase your book. You basically have to nurture these leads to earn a book sale.

Fortunately, LinkedIn makes it easy to communicate with your followers—including the ones who are interested in buying your book. You might send a message to a book sale lead through LinkedIn’s platform to see if the person would like to know more. You can also gather data about your sales leads, find similarities, and cater your next LinkedIn post or article to what they want to read. You can also feature your book on LinkedIn for a marketing boost!

Featuring your book on your LinkedIn profile for marketing purposes

As your online presence grows, your marketing job gets a little easier. Your followers will increase and you’ll reach a larger audience. People begin to recognize your name—and your book’s title! If you need a little help, you can also feature your book on LinkedIn.

What is the difference between featuring a book and featuring a book for marketing purposes?

Anyone can feature their book. However, when you feature your book for marketing purposes, you’re really homing in on a potential reader. The whole point of marketing is lead generation and sales. When you pay to feature your book on your profile for marketing services, your audience sees that you’re serious about your writing career. This legitimizes you as an authority on your book’s topic, which can lead to even more book sales.

How do you feature your book for marketing purposes on LinkedIn?

One of the best ways to feature your book for marketing purposes on LinkedIn is to add a publication to your LinkedIn profile. This isn’t just a free marketing tactic—it’s quite easy to do! Here are the steps to follow:

  • Log into your LinkedIn page.
  • Click on “Add profile section.”
  • Click on “Add publication.”
  • Fill out the online form and click “Save.”

Additionally, you can create a featured post about your book on LinkedIn. Featured posts highlight what the account holder is most proud of. And you should certainly be proud of your book! To add a featured post from your LinkedIn page, just click on “Add profile section,” then “Recommended.” You’ll see an option to “Add featured.” Click on that link and follow the prompts to create a featured post!

What else should you know about featuring your book on LinkedIn?

Remember: the more successfully you market your book, the more attention and book sales you’ll earn. However, one thing to keep in mind is that your job as an author promoting your book doesn’t end with featuring your work or buying some paid ads. You’ll also have to post at least once per week and respond to any incoming messages or interactions with your posts.

In other words, get seen on LinkedIn to earn book sales!

Get seen on LinkedIn—and earn more book sales!

When used correctly, LinkedIn is a fantastic marketing tool for indie authors hoping to sell books. It’s easy to use and cost efficient, and it allows you to reach a huge portion of your target audience.

If you’re not sure how to effectively use LinkedIn for your book promotion, don’t worry! Elite Authors is here to help. We won’t just increase your book sales—we’ll show you how to do it so you have the knowledge moving forward. Visit our website to learn more!

The post Marketing a Book on LinkedIn appeared first on Elite Authors.

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How to Promote a Book on LinkedIn Wed, 26 Oct 2022 14:00:30 +0000 You’re probably aware that most of the world checks their social media platforms frequently. Because social media attracts so many users, many authors use these platforms as part of their […]

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open laptop with graphs and charts

You’re probably aware that most of the world checks their social media platforms frequently. Because social media attracts so many users, many authors use these platforms as part of their book marketing strategy.

What you might not be aware of is that social media marketing goes beyond Facebook and Twitter. LinkedIn is also an extremely valuable resource for authors to earn book sales. If you set up your LinkedIn profile and page the right way, you can successfully market your book to your target audience as well as publishing professionals.

Tips for book promotion posts on LinkedIn

Social media is one of the greatest book marketing resources available to indie authors and freelance writers. And since most people on LinkedIn are professionals and businesspeople, this platform is a wonderful source for connections. In addition to promoting your book on LinkedIn, you may also find work as a freelance writer.

How do freelance writers use LinkedIn?

Just like an indie author can promote their book on LinkedIn, freelance writers also use this platform to seek out clients. The first step is to include a title like “Freelance Writer” on your LinkedIn profile. Then, include links to your author website, some writing samples, and even your résumé.

If you want to invest in your LinkedIn marketing strategy, you can pay to boost a LinkedIn post or purchase a LinkedIn ad. Both of these methods will put you in front of a larger pool of people, and you can customize the settings to really home in on your target audience.

In addition to LinkedIn, freelance writers should also post on other social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter—and link the accounts together! Make it easy for your target audience to find you. You can also attract potential publishers or freelance writing clients by earning LinkedIn badges that support your skills.

What are LinkedIn badges?

Badges on LinkedIn are icons on your LinkedIn profile showing that you have certain skills or certifications. You can earn badges by taking assessments and tests through LinkedIn. When prospective clients view your profile, badges help them easily see your talents and skills.

For example, as a writer, you’re likely proficient in Microsoft Word. You can take a skill test on LinkedIn and earn a badge that shows people viewing your profile that you have proven your proficiency. This gives your target audience peace of mind knowing that your skills have been vetted.

As people scroll through your LinkedIn profile, your badges and publications will catch their eye. It’s a built-in way to promote your writing skills and your published books!

