reviews – Elite Authors Expert Publishing Services Fri, 31 May 2024 02:40:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 reviews – Elite Authors 32 32 The Importance of Reviews on Amazon KDP: How to Encourage Readers to Leave Feedback Thu, 17 Aug 2023 14:00:09 +0000 Are you aiming to create a book on Amazon KDP? If so, you should know that reviews play a role as a tool in your arsenal. Studies indicate that when […]

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A person holding a phone displaying a 4.2 star rating. Around it are comment bubbles with reviews

Are you aiming to create a book on Amazon KDP? If so, you should know that reviews play a role as a tool in your arsenal. Studies indicate that when making purchasing decisions, readers heavily rely on reviews. Books are no exception! With numerous books vying for attention and engagement, how can you ensure that your work stands out and captures interest? The answer lies in reviews! In this blog post we will explore the reasons why establishing a foundation of reviews is paramount for success on Amazon KDP and discuss strategies to encourage valuable reader feedback.

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The significance of customer reviews on Amazon KDP: benefiting authors and readers alike

Customer reviews on Amazon hold importance in the world of book publishing within the realm of KDP. Both authors and readers derive benefits from having access to these insights. For authors, feedback from readers offers understanding into what aspects of the work are successful and what falls short within their writing. This feedback serves as a guiding light for authors to enhance their work. Additionally, these reviews can influence potential readers’ decisions when considering the purchase of a book. Reviews provide readers with information and help them make informed decisions before purchasing. By reading reviews, individuals can assess whether a book is worth their time and money.

How to encourage reader feedback through an email campaign

As an author utilizing Amazon KDP, it is essential to receive feedback from your readers to enhance your craft and attract enthusiasts. One effective approach is implementing an email campaign. Begin by crafting a friendly email that conveys your appreciation for the readers’ support. Share special insider thoughts on the book to build rapport with your audience and make them feel appreciated. Lastly, express gratitude again and then ask for a review. Let them know you eagerly anticipate hearing from them. With a crafted email strategy you can inspire feedback while fostering a stronger connection with your audience.

Request reviews from readers without appearing assertive or desperate 

If you’re an author who has self-published a book on Amazon KDP, you understand the significance of reviews. They help an author gain attention, establish credibility, and increase the discoverability of your book among readers. How can you create a review request that people will genuinely engage with? It’s crucial to personalize the request and express why their viewpoint matters to you. Be transparent and brief, but be explicit in what you’re seeking. Don’t forget to express your gratitude and thank the reader for their time and consideration. With these tips in mind you’ll be well on your way to receiving those sought after reviews and making your book a success!

Provide incentives and positive reinforcement to reviewers

Another strategy to encourage readers to leave reviews is offering a free book or a discount. By providing incentives you can significantly enhance a reader’s enthusiasm and motivation to post a review. These incentives don’t necessarily have to impact your profits, but instead can be a means of encouraging and rewarding readers for their feedback. Additionally, you might want to consider giving social media shout-outs, sending personalized thank you notes, or featuring reviewers on your website as ways of showing appreciation. Not will these incentives help motivate readers to leave reviews, but they also demonstrate how much you value their time and effort.

Positive reviews of a book on Amazon holds value for authors because they enhance credibility, attract customers, and foster loyalty among existing readers. To secure those sought after five-star ratings, an effective approach is to directly request reviews from readers, while possibly offering incentives to customers for their feedback. This might involve offering freebies, complimentary items, or promotional codes in exchange for leaving a review. This not only motivates customers to share their feedback, but also demonstrates your appreciation for their input. By adopting this strategy you’ll be on track to establish a customer community and a reputation for delivering first-rate books. If you need help building readership and gathering reviews for your book, reach out to Elite Authors today!

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Strategies for Building Buzz and Getting Reviews When Marketing Your Book Tue, 13 Jun 2023 14:00:11 +0000 We all know how important it is to generate buzz and get reviews for our books when we’re marketing them. But as any content marketer or writer knows, these two […]

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A cartoony collection of five star reviews, medals, and thumbs-up emojis

We all know how important it is to generate buzz and get reviews for our books when we’re marketing them. But as any content marketer or writer knows, these two tasks can be incredibly daunting. Not to worry though—a few clever and strategic steps are all you need to start building up excitement around your book and getting people talking about it in the right places. In this blog post, we will delve into five fool-proof strategies that you can use to increase awareness of your book while also gathering enough meaningful feedback from readers that helps set you up for a successful launch. Let’s jump right in!

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Utilize social media—take advantage of all the various platforms available to get your book noticed and spread the word

In today’s world, social media has become a crucial tool for authors looking to promote their work. With so many platforms available, it can be tough to know where to start. However, with a little research and strategic planning, you can leverage social media to effectively promote your book and reach a wider audience. Whether it’s through witty tweets, visually stunning Instagram posts, or thought-provoking blog articles, there are a multitude of ways to capture the attention of potential readers and spread the word about your literary masterpiece. So why not take advantage of all the various social media platforms available and give your book the exposure it deserves?

Start a blog–give your readers an easy way to stay up-to-date on new developments or upcoming releases

Starting a blog can be one of the most effective ways to keep your readers informed with the latest updates and upcoming releases. Whether you’re a business owner or a content creator, it pays off to give your readers an easy way of keeping up-to-date. With a blog, you can communicate the latest developments, share interesting insights, and even establish yourself as an authority in your area of expertise. But there’s a catch—your blog needs to be engaging. You need to be clever with your words, put your best foot forward, and present your content in a professional manner. When you nail it, your audience will keep coming back for more.

Engage with your audience–send out tweets, engage in conversations, and participate in online forums for authors and book lovers alike

In the ever-evolving world of social media, it’s essential to stay on top of your engagement game. As an author or book lover, don’t be afraid to dive into the online forums and Twitter conversations out there. This is your chance to connect with your readers and fellow bibliophiles in a way that’s not possible in a bookstore. By sending out thoughtful tweets and engaging in lively discussions, you can build a following and create a buzz around your work. So, jump in with both feet—the digital water’s fine!

Offer Incentives–run a giveaway or offer discounts to those who will leave reviews of your book online

As an author, your ultimate goal is to get your book in the hands of as many readers as possible. However, it’s difficult to achieve that goal if you don’t have enough online reviews. That’s where incentives come in. Running a giveaway or offering discounts to those who will leave reviews of your book online is a clever way to encourage readers to take action and leave their thoughts about your work. This not only helps you gain more exposure but also gives you valuable feedback from your audience. So start crafting creative incentives that will engage and motivate your readers to leave honest and informative reviews of your book online.

Promote with influencers–find reputable influencers in the book industry who can help spread the word about your work

You’ve poured your heart and soul into your latest piece of literature; now it’s time to get it into the hands of eager readers. One effective way to get the word out is by teaming up with influencers in the book industry. These reputable individuals have a strong following and can help spread the news about your work far and wide. By partnering with influencers, you can broaden your reach and generate buzz around your book. So why not tap into the power of those who already have an engaged audience? With a little help from the right influencers, your book could go from unknown to a must-read in no time.

Connect with book clubs and readers’ groups-connecting with them is an effective way to promote yourself and build buzz around your book before it launches

As a writer, you’ve poured your heart and soul into your book and are eagerly anticipating its release. But how can you ensure that it doesn’t disappear into the vast expanse that is the literary world? The answer lies in connecting with book clubs and readers’ groups. By doing so, you’ll not only be able to promote yourself, but you’ll also be able to generate buzz around your book before it even hits the shelves. Whether it’s through social media, book club websites, or in-person events, building relationships with readers is a vital step toward success in the literary world. So why not give it a try? You never know who you might meet or what kind of impact they may have on your book’s success.

Writing a book is no small feat, and getting it noticed in the world of literature can be daunting. Thankfully, with a few key tips and some hard work, you can get your book in front of the right audience. Social media platforms are an excellent way to spread the word about your upcoming release, while engaging with readers allows them to feel connected and included. Don’t forget influencers either—their networks and reach can be extremely beneficial for book promotion. Lastly, connect with established reader’s groups or book clubs that make sense for your genre or target audience; their website is likely filled with reviews from tastemakers. If you follow these simple steps, you can put yourself on the path to success! But if the idea of navigating this process alone feels overwhelming…contact Elite Authors! We specialize in helping authors across all genres market their work like a pro!

