formatting – Elite Authors Expert Publishing Services Sun, 07 Jan 2024 23:15:03 +0000 en-US hourly 1 formatting – Elite Authors 32 32 Navigating Typography Choices for Your Self-Published Book Fri, 29 Sep 2023 14:00:49 +0000 Today, we’re diving into the wonderful world of typography—the art of arranging and designing type to make your written words not only easy to read but also visually appealing. When […]

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A box of multicolored typography letter tiles

Today, we’re diving into the wonderful world of typography—the art of arranging and designing type to make your written words not only easy to read but also visually appealing. When it comes to self-publishing, typography acts as your trusty guide. The decisions you make regarding fonts, spacing and layout can either make or break the readability and marketability of your book. So let’s embark on a typographic adventure that will lead you to success in sales and marketing.

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The impact of typography

Before we set off on this journey, it’s important to understand just how significant typography is for your self-published book. Typography goes beyond mere looks; it deeply influences how readers connect with your work. Here’s why typography is like a best friend for authors;

Readability: Making sure that your words are easily readable is crucial. By choosing the right font, you ensure that readers can comfortably absorb what you’ve written without straining their eyes.

Setting the mood: Typography helps convey the mood and personality of your book. Whether it’s a whimsical font for a children’s story or a classic serif for historical fiction, your typography choice sends its own powerful message.

Branding: Ensuring consistent typography throughout your book series or author brand is important for readers to easily recognize your work. It’s like having your own unique signature as an author.

Marketing: A well designed layout and typography can greatly enhance the marketability of your book cover and interior. A visually appealing book is more likely to catch the attention of potential readers and increase sales.

Now, let’s set sail and explore the typography choices that will make your self-published book truly stand out.

Font selection: choosing the right typeface

Fonts play a crucial role in typography. The font you choose can either be the charming protagonist or the villainous antagonist of your book. Here are some key factors to consider when selecting a font:

Readability: Above everything else, it’s essential that your chosen font is easy to read. Avoid overly elaborate or condensed fonts that strain the eyes.

Genre compatibility: Take into account the genre of your book. Serif fonts like Times New Roman evoke a sense of tradition and are often used in literary works, while sans serif fonts like Arial provide a more modern touch suited for contemporary fiction.

Character personality: Consider your characters and story. Does your main character exude classic elegance (serif) or have a cool contemporary vibe (sans serif)?The choice of font can effectively convey different character traits.

Consistency: When writing a series, it is crucial to maintain consistent font choices throughout all your books. This helps establish your brand and makes your books more recognizable.

Font size: Pay attention to the size of the font, especially for body text. It should be large enough to read comfortably without disrupting the flow of reading.

Font pairing: Sometimes, combining different fonts can create a marvelous effect. Consider pairing a legible font for body text with a stylish one for chapter titles or headings. Just make sure they complement each other well.

Spacing and leading: achieving the right balance

Spacing is often underestimated in typography, but it plays a significant role. It’s not just about the gaps between words and letters; it’s about creating rhythm and flow in your text. Here are some tips to strike that perfect balance:

Kerning: Kerning involves adjusting the spacing between individual characters. Avoid cramped letters that collide with each other or overly spaced ones that drift apart too much. Aim for even and visually pleasing spacing.

Leading: Leading refers to the space between lines of text. Too little leading can result in a cluttered mess, while excessive leading makes it feel disjointed. The right amount of leading ensures a comfortable reading experience.

Margins: Sufficient margins provide breathing space for your text, preventing it from feeling overcrowded. They also enhance the visual appeal of the book.

Text alignment: center, left, or justified?

The way your text is aligned can have a significant impact on the reading experience. Each option has its own advantages:

Left aligned: This is the standard choice for most books. It offers a clean and familiar reading experience.

Center aligned: Often used in poetry, children’s books, or books with short passages. It can create a more artistic and visually engaging layout.

Justified: This alignment ensures that the text lines up neatly on both the left and right sides. While it may look polished, it can sometimes result in awkward spacing between words, so it should be used with caution.

Typography for ebooks: digital considerations

In today’s digital era, many readers access books through ereaders and tablets. Ensuring that your typography appears well on screens is crucial for sales and marketing success. Here are some factors to consider:

Font licensing: Make sure that you have legally licensed fonts for ebooks, as some fonts may not be compatible with ereader devices.

Text reflow: Different devices and font sizes can affect how your text flows. Test your ebook on various devices to ensure a consistent reading experience.

Font size and adjustability: Make sure the font you choose remains easy to read when readers change the text size. It’s helpful to use scalable fonts in this case.

Keep things simple: Avoid using too many different font styles or complicated formatting. Stick to a straightforward layout that is easy for readers to follow.

Typography for your book cover: creating a memorable first impression

Your book cover is the first thing people see and typography plays a crucial role in making it impactful. Here are some tips for choosing typography for your book cover:

Clear title: Your book title should be easily readable, even when displayed as a small thumbnail image. Stay away from overly decorative fonts that might make it difficult to decipher.

Consistency: The fonts used on your cover should match the typography inside your book, creating a cohesive brand and enhancing recognition.

Hierarchy: Utilize typography to establish an information hierarchy on your cover. The title should take center stage, followed by the author’s name and any additional text.

Color considerations: Ensure that the color of your text stands out clearly against the background for optimal readability. You might need to choose different colors for digital and print versions of your cover.

When is it beneficial to hire a designer?

While making typographic decisions yourself can be empowering when self-publishing, there are instances where bringing in a professional designer can be highly beneficial.

Consider engaging the services of a designer in these circumstances:

  •  You don’t have much experience in design and wish to have a professionally crafted, marketable book.
  •  You feel uncertain about making font and layout decisions.
  •  Your book requires complex formatting.
  •  You desire a cover design that is both distinctive and visually captivating.

A skilled designer can transform your vision into reality, ensuring that your book not only looks exceptional but also stands out from the competition in the market.

Navigating your journey with typography

In the intricate world of self-publishing, typography serves as your trusted companion. The choices you make regarding fonts, spacing, alignment, and cover design can either steer you toward success in sales and marketing or leave you adrift among countless unread books.

