publishers – Elite Authors Expert Publishing Services Fri, 31 May 2024 02:44:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 publishers – Elite Authors 32 32 The Pros and Cons of Self-Publishing versus Traditional Publishing Tue, 06 Jun 2023 14:00:24 +0000 Self-publishing and traditional publishing are two of the most common paths writers take—but which one is right for you? It’s important to carefully weigh the pros and cons before committing, […]

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A circle of five books with their spines together

Self-publishing and traditional publishing are two of the most common paths writers take—but which one is right for you? It’s important to carefully weigh the pros and cons before committing, as each method has its advantages and drawbacks. This blog post discusses the benefits (and challenges) associated with self-publishing versus traditional publishing so that you can make an informed decision about which path is best for you.

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Traditional publishing overview—pros and cons 

There are two main roads you can take: traditional publishing and self-publishing. The former is the traditional route, where an author submits a manuscript to a publishing house, and if accepted, the publisher handles the editing, design, printing, distribution, and marketing of the book. This can be a dream come true, but there are also some cons to consider. Yes, a traditional publisher can help an author with all those tasks, but they also take a percentage of royalties in return. Moreover, traditional publishing can be a slow process, as it can take months or even years to get published. However, for those who want the prestige and support of a traditional publisher, it can still be the way to go.

Self-publishing overview—pros and cons

Self-publishing has become a viable option for aspiring authors in recent years and offers them more control and autonomy over their work. However, with its benefits come some drawbacks. On the plus side, self-publishing allows authors to have complete creative control over their content, from choosing cover art to setting prices. It also enables them to maintain all profits from sales, rather than splitting them with a traditional publishing house. However, self-published authors must perform all the tasks traditionally handled by a team of editors, designers, and marketers. This can be a daunting task requiring a significant amount of time, energy, and financial investment. Nevertheless, with careful planning and dedication, self-publishing can be a rewarding experience.

Evaluation of financial benefits between both options

When it comes to evaluating the financial benefits between two options, it can be a complex task. This step requires careful analysis, attention to detail, and an eye for numbers. Account for all the variables, including costs, revenue, and potential risks to arrive at an informed decision based on the data available. This will maximize your financial gains and minimize your losses.

Pros and cons related to creative freedom 

Having the freedom to bring your ideas to life without any limitations is a dream come true for any creator. However, this creative freedom comes with its own set of pros and cons. On the one hand, having the ability to express yourself through your craft can be incredibly liberating and can lead to some truly amazing and innovative work. On the other hand, without any constraints, it can be easy to get lost in the process and lose the original idea or objective. Additionally, creative freedom doesn’t necessarily guarantee financial success or critical acclaim. It’s up to each individual to decide how they want to approach their art.

How to know which option is right for you 

Start by clearly defining your goals and values. Then, thoroughly research each option, weighing the pros and cons. In some cases, a pros and cons list can be helpful, but don’t rely solely on that. Trust your instincts and listen to your inner voice. Consider seeking advice from trusted friends, family members, or professionals. Remember, there is no one-size-fits-all answer, and what may work for one person may not work for you.

Tips on finding support during the process

Going through a challenging process can be lonely, but finding support has never been easier. With the rise of social media platforms and online communities, connecting with like-minded individuals who understand your struggles is only a few clicks away. It’s important to seek out those who have gone through similar experiences, as they can offer valuable advice and emotional support. You can also seek support from professional organizations or therapists who specialize in the specific issue you’re working through.

Both traditional publishing and self-publishing can be rewarding options for authors. Writing a book is unique to everyone, and each person will have to make the decision that best fits their interest, level of commitment, and goals. Both paths involve risks, effort, and decisions, but by researching which publishing model fits better for you and having the right support system in place, it can be an incredible journey that has a chance to pay dividends from a monetary and creative perspective. If you feel unsure of which path works best for you or need help understanding the complexities of the option that’s best for you, contact Elite Authors. Our agents are experienced experts in the field and ready to guide you through your writing journey!

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How to Get a Book Deal That Actually Helps You Wed, 03 May 2023 14:00:10 +0000 Are you a content marketer or writer looking to score your very first book deal? Your dreams can become reality — and it doesn’t have to be an overwhelming process. […]

The post How to Get a Book Deal That Actually Helps You appeared first on Elite Authors.

Two people in suits shaking hands

Are you a content marketer or writer looking to score your very first book deal? Your dreams can become reality — and it doesn’t have to be an overwhelming process. With the right tools, knowledge, and contacts in your corner, getting published doesn’t have to feel like navigating a minefield. In this post, we will provide valuable insight on what to look out for when searching for that perfect book deal that actually works for your career goals. From exploring advances and royalty compensation to understanding the benefits of traditional publishing versus self-publishing, this guide has got you covered with all the important details behind signing a successful contract agreement. Let’s get started!

Do your research — understand the market and what kinds of books are selling

In the competitive world of publishing, it’s crucial to have a solid understanding of your market, and that includes knowing what kinds of books are currently selling. You don’t want to invest time, energy, and financial resources into a project that doesn’t have the potential to meet readers’ interests and preferences. Fortunately, there are plenty of tools available. Whether you’re scrolling through bestseller lists, consulting industry experts, or analyzing reader reviews, taking the time to understand the market can ultimately pay off in the success of your book. Remember, knowledge is power — and that’s especially true when it comes to publishing.

Connect with agents and publishers who will help promote your book

As a writer, you know that getting your book into the hands of readers is just as important as writing it. That’s where finding the right agents and publishers comes in. But with so many options out there, how do you connect with the ones who will help promote your book? The key is to approach this process in a professional and clever way. Don’t just send out mass emails or generic query letters. Instead, research each agent and publisher you’re interested in and tailor your pitch to their specific interests and needs. Show them that you’ve done your homework and you’re serious about working with them. By putting in the effort to find the right match, you’ll increase the chances of getting your book noticed and onto bookshelves everywhere.

Figure out which publishing model is right for you: self-publishing or traditional publishing 

Choosing between self-publishing and traditional publishing can be a daunting decision for any aspiring author. On one hand, traditional publishing offers the allure of professional editing, marketing support, and the possibility of your book being placed on bookshelves nationwide. On the other hand, self-publishing provides writers with the freedom to retain creative control and keep a higher percentage of the profits. The key to deciding which publishing model is right for you is understanding your goals and priorities as an author. Do you value the prestige of traditional publishing, or are you willing to put in the entrepreneurial effort of self-publishing? Ultimately, the decision is yours, and it’s important to weigh the pros and cons carefully.

Put together a high-quality book proposal that showcases your writing skills and unique story ideas 

As a writer, putting together a book proposal is an essential step toward getting published. But how do you make sure that yours stands out among the sea of submissions? Crafting a high-quality book proposal is all about showcasing your writing skills and unique story ideas in a way that grabs the attention of publishers and agents. It takes a professional approach and clever presentation to truly make an impact. But by putting in the time and effort to perfect your proposal, you’ll be one step closer to seeing your words in print. So get ready to impress with your literary talent and show the world what you’ve got!

Make sure you have enough time and resources to work on the project 

When it comes to working on a project, time and resources are crucial elements that can make or break the success of your endeavor. It’s important to remember that rushing through a project can lead to sloppy results, while not having enough resources can lead to roadblocks along the way. That’s why it’s crucial to plan ahead and ensure that you have enough time and resources allocated for the project at hand. This not only allows for a smoother workflow, but it can also lead to a more satisfying end result. So before diving into your next project, take the time to evaluate and plan accordingly to set yourself up for success.

Leverage existing relationships, networks, and social media platforms to help promote your book once it’s been published

As an author, it’s essential to leverage your existing relationships, networks, and social media platforms to promote your book effectively. The beauty of social media platforms is the ability to connect with people from different parts of the world. You can maximize your reach by engaging with influencers, book clubs, and fellow authors in your genre. Engaging with these groups will not only get your book in front of more people, but it will also help build your reputation and increase your online presence. Don’t underestimate the power of personal connections as well. Reach out to friends and family members to help spread the word about your book. You never know who might be willing to share it with their network of contacts. Remember to be creative with your marketing tactics and use every resource at your disposal to make sure your book gets the attention it deserves.