What are some tips for book promotion posts on LinkedIn?

Marketing on LinkedIn isn’t as simple as just setting up your profile and hoping for the best. It takes some work! Here are a few tips to promote your book on this social media platform:

  • Include links to your other social media pages like Facebook and Twitter in your LinkedIn profile.
  • Establish and maintain your LinkedIn presence by posting consistently.
  • Use relevant hashtags so your target audience can easily find you.
  • Join a LinkedIn group or two to help expand your network.
  • Consider purchasing a LinkedIn ad to increase your visibility.

Get creative with your LinkedIn marketing strategy! Link to a blog post you’ve written, share an inspirational post that another LinkedIn user created, or advertise your freelance writing services. You can even use a full company page instead of your individual profile to promote your book.

Using a company page to promote a book on LinkedIn

You already know that you can use your LinkedIn profile to promote your book. However, did you also know that you can set up a company page as part of your LinkedIn marketing strategy? Many organizations prefer to follow and partner with other businesses rather than individuals. When you set up a business page, you’re casting an even wider net for your blog and book promotion.

How do you effectively use LinkedIn to promote your book and blog?

All successful digital marketing takes time and creativity. Once you’ve set up your individual LinkedIn profile and your business page, it’s time to have some fun! Here are some examples of other ways to promote your book and blog on LinkedIn:

  • Ad a publication to your LinkedIn profile so your followers can easily find every book and blog post you’ve written.
  • Include the link to a recent blog post you published and invite people to comment. You can even ask your followers what they might like your next blog post to be about!
  • If you’re an indie author who has recently self-published a book, post your book cover design or some teasers about your manuscript.
  • Write a LinkedIn article and post it on every LinkedIn group you’ve joined.

The more time and energy you put into promoting your book or blog, the more successful you’ll be. You can even target specific groups with your posts. Because writers can easily reach people interested in reading their work, LinkedIn has become a fantastic tool for authors.

What is the purpose of LinkedIn for authors?

Many authors use LinkedIn as part of their overall marketing strategy. Build your profile to establish and maintain your author brand and advertise your publications. Include links to wherever your books are sold and connect with publishing industry professionals. You might even find a literary agent to help increase your author brand!

How can you use a company page to promote a book on LinkedIn?

A company page legitimizes your professionalism. Instead of just being a person plugging their book or blog post, your business page shows your audience that you’re serious about your writing career.

Business profiles have different amenities than personal profiles on LinkedIn. So having a company profile can help you unlock additional resources and connect with more organizations throughout LinkedIn. When you create a company page and join a few LinkedIn author groups, you’re really starting to maximize your LinkedIn presence.

LinkedIn author groups where you can promote your book

As a social media platform, LinkedIn helps you connect with your target audience, other authors or aspiring writers, and many types of publishing professionals. One of the best ways to find these people is to join LinkedIn groups. These groups give you access to writers and professionals in the book industry so you can learn how to promote your book.

Why should you promote how your book helps people solve problems?

Many people read for pleasure. However, countless readers also read to find advice on solving their problems! Maybe you’ve written a self-help book on time management or a children’s book that helps parents and kids deal with a certain issue. Whatever your topic, you should consistently post on how your writing will make your reader’s life better.

You don’t necessarily have to write an inspiring manuscript to help people solve their problems. Nonfiction novels can accomplish this too! Maybe your target audience just wants to lose themselves in a beautifully written story or learn about a historical event. Regardless of your book’s topic or purpose, you can find your readers on social media.

Why promote your book on social media?

Social media marketing is a fantastic book promotion tool for indie authors. Platforms like LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter are generally free unless you want to pay for advertisements. Plus, they let you connect with people all around the world who might be interested in reading your book!

In other words, social media marketing helps you attract your target audience, which can increase your book sales. You can further widen your connections by joining LinkedIn author groups that allow you to promote your book.

What are some LinkedIn author groups where you can promote your book?

LinkedIn is a goldmine for both published authors and aspiring writers. There are countless author groups where you can meet helpful people in the book industry—and promote your book! Here are a few group characteristics that you can look for:

  • Geographic location. Do you prefer to connect with people locally, or do you want to branch out into international author groups?
  • Genre. Some groups focus on certain genres, so join a few groups that discuss topics that you like to write about.
  • Experience. Don’t just join a LinkedIn group for one experience level. You’ll be amazed what you can learn from experienced authors—as well as new ones!

Joining author groups is a great way to connect with a wider span of people, publishing industry professionals, and more potential readers. The more groups you join, the more you’ll be able to maximize your author presence!

How to maximize your author presence on LinkedIn

LinkedIn is a wonderful resource for authors. You can join groups and read articles to learn about everything from how to self-publish to how to boost your Kindle book marketing. Connect with other authors and a wide variety of book industry professionals. This social media platform can also help you improve your personal brand and network.