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How to Market a Book Wed, 15 Dec 2021 15:00:52 +0000 Writing a book takes time, commitment, and a little bit of blood, sweat, and tears (though hopefully not too much blood!). With a finished manuscript and a published book on […]

The post How to Market a Book appeared first on Elite Authors.

an open book on a tableWriting a book takes time, commitment, and a little bit of blood, sweat, and tears (though hopefully not too much blood!). With a finished manuscript and a published book on the way, you can kick back and bask in your success, right? Well, not exactly. Even if you sign a deal with a traditional publisher, much of the marketing falls on you, the author. A focused, consistent book marketing plan is key to finding readership. That includes knowing where and how to market a book and how to assemble a book launch team and connect with influencers.

Where to market your book

Marketing is no easy task, but it can be done on a budget. Authors can spend as little as $50 to upward of $2,000, depending on how in depth the marketing campaign is. The key is to know where your readers are and how to allocate your resources.

Marketing online and IRL

An online presence is crucial for most authors, especially self-published ones. Staying active on social media will help you connect with, and find, a potential reader. To further promote your work, consider book discovery sites like BookBub or Bargain Booksy, which aim to expose readers to new authors.

Offline book communities are just as important in determining how to market your book. Contact your local library or bookstores to see if they host events like signings or literary festivals. Reach out to local news stations, newspapers, or radio shows for an interview or to ask for reviews.

International book marketing

If you’re publishing through a US publishing company, you will have access to US markets. This is great news, given that the United States is one of the largest publishing markets in the world. If you want international exposure, however, you must make your book available for purchase in multiple regions. Consider tailoring your book cover and ad campaigns to appeal to different regions. Because Amazon separates reviews by region, it’s also important to garner book reviews in each country you’re promoting in.

Optimize your book’s appeal

A well-designed cover will pique your reader’s interest. Intriguing back cover text highlights the compelling aspects of your book, making it clear why the reader should buy it. A branded online presence brings it all together, allowing the reader to get to know you and your work before they even click “add to cart.”

Using book reviews as marketing for your book

Amazon’s algorithm prioritizes books with more reviews, so the more reviews a new book has, the more book sales and the greater the social proof that it’s worth reading. For the reader skimming your book page, reviews offer insight that will help them decide if the book is right for them.

Aside from increasing visibility, reviews are great tools for your marketing campaign. For example, if you share a glowing review on social media, you’ll remind your audience that your book exists and encourage them to add a review of their own.

There are two kinds of reviews: reader reviews and editorial reviews, which come from media outlets, literary establishments, and other figureheads in the industry.

Soliciting reader reviews

Often, the best way to get something is to simply ask. Leave a call to action in the back of your book (with a link, if it’s an e-book) asking readers to leave a review and thanking them for their time. Ask your social media following and mailing list to take a few minutes and leave a review. Run free book promotions and giveaways in exchange for reviews.

Soliciting media reviews

As important as reader reviews are, libraries and booksellers aren’t going to take an Amazon review from bookluver98 seriously. Alternately, endorsements from well-known people and publications add credibility to your book.

To get media reviews, reach out to publications that review similar books and genres. Before publishing, provide reviewers with an advanced reader copy so they can post the review during launch. You can quote these reviews in press releases and use them on front and back cover copy.

Website ideas for how to market your book

Your author website, if used properly, is a powerful tool for staying in touch with your audience and finding new readers. Before book launch, you can use it to create buzz, ask for reviews, and keep people updated on your writing life.  Once you launch, you can directly link readers to a page where they can buy your book.

Promoting your book on an author website

Maintaining an active online presence raises your visibility and helps you rank higher in search engine results pages. An appealing, clean author website has several important elements to it:

  • Information about your book. Here, you can quote reviews to entice prospective readers, include a picture of your cover and book description, and link to interviews or media spotlights related to your book.
  • Information about other work you’ve done. Have you published another book or won relevant awards? Listing these on your author site builds your credibility as an author. If you have an upcoming book, make readers aware of it by including a release date and cover photo if available.
  • Information about you. An author bio and photo will highlight your personality and put a human behind the words on the page.
  • Information about how to contact you and what events you’ve done, if any. This provides an opportunity to schedule more events to further get the word out about your book.

Promoting your book on social media

Like an author website, social media is a great way to update your audience and build community. Because it’s more immediate than a website, social media has greater potential to help you connect more deeply with readers.

The key to social media success is highly elusive. Here are a few fast tips:

  • Research similar authors and books. Go where your audience is. Instagram’s #bookstagram community, for example, is popular among readers of YA and poetry. Hashtags like #FantasyBooks and #RomanceBooks also help readers find relevant interests. Among writers of all genres, Twitter is currently the place to be within the publishing industry.
  • To connect with readers, create a space where you can interact more meaningfully. For example, a Facebook community page allows you to foster a fan club. You can host Q&As, share extra information or deleted scenes from your book, and make other posts to get to know your readership.
  • Interact with others by commenting on a relevant topic or recent article. Tag influencers (in moderation), and research hashtags to take advantage of community events. Common hashtags on Twitter include #AmWriting and #WritingCommunity.

How to assemble a launch team for book marketing

Whether you’re traditionally publishing or self-publishing, book marketing should not be a one-person show. There are many facets to marketing, and it’s okay (and encouraged) to reach out for help.

Depending on your marketing strategy, you may need any of the following:

  • A marketing advisor to plan your posts, run ad campaigns, get in touch with influencers and media outlets, and act as a sounding board for marketing strategy ideas
  • A copywriter to write newsletters, emails, blogs, and social media posts
  • A graphic designer to create engaging graphics for your website, social media, and promotional materials
  • A video editor to create book trailers or promotional materials for a website or YouTube channel

In addition, you should assemble a team to generate hype during launch week. Reviewers in your launch team will read your book in advance, release an honest review after publication, and promote your work on social media.

Assembling a successful book launch team

When recruiting your team, it’s tempting to turn to friends and family members. One major pitfall of this, however, is that they don’t always fit your ideal reader profile. Worse, personal bias can skew their opinions, and Amazon policy prohibits family members or close friends from submitting customer reviews. And family and friends often don’t know the first thing about how to market a book professionally.

How do you find proper reviewers? Make sure people are committed to launch, vet with an application process, and cast a wide net. Seek out industry professionals, influencers in your genre, and—most importantly—readers who fit your audience profile.

Managing your team

It cannot be overstated how important it is to manage your expectations. Be very clear with your team about what you want them to do and when. Lay out a timeline, and provide detailed guidelines.

What are people supposed to do, and how do they do it? What deadlines do they need to meet? Where do they go? Should they post reviews on Goodreads, Amazon, both, or neither? Are there specific talking points you’d like to see mentioned in your review or a specific length?

Next, check in on your team periodically. Don’t ask people to review your book or throw together a trailer just before launch. Give them plenty of time in advance, and stay in touch throughout.

Finally, reward your team. You can offer a free copy of your book, free merch, free copies for people running giveaways, exclusive access to a private Facebook group, bonus content, a Q&A session, and more. If your book focuses on an area of expertise, you can offer free tutorials and learning materials.

Be sure that your rewards align with your book, however. If you wrote a high fantasy romance, it wouldn’t make sense to offer classes on social media promotion.

How to connect with influencers for book promotion

Speaking of social media promotion, let’s talk influencers.

Influencer marketing is an important tool in your marketing tool kit. Influencers persuade their audience to invest in a particular product.

The word “influencer” may bring to mind the Kardashians, and some celebrities like Oprah and Reese Witherspoon share their book club picks. On the smaller scale, however, book-focused influencers exist in a more approachable manner.

Consider book bloggers, YouTubers, and social media personalities who read and review books in your genre. One note: do not request a review from someone who has expressly asked for no reviews.

Reaching out to influencers

When writing to influencers, always be polite, even if they turn you down. Find influencers who are relevant to your audience. Which influencers do your coworkers and followers engage with?

Establish a connection with the influencer, making it clear what’s in it for them. At the end of your message, thank them for their time.

If the influencer decides to review your book, provide them with resources, and be available to answer any questions. Set them up for success so they can help bolster your success in turn.