Writing a book takes a lot of hard work and dedication, but if you’re persistent and willing to put in the effort, it can be a rewarding experience that can help you expand your career or reach new audiences with your unique stories. To get started on the writing and publication process, researching the market, connecting with agents and publishers, finding the right publishing model for you, putting together an effective book proposal, and having ample resources to pursue your project are all essential steps. Once your book is completed, leveraging relationships and utilizing social media should be top priorities to ensure that your book gets seen by as many people as possible. If you’re looking for more personalized advice on getting started on authoring your own book, contact Elite Authors — they provide services specifically tailored to help authors achieve their goals. No matter what path you choose when it comes to writing and publishing books, don’t forget to enjoy the process!

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Book Industry Statistics Wed, 19 Oct 2022 14:00:18 +0000 Book industry statistics are helpful for everyone in the book industry. They help authors and publishers understand where readers are purchasing books and whether current trends show an increase in […]

The post Book Industry Statistics appeared first on Elite Authors.

books on a self backward

Book industry statistics are helpful for everyone in the book industry. They help authors and publishers understand where readers are purchasing books and whether current trends show an increase in print book, e-book, or audiobook sales.

Additionally, these statistics indicate how much revenue the book industry earns, as well as how much it costs to create and publish each book. When you’re determining whether to self-publish or partner with a traditional publishing house, it helps to learn about the biggest companies in the book industry.

Biggest companies in the book industry

There are plenty of large, famous companies in the book-publishing industry. Some of their names are likely even visible on the book spines on your bookshelf!

When you research the biggest companies in the book industry, you can divide them up into a few categories. For instance, investigate both traditional publishing and self-publishing. After all, the top Amazon book listing might be self-published! Learning about the top publishers in the world can help you decide where to publish your masterpiece.

Who are the top book-publishing companies in the world?

Although publishing industry trends are constantly changing, there have been a few consistent top book publishers in the world over the years. Here’s a look at some of the biggest publishing houses of 2022:

  • Pearson (London, England)
  • RELX (London, England)
  • Thomson Reuters (Toronto, Canada)
  • Penguin Random House (New York, USA)
  • Hachette Livre (Paris, France)

These companies generally focus on print books. If you’re more interested in digital publishing, look into the top e-book publishers as well.

Who are the top e-book publishing companies?

E-book publishers are on the rise as the world becomes more digital. And as you might guess, Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing is a perennial top e-book publisher. Kindle offers great accessibility to both self-published authors and their readers, so it’ll likely remain near the top of the list.

However, other digital publishing companies have given Kindle a run for its money in recent years. Authors hoping to self-publish their e-books have options like Smashwords, Draft2Digital, Lulu, and Kobo Writing Life. The e-book industry doesn’t show signs of slowing down, so these companies might become top publishers in the near future.

Who are the top publishing companies in the United States?

Several of the top publishers in the US overlap with the top companies in the world. In fact, some have emerged as the “Big 5” in English-language publishing:

  • Penguin Random House
  • Hachette Book Group
  • HarperCollins Publishers LLC
  • Simon & Schuster
  • Macmillan Publishers

There are also some huge publishing companies not included in this list. For example, McGraw-Hill is perhaps the largest educational publisher around, and Scholastic Inc. might have published your favorite children’s book.

Publishing print books is big business. As you research book industry statistics, though, don’t forget about the fast-growing digital publishing industry!

Digital publishing revenue in the book industry

The digital publishing industry has been catching up to the traditional-publishing market in recent years. Printed media will likely always be available, but web-based content is quickly gaining popularity. If you’re interested in digital publishing, you should get to know the different types available to you and your readers.

What are the types of digital publishing?

When you think of digital publishing, your mind likely goes to e-books. However, there are several different types of digital publishing! Think of all the online magazines, newsletters, news websites, and even blogs. These are all aspects of the digital publishing market.

As an author, you’re likely an avid reader. And if you’re like most readers, you’ve probably enjoyed an e-book or two. Since so many people are turning to e-readers and tablets instead of print books, digital publications are gaining traction in the traditional publishing industry.

Why is digital publication gaining so much traction?

E-book sales are on the rise, and the e-book industry has both readers and authors to thank for the boon.

Many readers love the convenience of purchasing an e-book. Instead of venturing to a bookstore, they can buy their next favorite novel from their e-reader or tablet, and the entire book is immediately at their fingertips. Additionally, some readers see an e-book as an eco-friendly option to a print book. Although they don’t get the same satisfaction of turning those lovely paper pages, they still reap the benefit of the author’s voice and storytelling ability.

On the author side, it’s just easier for many self-published authors to publish an e-book as opposed to a print book. The digital publishing industry is accessible to indie authors because it’s simpler for DIY authors to self-publish than find a literary agent and sign a book contract with a traditional book publisher. And since e-books allow writers to reach an enormous audience over the internet, e-book sales might come easier than physical book sales.

Thanks to the increase in digital publication, the US book industry is raking in the profits!

How much revenue does the US book industry make from digital publishing each year?

Fortunately for authors, book industry sales are still strong in the United States. According to a recent study, the US book industry earned almost $26 billion in 2020. And it’s not only classic titles that are bringing in book sales. That same study showed that over four million new books were published in 2021.

As long as this upward trend continues, average book industry sales numbers will be on the rise for years to come.

Average book industry sales

It’s easy to get engrossed in book industry statistics—and it can help you as an indie author! This data will teach you what genres people are reading, where they find their books, and whether they prefer a print book, e-book, or audiobook.

If you’re an indie author hoping to increase your book sales, it’s also important to have a book-marketing plan. This could include an author website, a social media presence, and even appearances on a podcast. However, part of your plan should also be to understand how much the average book sells in the book industry.

How many books does an average book sell in the book industry?

In recent years, the average book has sold about 500 copies in the United States. If you invest in marketing your book—and make it available in both print and digital options—you could raise that average!

However, when you look at book-sales averages, keep in mind that you’re actually considering several different industries. These include

  • print book sales, which are sometimes divided into paperback and hardcover sales;
  • e-book sales; and
  • audiobook sales.

Overall book sales have been on the rise since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. Readers are dedicating more time and money to the written arts, especially through online purchases. Here are a few book sales statistics from the year 2021:

  • Print book sales are up almost 9 percent since the pandemic began and are still the most popular method of reading.
  • E-books account for about 21 percent of all book sales, and readers purchased 191 million e-books in 2020.
  • Audiobook sales were estimated at $4.8 billion and are expected to almost double by 2026.

In other words, the book industry is booming. Although not everyone can be a best-selling author, it never hurts to try to ring up as many book sales as possible!

How many copies do best-selling books sell?

You’ve probably read something from the New York Times Bestseller List. However, did you know that those books sell between 5,000 and 10,000 copies in one week?

The overall sales number isn’t the only criterion for earning the “bestseller” title. Your sales also have to be diverse. Instead of selling all the books in one place, you must spread the sales around. For example, a bestselling author could sell a few thousand Amazon Kindle books, plus print books through retailers like Barnes & Noble. They could be on their way to selling a million copies!

How much money does an author make on a book that sells one million copies?

An author’s income on book earnings varies depending on several different factors, including

  • whether you’ve self-published or are working with a traditional publisher,
  • which company you’re publishing with, and
  • whether you’re publishing a print or digital book.

Book royalties range anywhere from 10–70 percent, but the higher percentages don’t come overnight. If you’re a self-published indie author, it could take years to earn one million book sales. Since writers who are backed by large traditional publishers have resources like professional book marketers and literary agents, indie authors need to take into account the cost of administration and support services to help boost their own book sales.

Cost of administration and support services in the book industry

Regardless of what kind of book you’re publishing, you’ll need to budget for some administration and support services. These might include a fixed cost such as the annual fee to keep your author website online or an indirect cost like purchasing an artist’s image for your book cover. In fact, these costs are a large component of the book industry’s annual spend.

How much does the book industry spend on administration costs over the course of a year?

The book industry spends serious money on book-processing charges. Professionals like literary agents, editors, and printing teams all earn salaries from the industry. These are just some of the costs that publishing houses need to account for when they determine their profits.