Therefore, dear self-published authors, welcome typography’s power with a blend of warmth, ingenuity, and wisdom. Allow it to guide your readers on an expedition through the carefully crafted words within your work. As you voyage through the vast seas of self-publishing, may your typographic choices become the guiding stars that lead readers to discover the literary treasures you have created. If you need help with figuring out what typography choices are best for you, contact Elite Authors today.

Wishing you joyful writing and designing!

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Navigating the World of Self-Publishing: Common Pitfalls to Avoid Wed, 20 Sep 2023 14:00:11 +0000 Hey there, self-published authors! Ah, the realm of self-publishing! It’s a place where your words can fly freely, without the constraints of gatekeepers. While it offers possibilities, it also presents […]

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A person behind the wheel of a car looking at a navigation app

Hey there, self-published authors!

Ah, the realm of self-publishing! It’s a place where your words can fly freely, without the constraints of gatekeepers. While it offers possibilities, it also presents its fair share of challenges. Don’t worry though, writers! Today we’re here to be your guide through the waters of self-publishing. Think of us as your navigators ready to help you steer clear of those obstacles on your journey toward sales and marketing success.

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Pitfall 1: Overlooking the importance of editing

It’s tempting to rush your manuscript into publication, eager to share your story with the world. However, releasing a book without editing is like embarking on a voyage without a map—you’ll probably end up lost amid typos, grammar mistakes, and plot inconsistencies. To avoid this pitfall, consider investing in editing services. A refined book acts as your ticket to credibility and positive reviews.

Pitfall 2: Cutting corners on cover design

While “don’t judge a book by its cover” is a saying in the world of self-publishing, an eye-catching cover becomes your valuable marketing asset.

Readers definitely judge books based on their covers. It’s crucial to invest in a cover designer who can create an eye-catching masterpiece that suits your genre perfectly. Your book cover acts as a captivating allure, drawing readers in and making it irresistible for them to pick up.

One common mistake to avoid is overlooking the importance of market research. While writing a book that speaks to your heart is a journey, it’s equally important to consider the preferences of your target audience. Before you even start typing, take some time to research what’s currently selling well in your genre, pay attention to what readers are saying, and identify niche markets worth exploring. It’s not about pandering or compromising your vision; instead, it’s about ensuring that your masterpiece finds its audience.

Another pitfall is neglecting marketing efforts. The notion of “build it and they will come” may work in movies but not in self-publishing. If you truly desire success for your book, you’ll need to engage in marketing activities, utilize social media platforms, connect through email newsletters, and participate in communities related to writing and reading. Create a buzz around your work by interacting with readers, seeking reviews from them, and perhaps even considering running promotions or giveaways to increase visibility.

Lastly, be cautious about setting expectations for yourself as a self-published author. While there are stories of sensations achieving massive success quickly, most authors require time and effort to build their readership base and experience significant sales growth over time.

Remember that perseverance is often key when navigating the world of self-publishing! Don’t let the initial slow progress discourage you. Remember, patience and persistence are your allies. Keep writing, promoting your work, and believing in its potential.

Pitfall 3: Underestimating the importance of reviews

Reviews play a role for self-published authors. Positive reviews enhance credibility and visibility while negative ones provide opportunities for improvement. Encourage readers to leave reviews but avoid practices like purchasing fake reviews—it’s a shady path you should steer clear of.

Pitfall 4: Neglecting professional formatting

The interior of your book should be just as polished as its cover. Poor formatting can lead to a reading experience resulting in reviews and lost readership. Invest in formatting to ensure that your book flows seamlessly on e-readers and in print.

Pitfall 5: Overlooking the importance of building an author platform

Your book is not an entity—it is part of your author brand. Establish a website, maintain a presence on media platforms, and regularly engage with your audience. An author platform helps you connect with readers and cultivates a following for projects.

Pitfall 6: Neglecting the power of data and analytics

In this era, data becomes an asset. Embrace the insights provided by analytics to make decisions about your writing career.

Use tools to monitor and track the performance of your marketing campaigns and sales trends. This valuable data will assist you in refining your strategies and making informed decisions regarding your writing and marketing plans.

Pitfall 7: Isolation

Avoid sailing the ship of self-publishing alone. Connect with authors who have self-published, join writing communities, and seek mentorship. The self-publishing community is vast, welcoming, and rich in wisdom that can be shared.

To conclude, embarking on the journey of self-publishing is an exhilarating experience that offers opportunities for success. By steering away from these pitfalls, you will confidently navigate this challenging terrain. Remember that writing itself is an adventure, and each pitfall you avoid brings you closer to a treasure trove of readership and deserved recognition.

So, dear authors, set your aspirations high, write with fervor, and approach marketing with a sense of purpose. May your voyage through the realm of self-publishing be accompanied by abundant literary rewards. If you need help with self-publishing or promoting your work, contact Elite Authors today. We wish you wonderful writing and editing ahead! Bon voyage!

Warm regards,

Your fellow adventurers in the world of self-publishing

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Formatting Your Book for Amazon KDP: Tips and Tricks for a Seamless Upload Mon, 21 Aug 2023 14:00:11 +0000 When it comes to self-publishing your book on Amazon KDP, selecting the file type and size is crucial. Although KDP accepts file formats like PDF and DOCX, the most commonly […]

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A person holding an e-reader displaying text

When it comes to self-publishing your book on Amazon KDP, selecting the file type and size is crucial. Although KDP accepts file formats like PDF and DOCX, the most commonly used format is MOBI, which is compatible with Kindle devices and apps. It’s advisable to keep the file size under 50 MB to avoid any formatting issues or delays during the uploading process. By considering these two factors, you can ensure your book maintains an outstanding appearance and provides a uniform reading experience for readers across different devices. So take some time to choose the file type and size for your book and get ready to share your words with the world.

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Craft an eye-catching cover design that stands out

In the realm of self-publishing, first impressions are everything. Creating an eye-catching cover design is essential in order to stand out amid a sea of books competing for readers’ attention. Your book cover acts as a representation of what lies within its pages and has the power to either captivate or deter potential readers. A distinctive and visually appealing design can spark curiosity and entice readers to explore what lies beneath that eye-catching cover. Don’t let your book go unnoticed on Amazon. Make sure it has a captivating cover design that grabs attention and entices readers to dive into your story.