Additional resources for authors on how to market a book

Publishers offer some marketing resources, but a lot is left up to the author—especially after launch. A publisher may prepare promotional material, like advanced reader copies, marketing copy, a press kit, and printed material like posters, as well as advertising and publicity among industry events, trade catalogs, and the internet.

Unless you’re a big-name author, however, you’re going to have to do a lot of heavy lifting on your own. Resources you may use include the following:

  • Software for creating promotional materials, like Canva for graphics
  • Sites where you can run ads, like Facebook and Amazon
  • Tutorials for learning about SEO and developing a social media strategy, like Skillshare

For self-published authors, online publishing services can help with your marketing effort. Services vary, but many online publishers will help with social media promotion, writing website copy, and formatting your book.

An Elite marketing strategy

Learning how to market your book takes a lot of effort and love. As an author, you know what that’s like—you have the grit to finish a manuscript. Now it’s time to put that grit into action to promote your book and get it the attention it deserves.

Are you looking for professional marketing services but don’t want to break the bank? Elite’s publishing bundle can help you save up to $1,200 by offering professional editing, formatting, cover design, and marketing services in one. Reach out today for a quote!

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How to Market Your New Book Wed, 06 Oct 2021 14:00:06 +0000 Book marketing is often one of the biggest hurdles for authors. Although the writing process is an exciting creative task, learning how to market your new book is uncharted waters […]

The post How to Market Your New Book appeared first on Elite Authors.

big book shelves with lots of books

Book marketing is often one of the biggest hurdles for authors. Although the writing process is an exciting creative task, learning how to market your new book is uncharted waters for many first-time authors.

However, marketing is an essential aspect to any book promotion. Without a successful marketing plan, it can be challenging to reach potential readers and to generate book sales.

By learning how to develop an effective book launch across social media platforms, you can connect with your target audience, establish your author brand, and increase book sales.

Reasons to start marketing before you write the next book

Building an online platform that markets your writing style and author brand can help you develop your career and increase your reach as an author. To create this platform, however, you must market your book before it’s published. Interacting with potential readers as you write your next book can help you establish a loyal following base across social media.

How do you promote your book before it’s published?

There are numerous ways you can promote your book before it’s published. First, start creating posts across social media that advertise your upcoming book.

As you create content on social media, be sure that your content matches the social platform. For example, since Twitter has a short character limit, consider sharing short quotes to reveal snippets of the plot and entice potential readers. On the other hand, consider sharing chapter excerpts on social platforms that have longer character limits, such as Facebook or Instagram.

You can also create an author website to promote your upcoming book. Update your site with weekly blog posts explaining your writing process and new book. Over time, you can use your website to drive traffic and launch marketing campaigns, optimizing your marketing strategy.

Finally, you can promote your book before it’s published through your book cover and book trailer. A captivating book cover is a great way to grab the attention of potential readers. Share your book cover across your social media channels to spread the word about your new book.

Book trailers are short videos that summarize the content of your book, encouraging the viewer to buy and read your book. Visuals, especially videos, are a great book marketing tool for the digital marketing scene. You can also promote the book trailer launch to increase viewership before it goes live.

What should you consider before writing a book?

Before writing a book, consider the time commitment. Outlining how long you expect the writing process to take can help you better plan and implement your marketing strategy.

Also, consider your budget. Establish how much you plan to spend on marketing campaigns and services. This will help you stay organized and prevent you from overspending.

Lastly, consider your target audience. Understanding your ideal reading demographic will help you better market your book to potential readers. For example, if you’re writing a children’s book, then consider creating marketing content that uses color and illustrations.

Why should you start marketing before you write the next book?

Marketing before you start writing the next book helps solidify your author brand. Your author brand communicates your writing style and genre. It helps you stand out amid the thousands of other writers, making readers choose your book over the other ones on the shelf.

Building your author brand through promotional and educational content can help you market your new book and increase your reader base.

Marketing your book before it’s published also creates awareness about your upcoming book. The more readers know about your book, the more likely they are to preorder and buy it.

Interesting ways to gain visibility when marketing your new book

Creating a unique marketing plan that reflects your writing style and author brand can help your book stand out. Consider incorporating different social media platforms and book marketing ideas for your next book launch to generate buzz and increase book sales.

What strategies do you use when launching a new book?

First, develop a clear and engaging book description that you can use across social media platforms. Summarizing your book’s key points is crucial for spreading awareness and captivating potential readers.

Next, develop your marketing strategy, identifying your target audience and content marketing timeline. This will allow you to create a content calendar that outlines your weekly and monthly marketing campaigns.

After organizing your content plan, you can start creating Facebook ads, blog posts, and tweets that advertise your new book. You can also offer some of your existing followers and fans a free copy of the book. They can then add book reviews to your author website and social media channels, promoting your book when it’s officially released.

What motivates your readers to decide to buy your books, products, and services?

A combination of factors motivates readers to buy your books, products, and services.

First, readers are more likely to buy your book if you have a clear and established author brand. Communicating your writing style and genre tells potential readers what they can expect from your books. This is a simple way to attract readers within your genre.

Likewise, your author brand helps establish trust and a loyal following. Connecting with your followers on a consistent basis and actively engaging with their comments can help you develop loyal fans who are excited to buy your books.

Furthermore, creating content that provides a helpful service for your readers can also motivate them to purchase your book. If your book solves a specific pain point, then readers will be more likely to buy your book.

If your book provides entertainment rather than education, you can create blog posts on your author website that discuss your tips on book publishing or writing. This is a simple content marketing strategy that motivates readers to buy your book, as it provides them with useful and educational resources.

What are some interesting ways to gain visibility when marketing your new book?

Consider creating an online book launch to promote your new book across social media. An online book launch is a great way to engage your followers and discuss your upcoming book.

Create different stops on a variety of social channels. For example, you can host an Instagram live video, in which you hold a Q&A session with your followers. You can then create a series of daily blog articles during your online book launch to increase your site traffic and book awareness.

Another way to gain visibility when marketing your new book is to design promotional gear for your upcoming book. If you’ve already created a book cover, you can use the color scheme from your book cover for inspiration when creating your merchandise.

Consider making shirts, mugs, notebooks, and stickers with quotes, character names, and your book title to advertise your new book. Every time your fans wear or use your merchandise, they’re marketing your book and increasing awareness.

Gaining book reviews to help market your new book

Book reviews are a valuable marketing tool for new and established authors. Positive reviews increase your book’s presence, online reach, and potential sales. Research methods for encouraging book reviews across social media so that you can better market your new book.

How do reviews help book sales?

Book reviews help book sales in two main ways. First, book reviews make your book more discoverable. This simply means that the more book reviews your book gains across the internet, the easier it is for new readers to learn about it.

When you’re a self-published author, it can be challenging to expand your online reach by yourself. Book reviews are a great way to ease your workload, as your readers can write about your book on their blogs and social media accounts.

Along with discovery, book reviews help with credibility. The more book reviews you have, the more new readers will trust you as an author and purchase your book.

How do you get your book noticed by publishers?

If you choose to self-publish, one way to get your book noticed by publishers is increasing your book reviews and sales. Books that consistently remain on Amazon’s top-seller list are more likely to grab the attention of established publishing houses.

On the other hand, if you’re hoping to traditionally publish your book, then consider finding an agent to help contact publishers for you. Agents have a wide network within the publishing industry, and they can help connect you with the right set of literary houses.

How do you get book reviews to help market your new book?

There are a variety of ways you can increase your book reviews. One way you can add reviews across social media is by hosting giveaway contests.

For instance, you can create an Instagram story that advertises the contest and encourages book reviews. Your followers can then post reviews of your book on their social media accounts, sharing your book with a new set of potential readers. The book review with the most likes wins a set of merchandise for your book.

Hosting contests for your followers is a fun way to interact and engage your readers while also promoting your book.

You can also reach out to family members, friends, book bloggers, and other self-published authors to write a review. Offer them a free copy of your book, and see if they’d be willing to share their thoughts with their networks. This is another great way to market your book and network with other writers.

Best places to market your new book

One of the great advantages of the digital landscape is the many opportunities for marketing.

How do you get your book ready for promotion?

As you develop your book marketing plan, there are different ways you can prepare your book promotion.

First, gather blurbs for your new book. Blurbs are quotes that recommend and praise your book. Reach out to authors, publications, and influencers who are popular among your target audience.

Adding blurbs from a trusted group of people can help make your book cover stand out.