In the United States, the book industry is currently worth about $26 billion. If you consider large publisher Simon & Schuster’s profit margin of 21.4 percent in 2021 as the benchmark, that means that the book industry spends about $20.4 billion in overall costs!

What are the book industry’s support services and how much do they cost?

The book industry has generated smaller institutions that are imperative to publishing. Here are a few support services you’ll need to consider, along with some estimated costs:

  • Graphic design. To catch your target audience’s eye, you’ll need a striking book-cover design. Graphic designers are highly skilled and educated in their field, so you could pay upwards of $100 per hour for an outstanding book cover design.
  • Editing. Every manuscript needs professional editors to handle things like developmental editing, copyediting, and proofreading. Costs for editors vary, but typically you’ll pay a certain rate per word.
  • Book marketing. Even if you don’t hire a literary agent or a traditional publisher, you’ll still need to market your book. In order to really ring up those book sales, consider hiring a professional to help with your book-promotion strategy.

In addition to the support services, you’ll need to pay some publishing fees. These will vary depending on whether you publish a print book or an e-book and whether you work with a traditional publisher or a self-publishing company.

How does the cost of traditional publishing compare to digital publishing?

In general, digital publishing costs less than traditional publishing. When you publish an e-book, you’ll still need to invest in services like book-cover design and professional editing. However, you won’t have to worry about paying for the ink, paper, labor, and shipping that print books require.

In other words, it takes less time and resources to create an e-book than a print book. Despite the potential costs, you can boost your book sales with a print or digital publisher—as long as you have a strong team to help you!

Boost your book’s sales statistics with Elite Authors!

Sure, we focus on helping you create great books. However, we also love educating our clients on book industry statistics! The more you understand about the book industry, the more successfully you can publish and market your book.

We offer expert, affordable, and personalized service to authors of all genres and experience levels. Visit our website to learn how we can help

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Book Market Statistics Wed, 26 Jan 2022 19:00:45 +0000 All authors want to write books that people will enjoy reading. And although studying market data might not be as exciting as writing the next bestseller, it’s important to know […]

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graphs and charts next to a laptop

All authors want to write books that people will enjoy reading. And although studying market data might not be as exciting as writing the next bestseller, it’s important to know what’s happening in the book and publishing industries. When you understand the book market statistics relating to your genre and target market, you can learn how to use them to your advantage. And that means more book sales!

Book market statistics that new authors should be aware of

Book market statistics help authors and publishers determine how many readers will be interested in a new book. And whether you’re a brand-new indie author or a seasoned self-published author, you should be aware of some key book market statistics.

What are publishers looking for in new authors, and what is the likelihood of having your first manuscript accepted?

Finding a publishing house can be a difficult process. The book publishing industry is a competitive one, and it’s important to know what publishers look for in new authors. The more you understand about what the publishing industry wants, the better chance you have of your manuscript being accepted.

Here are a few criteria that many publishers look for:

  • Authors that use creative language and have a strong grasp of the language. This reduces editing costs and time
  • Creative content that readers want to enjoy
  • Writers that can produce more than one successful book and can produce reliable sales numbers

Publishing companies receive a lot of unsolicited manuscripts from hopeful authors. That’s why most publishers clearly outline their submission requirements on their websites. So make sure you follow each instruction for the best chance of your work being reviewed. And if you find that a certain publisher isn’t a good fit, don’t worry! There are plenty of other publishers to contact.

How do genre and story type affect the sale of your book, and why should you use this information in your marketing strategy?

Your book sales may be tied to your genre and story type. Some genres just sell better than others. Stories involving romance, adventure, or crime have been big sellers for decades and have a wide audience. And other genres might take a little more marketing effort to advertise to the public.

Genre and story type also guide what readers you should market to. For instance, if you’ve written an action story for young adults, you might have good luck marketing on social media platforms like Twitter. And if your book is a novel geared toward older adults, you might have better luck with a book launch—or even creating a local book club. Just watch the book market statistics and trends so you know how to develop your marketing strategy.

What other book market statistics should you be aware of?

In addition to how well your genre and story type are selling, there are additional book market statistics that you should be aware of. Here are a few examples:

  • Book sales for each media, such as a physical book, e-book, or audiobook
  • Average book sales in your area
  • Popularity and growth of traditional publishers versus newer platforms like Amazon Kindle

In addition to general industry statistics, each publishing method has its own data. And understanding those numbers can help you determine how to publish your book!

Market statistics for physical books versus e-books and audiobooks

The book market statistics that you study will depend on whether you publish your work as a physical book, e-book, or audiobook. There is a place for each of these media in the reading and publishing worlds. And in order to determine the best way to self-publish your book, it’s important to keep up with the current trends for all three methods.

What are the current trends and market statistics surrounding physical books?

With the rise of the e-book and audiobook, it might seem like physical book sales have declined. However, many people still love reading a printed book they picked up at their local bookstore or library. Dedicated readers will always love the look and feel of a new book. And since no battery power is required, you can read a physical book just about anywhere!

There will always be a market for physical books. However, it’s also important to consider the growing popularity of e-books and audiobooks.

What are the current trends and market statistics surrounding e-books?

E-books have gained popularity in recent years. And why not? E-books are easy! E-book platforms like Amazon Kindle are internationally accessible, and you can even borrow an e-book from your local library. Additionally, many readers prefer to save physical storage space by keeping their reading material on a tablet or an e-reader. Because the world has become more digital in general, e-books have become successful.

This newer type of book is also popular with new authors. It’s sometimes less expensive to self-publish an e-book than a physical book. Printing costs can add up, but the digital format often involves dropping the manuscript into an e-book template. That’s one of the many trends to keep your eye on.

What are the current trends and market statistics surrounding audiobooks?

Audiobook sales have also increased over the years. It’s fun for readers to hear their favorite novel read by the author or a favorite celebrity. And many commuters choose to listen to an audiobook as they drive to and from work or school.

If you’re an indie author trying to break into the book industry, it might be best to start with a printed book or an e-book. Audiobooks are expensive because you’re not just paying publishing costs. You might also have to pay for recording studio time, a voice actor, production costs, and royalties to whoever helped create the audiobook.

Publishing industry trends

Each publishing industry has its own trends. From printed books to digital publishing, it’s important to keep up with these trends so that you know what to expect when you publish and market your book.

What does the publishing industry look like in the US compared to the rest of the world?

Regardless of your geographic location, the book publishing industry is quite competitive. Each publisher is constantly searching for the next writer who will increase their sales numbers with one successful book after another.

One great aspect of publishing in the United States is all of the self-publishing options that authors have. It can be difficult for a new or indie author to find traditional publishers. And self-publishing provides an excellent market opportunity for writers trying to make a name for themselves. The digital publishing industry has grown over the years, and one overall industry trend is that authors can now self-publish e-books at a low cost.

What are some trends in the publishing industry as a whole?

Current publishing trends will help you determine the best time to publish your book—and the best publishing method to use. You already know that e-books and audiobooks are popular. And you’re aware that Amazon Kindle is one of the largest e-book marketplaces in the world. When you put these together, you might lead yourself to publish an e-book for Kindle rather than investing in a printed book.

So, what other trends should you look out for? And how can they help you increase those book sales numbers? Here are a few questions to ask as you research statistics about the book market and the publishing industry:

  • What new e-book and audiobook platforms are emerging?
  • Are traditional publishers looking for new writers, or are they just sticking with their tried-and-true authors?
  • What book genres and story types are on the upswing, and which are on the decline?

It’s always best practice to keep up with current trends and news. The book publishing industry is constantly changing, and there’s always new data for authors to be aware of!

What other publishing industry trends should you be aware of?

There are also publishing industry trends that might apply more specifically to you. As you finish your manuscript and prepare to publish, do a little research on your specific genre or story type. For example:

  • Is there a market opportunity for your book?
  • How many readers have recently purchased books similar to yours?
  • Which format do readers purchase similar books? Are they buying a physical book, e-book, or audiobook?

You should also read up on publishing trends in your geographical region. Here are a few things to find out:

  • Do you have easy and reliable access to various publishers?
  • Are there other writers near you who are working on similar manuscripts?
  • Is there a local bookstore that would let you host a book launch?