How can LinkedIn improve your personal brand or network?

You’re already aware that creating a strong LinkedIn presence will increase your visibility to your target audience and publishing industry professionals. In addition to improving and expanding your network, you can also use LinkedIn to improve your personal brand.

Just like a business might use its company page to build its brand, you can do the same for your personal or author brand. Every time you create a LinkedIn post, you give yourself an opportunity to share your voice and help your target audience get to know you. Additionally, you can answer questions from your LinkedIn groups, endorse your connections, and share other LinkedIn members’ posts that you think would provide value to your network.

Touching as many people as possible throughout LinkedIn will help build your personal brand and network. However, don’t forget to keep your LinkedIn profile up to date so all your connections know what’s new and what you’re working on.

What is the best way to update your LinkedIn profile?

Your LinkedIn profile is your first impression to the rest of the LinkedIn world, so it’s important to keep it updated. Here are a few tips for creating and maintaining a strong profile:

  • Choose a profile picture and background image that show who you are. You don’t need a professional headshot, but you should use an actual photograph instead of a logo or an avatar.
  • Get creative with your headline. For example, if you’re a freelance writer, you don’t just have to use “Freelance Writer” as your title. Have some fun here! Try headlines like “Blog Guru” or “SEO Master” to make your title more interesting.
  • Don’t forget to list your skills! Make sure people know that you’re an expert at writing social media posts or a creative long-form writer.

Keeping your LinkedIn profile is a great way to maximize your author presence. So dedicate some time to it!

How do you maximize your author presence on LinkedIn?

The best way to maximize your LinkedIn presence is to stay active on this social media platform. For example, every time you publish a book or a blog post, add a publication to your profile so your entire network sees your new work. Share other LinkedIn posts that have inspired you or brought a smile to your face. The more active you are, the more visible you’ll be!

Use LinkedIn book promotion tools to ring up book sales

As an indie author, social media platforms like LinkedIn are one of the most helpful marketing resources out there. When used correctly, promoting your book on LinkedIn can increase your potential readers and lead to lots of book sales!

Elite Authors is here to help you promote your book on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, and just about any other platform you can think of. Visit our website to learn more about our book marketing services.

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Marketing Tips for Self-Published Authors Wed, 07 Sep 2022 14:00:07 +0000 When you hear the word “marketing,” you might think of businesses advertising their products and services. However, marketing applies to anything that can be sold—including your self-published book! As an […]

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a book opening

When you hear the word “marketing,” you might think of businesses advertising their products and services. However, marketing applies to anything that can be sold—including your self-published book!

As an indie author, you might not be familiar with the importance of book promotion. And since you don’t have a professional book marketing plan, such as one the traditional publishing industry might provide, you’ll have to do a little research on marketing strategies and where to market your book.

With some determination and creativity, you can successfully market your self-published book and ring up some serious book sales.

Importance of marketing for self-published authors

Without successful marketing, your book won’t sell, because people won’t know about it. Fortunately, you don’t have to spend much money to market your book. Platforms like your author website and social media are fantastic—and inexpensive—places to start.

Why is marketing important for self-published authors?

It’s simple: if you don’t market your book to your target audience, potential readers won’t easily find you. Even if you have a phenomenal story and a beautifully designed book cover, you won’t earn many book sales. Fortunately, you can craft a book marketing plan to attract your readers!

Each marketing effort increases your author platform, or your author brand. The more you promote yourself and your book, the bigger your platform. The bigger your platform, the better chance you have to earn each book sale. There are many ways for authors to promote themselves—you just have to choose the right ones for you.

How do authors promote themselves?

Established authors often have full marketing services built into their publishing contracts. So how do you as an indie author promote yourself? Here are a few methods to try:

  • Author website. Create a site that includes a short biography, an author photo, a list of your books, and where to buy them.
  • Social media. Platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram are free venues that allow you to interact with your target audience. If you want to invest in quick results, consider hiring some influencers to boost your social media presence.
  • Book launch event. Many authors love to interact with their readers in person. Find a local bookstore that’ll let you host an event. It could bring in book sales for you and customers into the store!

Keep in mind that you can include multiple elements in your book marketing strategy. So be creative and have fun! If you find that you’re not seeing the results you want, you can also consider hiring a professional book marketing service.

When should you use professional book marketing services?

If you’re hoping to make the leap from indie author to professional writer, you can investigate professional book marketing services. These experts will design and execute your entire book marketing strategy from your cover design to your online presence.

In addition to assisting with book promotion, book marketing services can strengthen your overall brand as an author. They’ll make sure that your tact and tone are consistent throughout each marketing piece. When you have a steady brand, your readers see you as professional and legitimate. In fact, creating a great brand should be part of every book marketing strategy.