Another way to get your book ready for promotion is to fine-tune and copy edit. Consider hiring an editor to help with editing and book formatting. You want your book to look professional when it’s printed or developed into an e-book, and proper formatting can help you do that.

Finally, you can also set up a book-promotion site that is dedicated to sharing book reviews, reader contests, and your author bio.

How do you know if your book needs editing?

Even if you’re self-publishing your book, it’s a good idea to hire an editor. Editors can catch errors you miss, help you format your book, and develop your book cover.

If you want another set of professional eyes to review your book before publishing, then consider hiring an editor. Likewise, if your book is not formatted properly, then you should also consider hiring an editor for assistance.

What are the best places to market your new book?

Social media is a great place to market your new book. Establish accounts on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to reach different demographics and potential readers.

Also, promote your book across reader community forums and groups. Joining online communities is another simple way to share your book with new readers.

If you have an email list, you can also market your book in your newsletter.

Marketing with Elite

Marketing is a crucial step when writing and publishing a book. Without a clear and effective marketing plan, your book can end up collecting dust on the shelf.

However, by identifying your target audience and generating promotional content that appeals to your ideal reader, you can increase book sales.

At Elite Authors, we can help you with the marketing side of publishing your book. Our team of experts understands the industry and can create a book cover, book trailer, and marketing plan that sells your book. Review our marketing services today, and learn how your book can become a bestseller!






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How to Market Your Kindle Book Thu, 17 Jun 2021 19:27:23 +0000 Marketing is often an afterthought for many indie authors. After spending months or even years writing and editing your book, creating a successful book promotion and launch can seem like […]

The post How to Market Your Kindle Book appeared first on Elite Authors.

reading an ebook

Marketing is often an afterthought for many indie authors. After spending months or even years writing and editing your book, creating a successful book promotion and launch can seem like an exhausting hurdle. But learning how to market your kindle book is a vital step in the kindle publishing process. By posting book reviews on social media and offering limited free chapter downloads, you can increase your book sales. Understanding the ins and outs of book marketing can help you create a book cover, book description, and marketing strategy that helps your eBook stand out amongst the competition.

Importance of marketing your Kindle book

Your book marketing strategy can make or break your eBook’s success. That’s why it’s important for independent authors to set aside time to develop their book launch.

Who is Kindle book marketing important for?

First, Kindle book marketing is important for you as the author. When you market your eBook through Amazon Kindle, you have access to data points and book promotion programs that can help generate book sales. For example, through Kindle Direct publishing, Amazon’s self-publishing service, you can offer social media giveaways, free chapters, and limited-time discounts to promote your new book.

Kindle book marketing is also important for potential readers. Effective marketing strategies help your book reach your desired audience. Likewise, potential readers often need an incentive to purchase a new book. With Kindle book marketing, you can enhance your book promotion with Amazon marketing features.

How does marketing your Kindle book impact both readership levels and money earned?

Marketing is a key factor for your book’s success. Regardless of how well written your eBook is, if you don’t market your book, prospective readers won’t know about it.

When it comes to readership, a clear marketing plan can help you establish a loyal reader base and increase your book’s reach. Social media is a great marketing tool for increasing your readership levels. By consistently generating content for your book across your social channels, you can expand your book’s online presence and following.

Social media can also help you develop a community of readers and fans. Frequently interact with your followers by responding to comments and offering giveaways. These are simple ways to create relationships with your readers.

Your marketing strategy can also help you increase book sales and exposure. By developing an author brand that highlights your voice and style as a writer, you can more easily market your book to your target demographic.

Additionally, your book description and book cover matter as well. Consider your target demographic when writing and designing these elements of your book promotion. At the end of the day, your goal is to market your book in the way that most appeals to your ideal reader.

What can happen if you do not market your Kindle book?

If you don’t market your Kindle book, your book can get buried under the competition. Amazon’s search results for eBooks are over 40 million. To generate readership levels and book sales in this saturated market, you must market your book.

As a result, marketing your book can help you generate the traction you need to share your book with the right audience and help you stand out amid the millions of other search results.

Best platforms for marketing your Kindle book

From content marketing to email campaigns, there are numerous ways to market your Kindle book. However, depending on your eBook’s genre and target demographic, different book promotion sites can better achieve your marketing goals.

What do the best platforms for marketing your Kindle book have in common?

The best platforms for marketing your Kindle book allow you to generate different types of content. Social media platforms are a great marketing tool for your book campaign because these sites have options for repurposing content.

For instance, if you create an Instagram post with a series of quotes from your book, you can then use one of these quotes for an Instagram story. In your story, you can share the quote and then offer a free chapter of your book. As a result, you can create multiple forms of content promoting your book within the same social channel.

Facebook and blog sites are also great platforms for generating different types of book promotion content, including targeted ads, book descriptions, and quote tiles. These types of multipurpose marketing platforms can help increase your online reach.

The best marketing platforms also have metrics for tracking sales. You want your book to make money. By tracking your book sales, you can identify which marketing strategies work best for your readers.

For instance, Amazon KDP has a sales dashboard that allows independent authors to view sales per unit as well as royalties earned within the last ninety days. You can organize and view this data with different filters, including author, format, and title.

How does the content of your Kindle book impact the marketing platforms you will be most successful on?

The content of your Kindle book will ultimately dictate your target reader base as well as your ideal marketing platform.

Different social media platforms tend to attract different demographics. For example, users between the ages of twenty-five and thirty-five are the largest demographic on Facebook. On the other hand, LinkedIn’s most active demographic is slightly older, ranging between the ages of thirty and forty-nine.

Identifying your target reader demographic can help you determine which social platform is best for marketing your book. If you promote your eBook across a social media channel that doesn’t reach your target audience, then it will be more challenging to generate book sales.

What are the most popular platforms to market Kindle books?

Along with social media channels, there are websites specifically designed for promoting books. Some of the more popular book promotion sites include Awesome Gang, Pretty Hot Books, and Indie Author News. Many of these sites directly connect readers to popular books on top of running ads and book promotions.

Online book tours and fan engagement for marketing your Kindle book

Online book tours and fan engagement are key components to the Kindle publishing model. These virtual marketing strategies can help you connect with readers and increase book sales.

What is an online book tour?

An online book tour is a virtual tour that generates content across social channels. Online book tours are a great way for you to market your book and achieve your marketing objectives.

Different “stops” happen at each social platform listed for the online tour. For example, if your online book tour includes your author website, Twitter account, Facebook profile, and YouTube channel, then you’ll host a stop on all of these platforms.

During each stop, you can post relevant content that promotes your book. Live webinars, interviews, book trailers, emails, book reviews, blog articles, social media posts, and book excerpts are all examples of content you can produce throughout your online tour. Authors can also have stops at readers and fellow authors’ channels. This is a great way to network and expand your online reach.

What is fan engagement when it comes to Kindle books and publishing?

Fan engagement is how your readers and followers interact with your Kindle book and author brand.

In the publishing world, fan engagement can take on many forms. For example, fan engagement can be as simple as your readers commenting on your social media posts. Other types of fan engagement include readers sharing your book on their social media pages, attending your book tour, and even writing fan fiction with your characters.

Tracking your fan engagement is a great way to determine the book marketing strategies that best appeal to your audience. Consistently check how many likes, shares, retweets, or comments different posts attract. The posts with the most likes have the highest fan engagement.

Identify what your top performing posts have in common. Are they story based? Do they include book trailers and images? Once you understand why these posts appeal to your fans, you can continue to generate high-performing content that drives fan engagement.

What do you need to set up online book tours and fan engagement events for your Kindle book?

To set up an online book tour and other fan engagement events, all you need is a laptop or smartphone. From there, you can access your social media accounts to generate posts advertising your book event.

Consider outlining a clear agenda for your online tour or book event. Establish the dates and stops for your book tour, so readers know when and where to attend. During this development stage of the planning process, it’s also a good idea to identify your marketing goals.

After you’ve selected dates and established your marketing objectives, you can then promote your fan event. Running Facebook ads, posting Instagram stories, and offering free books at your events are simple ways to advertise your online book tour.

Advertising best practices for marketing your Kindle book

With so many selling platforms, it can be challenging determining the best advertising practices for your book. By identifying your reader base and developing your author bio, you can create social media posts and website copy for your landing page that best markets your book.