Make sure your manuscript meets the formatting requirements for Amazon’s device displays

If you’ve completed writing your manuscript, you’re one step closer to achieving your dream of publishing a book. However, formatting can be a monumental task—especially when it comes to preparing it for Amazon KDP. Navigating through the device display requirements set by Amazon can be tricky. It’s crucial to get it right for the sake of your readers and the success of your book. Ensuring that your manuscript is compatible with Amazon’s file formats and is easy to read on devices like Kindles and tablets is vital. With a bit of knowledge you can format your manuscript in a way that meets Amazon KDP’s display requirements and maximizes its chances of success.

Utilize an ISBN to accurately identify your book on Amazon KDP

As a self-published author using Amazon KDP, you understand the significance of identifying your book. The ISBN system offers an identifier for each book, enabling readers from around the world to find and purchase your work.

Using an ISBN is essential for ensuring that your book appears correctly with the title, author name, and publication details. It also helps differentiate your book from others that may have the same title. Having an ISBN allows you to track your book sales, conduct market research, and establish yourself as a writer. So never underestimate the importance of an ISBN—it can significantly impact your success as an author.

Enhance visibility by optimizing your title, description, and keywords

Self-published authors are marketers, too, and so they should understand the significance of optimizing the book title, description, and keywords. With myriad books on the Amazon platform, it’s crucial to make sure that yours stands out from the rest. One effective strategy is to incorporate targeted keywords into your title and description that accurately represent the content of your book, while also appealing to your intended readership. By optimizing your Amazon KDP listing in this way you can increase visibility for your book and improve its chances of reaching readers. Take the time to carefully review and polish the title, description, and keywords of your book to ensure it’s easy to find.

Before you upload your work, make sure to check for typos and ensure all text is properly formatted

As an author who self publishes on Amazon KDP, it can be incredibly frustrating to click the “Publish” button only to discover that your ebook is riddled with typos and formatting problems. Don’t worry! There are a few steps you can take to avoid such a headache. Prior to uploading your work it’s essential to check for typos and grammatical errors—even going as far as triple or quadruple checking. Additionally, it’s crucial to ensure that all text is correctly formatted, including headings and font styles. Taking the time to perfect these details will not only give your book a professional appearance, but also provide readers with a more enjoyable reading experience. If you need help formatting or editing your book prior to hitting “Publish” on Amazon KDP, contact Elite Authors today! We’d love to help you create an eye-catching, beautiful book that readers will love.

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Book Formatting: Tips for Print-on-Demand and E-book Distribution Mon, 10 Jul 2023 14:00:46 +0000 Are you ready to take your writing career up a notch? Have you written a book that’s been through the editorial process, but you now want to share it with […]

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An open book on a cluttered desk

Are you ready to take your writing career up a notch? Have you written a book that’s been through the editorial process, but you now want to share it with readers everywhere? Book formatting is a crucial element of giving your work professional polish and making sure it reaches its potential audience. Whether you’re looking for tips on how to format an e-book for distribution or make print-on-demand versions, this blog post has everything you need. Let’s get started!

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Understand the differences between print-on-demand and e-book distribution

As a writer, it’s important to consider the various publication options available in today’s digital world. Two popular methods are print-on-demand (POD) and e-book distribution. While both offer the convenience of self-publishing, understanding the differences between the two is crucial in making the right decision. POD allows for physical copies to be printed only when ordered, eliminating the need for storage and reducing overhead costs. On the other hand, e-book distribution offers the ease of instant delivery to readers worldwide, making it a popular choice for digital-only publications. Ultimately, the choice between POD and e-book distribution comes down to personal preference and the nature of the content being published.

Research formatting requirements for different print platforms

When it comes to publishing research, most people only consider the content of their work. While the content is undoubtedly important, the way it is formatted can make all the difference when it comes to getting published in different print platforms. Different platforms require different formatting requirements, and it can be confusing to know what to do. That’s where research comes in. By thoroughly researching formatting requirements for each print platform you want to publish on, you’ll save yourself the hassle of rejection letters and wasted time. It might not be the most exciting part of the research process, but it is essential for getting your work seen by the widest audience possible.

Choose a cover design that reflects your book’s content 

Your book is a work of art that deserves to be showcased with an eye-catching cover design. The cover will be the first thing your potential readers will notice, and it has the power to convey the message of what your book is all about. Choosing a cover design that reflects your book’s content will not only attract the right audience but also give your readers an idea of what’s in store for them. A well-designed cover adds value to the book and creates an emotional connection with the reader. So take your time and invest in a cover that accurately represents your book’s content and captures the attention of your readers.

Optimize your book’s length for maximum visibility 

As an author, you pour your time and energy into crafting a story that you’re proud to share. You want your book to reach as many readers as possible, but have you considered the impact that the length of your book might have on its visibility? In today’s world, where readers have limited attention spans and countless options for their next read, optimizing your book’s length can be a game-changer. A book that’s too long may turn off potential readers, while a book that’s too short might not be taken seriously. By finding the sweet spot for your genre and audience, you can capture more attention on digital bookshelves and increase your chances of success.

Convert your manuscript into an e-book file format 

Congratulations on completing your manuscript! Now it’s time to bring it to life by converting it into an e-book format. This will allow your words to reach a wider audience and give readers the option to enjoy your work in a digital format. While it may seem like a daunting task, converting your manuscript into an e-book file format can be done fairly easily with the right tools and knowledge. By doing so, you’ll be able to give readers immediate access to your work and increase your chances of success as an author. So go ahead, take the leap, and begin the process of transforming your manuscript into an e-book that will captivate readers around the world.

Utilize automation tools to streamline the formatting process

In today’s digital age, the process of book formatting can be time consuming and tedious. Fortunately there are several automation tools available that can streamline this process and save you time and effort. These tools are designed to automate the formatting process and ensure that your book looks and feels professional. With these automation tools, you can easily format your book for a range of digital platforms, from Amazon Kindle to iBooks. By utilizing automation tools, you can ensure that your book formatting is consistent, error free, and efficient. So why not take advantage of these innovative tools and complete your book formatting in record time?