Marketing strategies for self-published authors

Part of building a strong author platform is developing a book marketing strategy. Your strategy includes all aspects of your book promotion, such as:

  • Online presence, starting with your author website
  • Social media presence on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram
  • In-person events like a book launch or book reading
  • How you present the book itself to your target audience

Many readers seek out their next favorite book from a new writer or an indie author. As they peruse the bookshelves at their local bookstore or scroll through the seemingly countless e-books online, there’s one major element that can really draw them in: your book description.

How can your book description hook potential book buyers?

Your book description is the sales pitch for your self-published book. It helps the reader understand what your story is about. A great book description will also give the reader a taste of your overall style and tone. When someone reads a snapshot of your writing, you must deliver a powerful, impactful description that will hook them into buying your work.

If you’re not confident in writing your book description, you can seek professional advice. Marketing services have experts like a creative writer or a copy editor who will craft an awesome book description and help you earn book sales.

A strong book description is a great marketing tool. You can even create social media posts surrounding it!

How do you promote your book on social media?

Social media is one of the most powerful marketing tools for self-published authors. And because there’s little to no cost associated with most platforms, there’s no downside!

The first step in social media marketing is creating a profile on a variety of platforms. Link to your author website and Kindle page, then start creating content for each site. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

  • Facebook—Post at least once per week about your book. You can even use your book description as its own post! Also, be sure to follow similar authors and join groups related to your genre. This will put you in front of your target audience.
  • Twitter—Research trending hashtags related to your genre. Tweet once or twice a week to stay in front of your potential readers.
  • Instagram—Post some book teasers or images of your book cover, or give your followers a behind-the-scenes look at you as an indie author.

Have some fun with this! Let your target audience get to know you as a person. The more people know about you, the more connected they’ll feel to you and your work, and the more books they’ll buy.

What are some marketing strategies for self-published authors?

When you’re trying to make a name for yourself as an indie author, you should market as much as possible. Your author website, social media presence, and book events are great starting places. However, you can also boost your book promotion by connecting all your efforts together.

Your author website probably already links to your social media platforms. Additionally, let your potential readers know where they can buy your work. Post about your e-book aggregator. Link to your Amazon Kindle author page. And show off a book review or two! The more you market, the more books you’ll sell.

Where to market your self-published book

Determining where to market your self-published book might seem like a big task. However, it can actually be fun! It’s an opportunity for you to get creative and show off your work. Depending on how you aim your book marketing strategy, you can get to know your target audience, and let them get to know you.

Where can you market your self-published book?

You’ve begun to build your author platform by creating a website and posting on social media. Maybe you’ve even held a book launch event at a local shop. If you’re still hoping to expand your book marketing strategy, there are additional venues that you can explore.

In-person marketing is always powerful. Look around for an upcoming book sale so you can set up a table and sell your print books in person. Additionally, if you’ve written a children’s book, find out if any local schools will let you come in to read part of the book to the kids and their parents.

You might also choose to market on a book promotion site. Many of these sites will require your book ISBN as proof that your work is actually published, so make sure you meet their requirements. Some book promotion sites are free, and some require fees before they’ll post your printed work or e-book. So you’ll need to do some research if you choose this marketing method.

What is a blog book tour?

Some authors and editors suggest a blog book tour as part of a successful book marketing strategy to boost your online presence. You’ll have to find a variety of professional bloggers or influencers to write about your book to generate excitement about its release. You might need to give these writers six to eight weeks so they have enough time to create high-quality content.

Next, set up a schedule of when each blog should be published online. A blog book tour usually lasts a couple of weeks, and you’ll get a lot of exposure in that time. A blog book tour can even lead to another fantastic book promotion method: podcasting.

How can a podcast help you sell books?

There are two main ways a podcast can help you sell books:

  1. Guest speaking on a popular podcast. Talk about your new book, your entire body of work, and yourself as an author.
  2. Creating your own podcast. Although you should avoid too much self-promotion, this is a great venue to plug your own work.

People love listening to podcasts. When you appear on their favorite one—or they come across your own podcast as they search for what to listen to next—you can draw them in and earn some book sales.

Tips on creating SEO terms for marketing your self-published book

To strengthen your online presence, you’ll need to understand SEO (search engine optimization). Anytime you market your book online with a blog or social media post, you are creating content as part of your digital marketing strategy. When done correctly, content marketing can go a long way to earning book sales.

What are some tips on creating SEO terms for marketing your self-published book?

Before you begin creating content to boost your SEO, you’ll need to do some keyword research. Type words relating to your genre into your search bar and see what similar words or phrases your search engine suggests. Each suggestion is a keyword.

Once you have a handful of keywords, incorporate them into your digital marketing. Spread them throughout your author website and social media. This will help your target audience find you online!

How can you market your book on LinkedIn?