What are the most successful ways to utilize advertising when it comes to published works?

When it comes to advertising published works, targeting a niche set of readers is one of the most successful marketing strategies.

Running Amazon ads and Facebook ads is a great way to promote your book. However, your ads need to reach your target readership to be successful. As a result, be sure to identify your target audience so you can curate your ads toward them.

KDP select is another advertising service that can help you reach more readers and increase book sales. By joining this free Kindle program, you agree to sell your eBook exclusively on the Kindle store for ninety days. After these ninety days, you can continue to sell and promote your eBook on additional platforms.

What new ways of marketing have emerged in the age of the internet that you can use to advertise your Kindle book?

Connecting with bloggers and influencers is a new marketing trend in today’s digital landscape. This form of advertising is more successful than traditional marketing techniques. Nowadays, users trust the individuals they follow. Thus, if you land a sponsorship with their followers, you have a better chance of convincing new users to purchase your book.

Research popular influencers who have followers that fit your target demographic. Reach out to these individuals and ask if they’d be willing to promote your book. Through the affiliate marketing model, influencers can create a blog article or social media post linking to your book. Every time someone purchases your book from an influencer’s page, the influencer receives a small portion of the sale.

What information do you need to include in successful advertisements for your Kindle book?

First, include a short book description that captures the reader’s attention. This is your chance to convince the viewer to take the time to read your book, so make it captivating.

Next, consider highlighting the genre of your book. This will help target a specific set of readers. Some readers stick to certain genres. So by identifying your book’s genre, you can help signal to potential readers that your book is already within their reading preference.

Finally, include a limited promo with a call to action. A call to action is a brief message that tells the potential customer what to do next. Examples of effective calls to action include “Download a free chapter” and “Purchase your copy today.”

Marketing your Kindle book with Elite Authors

Writing and marketing are like two sides of a coin. For your book to be successful, you must do both effectively. For many writers, the marketing side of Kindle publishing can be a new world to navigate.

Luckily, there are book marketing services that can help you successfully promote your dream book.

At Elite Authors, we can help turn your book into a bestseller. We’ll help you optimize your book cover, description, and trailer to increase readership and sales. Talk to one of our publishing experts today and start marketing your book!

The post How to Market Your Kindle Book appeared first on Elite Authors.

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How to Market a Nonfiction Book Wed, 25 Nov 2020 15:00:03 +0000 You worked hard to perfect your nonfiction masterpiece. Now the work begins on marketing it. Learning how to market a nonfiction book can seem daunting. But when you equip yourself […]

The post How to Market a Nonfiction Book appeared first on Elite Authors.

hands resting on an open laptop

You worked hard to perfect your nonfiction masterpiece. Now the work begins on marketing it. Learning how to market a nonfiction book can seem daunting. But when you equip yourself with a solid book marketing plan, you set yourself up for success.

And once you’ve developed a marketing strategy, you can determine where to market your nonfiction book. The end goal is high book sales, and you can get there with a solid marketing plan.

How to develop a marketing strategy for your nonfiction book

Every great book needs a strong marketing strategy. Whether you’re self-publishing or working with the traditional publishing industry, your nonfiction book needs to be backed by a smart marketing plan. Marketing books is not an easy skill, but if you equip yourself with a solid strategy, you’ll be amazed at the success your published book can earn.

How do you write a marketing plan for a nonfiction book?

The first step in developing a marketing strategy for your nonfiction book is to create a marketing plan. The plan is basically a road map to the success of your nonfiction book. There are three solid strategies to help you create your plan:

  • Identify your audience so that you can target the right readers.
  • Write a succinct book description to compel your target audience to purchase your book.
  • Research comparative titles to find out which other nonfiction authors you’re competing with.

Your ultimate goals as a nonfiction author will dictate what kind of book marketing campaign you should run. If you want to build a strong and lasting author platform, you should probably consider partnering with a publisher to help market and sell your book. If you’re aiming for more of a DIY marketing strategy better suited for indie authors, there are many resources available online and throughout social media.

Why do you need to develop a plan for marketing or publishing your nonfiction book?

You need a marketing plan to create a book marketing strategy. And you need a strategy to ring up high book sales.

Basically, without marketing, no one will know that your nonfiction book exists. A smart marketing strategy—complete with strategic content marketing—will help catapult your book sales.

Planning your book marketing strategy is as important as planning everything else in life. When you create a strong plan with tangible achievements and dates, you are creating a solid structure for success.

What do you need to know about your audience and genre when developing a marketing strategy for your nonfiction book?

The process of developing your book marketing strategy needs to include a thorough understanding of your target audience and your genre. This will help you create a focused and successful marketing strategy for your nonfiction book.

First, consider your audience. What are the demographics of your potential readers? What are their interests? Do they lean toward indie authors or famous nonfiction writers? Will they find your work in bookstores, online, on social media, or elsewhere?

Second, think deeply about your genre. If your genre has serious and somber themes, your marketing plan should follow that motif. But if your genre is more lighthearted, you can add some humor into your plan. Determine what your target audience wants to hear about your nonfiction book, and go from there!

Where to market your nonfiction book

You worked hard on writing your new book. And now you want to reach as many potential readers as possible to ensure a lot of book sales.

In order to create a solid author platform, you’ll need to cast a wide net so that your target audience across the world can find and read your masterpiece. And with so many marketing options available to you, it’s important to pick the right venues for your book.

Why is it important to target your nonfiction book marketing strategy for different media?

Billions of people shop online. This goes for daily goods and services as well as books.

Create an author website to boost your book promotion as well as your status as a professional nonfiction author. Use the website to write blog posts about your genre and subject matter to garner interest.

You can even link your social media accounts to your website for more exposure. Create an email list, and send out exciting tidbits about your work to keep up the excitement surrounding your book.

People also enjoy shopping in person for a new book that they can lose themselves in. Many bookstores will allow local authors to hold a book launch at their location. This is a great way to meet your readers and let them get to know you as an author.

Where are the best places to market nonfiction books?

There are many options available to boost your book publicity in addition to the internet, social media, and bookstores.

For instance, never discount the value of word of mouth and personal referrals. There are book clubs all over the world that love to discuss their favorite literary works. Join as many of those as possible, and give yourself a plug!

One of the fastest and most efficient ways to earn high book sales is to include a literary agent as part of your book marketing strategy. Agents do come with a price. But if you’re dedicated to building a strong and long-lasting author platform and making a name for yourself as a nonfiction author, an agent might be the way to go.

Your agent will help you develop a brand that you can carry through your entire writing career. They will boost your book publicity and help bring in those book sales. They can even create a book proposal to send to publishers, which will help build your author platform and boost your reputation.

What do you need to consider when deciding where to market your nonfiction book?

The most important thing to keep in mind when deciding where to market your new book is your target audience. Ask yourself several questions about your potential readers:

  • Where do they look for a new book to read? This could be social media, blog posts, book launches, or large publishers.
  • How do they want the book presented to them? Put differently, what keywords will they type into an online search? What images and graphics will draw their attention to your book?
  • How have other nonfiction authors with similar topics found success? Do some research to find out how your predecessors and competitors have tapped into their target audience.

Once you’ve compiled notes on how and where to find the gold mine of readers, you can get started on the actual marketing of your nonfiction book.

Benefits of marketing your nonfiction book online

Nowadays, it seems like the whole world is online. People use the internet to search for everything from common goods like food and cleaning products to major expenses like cars and homes. And books are no different!

Bookworms peruse the web for book reviews and new, intriguing titles and writers every day to find their next piece of literature. If you’re not marketing your book online, you’re missing exposure to all these people.

The internet simply must be a large part of your book marketing plan. You need a strong online presence to establish yourself as a serious and professional nonfiction author.

The benefits of an online book marketing plan are immense. And the effects of lackluster online marketing can be disastrous.

What are the biggest benefits to marketing your nonfiction book online?

Think of how many hours each day that you, your friends, and your family spend online. This includes checking your social media accounts, reading blog posts, researching interesting products and their online reviews, and more! Online exposure is absolutely critical to the success of your nonfiction book marketing plan.

When you market your book online, your work is available for the whole world to see. And in many cases, this can be free book publicity for you. Post about your book on social media platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Ask your friends and family to share your post for exponentially larger exposure.