Self-publishing your book can be a daunting prospect, but it doesn’t have to be. By familiarizing yourself with the differences between print-on-demand and e-book distribution, researching formatting requirements for various platforms, designing a cover that reflects your book’s content accurately, optimizing the length of your book for visibility, and converting your manuscript into a suitable file format, you will increase the chances of successfully self-publishing your work. There is no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to self-publishing, so don’t be afraid to reach out if you need help. With automated tools like those provided by Elite Authors, you can streamline the formatting process quickly and easily. Self-publishing does not have to be an overwhelming task; contact Elite Authors today and get started on turning your dream of becoming a published author into a reality.

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Ebook Formatting: What You Need to Know Tue, 20 Jun 2023 14:00:22 +0000 In this post, we’ll explore the ins and outs of ebook formatting—including the tools you need and tips to ensure your book looks top notch! Click here to get a […]

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An e-reader on a shelf of books

In this post, we’ll explore the ins and outs of ebook formatting—including the tools you need and tips to ensure your book looks top notch!

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Understanding different ebook formats

Understanding ebook formatting can help you make the best decision for your reading preferences, device compatibility, and budget. One popular ebook format is EPUB, which is compatible with most devices and supports reflowable text and images. On the other hand, MOBI is the format used by Amazon’s Kindle devices and has limited support for advanced features. PDF is another option, great for preserving document formatting, but can be difficult to read on smaller screens.

The pros and cons of EPUB, PDF, and MOBI formats

With the popularity of reading on an ereader comes the question of which format to utilize: EPUB, PDF, or MOBI. EPUB offers versatility with its ability to adjust to different screen sizes, but its lack of support for advanced features may hinder certain publishers. PDFs are great for preserving formatting, but they can be burdensome on smaller screens. MOBI offers a solid option for Amazon Kindle users, but it may not be as widely supported as its counterparts. Figuring out the right format to use ultimately depends on the intended purpose and audience.

Tips for quality, professional ebook formatting 

Whether you’re a self-published author or working with a publishing house, ebook formatting is a crucial aspect of delivering your words to readers. Poor formatting can discourage readers from finishing your book and may even harm your credibility as a writer. To ensure that your ebook looks polished and professional, take the time to properly format it. This means using consistent fonts, spacing, and margins throughout, as well as incorporating images and other multimedia seamlessly. Stick to industry standards for ebook formatting, and don’t be afraid to seek guidance or hire a professional if needed. By investing in quality formatting, you’ll give your readers the best possible experience and help your writing stand out from the digital crowd.

Choosing the best file types for each platform 

As platforms continue to evolve, so do their file format requirements. It can be overwhelming to determine which file types are best suited for each platform. Choosing the right file type can have a significant impact on your content’s performance and accessibility. For example, video files typically require a different format for mobile devices than they do for desktops. By understanding the technical specifications of each platform, you can ensure your content looks and performs its best no matter where it’s viewed. With a bit of research and savvy planning, you can optimize your content for the right file types and watch your engagement levels soar.

Tools to help you get started with ebook formatting 

If you’re struggling to wrap your head around the intricacies of ebook formatting, don’t worry. From online converters that can churn out your manuscript in a variety of digital formats, to software specifically designed for ebook creation, the options are endless. Take advantage of free resources like tutorials and user forums, or invest in professional assistance from a formatting expert.

The role of text and image quality in ebook formatting

There are a few key factors to consider regarding the reading experience on an ebook. One of those factors is the quality of both text and images within the ebook. Readers can quickly become frustrated if the text isn’t crisp and easy to read, or if images appear blurry or distorted. A carefully formatted ebook with high-quality text and images not only looks professional, but also helps readers stay engaged with the content. So whether you’re working on your first ebook or your twentieth, keep in mind the important role that text and image quality play in the overall reading experience.

Whether you’re an independent author looking to self-publish a personal project or a professional wanting to commercialize your work, understanding ebook formatting is an essential knowledge base. By familiarizing yourself with the various file types and tools available, you can make sure that your ebook stands out above the rest with strong and polished formatting. Beyond the technical details such as margins, fonts, and sizes, pay attention to the quality of the text and images within your document as they are vital to the reader’s experience when transitioning from page to page. Book formatting doesn’t have to be overwhelming however; in fact it can be quite enjoyable once you get used to it! Our team at Elite Authors is here for you throughout every step of your creative journey, so don’t hesitate to contact us for support!

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Best Fonts for Books: Layout, Size, Spacing, and More Thu, 18 May 2023 14:00:38 +0000 Reading a book is much more than words on a page—it’s an experience. With so many options, it can be difficult to know which font type and style to select […]

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A traditional typesetter's case of letters

Reading a book is much more than words on a page—it’s an experience. With so many options, it can be difficult to know which font type and style to select for the most pleasing reading experience. Choosing the right font for your book will have an enormous impact on readability, layout, size, spacing, and overall design. So if you’re tackling a new project or just need some helpful advice about fonts in books, look no further! In this blog post, we’ll discuss the best fonts for books and how they work together to create that perfect layout.

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Pick the perfect font for your book—selecting a font that best conveys your message

When it comes to selecting the best font for your book, you should consider more than just the aesthetics. The right font can convey your message, add personality, and even enhance the reading experience for your audience. It’s important to choose a font that not only looks great on paper but also complements the tone and style of your writing. With so many fonts for books available, it can be overwhelming to pick the perfect one. However, with careful consideration, you can select the best font that will leave a lasting impression on your readers.

Size matters—establishing the right size for easier reading and maximum impact

When it comes to fonts, size really does matter. Display fonts may be eye-catching, but if they’re too small, they become difficult to read. Monospaced fonts can ensure clarity, but they don’t always pack the same visual punch. Choosing the right size is key for maximum impact and ease of reading. This is especially true when it comes to children’s books, where the font needs to be large enough to make reading a pleasure, not a chore. As for the best fonts for children’s books, it can be a matter of personal preference, but experts recommend clear, easily readable fonts with a touch of whimsy to keep young readers engaged. With careful consideration and a little experimentation, you can find the perfect font size and style to make your text truly impactful.