Once you’re aware of publishing industry trends, you can start using the statistics to your advantage.

How to use book market statistics to your advantage

Understanding book market statistics gives you a competitive advantage over other authors. When you know what your target market wants to read and how they find new books and authors, you give yourself a better chance at selling more books—and find the best publication method for you.

How can you use an understanding of book market statistics to find the best publication method for you?

If you’re trying to determine the best publication method for your book, you need to understand market statistics. Keeping up with industry trends helps you cater to your target market and sell more books. The customer data you’ll find in these statistics will show you whether your readers are willing to spend more money on a print book rather than an e-book or audiobook.

You can also read up on the author reviews for various publication methods. Customer feedback from your fellow writers can help you determine the best way to publish your book. So if you’re considering a publishing method that has a lot of negative feedback, consider trying a different method first.

How can you use an understanding of book market statistics to better market your book?

To find the best marketing avenues, start by performing market research. This will show you whether there are enough readers interested in your topic. Then, dig a little deeper! Find out how your target market finds their next book or author. Does the customer data show that they’re searching on Google or looking on social networks like Twitter? Are they reading online reviews or attending book launch events? Identify your reader, and market directly to them.

As you learn more about your target market, you can develop a marketing strategy for your book. This will include everything from a content marketing campaign on your website to paid social media ads. You want the public to read your book, and the stronger your marketing strategy, the wider your audience!

What else can book market statistics help you with?

In addition to helping you decide on a publication method and developing a book marketing strategy, studying book market statistics can also help you forecast how much you’ll earn from your book sales. Each publishing method—and every publishing house within each method—has a unique payment structure for their authors. You might earn a certain percentage per printed book sale and a different percentage for e-books.

If you decide to partner with a traditional publisher, ask what compensation packages and marketing services they offer. Your book is your pride and joy, and you want to work with a publisher that you trust. So take your time, study the market statistics, and choose the best publishing method and publishing company for you.

Let the Elite experts help you understand book market statistics.

When you understand book market statistics, you learn how to sell more books. And Elite Authors has the expertise to help you use the data to your advantage.

We’re here to help you design, market, and format your book. Visit our website to learn more about how we can help you get published!

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How to Self-Publish a Book Thu, 15 Jul 2021 14:00:43 +0000 It’s every writer’s goal to be published. From the indie author to the renowned novelist, all authors are excited for the world to read their work. And once you’ve finished […]

The post How to Self-Publish a Book appeared first on Elite Authors.

person reading a book

It’s every writer’s goal to be published. From the indie author to the renowned novelist, all authors are excited for the world to read their work. And once you’ve finished your manuscript, it’s time to decide whether to self-publish or sign a book deal with a traditional publishing company. Let’s take a look at how to self-publish a book.

Pros and cons of self-publishing a book

Choosing your publishing method is a big decision. If you’ve never thought about how to self-publish a book before, it can be daunting to figure out where to start. The best way to decide whether to self-publish or work with a traditional publisher is to first educate yourself on the pros and cons.

How much can you make from self-publishing a book?

Each self-publishing platform offers their own commission plan. For instance: if you sell a self-published print book at a local bookstore, you’ll earn different commission than if you sell a self-published e-book through Amazon Kindle.

What advantages do traditional publishers offer authors?

Traditional publishers have resources like book editing options and book cover designers. These services can cost money, so be sure to ask each publisher a lot of questions before you sign a book deal.

How can you overcome some of the challenges of self-publishing your book?

The best way to overcome challenges is to be prepared. So do your research and determine what you’ll need to self-publish. Here are some questions to keep in mind during the self-publishing process:

  • Do you need to hire an editor?
  • How will you market your self-published book?
  • Which self-publishing platform is best for you?

Formatting your manuscript for self-publishing

Your manuscript’s format is important. If your book isn’t formatted well, it won’t impress your potential readers. So take the time to make sure that your book is ready for the world to see.

What software can you use to format your book for self-publishing?

Whether you’re an indie author or an established writer, you might not have access to formatting software. And that’s okay! Depending on your book’s layout, you might not need anything fancy.

If your book is text-heavy, you can use a standard word-processing program like Microsoft Word to format your book. And if you have a lot of illustrations, you can use a graphic design software like the Adobe Creative Suite.

Many self-publishing services offer templates and programs to help format your book. For instance: KDP Select and Kindle each have specific formatting requirements. But they also provide helpful instructions on how to format your book. So before you get too far into the book design process, find out what formatting assistance your self-publishing company provides.

What are the steps to formatting a manuscript for self-publishing?

The first step to formatting your manuscript is obtaining a template from your self-publishing company. And once you have that template, just follow these steps:

  • Editing and proofreading. Make sure your manuscript is free of typos, and avoid any words used incorrectly.
  • Page numbers. Check every page number for accuracy.
  • Book cover. Design an eye-catching cover with clear, crisp images and text.

These steps will help you with formatting. And then it’s off to publishing!

How difficult is it to format a manuscript when self-publishing a book?

Formatting your manuscript is easy if you know what software to use and what challenges you might face. Just keep in mind that your format will be different depending on whether you’re creating a print book or an e-book. Follow the instructions and templates that your self-publishing service provides and contact their customer service if you run into any trouble.

Tips for editing your manuscript when self-publishing a book

Every literary work—from a nonfiction book to a children’s book to everything in between—needs to be edited. Editing helps you avoid typos, misspellings, and even continuity gaps. So before you self-publish, get your manuscript professionally edited!

How can you get your manuscript professionally edited before self-publishing a book?

When you’re ready to start the editing process, it’s easy to find an editing service. Do some online research to educate yourself on costs and timing. And make sure that the service that you choose can help with multiple phases of editing, including:

You can also hire a beta reader to give you feedback on your book as a whole before you start submitting to self-publishing companies.

Why do writers need editors when self-publishing a book?

All writers need editors. You’ve been working hard on your book, and you need a fresh set of eyes to make sure you’re not overlooking any errors. Your book editor can help make sure that your story flows well, historical facts are accurate, and that there are no typos or misused words in your manuscript.

What should you look for when performing editorial passes on your own manuscript?

As an author, you are proud of your work. And you want to impress all of your readers—including your editor! So before you send your manuscript to a professional editing service, you can perform an editorial pass on your own.

First, make sure that your story flows well and makes sense. Then, confirm that any historical names or facts in your book are accurate. After that, you can get into the nitty-gritty of searching for any typos or incorrectly used words.

Self-publishing e-books versus self-publishing print books

Self-publishing takes time and energy. And after you self-publish, you’ll need to market your book to reach your target audience. You can have a successful career as a self-published author regardless of whether you prefer to publish e-books or printed books. So check out your options and see what’s best for you!

What challenges are associated with self-publishing an e-book versus a print book?

One challenge associated with self-publishing a print book instead of an e-book is timing. It will take time for your publisher to physically print and ship the books. If you self-publish an e-book instead, you’ll often see your book ready for sale more quickly.

What genres of books are easiest to publish as an e-book rather than a print book?

You can publish your work as an e-book or a print book in just about every genre. But some genres are more suited to a physical book rather than a digital copy. For instance: a graphic novel or a children’s book with interactive aspects might be best as a print book. But a fiction or nonfiction novel can work as both a digital and a print book!

When should you consider releasing both e-books and print books when you self-publish?

Readers have various opinions in the print versus e-book debate. And you want to make your readers happy! So as long as your manuscript can translate well to both a physical book and an e-book, it’s a good idea to consider publishing with both methods. Every book sale counts. And providing your audience with multiple options can ring up your sales!

Costs for self-publishing a book

Self-publishing a book is a “spend money to make money” process. You can earn a living as a self-published author, but first you’ll need to invest in your book! As with any investment, it’s a good idea to be aware of the costs you can expect when you self-publish a book.

What can affect the cost of self-publishing a book?

Two factors that affect the cost of self-publishing a book are the services you need and the actual book production.