Social media goes beyond Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. LinkedIn can also be a great marketing platform! Here are a few ways to market your book on LinkedIn:

  • Set up a professional profile and add each print or e-book as its own publication.
  • Post information about your book, such as your book trailer or description.
  • Connect to a book agent or two to get your name in front of a publishing industry professional.
  • Invite your connections and people with similar interests to like your book so you can build your following.

Most social media platforms, including LinkedIn, use hashtags. These tools can also bring you some attention and sales!

Which hashtags should you use on social media when marketing your book?

When you include some carefully chosen hashtags in your social media posts, you make it easy for your target audience to find you. However, you can’t just throw any words into a hashtag. Do a quick online search to find trending hashtags that apply to your genre. You can also use some evergreen hashtags about reading or being an indie author.

Be careful not to use too many hashtags. Although they can bring attention to your profile, you don’t want them to overrun your post. Aim for a combination of high-quality content and useful hashtags. When you incorporate this method into your book marketing strategy, you’ll be an elite author in no time!

Become an Elite Author with expert marketing

Are you ready to publish everywhere? We’re here to help! Elite Authors is an expert in publishing with companies like CreateSpace, Kindle, and a wide variety of traditional publishing companies. Our professional book marketing services will help you sell more books and establish a name for yourself as a successful indie author.

Visit our website to learn more!

The post Marketing Tips for Self-Published Authors appeared first on Elite Authors.

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How to market a book on Facebook Wed, 23 Feb 2022 21:00:01 +0000 Congratulations on finishing your book! Now it’s time to market it. And whether you’re a veteran author or you’ve just written your first masterpiece, Facebook is a great place to […]

The post How to market a book on Facebook appeared first on Elite Authors.

laptop on a deskCongratulations on finishing your book! Now it’s time to market it. And whether you’re a veteran author or you’ve just written your first masterpiece, Facebook is a great place to start. But before you learn how to market a book on Facebook, you should understand why you should use this specific social media platform—and the challenges you might encounter. Then you can dive into using Facebook ads to promote your book and even learn from other authors’ book marketing efforts.

Why use Facebook to market your book

Facebook marketing is a powerful tool. It offers a variety of benefits and features to promote your book, and it’s especially effective at helping authors create brand awareness. If Facebook isn’t already part of your book marketing plan, you’re missing out on a huge marketing opportunity.

What are the main benefits of using Facebook to market your book?

You probably know that Facebook is a hugely popular social media platform. But even if you use Facebook every day, you might not be aware of how helpful it can be for marketing books. Here are a few benefits of using Facebook to promote your book:

  • Reach a wide audience since Facebook has so many users around the world.
  • Post a variety of content like text, images, and videos to attract your target audience.
  • Research what your competitors are doing, and alter your content based on what’s working—or not working—for them.
  • Drive traffic to your author website to boost your brand awareness and earn some book sales.

As a major social media platform, Facebook helps you get your name out there. And when it comes to book promotion, Facebook offers features that authors can use to increase their visibility.

What features does Facebook offer for book promotion?

When you launch a book promotion campaign on a social media platform like Facebook, you want to know what features the platform offers you. And Facebook is loaded with features that can help. Many of these are included with your free account—you just have to be a little creative!

First and foremost, set up a Facebook author page or a Facebook fan page. Be sure to link to your author website. Then, use features like Facebook Live to attract as many followers as possible. And mix it up! Host a virtual book launch or a Q&A session. Facebook users love variety!

If you’ve allocated some money to your marketing budget, you can also start a Facebook ads campaign. Facebook ads are great tools because you can create your own content, decide how much to spend per day, and determine how long the ad will run. Facebook ads also provide analytics so you can see how much of your target audience you’ve reached per ad. And that helps you understand how much your brand awareness has grown.

What makes Facebook especially effective at helping authors create brand awareness?

Even if you’re just starting your writing career, you don’t need a literary agent to create brand awareness for your work. Facebook is a great tool for brand awareness!

Successful brand awareness means that your target audience recognizes your name and your books. Facebook is especially helpful in helping authors make a name for themselves because it helps you reach a vast amount of people in a short amount of time—often at little or no cost.

Challenges of using Facebook to market your book

As great of a tool as Facebook is for authors to promote their books, it also comes with some challenges. Fortunately, if you’re aware of what obstacles you might encounter, you can more easily fix them when they pop up—or avoid them altogether!

What are the potential obstacles of using Facebook to market your book?

One of the biggest obstacles is that you have to create your own content marketing strategy. Posting on social media helps you stay in front of your target audience, but you have to post interesting content using various types of media in order to keep your followers interested. So if you don’t have a strategic marketing mind, you might want to find a professional content writer or marketer to help you develop a book marketing strategy.

Another obstacle you might encounter is the cost. Not all authors have a large marketing budget. And since some Facebook ad campaigns are pay per click instead of a flat fee, your expenses can really add up quickly. Fortunately, there are ways that you can navigate both the strategic and the budgetary challenges of Facebook marketing.