Why is it important to include online marketing for your nonfiction book?

We know that online marketing helps you reach a huge span of potential readers. And in addition, online marketing provides your target audience with a brief snapshot of your book.

People like to quickly weed out what they don’t like so they can focus on what interests them. A smart online marketing strategy for your nonfiction book will draw them in right away.

Your book marketing campaign should include a brief but enticing summary of your nonfiction book on social media and as many websites as possible. This helps grab people’s attention.

Additionally, an exciting and well-designed book cover will catch their eye and draw them in even further. When you combine a strong book marketing plan with an online marketing strategy, success is sure to follow.

What can happen if you don’t effectively market your nonfiction book online?

As the world becomes more digital, fewer people are shopping in person. One of the unfortunate side effects is that bookstores across the globe have closed.

The absolute best way to reach your target audience is to cover as much ground as possible online. Without a strong online presence, potential readers simply won’t be able to find you. And if they can’t find you, your book will not sell.

Online book promotion must be a key aspect of your marketing strategy. And the more web-based platforms that you can advertise on, the better!

Cast a wide net. Talk about your book on social media. Ask organizations that focus on your topic to post a blog article that you’ve written. And ask friends and family to write online reviews of your nonfiction book. Get out there and get noticed!

How to find book reviewers for your nonfiction book

Book reviews are some of the most important marketing tools for every published book. Book reviewers and bloggers can steer your potential readers toward your nonfiction work.

So you have to be conscious of what the reviewers will discuss in their critiques of your book. What will they like? What improvements will they suggest? As with your overall marketing plan, it’s important to educate yourself on all aspects of book reviews.

Why are book reviews crucial to marketing a nonfiction book?

Every time your book is reviewed, your name and the name of your nonfiction book are listed. Web search engines like Google and Bing are programmed to take frequent names and titles more seriously. This means that the more times your name and title appear on websites and in reviews, the likelier you are to pop up in a web search.

Book bloggers and reviewers—whether professional or hobbyists—love to write about what they’ve read. And with good reason: they’re good at it! It’s very easy to find critiques of nonfiction books, children’s books, and fiction books all over the internet. And when the blogger or reviewer has a strong following, readers tend to listen to their advice.

Keep in mind that your nonfiction book’s bloggers, reviewers, and potential readers will look at more than just your content. Of course, your well-written story is important. But your audience will also pay close attention to your cover and what’s written on it.

Make sure that your book cover and the summary you write are as intriguing as your book’s actual content. You can even hire a professional designer to ensure that your cover generates the excitement that your nonfiction book deserves.

Which book review and book rating sites are worth considering when marketing a nonfiction book?

The internet is a vast expanse of information. It can be difficult to determine where to start looking for the best resources. This includes finding the best book rating sites to market your nonfiction book. So where do you start?

The first sites to consider are the biggest and most famous ones. Think of Google, Amazon, Goodreads, and other huge rating venues. Research nonfiction works that are similar to yours, and read their reviews.

Find out what the reviewers and bloggers are saying about other nonfiction authors. Think about how they would react to your book.

After you’ve looked at the big sites, try to focus in on your exact topic. This will help you find genre-specific review sites that will increase your exposure to your target audience.

For example, if you’ve written a nonfiction book about the history of baseball, search online for keywords that are important to your topic. Get as specific as possible! Instead of a generic term like “baseball history,” search for “first World Series champion” or “evolution of the catcher’s mitt.”

What can you do if you receive a bad review of your nonfiction book?

Reviews can be scary. You’ve poured your heart and soul into your nonfiction book, and now it’s on the internet for everyone to see and critique.

As great and informative as your book is, there will always be a negative review here and there. Don’t worry! You can’t please all people all the time. The important thing is not to take negative feedback personally.

Some venues allow dialogue about reviews. If a reviewer posts negative feedback on a venue that you can respond to like social media or Google Reviews, you have an opportunity to turn a negative into a positive. Craft a thoughtful response thanking the reviewer for their feedback and constructive criticism.

If you’ve hired a literary agent, ask for their help and advice before you respond to a negative review. They will be able to coach you through the best way to react and respond. Your agent is your professional partner, so lean on their expertise.

Marketing your nonfiction book is your cornerstone to success

Congratulations on completing your nonfiction masterpiece! Now that you’re equipped with the knowledge and the tools you need to succeed, follow your marketing plan. Develop your strategy. Market online. And find the right reviewers. And if you need any help along the way, contact us.

Congratulations again—you’re on your way to becoming a famous nonfiction author!

The post How to Market a Nonfiction Book appeared first on Elite Authors.

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How to Market Your Book Globally Wed, 04 Nov 2020 15:00:31 +0000 Whether you’re publishing an e-book, print book, or both, expect competition for readers’ shelf space (and Kindle space) to be fierce. Marketing your book is critical, especially if you want […]

The post How to Market Your Book Globally appeared first on Elite Authors.

a globe stacked on some books with a bookshelf in the background

Whether you’re publishing an e-book, print book, or both, expect competition for readers’ shelf space (and Kindle space) to be fierce. Marketing your book is critical, especially if you want to reach a global audience. And if you’re wondering how to market your book globally, look no further!

Just because you’re a skilled author doesn’t mean you’re an expert marketer. Traditionally published authors often (but don’t always) get marketing help from their publishers. Yet today, many authors choose to publish independently. According to Bowker, self-publishing grew at a rate of 40 percent in 2018. As this trend keeps growing, self-published authors need to take more steps to boost their books’ visibility. For many, that means knowing how to market books globally.

How to use social media platforms to market your book globally

You’ll find one of the most effective tools for marketing your book right at your fingertips: social media. According to data from HootSuite, 65 percent of the world’s eligible population uses social. In fact, about 12 new users join social media sites every second! Thus, social media platforms can help you market your book to readers just about anywhere around the globe.

Why do social media platforms help you reach a global audience for your book?

In terms of how to market your book globally, social media platforms are critical. Here’s how they can help:

  1. Global reach. Via social, you can connect with people you’d never have gotten the chance to meet otherwise. By marketing your book on a social media platform like Facebook or Twitter, you have the potential to reach millions of people in every corner of the world.
  2. Geo-targeting. Country-specific social media ads can help you market your book to your target audience in different parts of the world. Many platforms let you allocate your advertising dollars to this or that region. Want to reach more readers in Canada? How about India or New Zealand? Just adjust your ad settings.

That said, social media advertising can be costly, and preparation is key. Rather than target an entire region, you’ll want to limit your advertising to subsets of readers in that region. Like New Zealanders who follow other authors in your genre.

  1. A personal touch. Social media is key to building an author platform because it helps readers put a face and personality to your name. Your audience can interact with you, share your posts with others, and help you spread the word about your book. Make sure you include a well-crafted author bio on your profiles. Finally, avoid being overly promotional in your posts. Instead, share what you love and let readers get to know you and your work.

How can you determine which social media platforms will help you market your book globally?

Choosing the most impactful social media platforms for your goals involves several factors:

  1. Where your target audience is concentrated. You’ll need to know what platforms and groups they belong to.
  2. Where your target audience is most accessible. You’ll need to know where they’re most likely to see your ads and content.
  3. Where your target audience tends to actively engage with ads. (Even if that’s not where they spend the bulk of their time online.)

It’s helpful to know, for instance, that social media users in South America prefer WhatsApp, Facebook, and YouTube. In China, people overwhelmingly use WeChat. And according to Statcounter, less than 2 percent of folks in India use Twitter; Facebook is far more popular.

Also note which social media platforms top authors in your genre rely on. And check out which tend to be most popular among readers in your target markets. For example, Goodreads may be an excellent spot to advertise your new e-book to an English-speaking audience. (Goodreads for Kindle is currently available in the United States, Canada, and Australia.) This platform is also great if you’re an indie author hoping to gain exposure and good reviews. But if you’re trying to reach readers who speak languages other than English, Goodreads is not the ideal platform for book promotion.

How do you promote your book globally on your author website?

Optimize your author website for a global audience to help readers access your content. If possible, build language-specific or country-specific sites. Use domain extensions for each country, such as .co, .uk, and .nz. You can also buy country-specific domain extensions and redirect them to your main site.

Not quite ready to go to those lengths? One option is to add Google Translate to your site. Sure, it doesn’t always provide the perfect translation, but readers around the globe will still enjoy improved access to your author website.