Here are a few services that you might need to pay for during the self-publishing process:

  • Graphic design for your book cover design
  • Book editing to ensure that your manuscript is free of typos and misused words
  • Formatting to prepare your work for print and/or e-books

Print book production is another expense. Here are a few things to keep in mind if you’re printing your book:

  • What kind of paper? High-quality paper for a photo book or a graphic novel will cost more than standard newsprint used for most novels.
  • What kind of ink? Color ink is expensive. If you have a lot of colorful images, your book will cost more than a text-based book that just uses black ink.
  • What kind of cover? Hardcover books cost more to produce than paperbacks. So if cost is a concern, opt for paperback over hardcover.

E-books generally cost less to produce than print books, but there are also design and formatting costs associated with digital copies. So do your research and be prepared!

Where do the costs of self-publishing a book come from?

The costs of self-publishing a book come primarily from preparing and producing your book. The publishing platform that you choose to work with will likely offer some of these services. And you can find outside help for cover design, editing, and any other services that your publishing company doesn’t provide.

How much does it cost to publish a book with a traditional publisher?

If you sign a book deal with a traditional publisher, there should be no cost to you. The publishing house will cover the production costs and book marketing campaign to drive up your book sales. A traditional publisher basically gambles on your book. They spend the money up front in hopes that your book will earn them a large return on their investment.

Book deals are very hard to obtain, though, so if you’re just starting out as an indie author, it might be best to start with self-publishing.

How to get your self-published book printed

Once you decide to self-publish rather than work with a traditional publisher, you need to know your next steps. So once you select the self-publishing platform you want to work with, just prepare your book and submit it for printing!

What do you need to get your self-published book printed?

All you really need to get your self-published book printed is the book itself. It just needs to be formatted correctly. Your self-publishing company should have a template to help you format your book. And don’t forget that you can hire a formatting service if you need help!

When should you send your self-published book to be printed?

Your book needs to be perfectly formatted and professionally edited. Once those two steps are done, it’s time to go to print! Your self-publishing company might not do a final copyedit or line edit before printing, so be sure to send them a print-ready book.

What is the process of having a self-published book printed?

Your publishing house can walk you through their specific process. In general, you can expect your printed books to ship a few weeks after you send your work in for printing. The timeline will depend on the quantity of books you’ve ordered and your publisher’s production timeline.

Marketing and distributing your self-published book

Figuring out how to self-publish a book goes beyond putting the book itself together. As an author, you already know that it’s important to write every day. But did you know that marketing and distributing your self-published book takes the same dedication? Book marketing and distribution are crucial to earning every book sale. And although it’s time-consuming, it’ll be worth it when you’re a successful self-published author!

Why is it important to market and distribute your self-published book?

Book marketing and distribution put your work in front of your target audience. It’s the only way your readers will know that your book exists! So set aside some time and energy to promoting your book. And then sit back and wait for those book sales!

What platforms can self-published authors use to market and distribute books?

There are multiple platforms that you can use to market and distribute your books. If you have a small marketing budget, start with low-cost options like social media or a basic website. And if you’ve allocated big bucks to your marketing, consider a book fair or book tour! These options will all put you directly in front of your target audience.

What tools do you need to market and promote your self-published book?

Your publisher might have built-in tools to help you market your book. An e-book aggregator will send your book to multiple retailers. And some self-publishing companies offer social media and website marketing. So find out how your publishing platform can help you market and promote your book!

Let Elite Authors help prepare your book for self-publishing

Self-publishing is exciting. But it can also be a difficult process to navigate! Elite Authors is here to help you succeed in your journey of learning how to self-publish a book. Visit our website to learn how we can boost your career as a successful author!


The post How to Self-Publish a Book appeared first on Elite Authors.

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How Much Does It Cost to Self-Publish a Book? Wed, 19 May 2021 14:00:34 +0000 Writing a book is a huge accomplishment. And once you’ve completed your masterpiece, it’s time to publish! Many writers consider self-publishing if they’re just starting out. It’s a great way […]

The post How Much Does It Cost to Self-Publish a Book? appeared first on Elite Authors.

coins coming out of a black piggy bank

Writing a book is a huge accomplishment. And once you’ve completed your masterpiece, it’s time to publish! Many writers consider self-publishing if they’re just starting out. It’s a great way to establish yourself as a serious author. And before you decide whether to self-publish or work with a traditional publisher, you need to understand the costs associated with self-publishing. So how much does it cost to self-publish a book? Let’s find out!

Editing costs for a self-published book

As a writer, you know how important proofreading and editing are. And as an author, you know that you want to put your best foot forward. This often means hiring a book editing service that can help you finalize your work for publication.

Whether you’re going to work with a traditional publisher or are hoping for an optimized Amazon listing, it’s important to have a team of expert editors on your side.

What are the different types of editing that self-published authors should know about?

Editing comes in many forms. Here are a few different types of editing that you might want to consider before self-publishing your book:

  • Developmental editing is an overall big-picture review of your book. A developmental editor will examine the overall structure and style of your work and make sure that the plot flows without any holes or continuity gaps. If you’ve written a nonfiction book, developmental editing will also research and confirm any facts that you’ve written about.
  • Substantive editing examines your book’s organization. It ensures that each sentence and phrase contribute positively to your story. A substantive editor will provide constructive criticism if there are any chapters or paragraphs that need revision.
  • Copyediting happens in the draft stage of your book—after the book is written, but before it’s formatted for release. A copyeditor will find and help fix any typos, misspelled words, or grammatical errors.

Most published works have to go through several rounds of editing. But it’s worth it to make your masterpiece perfect before you go publish!

How should you determine what type of editor you need?

All authors—even self-published authors—need editing assistance. And when you partner with a professional editing service, you’re hiring a team of experts to help prepare your book for the public eye. These services can also help guide you toward the type of editor you’ll need each step of the way.

The great thing about a professional editing service is that they tend to have all the help you need on their staff. From the various types of editing to proofreading and even book cover design, the best editing services will be able to help you perfect your work.

How do different types of editors structure their fees?

Your editing costs will vary depending on what type of editing service you need. Many publishing and editing companies have professionals who can help you each step of the way, from your initial developmental editing phase through proofreading.

If you need multiple editing services, be sure to ask about package pricing for the most economical service. Editing services that are set up to help you as a self-published author will often offer package deals to help you keep your editing costs low.

Printing costs for a self-published book

Preparing to print your self-published book is an exciting process! But you need to be aware of the costs. You’ll have to allocate funds for things such as your book cover design, book marketing efforts, and the cost of the print run that your publishing house will charge.

Printing costs can add up. But when you know what to look out for, you can self-publish your book efficiently and successfully!

What does it cost to print your self-published book?

One of the biggest questions that independent authors have when self-publishing a book is: How much will it cost to print the book?

Printing costs will vary based on a number of factors. As you research potential printers, make sure that you have an idea of the quantity of books you’d like printed, whether you need to use color ink, how many hardcover versus paperback copies you’re printing, and whether you want help marketing your book.

What factors can affect the cost of printing your self-published book?

Self-publishing costs will vary depending on what your printing goals are. Here are a few factors that will affect your costs:

  • Print run. Many publishing companies offer price breaks depending on how many books you are ordering. For instance, if you order 100 books, maybe the cost will be $15 each. But if you order 250 books, the cost could be closer to $10 each. Every book production company works a little differently, so be sure to ask how your print run will affect your costs.
  • Book design and format. The page count of your book will also be a factor. If you’re printing a long book that requires a lot of paper and ink, it’ll likely be more expensive than a short book. Color ink can also drive up your cost—black ink is more standard and less expensive, so color illustrations on the cover design and interior of the book can cost you more money.
  • Cover style. A hardcover book is more expensive to produce than a paperback. And many companies will allow you to purchase some of each. For example, you can buy some hardcover copies as gifts for your family and friends, and then purchase a larger quantity of paperback books to sell at book fairs or bookstores.
  • Book marketing. Some publishing companies also offer book marketing services to independent authors. In addition to printing your book, they’ll market it to retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other bookstores.

How should you choose a printer for your self-published book?

As a self-publishing author, you have a choice in which printer you work with. Some printers work more like traditional publishing companies while others focus on helping newer, independent authors who have just completed their first book.