How can authors navigate the challenges of marketing their book on Facebook?

Self-published authors often find themselves creating their own book marketing and content strategies. And the book marketing world can be difficult to navigate without the support and marketing expertise from a literary agent or publisher. Here are a few steps to creating your own strategy:

  • Identify your target audience.
  • Determine what content they want to see. Some ideas are contests, polls, images, video, or Facebook Live.
  • Don’t get discouraged. If posting to social media a few times a week doesn’t help immediately, don’t worry! These things take time.
  • Get creative. Look for a podcast you can join or a website related to your genre to write a guest blog post The sky’s the limit, so have some fun and find other ways to reach your audience!

The stronger your marketing strategy, the less you’ll need to rely on paid advertising. However, a Facebook ad here and there certainly won’t hurt! Be smart about the money you spend so you can keep your expenses low and maximize each dollar.

What should you avoid when marketing your book on Facebook?

Successful Facebook book promotion involves avoiding pitfalls. The number one thing to avoid when marketing your book on Facebook is trying too many different things at once. Don’t spend your whole marketing budget on one big ad campaign. Start with a couple of smaller campaigns, build off of what works, and let go of what doesn’t work.

You should also avoid being too vague in your Facebook ads and overall book marketing. Be specific to engage your target audience. This will also help you market to Facebook groups that focus on your book’s genre or topic.

How to use Facebook ads to promote your book

Facebook ads are a great book promotion tool that help you reach your target audience. And they’re easy to use! You just have to get to know how to use them and what costs you can expect.

How do Facebook ads work?

Before you launch a Facebook ads campaign, it’s important to know how Facebook ads work. First, gather the following information to maximize the ad’s effectiveness:

  • Target audience information, including geographical location, age, and gender
  • Categories that your target audience is interested in
  • Your budget per day or per click

Once you submit your ad, your target audience will start seeing your ads on their Facebook feeds. And that means that you’re well on your way to successfully marketing your book!

What does it cost to use Facebook ads?

One of the many helpful aspects of social media marketing is that it’s available for a wide range of budgets. The two main types of Facebook ads are one flat fee and pay per click.

If you want to pay one flat fee per ad, you can choose to boost an existing ad or post. Facebook allows you to choose how many days to run an ad and how much to spend per day. The platform will also show you how many people you’ll be able to reach per day.

And if a flat fee isn’t quite your speed, you can launch a pay-per-click Facebook ads campaign. Depending on how much competition there is for the ad space, this could either be more or less expensive than the flat fee method.

Keep in mind that the more you spend, the more people you’ll reach. So be sure to have a budget in mind and a content strategy at your fingertips before you jump into paid Facebook ads.

Why should authors consider using Facebook ads to promote their book?

Established authors and indie authors alike can successfully promote their book using Facebook ads. You can track your success, adjust your marketing plan, and alter your budget throughout your ad campaign. After all, many authors have used social media to promote their books. And there’s no reason that you can’t do it too!

How authors have used Facebook to promote their books

Many authors have used Facebook to earn money on book sales. Social media promotion works great for both the traditional publishing and self-publishing industries. So, what are some examples of successful Facebook book marketing, and how have other authors used it to their advantage?

What are some examples of successful Facebook marketing campaigns for books?

You can find examples of successful digital marketing campaigns throughout Facebook. Start by following some of your favorite authors, or the most famous ones in the book industry. How many followers do they have? How often do they post? Are they using various types of media?

Pick an author and spend some time diving into their Facebook page and author website. This will help you determine what methods work best. And then incorporate their success into your book promotion strategy!

How have authors used Facebook for cross marketing their books?

Cross marketing on Facebook involves promoting your book on multiple pages. And you can use other authors’ success to help you reach more people and ring up those book sales. Here are a few pieces of advice that other authors might provide to use Facebook for cross marketing your book:

  • Set up a Facebook author page that focuses on your work. Every time you post, tag both your personal and author page.
  • Create other social media accounts on platforms like Twitter and Instagram. Include your handles in your Facebook posts so your followers can easily find you throughout social media.
  • Find Facebook groups and pages related to your genre. For instance, if you’ve written a comedic novel, join a few comedy pages, and post there.
  • Get in touch with bloggers who write about authors like you. Ask if you can write a guest post for them. Don’t forget to use the best keywords for SEO and link to your author website!

Book marketing isn’t just about putting a few words together in a social media post. People want variety! In order to earn as many followers as possible, you’ll have to mix in different types of media.

How have authors used different types of media to promote their book on Facebook?

The most successful authors diversify their Facebook posts. Sure, written posts are great—especially if you include some trending Twitter hashtags. However, your followers will get bored if you only stick to that one type of media. So mix it up! Include some images, like illustrations from your book or book cover. And a video of your book trailer or an author interview will go a long way to engaging your target audience.