Finding global book reviewers

It may not be much of a challenge to find local media outlets or influencers to review your book. But gaining publicity from global book reviewers is another matter. In addition, strategies range from working with an international public relations firm to locating advance readers willing to review your book online in exchange for a free copy.

What book reviewer sites are the best for finding global book reviewers?

Globalization has made it is easier than ever to connect with people from all over the world. That includes avid readers and influencers willing to review your book. You just have to find them! For example, look for top book reviewers on Twitter or Facebook groups where book reviewers congregate. Offering a free copy of your book in exchange for an unbiased review may win you a few takers.

In addition, you can pitch to popular book bloggers in your target countries. Here’s a great list of book bloggers around the world. Take some time to put together a query letter with a brief summary of your book and why the blogger’s readers are sure to love it. Not everyone you reach out to will say yes, but querying enough bloggers should earn you some buzz.

Why are global book reviewers important for your book’s marketing success?

Global book reviews reach readers in your target countries. After all, British or Canadian readers may not stumble on an American book blogger’s rave write-up of your latest thriller. They certainly won’t see your local newspaper’s review. If you want to reach these readers, you’ll need to locate influencers with feet on the ground in the United Kingdom and Canada—or wherever else you want your book to find an audience.

Furthermore, having locals review your book also brings you more credibility in those regions. And you can feature positive reviews on your author website and social media. You can even excerpt reviews on your book cover or the first few pages of your e-book.

How should you evaluate global book reviewers?

When evaluating global book reviewers, consider the following:

  1. The reviewer’s preferences. If you write genre fiction, a book reviewer who loves literary fiction may not be your ideal reader.
  2. The reviewer’s style. Does your prospective reviewer regularly post fair, respectful, well-written reviews? If you don’t like the reviewer’s personality or approach, look elsewhere.
  3. The reviewer’s openness to international authors. Look for prospective reviewers who regularly feature books by authors around the world. Someone with a highly local focus may not be interested in reviewing international books.
  4. The reviewer’s audience. Blogging is a popular pastime, but not every book lover with a WordPress site has a large readership. You’ll get the most mileage from global book reviewers with a lot of followers.

How to ensure your book is available at global retailers

Want to get your novel, memoir, or how-to guide into bookstores around the world? Traditionally published authors can often rely on help from a publishing company. For self-published authors, selling your title to indie bookstores in other countries can be more of a logistical challenge. Here’s how to get started.

How do you sell your book to independent bookstores globally?

While most chain retailers buy books from wholesalers, indie bookstores often buy straight from authors and publishing houses. Theoretically, you could sell your books to independent bookstores around the globe.

Of course, the easiest way for self-published authors to bring their books to the world is through digital platforms like Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP). If you want to move beyond e-books, print-on-demand (POD) services offer a way for authors to print a few books at a time. You can then query independent book stores, keeping a few key steps in mind:

  1. Know the store’s demographic and goals. For example, it won’t do you much good to pitch to a store that mainly sells mystery books if you’ve written a cookbook.
  2. Create a pitch. You’ll need to succinctly and stylishly make a case for why your target bookseller should stock your book.
  3. Build relationships. Connect with the decision maker(s) at the indie bookstores you’d love to work with.
  4. Put yourself out there. Take an active role in boosting book sales by participating in author events and book marketing promos in partnership with indie bookstores. If travel isn’t financially feasible, you can always participate virtually.

That said, self-published authors often struggle to handle global book distribution on their own. Selling your books via a distribution partner like IngramSpark tends to be easier and more cost effective.

Who are your distribution partners, and why is that important for global distribution?

If you’re a traditionally published author, your publishing house will serve as your distribution partner. Publishers typically handle global distribution on behalf of authors, ensuring their books reach retailers around the world. Easy as pie!

If you’re a self-published author, you have a few more choices to make. Some opt to print and distribute their books independently. Others work with self-publishing services like KDP and IngramSpark. If you choose this route, retailers, independent bookstores, and libraries can order physical copies of your book directly from the self-publishing platform.

Distribution partners help ensure your book reaches stores around the world as efficiently as possible. For instance, IngramSpark offers in-country book printing at its own or partner printing facilities. This makes fulfillment more cost effective, since your book can be printed and shipped in the same country where the retailer ordered it.

Ready to prep your book for digital publishing or POD publishing? We can help with book formatting.

Tips for successfully marketing your book globally

Marketing your book globally calls for a targeted strategy. These tips will help you carry off your marketing plan without a hitch:

  1. Get geo-specific. One approach doesn’t fit every market. So take the time to learn how readers in Australia versus Canada discover exciting new titles. Familiarize yourself with these countries’ platforms, booksellers, and influencers. You’ll be glad you put in the work to know your markets.
  2. Advertise. Earned media can be hard to come by if you’re unknown in a new market. So why not take out a Facebook ad instead? Geotargeted social media ads, if done correctly, can help you reach readers wherever they are.
  3. Garner good reviews. Readers tend to trust reviewers in their home countries to tell them what’s worth reading. Make the effort to attract reviews from each of your target markets. That means approaching influencers in each country where you plan to promote your book.
  4. Run price promotions. To get your name out there, it helps to offer discounts. Platforms like BookBub offer tools to set price promotions in various regions.
  5. Make yourself visible. Even if you can’t pull off a book tour to all the countries on your list, you can hold virtual events for your readers and engage with them on social media.
  6. Join KDP Select. KDP Select is a free Kindle book program that helps authors reach more readers. You can also earn higher royalties on KDP Select—including 70 percent royalty earnings when you sell books to customers in Brazil, Japan, India, and Mexico.

Who can help you with global book marketing?

For traditional authors, publishing companies usually handle global marketing. But just because you’re a self-published author doesn’t mean you have to plan a global marketing strategy on your own. The marketplace abounds with consultants and editorial services companies—like Elite Authors—that can help you learn how to market your book globally.

Of course, self-published authors need to finance their own marketing services. But if you’re interested in earning money as a self-published author, you probably know that marketing is essential to making a return on the investment of time and effort you already put into your book.

When should you start marketing your book to a global audience?

Start marketing your book as soon as you know the release date. By building excitement around your book launch, you’ll garner attention from readers and hopefully convince them to preorder copies.

Of course, you should start planning much sooner than that. A global content marketing strategy includes outreach to influencers, bloggers, and reviewers. Identifying the key players in unfamiliar markets requires a lot of research, so be sure to leave yourself ample time.

How can you promote your writing to a global audience once your book is out?

Planning how to market your book globally after publication can be complex. But the basics are roughly the same whether you hope to boost book sales in your hometown or around the world:

  • Use social media marketing. Share excerpts to spark reader interest (but don’t give away too much). You can also post related content and call out positive reader reviews. When going global, make sure to establish a presence on top social media platforms in your target markets—not just your go-to sites.
  • Keep advertising. Target the regions and demographics in which you hope to gain new readers. If ad engagement starts to dwindle on one platform, you can always try another site or run a special pricing promotion to rejuvenate your sales numbers.
  • Go live. Author readings and Q&A sessions can be a great way to spark interest. The best part? You can livestream via platforms like Facebook Live to reach audiences around the world. Sharing your work live is an especially great approach if you’ve written a children’s book.
  • Give away a freebie. Maybe it’s a copy of your previous novel, free with every purchase of your most recent page-turner. Or perhaps you can offer a virtual coaching session to a few lucky buyers of your latest self-help book. Besides the chance to build your email list and win new fans, giveaways tend to inspire social sharing. Everyone loves a freebie, so recipients are sure to spread the word.

Need marketing expertise? We can help.

Some authors have the marketing savvy needed to promote a book on a global scale. But if that’s not your cup of tea, Elite Authors can help. We have extensive publishing industry experience working directly with companies like Amazon’s CreateSpace, Kindle Direct Publishing, and many traditional publishing companies. We know what it takes to prepare your book for publication and get it into readers’ hands—no matter what corner of the globe they call home.

Ready to learn more about how to market your book globally? Drop us a line, and check out our wide array of publishing services.

The post How to Market Your Book Globally appeared first on Elite Authors.