Before you decide which printer will handle your book production, make sure you’re comfortable with them. Is their customer service helpful? Is their pricing fair? Think of this decision process as a job interview, and each printer as a candidate. Interview them to make sure they’re the right fit. After all, you and your book deserve the very best!

Costs associated with a self-published e-book

Self-publishing an e-book comes with some costs, just like publishing and printing hardcover or paperback books. But e-book pricing and fees are a bit different than traditional publishing. Before you determine whether to publish your book digitally, it’s important to understand the costs.

What costs should you consider when self-publishing an e-book?

There are several costs you’ll need to be prepared for if you’re considering self-publishing your work as an e-book rather than just the cost to self-publish a book. The good news is that your self-publishing costs might be lower with an e-book than if you’re printing with a traditional publisher. Still, though, it’s best to know what to expect!

Your book design is one cost to prepare yourself for. Several e-book services—including the Amazon Kindle e-book—need to be specially formatted. Fortunately, there are experts who specialize in e-book conversion so that your masterpiece will be ready to launch to the public quickly and without formatting issues.

Book marketing fees are another cost to keep in mind. Your e-book publishing company might offer marketing services to send your e-book to retailers like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and others. Even if there’s a fee associated with this service, you should really consider paying your book publisher to help with your book marketing. They have a foot inside the door with these retailers, and their help can get your name out into the world!

What platforms are available for self-published e-books?

As a self-published author, you have a lot of options to consider when you decide what platforms are best suited for your work. So take a look at what’s available to you. Decide whether you want to sell your e-book on a huge platform like Amazon, or if you want to stick to a more traditional publisher that specializes in your genre.

Before you decide what platforms to publish on, do some research on self-publishing distribution. Gather as much information as you can so that you can make a well-rounded decision. This will help you make the best choice for your e-book—and for your career as an author!

How do e-book platforms structure their fees?

Every e-book platform has their own fees. Some might give you a commission on each e-book that you sell. And others might just charge a flat rate. Your e-book pricing might also affect the platform’s price structure. So make sure that you thoroughly research your publisher’s costs and fees before you submit your book to them.

Marketing costs for a self-published book

You’ve written a quality book. And you’ve hired a professional book editor to help get it ready for publishing. So what’s next? Marketing!

Book marketing is crucial to your book’s success. From your book cover design to your publishing package, your marketing efforts should be at the top of your priority list. Whether you’re working with a traditional publisher for printed books or focusing on e-book platforms like Amazon Kindle, you’ll have to put some resources into your book marketing.

How should you market your self-published book?

Marketing can be fun! Just like writing your book, marketing gives you a chance to be creative. You’ve created a quality book, and your book marketing gives you the chance to brag about it to the world. Here are a few ways that you can market your self-published book:

  • Book cover design. That’s right! An eye-catching book cover can be a marketing tool. If you’re not the best artist or illustrator, many marketing services and publishing companies offer graphic design to help your target audience notice your book, starting with its cover.
  • Social media. Post about your self-published book on all of your social media platforms. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram are all marketing tools available to you at little or no cost.
  • Marketing through your publisher. Marketing costs might be included in your overall publishing package. Regardless of whether you’re working with a large or independent publisher, be sure to ask how they can support your marketing efforts.

What factors can affect the cost of marketing your self-published book?

Book marketing costs depend on how much you, as the author, want to spend—and how many people you want to reach. You want each marketing effort to lead to a book sale. And if you want a lot of book sales, you should be prepared to budget for heavy marketing. Your target reach is the largest factor that will affect your marketing costs.

If you want to stay low-budget, you can market your book on social media and spread it word of mouth through your friends and family. But the best way to reach the most people is to cast a wide net! You can consider paying for advertisements on retailer websites and search engines. You can even buy airtime on radio and TV. The sky’s the limit!

How should you determine your marketing budget for your self-published book?

Think of your book marketing as an investment. You’ll need to include some marketing-effort dollars when you think of your overall self-publishing costs. Simply put: book marketing leads to book sales.

Your marketing budget should really depend on how much money you hope to earn from your book. If your goal is to establish a strong author brand and earn a living as a professional writer, then you should set aside a healthy portion of your budget for your book marketing.

Let Elite Authors help you succeed in self-publishing

Self-publishing is a great way for you to make a name for yourself. And we want to help you succeed! Tell us about your book today so that we can help edit, design, and market your masterpiece!

The post How Much Does It Cost to Self-Publish a Book? appeared first on Elite Authors.

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What Is an ISBN Used For? Wed, 16 Dec 2020 15:00:26 +0000 An ISBN—international standard book number—is basically your book’s fingerprint. It’s the long, hyphenated series of numerical digits shown on the copyright page of every book. Each version of every published […]

The post What Is an ISBN Used For? appeared first on Elite Authors.

book shelf of colorful books

An ISBN—international standard book number—is basically your book’s fingerprint. It’s the long, hyphenated series of numerical digits shown on the copyright page of every book. Each version of every published book has its own ISBN regardless of whether you’re printing your book, selling it as an e-book, or both.

In fact, ISBNs are so specific that an e-book, paperback, and hardcover version of the same work will each have its own ISBN. The ISBN is permanently tied to each version of your book.

ISBNs tell a story.

Just as its name suggests, the ISBN system provides each book its own unique number within a standardized international database. This allows people from all over the world to access each other’s work. Because of this, your book’s ISBN is perhaps the most important piece of information on your copyright page.

What information does the ISBN give?

Your book’s ISBN tells your book’s story. It’s a part of your book’s metadata. In 2007, ISBNs were changed from ten digits to thirteen because of the quantity of books being published.

ISBNs aren’t just a collection of random digits. In fact, each set of numbers in the ISBN has meaning. Here’s a brief explanation:

  • The first three digits are called the global standard indicator. This will either be 978 or 979.
  • The next set of numbers identifies the country in which your book is published. For example, books published in English-speaking countries are either assigned a 0 or a 1.
  • After that comes the publisher’s code, followed by a number assigned to your particular title and publication method (i.e., paperback, hardcover, or ebook).
  • The final digit is called the check digit. Check digits are used for validating a number or bar code.

Altogether, your book’s ISBN tells the story of its publishing life. And since each book has its own ISBN, if you publish an updated edition or volume to your original work, that book will get a different ISBN.

Who needs to pay attention to the ISBN?

The international standard book number is crucial to publishers and book retailers. It identifies where, when, and by whom the book was published. Publishing companies can look at a single ISBN and learn the book’s history.

But ISBNs aren’t only important to publishers and retailers. Your target audience might pay attention to them too. Avid readers might notice that two different editions of the same book have different ISBNs. This alerts them to the fact that there is some variation between the two copies of your book.

When did the ISBN system become commonplace?

The ISBN became commonplace in international publishing in the late 1960s and early 1970s. The international community realized that it needed a standardized system to keep track of all of the books that had been published around the world. This standardization made it easier for readers across the globe to access published works from other countries.

How to use a Book ISBN

Your book’s ISBN is its unique fingerprint. No other published work can have your ISBN—it belongs solely to your book. And from the first digit to the check digit, each number within every single ISBN provides information about your book.

Your ISBN helps people to find your work. This helps drive up your book sales. Whether you’re printing or publishing as an ebook, an ISBN is a vital part of your book’s success.

What products are given an ISBN?

All books that are published for sale need an ISBN. Your book’s ISBN allows retailers of printed works and ebooks to identify and track your book’s sales. It also helps your target audience to find a specific edition of your book.

Your book needs its own ISBN to differentiate your work from other published books. Maybe you titled your book using generic, simple words in order to draw in as many potential readers as possible.

Or maybe you have a rather commonplace name as an author. Your book’s ISBN will let buyers and sellers differentiate your title and name from other similar titles and authors.

Additionally, the ISBN lends credibility to your work. It proves to retailers and readers that you are a serious author who knows that your book deserves to be published.

When publishing companies and potential readers see that ISBN bar code on your back cover, they are assured that they’re reading a legitimate piece of published writing. Everything about your book—from the title page to the actual content—is tied to your ISBN.

What does the ISBN facilitate?