Spacing is everything—understanding how to arrange the text on each page to make it easy on the eyes

When it comes to designing any type of text-heavy document, from a book to a brochure, spacing is everything. Finding the right balance of white space and font size can make the difference between something that’s pleasant to read and something that’s a chore. One trap that novices sometimes fall into is cramming too much text onto a page—but the truth is that a little bit of breathing room can go a long way. It’s also important to choose the right font. Generally speaking, easier-to-read fonts like Times New Roman and Arial are your best bet for body text. If you’re feeling adventurous, you can try a monospaced font or a handwritten font for headings or special elements. A professional designer can help you make the right choices and strike the perfect balance.

Make it pop with color—using color combinations to create an inviting atmosphere 

Color is a powerful tool. When used correctly, it has the ability to evoke emotions, set moods, and even drive sales. It’s the heart and soul of design, and can make or break a project’s success. When it comes to typography, the right color combinations can create a truly inviting atmosphere. From the use of serif fonts to display fonts, each design element plays a vital role in communicating a message to the viewer. This is especially true in the realm of children’s books. The best fonts for children’s books are those that inspire wonder and spark imagination. By combining the right colors with the right typography, you can truly make your project pop.

Don’t forget about layout—crafting a professional layout that looks great on both paper and digital formats

Crafting a professional layout may seem like a daunting task, but it is crucial for conveying a strong message. With the prevalence of digital formats, it is important to create a layout that looks great both on paper and on screen. One aspect to keep in mind is the use of fonts. While handwritten fonts and decorative fonts may be tempting to use, it is important to select the best fonts for the type of message being conveyed. A professional layout is not just about aesthetics but also about ensuring that the content is easily digestible for the audience. With the right balance of design and functionality, a professional layout can make all the difference in delivering an impactful message.

Get creative with typography—exploring unique designs and letterforms in order to stand out from the crowd

Typography is one of the most powerful tools for designers looking to create memorable designs. Sans serif fonts are clean and modern, while serif fonts offer a refined and elegant look. But why limit yourself to these traditional options? Exploring decorative fonts can add a touch of fun and uniqueness to your designs. By mixing and matching different fonts, you can create a visually striking text that draws the eye and commands attention. So the next time you’re working on a design project, why not get creative with typography and see where your imagination takes you?

By considering factors such as font, size, spacing, color, layout, and typography, you can create a beautiful book that captivates readers and makes your message heard. A few simple changes can make all the difference in quality, and it is important to get help from professionals who have the experience to make sure you get it right. Contact Elite Authors for help taking your book design to the next level—our team of creative professionals is ready to guide you every step of the way! From selecting just the right font to perfecting page layouts with gorgeous typography designs, our expert team will ensure your book looks amazing. Don’t leave your fantastic stories behind lackluster design—let us give them life through breathtaking artwork and cutting-edge formatting. Let’s create something extraordinary!

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Separate the Basic Parts of Your Book before Self-Publishing Wed, 26 Apr 2023 14:00:43 +0000 Self-publishing a book can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it comes with its fair share of difficult decisions—including what to do about formatting the work. Before you can press […]

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A to do list on a cluttered desk

Self-publishing a book can be an incredibly rewarding experience, but it comes with its fair share of difficult decisions—including what to do about formatting the work. Before you can press “publish” to release your masterpiece into the world, you’ll need to sort out some basic parts of your book and put them in their proper places. To guide content marketers and writers through this self-publishing challenge, we’ll examine various elements that require attention before releasing a project.

Compile your content—gather all the text, illustrations, photographs, and other visual elements that you need to include in your book 

Assembling all the components of your book can sometimes seem like a daunting task, but fear not! Compiling your content is an exciting step in the publishing process. Whether it’s text, illustrations, photographs, or any visual element you choose, each aspect contributes to the overall personality of your book. It’s important for authors to remember that great books are not only written but designed. With a little perseverance and a lot of organization, your masterpiece will soon be ready for publication.

Structure the book—decide on a table of contents and what sections each chapter should have, and break those down further into subsections

As the author, it’s up to you to decide on a table of contents that will guide readers through your content in a logical, engaging way. Each chapter should have clearly defined sections, and those should be further broken down into subsections that provide even more detail and support for your main ideas. By taking the time to carefully plan out your book’s structure, you can ensure that your readers will stay engaged and interested from beginning to end. So, whether you’re writing a memoir, a how-to guide, or a work of fiction, make sure you prioritize the structure and organization of your content.

Design the formatting—choose fonts, font sizes and styles, page margins, and line spacing

When it comes to designing the formatting of a document, the choice of fonts, font sizes and styles, page margins, and line spacing can really make a difference in both the readability and the professional look of the document. Choose fonts that are clear and easy to read, such as Arial or Times New Roman, and use font sizes that are appropriate for the type of document you are creating. Margins should be set to allow enough white space on the page, while line spacing can be adjusted to help make the text easier to read. Overall, a well-designed document will not only communicate its message effectively, but it will also reflect positively on the author’s level of professionalism and attention to detail.

Find an editor—get a professional editor to review your work so you can make sure it’s error free before publishing 

As a writer, ensuring that your work is error free before sharing it with the world is paramount. This is where the expertise of a professional editor comes in. An editor’s job is to not only catch grammatical and spelling errors but also to fine-tune your work to give it the clarity, coherence, and structure it needs to be successful. Think of them as your trusted partner in getting things right. With a professional editor by your side, you can be confident that your work will be polished and ready to go when it’s time to publish .

Determine distribution options—research different self-publishing companies to see what services they provide for print or digital books

As a self-published author, it’s important to determine your distribution options and research different companies to find the best fit for your needs. With so many companies offering a broad range of services for print and digital books, it can be overwhelming. Look for companies that offer professional covers, editing services, and marketing support. You want your book to stand out in a crowded marketplace, and finding the right distribution partner can help it do just that. So take a deep breath, dive into your research, and get ready to see your book out in the world.