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How to Market Your Book Thu, 25 Apr 2019 19:22:43 +0000 Congratulations on finishing your book. It’s quite an accomplishment! Once you’ve typed the last words into your masterpiece, it’s time to start marketing your book. Your book marketing strategy will […]

The post How to Market Your Book appeared first on Elite Authors.

hands opening a book with flowers nearby

Congratulations on finishing your book. It’s quite an accomplishment! Once you’ve typed the last words into your masterpiece, it’s time to start marketing your book.

Your book marketing strategy will depend on the type of book you’ve written and how you’re publishing it. Once you’ve developed the marketing plan and learned how to market your book, you can get to advertising. Then just wait for those book sales to ring up!

How to market different types of books

Different types of books require different marketing strategies. Of course you want to market to your particular genre. Additionally, though, it’s important to consider what type of book you’ve written, how you’re publishing it, and whether you’re creating a print book or an e-book.

Why is it important to consider the type of book when you develop your book marketing strategy?

When you develop your book marketing strategy, it’s important to consider what type of book you’ve written. This will help you identify your target audience so you can market directly to them. The easier you make it for people to find you, the more people will buy and read your book.

The key here is to consider the differences in marketing different types of books, starting with whether you’re self-publishing or working with a traditional publisher.

What is the difference between marketing a traditionally published book vs. a self-published book?

Traditional publishing companies usually offer their authors marketing support. Your publisher might have a full in-house marketing team. Professional book marketers know how to create buzz through methods like paid advertisements and book launch events. The contract you sign with your publishing house will likely include a marketing plan and budget so you know how much money the publisher is putting into your book marketing.  

Self-published authors don’t have the benefit of professional marketers at their disposal. If you’re self-publishing, you’ll need to promote the book on your own. Fortunately, the internet makes it easy for self-published authors to get the word out there. It’ll take some hard work, but you can creatively—and successfully—market your self-published book.

What is the difference between marketing an e-book vs. a print book?

In a way, marketing an e-book can be more straightforward than marketing a print book. Since e-books are only published online, readers usually find their next favorite e-book by perusing the internet or the distribution channels like Amazon Kindle.

If you’re printing your book, the internet is still a fantastic place to market. However, in addition to promoting your book online, there are other methods to consider when you develop your book marketing strategy.

Developing a marketing strategy for your book

Regardless of your publishing method and type of book, there are things to keep in mind as you develop your book marketing plan. Once you’ve researched those elements, you can begin to start on the actual marketing strategy—and even learn how to market your book for free.

What should you consider when developing a marketing strategy for your book?

When you develop your book marketing plan, you want to consider two main things: your target audience and how other authors have successfully marketed their books.

Your target audience largely drives your book marketing strategy. You want to put your book in front of potential readers who will enjoy your story. So find out where readers who enjoy your genre find their books. Do they read online reviews? Are they part of Facebook groups that suggest new books? Or do they visit a local library or bookstore?

Additionally, you can use other authors’ success for book marketing ideas. Pick a few famous books in your genre. Did those authors market online? Did they hold book launch events? How did they get the word out about their new book?

Once you identify your target audience and learn from other successful book marketing strategies, your marketing job becomes much easier. And then, you can begin to develop your book marketing plan.

How do you develop a marketing strategy for your book?

You’ve already identified your target market and researched other successful book marketing strategies. So you’re ahead of the game! Now you can truly begin to develop your book marketing plan. Here are a few next steps to keep up that momentum:

  • Design a great book cover.
  • Create an author website.
  • Promote your book on social media platforms.
  • Host a book launch event.
  • Consider paid advertisements for your book.

Pick the marketing methods that will work best for you. And if you’re marketing your book on a tight budget, you can find free book marketing resources available to you.

What free resources are available to an author who wants to market their book?

Self-publishing can get expensive—especially when you’re trying to market your book. Fortunately, there are some great ways to market your book for free.

In-person advertising is a great way to get the word out about your book. Search for a book club that might be interested in your work. Or ask your local library or bookstore to hold an author meet and greet. These events are inexpensive and a great way to get your name out there.

You should also establish a presence on social media. Platforms like Facebook and Twitter are free to join and are great forums to talk about your book. You can even connect with book groups with authors and readers in your genre to plug your book.

In fact, social media marketing is only one of the great ways to market your book online.

How to market your book online

Many readers find their next favorite book online. The internet is one of the most powerful book marketing tours available to you. From your author website to social media, online marketing can put your book in front of more potential readers than you ever thought possible.

Why is it important to create an author website?

When you market a new book, you want to have a place to send your readers to learn more about you. The best way to do this is to create an author website.

Here are a few components that your author website should include:

  • A list of where readers can buy your books. Regardless of whether you worked with a traditional publishing company, have a self-published print book, or used an e-book site like Amazon Kindle, let your website visitors know where they can buy your books.
  • An author bio. Let your readers know a bit about you. Where are you from? What draws you to the themes that you write about? Give your readers a glimpse into what makes you tick.
  • Your author photo. Remember that expression “A picture is worth a thousand words”? There’s some truth to it. Your author picture communicates your work’s tone and style to your audience.
  • Reviews and testimonials. People love reading reviews. Be sure to include some online reviews and even a testimonial or two about your work—especially if it’s from a credible source like another author or a publishing industry professional.

So get your author website up and running. Then, log onto social media to continue building your online presence.

How can you use social media to market your book?

Billions of people—including your target audience—use social media every day. Social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter are powerful marketing platforms for your book. You can even create a publications page or an author page so people can learn about you, your work, and where to buy your book.

Another idea is to launch a paid ad campaign platforms like Facebook Ads. When you allocate part of your marketing budget to paid advertising, you’ll put your book in front of a wider audience. And since more exposure often leads to more book sales, you should get some great return on your investment!

What other online tools should you use to market your book?

Social media is a fantastic marketing tool for any author trying to spread the word about their book. However, don’t restrict your online marketing to just those platforms. Use other internet-based resources to build your online presence.

For example, contact influencers to promote your book. This comes with an expense, but because top influencers have hundreds of thousands of followers, they can get your name out there with just a post or two.

Additionally, email websites that discuss your genre. Write a guest blog for them to post on their page. And don’t forget about the power of online reviews! Ask your family, friends, colleagues, and other authors or book industry professionals to write an online review about your book. The more reviews you have, the more interest you’ll create in your book.

Other ways to market your book

As great as online marketing is, there are a few other avenues to explore when you market your book. One great marketing method is even built into the book you’re publishing: your very own book cover.

How can you use your book cover as a marketing tool for your book?

You might not realize it, but your book cover itself is a powerful marketing tool. Your book cover doesn’t just show your author name and book title. The cover quickly gives your prospective reader an idea of what your book is about. And great book cover design draws people in so they can’t wait to dive into your book.

The book cover should include a brief description about your story, as well as a cover image that reflects the tone and theme of your book. For example, a children’s book with colorful illustrations should showcase the illustrated characters on the cover.

In addition, include a short author bio, a small author picture, and a couple of testimonials on the book cover. Let your reader get a sense of your writing style, what the book is about, and why people loved reading it. In other words, help your potential reader judge your book by its cover!

Why should you consider holding an event to market your book?

Readers like to learn about the person who’s telling the story. And what better way to teach them about who you are than to meet them in person?

First, create excitement online about your upcoming book launch, signing, or chapter reading. Post about the event on social media and your author website so people know where and when they can meet you. Start marketing your event as early as possible. Six to twelve months before the event is a good timeline. 

When the event finally rolls around, enjoy yourself! Chat with as many attendees as possible. The more people you connect with, the more positive buzz you and your book will get. A great event causes a ripple effect, as attendees spread the word after the event itself. Then you can sit back and wait for those book sales to ring up!

What are some examples of ways other authors have successfully marketed their book?

You already know that the internet is a great place to market your book. And it’s also great to help you find examples of how other authors have successfully marketed their books.  

Check out your favorite authors’ social media pages, author websites, and online reviews. These should tell a story of how they earned their fame. What worked for them? What methods seem to have failed? Use their positive and negative marketing experiences to determine how to market your book—and what marketing methods to avoid.

Use an Elite marketing strategy to market your book.

Successful book marketing doesn’t happen overnight. It takes time, patience, and hard work.

Elite Authors is here to help. You did the heavy lifting by crafting a book that people want to read. Now let us get your book out there! Visit our website to learn about our book marketing services.

The post How to Market Your Book appeared first on Elite Authors.

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