The ISBN helps publishers, retailers, and readers identify, find, and track your book. Each country has a national ISBN agency that assigns all international standard book numbers.

Since ISBNs are assigned by a national-level body, you can rest assured that your book is formally published within your country. Each ISBN agency can only assign numbers within their own country—but since ISBNs are part of an international system, your book can be available worldwide.

Each and every published book gets is own ISBN. This means that your book is the only published work in the world with that number and bar code. You should be very proud of that accomplishment!

How do book ISBNs differ between editions?

Each new book gets a new ISBN. If you publish new editions to your original book, each edition will get its own ISBN. This is part of the fun for book collectors—they can compare each version of your book and see the different ISBNs.

Keep in mind that each version of your book—regardless of the edition—has its own ISBN. If you are printing some paperback versions and some hardcover versions, you will have two different ISBNs. When you choose to offer your work as an ebook, you will have a third ISBN.

How to interpret an ISBN

There are many benefits to obtaining an ISBN for your book. In fact, in order for you to sell your work and make a name for yourself as an established author, your book really does need an ISBN. But what exactly does your book’s unique international standard book number mean?

Each and every digit of each and every ISBN has a meaning. The numbers identify where your book was published and by whom. It also includes a unique identifier for your book and your book alone.

How many digits does a modern ISBN have?

Current ISBNs have thirteen digits. These digits include a location identifier, publisher identifier, edition identifier, and check digit that validates the ISBN as a whole. Each international standard book number is packed with information specific to your book.

What does the first string of digits signify?

The first string of digits of your ISBN signifies basic but important information about your book. These numbers create the foundation that the rest of the ISBN will build upon.

ISBNs go from general to specific, so the first string of digits involves high-level information, such as the prefix and the group identifier.

In 2007, ISBNs were increased from ten digits to thirteen. The reason was to include a three-digit prefix—either 978 or 979—to make the system compatible with the European Article Number (EAN) system. This prefix is the first three numbers in your thirteen-digit ISBN.

The next set of digits identifies where your book was originally published. Each country is assigned a number, similar to country codes when you make an international phone call. Here are a few examples:

  • 0 and 1 indicate English-speaking countries
  • 2 indicates a French-speaking country
  • 3 indicates a German-speaking country

There are specific codes for each country and geographical region, so be sure to research what your book’s first ISBN digit will be.

What does the second string of digits identify?

The second string of ISBN digits tell your book’s specific story. After the group identifier (country code), your registrant number is listed. This points to the specific publishing company that you partnered with. This string tends to be about five digits long.

Getting even more specific, the publication number comes next. These digits identify the exact version of your book. This string of digits will differ for each edition of your book. They will also vary depending on whether the book is paperback, hardcover, or an ebook.

The final section of an ISBN is the check digit, which basically validates the ISBN as a whole. Many industries use check digits to verify coded numbers and avoid errors. Even your credit card has a check digit!

When you need an ISBN

If you want to sell your book, you need an ISBN. This unique number helps publishers, retailers, and your target audience to easily track and find your book. An ISBN lends legitimacy to your work because it means your book has been formally registered.

Books without an ISBN might not be taken seriously since they’re less official. That means that without this identification number on your copyright page, you’ll have a difficult time making a name for yourself as a serious author.

How much do ISBNs cost?

The price of an ISBN varies based on how you want to sell your book. For instance, if you’re publishing an ebook without printing, the ISBN will be less expensive. But if you’re going to publish your work in both ebook and print formats, you might need to spend a little bit more.

Your national ISBN agency is the best starting point for researching how to obtain an ISBN and how much it will cost. There are outside agencies that will gladly sell you an ISBN, a bar code, and marketing packages. But it’s best to begin at the federal level to make sure that any third-party agencies you’re considering are legitimate.

Where do you get an ISBN?

Most national ISBN agencies have applications that you can fill out online or via mail. However, if you’re working with a publishing company, they can also help with this. Many publishers offer this service to their authors, since assigning an ISBN to your work will also help the publisher make money off of your book sales.

In order to ensure that you’re getting the best price and service, always check the governmental agency’s website, and compare it with the information from your publisher. You worked very hard on your book, and it’s worth protecting during this phase.

How long does it take to receive an ISBN?

The time it takes to receive an ISBN will vary depending on the number of requests and the time of year. Just like so many things in life, it’s best to be as proactive as possible so that you don’t miss any publication goals or deadlines.

If you’re working with a publishing company, they might have a fast track to obtaining an ISBN for you. If you choose to go through your national ISBN agency by yourself, it could take several months for the copyright office to fully process your request.

An ISBN is critical to your book’s success

You worked hard finishing your book. And you’re excited to publish it! You now need an international standard book number to help publishers, book retailers, and readers find you.

Elite Authors can be your all-around partner in building a successful book sale campaign. We offer services from formatting service to book cover design—and everything in between! Check out our website to find out how we can help you establish yourself as a great author and ring up those book sales.

The post What Is an ISBN Used For? appeared first on Elite Authors.

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How to Self-Publish Children’s Books Wed, 02 Dec 2020 15:00:28 +0000 Writing your children’s book wasn’t easy, even if it was a labor of love. Now it’s time to publish and distribute your book. But with so many options out there, […]

The post How to Self-Publish Children’s Books appeared first on Elite Authors.

children with books on their heads

Writing your children’s book wasn’t easy, even if it was a labor of love. Now it’s time to publish and distribute your book. But with so many options out there, how do you know whether to self-publish, print on demand, or partner with a traditional publishing house? If you self-publish a children’s book, there are many benefits.

Self-publishing your children’s book allows you to be in control. Once you’ve finished writing the book, you will have to edit it, find and hire an illustrator, and market your new book. This sounds time-consuming, and it is. But the good thing about self-publishing is that you won’t be asked to make changes by a literary agent or publisher—the book is entirely yours.

How to find a self-publishing service

Finding the best self-publishing service for your children’s book is crucial for your book’s success—and for your success as an independent author. There are many different types of services available for self-publishers, and it’s important to know the pros and cons of each. This knowledge will help you make the best decision for self-publishing your children’s book.

What are your options when using a self-publishing service for children’s books?

There are many options available to you when you decide to self-publish a children’s book. Some are household names like Amazon, and others you might not know much about yet. But with a little research, you’ll be able to pick the best publishing service for you.

One of the biggest decisions you’ll need to make as you research publishing services is whether you want to go with a book retailer or a book aggregator. Here are some key differences between the two:

  • Book retailers will directly sell your children’s book. You can simply upload a digital file, and your book is available to print on demand to your target audience. Examples of this are Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP Select) and Apple’s iBooks. KDP has had some issues, though, so be sure to avoid those pitfalls. When you send your book to a retailer, you will pay a portion of every book sale to the retailer.
  • Book aggregators receive and review your book submission. Then they send it to retailers and libraries to increase your exposure and help your book distribution. This saves you a lot of time, but it does come with a price. Some of the more famous aggregators are Smashwords and Draft2Digital.

Simply put, you will receive a higher commission with book retailers, but a bigger audience with book aggregators.

How can you print children’s books on demand?

A great option for self-publishers is printing books on demand. On-demand printing is pretty self-explanatory: you upload a digital copy of your book to an online service. When someone purchases your book, the publishing company prints and ships them a copy. You will receive a portion of the sale without having to lift a finger.

When your book is available to print on demand, it can usually be sold as an e-book as well. This added versatility allows for wider book distribution, which in turn can lead to higher book sales. Amazon’s KDP Select has one of the largest market shares in printing on-demand books and e-books, so check out their services and statistics to see if this is a good option for you when you self-publish a children’s book.

Why should you use a self-publishing service for your children’s book?

Online self-publishing companies are everywhere. It’s easy to self-publish, but difficult to choose the best vendor and venue. There are a few different types of publishing companies out there, and it’s important to know how to distinguish between them.