Create a marketing strategy—think about how you’ll reach your potential customers through online marketing tools such as social media or email newsletters

As a business owner, creating a marketing strategy is crucial in growing your customer base. Nowadays, having an online presence is a must to reach a wider audience. Incorporating social media and email newsletters into your marketing plan can be the key to success. Social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram allow you to interact with potential customers and showcase your products or services. Email newsletters, on the other hand, offer a personalized approach to reach out to your subscribers and keep them informed of any updates or promotions. With a well-planned and executed online marketing strategy, your business can thrive in this digital age.

Writing, designing, and publishing a book may sound daunting, but with the right resources and guidance, you can be successful and have your dream book come to life. You need to begin by compiling all of your content into one place. From there, structure the book by deciding on a table of contents along with what sections each chapter should include. The formatting also needs to be thought about and laid out in detail before you move onto hiring an editor for expert advice and feedback. Once you have everything outlined, you can choose how you want to distribute the book through self-publishing companies that offer printing or digital options. Last but not least, formulate a solid marketing strategy to ensure your potential customers are aware of your work through online promotion tools such as social media or email newsletters. The journey of writing a book may seem long and intimidating at first, but it’s also highly rewarding once it comes together in the end. If you’re ready to take on this challenge head-on and make your literary dreams come true worldwide, contact Elite Authors today to start the process!

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Elite Answers: How does Elite Authors work with KDP? Fri, 10 Feb 2023 20:01:36 +0000   Ready to learn more? Contact us with any questions! Transcription (may contain errors): It’s free to publish your book through KDP, but where most authors struggle is finding a […]

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Ready to learn more? Contact us with any questions!

Transcription (may contain errors): It’s free to publish your book through KDP, but where most authors struggle is finding a professional editor and formatting their book so that it meets KDP’s. Printing requirements and specifications. KDP refer authors to Elite for assistance with editing, interior book formatting, cover design, and marketing support services. We will work with you to polish and design your book so that it meets KDP’s printing specs and requirements. After completing the design process with us, you’ll then upload those files to your KDP accounts and publish your book. We also offer an upload service if you prefer our team to handle this step for you.

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Best Fonts for Books: Layout, Size, Spacing and More Wed, 25 Jan 2023 15:00:16 +0000 Fonts are everywhere. Every single typed word you’ve ever read is in some sort of font! You’re probably aware that you can choose different fonts in word processing software such […]

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zoomed in book with the letter E

Fonts are everywhere. Every single typed word you’ve ever read is in some sort of font! You’re probably aware that you can choose different fonts in word processing software such as Microsoft Word or Google Docs. What you might not know is that some fonts are better for books than others!

Not all fonts are created equal. Some are great for formal writing, like academic essays or journals—and those likely aren’t the best fonts for children’s books, graphic novels, and other casual literature. Different fonts convey different moods. So when you choose a font for your manuscript, you should consider your genre, theme, and overall book design.

So what are the best fonts for books? And what is the best font for your book in particular? The first step in choosing the ideal font for your manuscript is learning what a font is and what options are available to you.

What Is a Font?

Put simply, a font is a typeface. Fonts dictate the size and shape of the letters and numbers in any content that’s been typed on a computer or typewriter. They might be structured and formal, or they could be more decorative and playful.

There are many different types of fonts—and exploring some of the various categories can help you narrow down the best font for your book. As you learn about new fonts, ask yourself which typefaces would look best for the pages of your book and your book jacket. Chances are you’ll come across a few fonts that you can easily envision on the inside and outside of your masterpiece!

What are the different types of fonts?

Depending on what word processing program you use, you’ll likely have a different variety of fonts to choose from. There are hundreds of fonts out there, and if your software doesn’t have your favorite one, you might be able to add a font to your program!

Fonts may be classified differently in each word processing software. However, here are a few standard types of fonts to familiarize yourself with as you research the best fonts for books:

  • Decorative fonts. These are highly stylized and unique typefaces. They’re meant to grab viewers’ attention, so they’re often used for company logos. Decorative fonts might have a mix of uppercase and lowercase letters, and some characters might be slightly askew. In general, these are not good fonts for the pages of a novel, though they could work well for your title. And they’re some of the best fonts for children’s books!
  • Display fonts. In general, display fonts are great for headings but don’t scale down very well. If you find some display fonts that you really want to incorporate into your book, consider using them for either your title or your chapter titles. Then pick a more standard font for the majority of your pages that complements the display fonts.
  • Handwritten fonts. You might guess that handwritten fonts mimic a person’s handwriting. And you’d be right! Some handwritten fonts are in cursive, and others are in a less-formal printed handwriting style. These can be great fonts for children’s books or books involving humor, since they’re a little more personalized than a standard typeface.
  • Monospaced fonts. In these fonts, all characters take up the same amount of horizontal space. In other words, all of the letters and numbers in the font are the same width. These are often serif fonts and might remind you of the characters that an old typewriter would produce.

There are many fonts that fall into each of these categories. On top of choosing the font itself, you can often stylize your typeface too!

How do you stylize fonts?

In addition to having your choice of font, many typefaces can also be stylized. Maybe you want to show emphasis or list a formal book title in your manuscript, which will require you to adjust the font accordingly. One of the main ways to stylize a font is by bolding it. You might bold a few words—or even a full sentence—to set it apart from the rest of a paragraph so that your reader knows it’s important. Just remember to use bolded fonts sparingly or else your audience won’t know what’s actually important!

You can also italicize your font. Italics are often used to show emphasis, convey that you’re quoting a song or a poem, or cite a source that you’ve referenced in your book. Similarly, the third type of font stylization is underlining. While underlines can be used to emphasize a word or a phrase, they’re also frequently used to cite a source. If you’re writing a nonfiction book that requires citations and a bibliography, be sure to use the appropriate citation style for your manuscript.

Not all fonts can be stylized. Many handwritten fonts, decorative fonts, and display fonts don’t provide options to be bolded, italicized, or underlined. This is just another thing to keep in mind as you look at the best fonts for your book.

The Best Fonts for Books

There’s no universal right or wrong font for any book. However, since the fonts you use for your book jacket and pages help set the tone for your story, you should choose the best typeface for your particular manuscript. Three of the most popular kinds of fonts across the book industry are serif fonts, sans serif fonts, and decorative fonts.