Producing various types of media might sound expensive. The good news is that you can do it on a budget. If this type of creativity isn’t in your wheelhouse, that’s OK. Just take the time to research and find an illustrator or videographer who can help you produce quality content. And with smart book promotion on Facebook, you can boost your career and theirs.

Elite Authors can help you successfully market your book on Facebook.

Many authors want to promote their book the right way. And Facebook is a great place to start! Book marketing on social media is a specialized skill that not everyone possesses.

Fortunately, the team at Elite Authors has the expertise and skills you need to ring up those book sales. Visit our website today to learn how we can help catapult your book to fame!

The post How to market a book on Facebook appeared first on Elite Authors.

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How to Market Your Book for Free Wed, 09 Feb 2022 15:00:26 +0000 Book marketing is a lot of work—but it can also be a lot of fun! It gives you a chance to be creative and show each potential reader how passionate […]

The post How to Market Your Book for Free appeared first on Elite Authors.

a person looking at a book with a big table of books nearby

Book marketing is a lot of work—but it can also be a lot of fun! It gives you a chance to be creative and show each potential reader how passionate you are about your work. If you’re self-publishing your e-book and don’t have much of a book promotion budget, you can still successfully promote your work. And we can give you the steps to finding the best ways to market your book for free!

One of the best places to start your free e-book marketing campaign is social media. After you learn how to leverage platforms like Facebook and Twitter, you can research other places to market and find some great tools to build buzz.

How to leverage social media for free e-book marketing

Social media marketing is a fantastic free e-book digital marketing method. After you set up your account and complete your profile, create a list of hashtags to promote your e-book. And don’t forget to cross promote! Make sure your followers know they can find you on multiple social media platforms.

Follow these steps, and you’re on your way to making your e-book go viral!

How do you make your e-book go viral?

Going viral isn’t just for influencer marketing. It’s for any kind of social media marketing! You can create viral posts as an author (although it never hurts to have an influencer adding to your effort). If you haven’t already set up an author website, that should be your next step toward digital marketing for your e-book. Then jump on social media and find more followers to grow your presence.

How can you grow your social media presence?

You’ll have to do some work to grow your social media presence so your audience can find you. Here are a few methods that can help you earn followers and attract readers:

  • Post the right content on each social media platform. You’ll need to adjust your content marketing strategy to cater to platforms like Facebook and Twitter.
  • Connect with influencers to catch their followers’ attention. If they create a guest post for your page, your visibility can skyrocket.
  • Use trending hashtags to attract more readers.
  • If you have a marketing budget, consider paid advertising to boost your social media presence and awareness about your e-book. Facebook ads can be an affordable way to get in front of more readers.

Once you’ve grown your presence, you can start leveraging social media for free e-book marketing.

How can you leverage social media for free e-book marketing?

Self-publishing often means that an author needs to handle their own book marketing. Fortunately, you can leverage social media to promote your e-book for free. You can create a giveaway contest for each follower that subscribes to your mailing list. People love to win free stuff!

Other places to market your e-book for free

In addition to social media, there are other ways to market your e-book for free. You’ll have to get a little creative to show the world your writing on a tight budget. As long as you’re willing to dedicate some time, though, you can show off your writing skills to your audience and ring up those book sales!

What are some effective ways to promote an e-book and generate sales?

You’ll have to dedicate some time to promoting your e-book and generating sales. In addition to social media marketing on platforms, here are a few ways to attract more readers and earn book sales:

  • Your manuscript must be edited and proofread. Some self-published books have typos or continuity gaps—and those are turnoffs for many readers.
  • Design an interesting and inviting book. Your cover design, book synopsis, and author bio are your book’s first impression to your readers, and you want to draw them in.
  • Create an author website, and post information about your book and yourself. Then ask every person you can think of (family, friends, coworkers) to be your online reviewers. The more positive reviews you have, the more likely new readers are to check out your book.
  • Incorporate content marketing like a blog post into your author website. Ask a friend or an influencer to write a guest post or blog to add a little variation to the site.
  • Set up a featured deal with the platforms you’re selling your e-book
  • Hold an online contest for a free book. This will garner interest and put your e-book into the hands of a potential reader.

Some larger e-book platforms offer built-in book promotion methods—and Amazon Kindle is one of them.

Does Amazon promote your book?

Amazon offers several tools to help you promote your book when you publish a Kindle e-book. You can purchase an Amazon ad, set up a Kindle e-book preorder promotion, and post sample chapters so potential readers can get a taste of your book.

Because Amazon has such a huge following, it can be a powerful book promotion tool. However, since there are so many authors selling e-books and so many customers buying them, it’s easy to get lost in the shuffle. So create a book marketing strategy to help you stand out. And be prepared to budget for an Amazon ad or two. Kindle can put your book in front of millions of people, but there will be a price associated with this service.

Although Amazon book promotion comes at a cost, there are other places that you can market your e-book for free.

What are some other places to market your e-book for free?