  • Vanity publishers will charge a fee in order to begin working on publishing and distributing your book. They can help you edit and format your book, and even help with your book cover design. But be cautious if you go this route. Although there are legitimate vanity publishing companies out there, some of them are scams and will do nothing to actually help you.
  • Traditional publishers basically bet on the success of your children’s book. They’ll handle your editing, formatting, and book cover design. They won’t cost you anything out of pocket, and they will work hard to ensure high book distribution and sales. They make money off of royalties once your book starts selling, so a portion of each book sale will go to them.
  • Self-publishing gives you full control over your book publishing process. You will need to research and hire services for editing, formatting, and illustrating, but you will be in charge of the creative process from beginning to end.

For an independent author, self-publishing may be the best option because it allows you to go at your own pace and play by your own rules. A publishing house will aggressively work to make their deadlines and insist that you follow their procedures. Self-publishing allows you to write, edit, format, and design your book so that it’s entirely your work.

And remember: even if you start off self-publishing, you can always partner with a traditional publisher down the road.

Choosing the right self-publishing service for your children’s book

You’ve worked hard as a children’s book writer and your work deserves to be seen by millions of people. You’ve decided to self-publish rather than sign on with a traditional publishing company so that you can have complete creative control and keep your costs low. So how do you find the best publishing company for your book?

Why is it important to choose the right self-publishing service for your children’s book?

Choosing the right self-publishing service for your children’s book is key to the book’s success. If you don’t select the right publishing company, your book distribution and sales will suffer. Whether you’ve written a text-heavy story or partnered with an illustrator to create a picture book, it’s crucial to find the best publishing company to meet your needs.

So consider your goals, and write a list of questions:

  • Are you hoping to sell a lot of printed books, e-books, or a healthy amount of each?
  • How much would you like each book to cost?
  • Do you need help with book promotion, marketing, and distribution?

Once you have your list of questions, talk to some self-publishing companies and see what they have to offer. Be sure to research them online as well—some larger companies like Kindle Direct Publishing have idiosyncrasies specific to their platforms. Knowledge is your key to success!

How do you evaluate a self-publishing service?

Self-publishing has largely become an internet-based industry. It’s very easy for consumers to purchase both print books and print-on-demand books online, and relatively easy for independent authors to self-publish online. Because of this, the first thing to consider when evaluating a self-publishing service is their online presence.

The publishing service that’s right for you should pop up toward the top of a web search. They should have strong reviews and an impressive website. If they can’t represent themselves well online, how will they help you publish and sell your book?

Another aspect to consider is exclusivity. Some larger publishing services require that your book is only sold on their platform for a predetermined amount of time. There are pros and cons to exclusivity, so just make sure you’re aware of what’s best for you before you sign on.

How can you determine if you should choose an on-demand printing service, an online self-publishing service, or both?

Choosing a publishing method for your children’s book is a huge decision. In order to make the best decision, you need to know the difference between the types of publishing services.

On-demand printing service is low risk, low reward. You can order as many or as few print books as you’d like. And consumers across the world can do the same. You can market the book as aggressively as you’d like to boost book sales, and your on-demand printer will stand by and print copies as you need them.

Self-publishing is slightly higher risk with a much higher reward potential. The publishing house will charge you an upfront fee to print however many books you’d like—but there are usually minimum quantities. You can then market and sell your book to your heart’s desire.

Vanity and hybrid publishers are also options available to you. But study these companies closely. Some of them are legitimate publishing services that can really help you boost your book sales and your name as a children’s book author. But others are scams disguised as publishing companies. Be sure to ask plenty of questions to vet any publisher before submitting your book to them.

Benefits of self-publishing your children’s book

You finished your children’s book because you were driven and dedicated to reaching your goal. Self-publishing is very similar! You will accomplish great things if you choose the best self-publishing company, and then continually and proactively market your book. When done right, self-publishing and marketing can lead to a longstanding career as a children’s author.

How much can a children’s author expect to make from self-publishing a book?

One of the biggest benefits of self-publishing your children’s book is that you are in total control. You make the decisions about the story, illustrations, book cover, marketing, and distribution. All of these aspects of your children’s book lead into how much you can expect to make from it.

If you want to make a lot of money from your self-published book, you’ll need to invest time and money into these aspects. Marketing will be particularly important. Will you purchase advertisements and hold events to promote your book? Or will you go with lower-cost options like social media and blogs? The more money you spend on marketing and advertising, the more money you can expect to make.

You can obtain a more specific idea of financials from self-publishing websites. Many of them have estimate generators that will give you a ballpark figure for printing and publishing your book. They’ll ask the size of your book, number of pages, and whether you want color print. Quantity will also affect the price—there are often price breaks at certain quantities. Your overall profits will depend on what you want to spend versus how much you want to charge for your printed book.

How can you advance your writing career if you self-publish a children’s book?

Self-publishing is the do-it-yourself method of book distribution. And the DIY theme can continue throughout your writing career. You’ll have to work hard to establish yourself as a strong published author, and to advance your career. But it’s a very attainable goal!

There are common and inexpensive ways to get your name out there. Post about your children’s book on all of your social media accounts. Create a website all about your book. And ask your family and friends to spread the word to all of their family and friends. These results can be fast and exponential.

And don’t discount the value of a book launch! Book launches are wonderful ways to get in front of your audience and get to know the kids you’re writing for. What do they love? What do they dislike? What timeless themes can you write about to keep this age group engaged for generations to come? The more deeply you know your audience, the easier it will be to direct your next children’s book toward them.

How much control can you have over your children’s book’s publishing and marketing decisions if you self-publish?

Self-publishing your book provides you complete control over the publishing and marketing decisions. You can either cast a wide net or be very selective about who you market your book to. And with self-publishing, your name will be listed as the publisher. That means that you don’t have to pay royalties to a publishing company or literary agent.

Freedom to make all the decisions is a great aspect of self-publishing your children’s book. Just be sure to stay on top of it! Publishing and marketing aren’t easy, but if you stay organized and proactively push your book, you will solidify yourself as a successful children’s book author.

Challenges of self-publishing your children’s book

As a children’s book author, you know the children’s literature industry. You are in tune with what your target audience wants to read and what illustrations they want to go with your story. Although there are challenges to self-publishing a children’s book, you can rest assured that the final product will be absolutely yours.

Why can self-publishing a children’s book be difficult?

Self-publishing a book can be difficult. But it’s worth it to ensure that you have total control throughout the creative and publishing processes. When you work with an indie publisher, you make all the decisions. This may seem daunting. And it will be time-consuming. But don’t worry! As long as you stay organized, you can establish a great name for yourself as a successful children’s writer.

Be sure to thoroughly research every publishing house that you’re considering. Determine what your needs and goals are, and keep track of which boxes each publisher checks. And don’t be afraid to ask for help! Your friends and family will be almost as excited as you are to get your book published.

How much time must you devote to self-publishing a children’s book?

The best way to self-publish your children’s book is to make a list of the necessary tasks and assign target due dates to each one. Some of your tasks might include the following:

  • Research different types of publishing companies and choose the best fit.
  • Research specific publishing houses and choose the best fit.
  • Finalize your book layout and illustrations (if it’s a picture book).
  • Ask your family and friends to proofread your book.
  • Send your book in for publishing!

Multiple small tasks are much easier to manage than one large task. Break up your to-do list so it’s not overwhelming. And then get to work—the world can’t wait to read your children’s book!

How difficult is it to market a self-published children’s book?

Marketing is a talent. Some people are formally trained, but as a children’s book author using an independent publisher, you might not have access to marketing experts. Some writers choose to hire a literary agent, especially if they’re embarking on a huge project like a book series. But marketing can be DIY, just like writing and publishing your book.

Here’s the only rule to successful independent marketing: be creative! Post about your children’s book on your social media accounts. Write blog articles about your book and send them to any appropriate websites. Ask your family and friends to help you spread the word. Contact local bookstores to see if they’ll allow a book launch. Get out there and get noticed!

Self-publishing your children’s book makes it truly yours.

You wrote your story. And maybe you hired an illustrator to create amazing artwork for your picture book. The best way to keep the book close to your heart is to self-publish. It is easier than ever to self-publish a children’s book.

You can do amazing things through self-publishing, but don’t feel that you’re alone! Elite Authors is here to help you market your self-published children’s book and make it a success. Ready to get your book noticed? Learn more about our book marketing services here!

The post How to Self-Publish Children’s Books appeared first on Elite Authors.

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