Serif fonts

Serif fonts are classic. They’re named after the serif, or small detail, on many of the letters. Although they might remind you of old newspapers or the first essay you typed in school, they’re actually still very commonly used. Here are a few examples of serif fonts:

  • Courier: The sky is blue.
  • Georgia: The sky is blue.
  • Times New Roman: The sky is blue.

As you can see, many of the letters have small details that other fonts don’t include. For example, the edges of the capital T hang down, and the lowercase y has horizontal lines at the top in each font. If you feel that serif fonts aren’t the best fonts for your book, you can check out some sans serif fonts.

Sans serif fonts

Sans serif fonts do not include the small details that serif fonts have. In other words, they are without serifs, or sans serif. They were created in part because they can sometimes be easier to read than serif fonts. In printing, for instance, ink might not sit on the paper as cleanly as the printer wants it to. This can cause the details on serif fonts to bleed together and become less legible.

Here are a few examples of common sans serif fonts:

  • Arial: The sky is blue.
  • Helvetica: The sky is blue.

Both serif fonts and sans serif fonts are great for the pages of a novel. However, if you’re trying to pick a typeface for your book cover or are looking for the best fonts for children’s books, you might want to look at a few decorative fonts.

Decorative fonts

You’re already aware that decorative fonts are highly stylized and sometimes used for company logos. You’ve likely also seen them used as headings on websites or in magazines. Some authors like to use them for their title or even their chapter titles to add a little pizzazz to their books!

Decorative fonts are constantly evolving, and graphic designers are always coming up with new, creative typefaces. You might have seen these popular decorative fonts in your readings or as you’ve surfed the web:

  • Broadway: The sky is blue.
  • Stencil: The sky is blue.

Regardless of which typeface you choose, the best fonts are the ones that complement your book’s genre and theme.

How to pick a font that complements your book’s genre and theme

The font or fonts that you choose for your book say a lot about the book itself. Think about when you’ve browsed your local bookstore, library, or e-book retailer. Some book covers catch your eye thanks to an interesting picture or illustration—and a well-chosen font! For example, you might come across a war novel that uses a stencil-styled font or a romantic story with a pretty script or cursive font. The typefaces help convey the story’s theme, so it’s important to pick the best ones!

In order to pick a font that complements your book’s genre and theme, first decide whether you want one font or multiple fonts. If your title has a subheading, you can pick two fonts that go well together. And if you want your book cover to be less text heavy, a single font will suffice.

Second, think about what you want your font to communicate to your target audience. If your book is humorous, choose a lighthearted font with some personality. Decorative fonts and display fonts might be good choices! And if your book is more serious, start with serif fonts or typefaces that you might have seen in other publications that are similar to your manuscript.

Finally, keep in mind that the best fonts for books are legible, particularly in a small format. Your book’s title should be legible in a thumbnail image so that potential readers who find your book online can easily read it. If your target audience can’t instantly read your title, they might scroll right by your book!

Your book cover is your chance to make a great first impression on your target audience. So be sure to choose an interesting, legible font that conveys your book’s theme—and that will help readers find your book!

Choosing the Best Font Will Help Your Book Get Noticed!

Choosing the best font for your book should be fun! However, with all the fonts out there, it’s easy to become overwhelmed. That’s where Elite Authors comes in. We offer a variety of services, including book formatting and cover design, to make sure your font helps your book get noticed.

Visit our website to learn how we can bring your story to life!

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Guide to Children’s Book Design Wed, 18 May 2022 14:00:45 +0000 Book design is crucial when you create a book for a young reader. The book size, illustrations, colors, and font all need to complement each other to attract your target […]

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child reading a picture bookBook design is crucial when you create a book for a young reader. The book size, illustrations, colors, and font all need to complement each other to attract your target audience. We’ll discuss all of this and more in this guide to children’s book design!

As you go through the process for your children’s book, try to keep in mind what colors and font are best suited for your book cover and the interior pages. After you determine the book trim size you’ll use, you can work on formatting your illustrations. But the best place to start may be with a storyboard.

How to create a storyboard for your children’s book

The first step in this process is creating a storyboard, which you can use as both a starting point and a roadmap to keep your book design on track.

When you create a storyboard, you are building a foundation for a beautiful book design. Your storyboard helps you figure out which sentences or paragraphs in your book should be accompanied by an illustration.

Eye-catching illustrations go a long way to marketing kids’ books. Although a storyboard might seem like an unnecessary step, it can really set you up for success in the long run.

What is a storyboard, and how is it made?

A storyboard is basically a visual representation of the children’s story that you’re writing. It helps you as the writer determine how many illustrations you need. And when you partner with an illustrator, it helps them understand the story and what you’re looking for.

To start making your storyboard, go through your story line by line and identify which parts should be illustrated. Some children’s book authors like to draw rectangles to help break up their overall story into smaller, more manageable sections. Each rectangle represents a section of your story. Just write some notes or sketch some ideas in each rectangle to create a visual storyboard for your children’s book.

Which tools can help you create a storyboard for your children’s book?

There are several tools you can use to create your storyboard. If you’re self-publishing your children’s book, there are two main options:

  • Paper and pen or pencil. This might sound old fashioned, but some of history’s most famous children’s picture book illustrations started with a handmade storyboard!
  • Graphic design software. You can use programs like Canva or the Adobe Creative Suite to create a storyboard template and add your notes and sketches directly into the software.

If you’re working with a publishing house, they might have resources like specialized software to help. However, you can also easily create a storyboard on your own if you’re self-publishing!

How long does it take to create a storyboard for a children’s book?

Creating a storyboard takes time, so try not to rush it. Keep in mind that a storyboard is a great way to communicate with your children’s book illustrator. If you rush your storyboard, your children’s book illustrations might miss the mark.

The actual time it takes to create your storyboard will depend largely on how long and complex your story and characters are. Each scene and character illustration takes time to both develop and create. So be patient and try not to rush this fun, creative process!

Layout, colors, and font options for children’s books

Choosing the layout, colors, and fonts for your children’s book is exciting! You really get to see your book come to life. These components will help create your book’s overall aesthetic, so it’s important to consider them as you begin to lay out the book.