You can handle much of your book marketing at no cost. You just need to be a little creative! In addition to free social media platforms, here are a few ideas that you can check out for free e-book promotion:

  • Find a book promotion site to post your e-book. You do have to pay a fee for many of these, but some sites offer a free trial or discount.
  • Search for a book club that might be interested in reading your work, and offer them a free or discounted copy of your e-book.
  • Ask your local bookstore if you can hold a book launch event like an author meet and greet or a chapter reading.

Don’t forget to add each new person you reach to your mailing list. Hang on to their contact information so you can keep marketing to them!

Free tools that can help build buzz for an e-book

Part of your book promotion strategy is creating buzz about your e-book. This is an exciting part of your journey as a professional writer, so have some fun with it. Build that buzz, earn some book sales, and make some money!

How much money can you make from writing an e-book?

As an author, you probably love writing stories that your readers enjoy. And although writing is your passion, it can also be a great source of income.

The amount of money you make depends on a few factors, including the following:

  • The size of the marketable audience for your e-book. In other words, how many people are interested in your genre?
  • How you publish your e-book. A traditional publisher might pay you commission, but it can be hard for a new author to find a publisher. Self-publishing doesn’t have to be expensive, but you will have to handle the book promotion on your own.
  • How you market your e-book. You can purchase an Amazon ad on the Kindle store, boost some Facebook ads, or work with free book promotion The money you make will be directly tied to the success of your book marketing efforts.

You can really make as much money as you want from writing an e-book. It just depends on how much time you’re willing to spend on your book promotion.

What is the best e-book creator?

Self-publishing an e-book requires some basic technology to design your book. And although there isn’t an objective “best e-book creator,” there are options. You just have to find the one that’s best for you.

If you’re writing a text-heavy novel, the e-book creator can be a simple word processing program like Microsoft Word, Apple Pages, or Google Docs. And if you’re creating a graphic novel or a children’s book with a lot of illustrations, you might need graphic design software like the Adobe Creative Suite.

Your e-book publisher might also have its own software or template. For example, you can download an Amazon Kindle template to make sure your e-book will be laid out exactly the way you want it to. So before you get too far into designing your e-book’s layout, make sure it falls within the publisher’s parameters.

What are some free tools that can help build buzz for an e-book?

When you’re trying to build buzz, content marketing is key. And you can post content just about anywhere online. Create great content for Facebook, Twitter, and any other social media platforms your readers follow. Beef up your author website with a guest post about your genre. And check out these other free tools to help you build buzz:

  • Canva. You can use this free graphic design software to create eye-catching content for your website and social media.
  • Help a Reporter Out (HARO). Blog writers and reporters use this site to find sources that they can quote about their topics. Join HARO for some free interview opportunities to get your name out there.
  • Podcasts. Podcasts are an especially popular media. Search for a podcast about new authors, or one pertaining to your genre or story. Then ask if you can be a guest. It’ll be a fun experience, and that good PR can earn you some book sales!

Best ways to market your e-book for free

Ideally, every author would be able to easily find a literary agent or a professional publisher. Since that’s not possible for every author, there are multiple ways to market your e-book for free. Sometimes it just takes a little work to find the best book promotion method to fit your needs and capture the right audience.

What are the best ways to market your e-book for free?

The best ways help you reach the widest audience. If your potential readers are on social media, then Facebook and Twitter might be your best book marketing avenues. And if your audience is more inclined to join a book club or read input from professional reviewers, spend time marketing to those sources.

What is a good target for e-book sales?

Every author has their own book sales target. Some write purely for fun and try out the self-publishing industry for the heck of it. And other authors want to make a living off their e-book.Whether you fall on one side of this spectrum or somewhere in between, you at least want to sell enough books to cover any costs you incurred during your book creation and production. Here are a few expenses you might want to earn back in e-book sales:

  • Supplies you purchased to create a storyboard
  • Professional illustrations, including your book cover
  • Editing or proofreading fees
  • Submission fees if you submitted your book to a traditional publisher
  • Return on investment for any Facebook ads or the Amazon ad you purchased when you posted your Kindle e-book

What can you learn from how other self-published e-book authors have marketed their e-book?

One of the best e-book marketing resources you’ll find is what other writers have done. Research a few successful authors and how they promoted their book. Did they join a book promotion site? How often did they post on social media? Did they host a book launch event or a free book giveaway contest?

Book promotion can be challenging. However, with some research into the best free methods and what your predecessors have done, you can successfully promote your e-book.

Market your book the right way and earn book sales!

To make a name for yourself as a professional author, you could use a little help from experts on the self-publishing industry. And we’re here to help.

Elite Authors works with self-publishing platforms like Kindle Direct Publishing. So we know how to market your book. Visit our website today to find out how we can help you turn your e-book into a bestseller!

The post How to Market Your Book for Free appeared first on Elite Authors.

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