How do you lay out a children’s book?

Once the storyboard is done, authors who self-publish picture books often work with their illustrator to develop the book’s layout. Here are a few questions that might help you create the layout:

  • How many illustrations do you want, and how much of the page will they take up? You’ll have larger and more plentiful illustrations in a picture book than a more text-heavy book for a young adult reader.
  • Where will the text be in relation to the book illustration on each page?
  • Will you recycle an illustration for the book cover, or will the front and back of your book have their own imagery?

How can color choices affect your children’s book?

As you lay out your book, keep in mind that the color choices affect how your readers perceive your book.

Color choices greatly affect your readers’ initial reactions. If your book is catering to a young reader under the age of five, try to include bright colors to stimulate their minds. And if your story is more appropriate for children a little older, broaden your color spectrum a bit. Use colors that might invoke emotion, such as bright yellow for happiness, or a nice, calming blue.

What font styles and sizes should you consider for your children’s book?

When it comes to structuring picture books and young adult novels, the font you choose makes a big difference.

Young children learning to read will have an easier time understanding a picture book with a large font and clear, simple letter shapes. Conversely, an older child who can understand more complex storylines might prefer a smaller font.

There are millions of fonts out there. So choose the one that fits best with your book!

Common trim sizes for children’s books

Book trim size is an industry term for a book’s height and width. Your ideal trim size will depend on a few factors, including:

  • Your reader’s age. The younger the reader, the larger the recommended trim size.
  • The ratio of illustrations to text. If you need more room to showcase intricate illustrations, a larger trim size will suit you better than a smaller one.
  • Your publishing method. If you self-publish, chances are your printing company will have a few templates for you to choose from. If you’re working with a publishing house, they might be able to create a custom size or shape for your book.

It always helps to research some cover design tips so you can learn more about standard and custom book trim sizes—and to find some examples.

What are some examples of trim sizes for children’s books?

You broke the mold when you wrote your children’s book. And you can do the same with a custom trim size if you’d like! However, depending on how you’re publishing your book and your overall budget, you might want to stick closer to the industry standards.

Here are a few examples of common trim sizes for children’s books:

  • 12” x 9” or 9” x 7” for a board book
  • 10” x 10” or 10” x 8” for a children’s picture book
  • 6” x 9” for a text-heavy chapter book

Why is it important to know the average trim size of a children’s book?

Trim size is a big factor in how you design and lay out your book, so it’s important to familiarize yourself with the average sizes.

If you begin to design your children’s book before you choose a publisher, it’s important to have an idea of the average trim size. This way, you and your illustrator can begin laying out the book and just make small adjustments when you choose the printer and get their template.

For example, say you’re creating a board book for very young readers. The book should be large enough to accommodate thick cardboard pages that are easy for little fingers to turn. You might be envisioning a big, impressive 16” x 16” book that showcases large, beautiful illustrations. However, if you start designing such a big trim size, you’ll have to do a lot of cutting if you end up printing a much smaller standard size.

On the other side of the coin, if you know that the average trim size of a board book is 12” x 9”, you can begin designing your book with those dimensions. This dramatically cuts down on your revision time down the road.

In other words, knowing the average trim size of a children’s book makes your life easier when you prepare the book to print and publish.

What does the term “safe area” mean when it comes to formatting a children’s book?

The term “safe area” is basically the boundary in which you can include your text and illustrations. Your book printer needs to leave room around the perimeter of your cover and each page to account for page margins and the binding.

Review the template that your publishing house or self-publishing company provided. There should be an overall boundary as well as a smaller “safe area” boundary. The space beyond the safe area basically allows the printer a little wiggle room so they don’t interfere with your font or illustrations when they print, cut, and bind the pages and covers.

How to format illustrations in a children’s book

All right, you’ve created your storyboard, chosen your colors and font, and picked a book trim size. It’s time to format!

Every part of your book needs to be formatted—even your title page, which probably won’t have much text or illustration. Formatting your illustrations is easier than it might sound, especially if you understand the basic formatting principles.

What factors affect how you format illustrations in a children’s book?

One important factor in how you format your children’s book illustrations is the ratio of illustration to text on each page. Some pages might have a large, colorful illustration with just a little text, and other pages in your book will work well with just a background image and more words.

Another factor to consider is the trim size. You don’t want to overwhelm a small page with a large illustration or too much text. Likewise, you don’t want a large page to look blank. In many cases, your illustrator will have access to software that will help you play around with formatting options so you can design the perfect page.

What software do book illustrators use?

Each professional book illustrator has their own preferred medium. Some prefer the tried and true, old-fashioned method of drawing by hand. However, in the evolving landscape of e-books, computer-based programs have gained popularity over the years.

Nowadays, many illustrators use tablets that they can draw on, just like they might on paper. This allows them to effortlessly save different sketches and color schemes to show the author.

The actual software will vary depending on the type of computer or tablet your illustrator works with. Here are a few of the most common software programs that book illustrators use:

  • Adobe Illustrator
  • Adobe Photoshop
  • Canva
  • Procreate
  • Corel Painter

Once your illustrator has created beautiful images for your book, it’s on to the formatting process.

What are the steps to formatting illustrations in a children’s book?

Each book is unique. Although there’s no universally “right way” to format your children’s book illustrations, here are a few steps to take as you finalize your book design:

  • Ask your publishing house or printer for their book template.
  • Carefully review the template for the safe area and resolution requirements.
  • Lay out each page of the book in the template. Play around with the font and illustration size on each page to make sure you’re happy with how it looks.
  • Make sure each page’s text and illustrations fall within the safe area.

Most self-publishing companies are happy to answer questions about formatting. After all, they want your book to look great, too! So if you have any questions on the steps you should take to format your illustrations, just contact them for advice.

The right design will help your children’s book shine

Beautiful books capture their target reader’s eye. Since young readers are drawn more to pictures than text, beautiful book design is extremely important in children’s book design.

Let the experts at Elite Authors help you design the perfect children’s book. Visit our website to learn more about our book cover design, formatting, and marketing services!

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