finances – Elite Authors Expert Publishing Services Tue, 15 Aug 2023 16:22:38 +0000 en-US hourly 1 finances – Elite Authors 32 32 Self-Publishing as a Business: Accounting and Taxes Fri, 25 Aug 2023 14:00:13 +0000 Are you a content marketer or writer looking to explore entrepreneurship? Have you considered self-publishing as an avenue for monetization? As with any business venture, there are certain financial and […]

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A person using a calculator at a cluttered desk

Are you a content marketer or writer looking to explore entrepreneurship? Have you considered self-publishing as an avenue for monetization? As with any business venture, there are certain financial and legal obligations associated with the endeavor. Knowing how and when to pay taxes and manage your accounting requirements can be overwhelming; How much do I owe in income tax? Do I need to register my business with the IRS or state government? What expenses should I track in order to maximize my deductions come April 15? This post will provide helpful information about self-published authors who are also small business owners, helping ensure your finances stay on track!

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Understanding the basics of self-publishing

Self-publishing can be a thrilling adventure for writers, but it can also feel like navigating uncharted waters. Understanding the basics of self-publishing can give you the confidence and know-how to tackle the process head-on. To begin, decide on your publishing platform, such as Amazon’s KDP or Barnes & Noble’s Nook Press. Once you have a platform, choose the format for your book—e-book, print on demand, or both. It’s also important to consider cover design and editing, as well as marketing strategies. By mastering the basics of self-publishing, you can bring your writing to life and share it with the world on your own terms.

Establishing a business entity for self-publication

If you’re considering self-publishing, it’s important to establish a business entity to protect yourself and your assets. Creating a separate legal entity, such as an LLC or corporation, can provide you with liability protection, tax benefits, and the ability to establish credit. It may seem daunting, but there are plenty of resources available to guide you through the process, including online filing services and legal professionals. By taking the time to establish a business entity, you can focus on what you do best—creating and sharing your words with the world.

Setting up an accounting system to track finances

Self-publishing can be a highly rewarding endeavor, both creatively and financially. However, in order to truly thrive as a self-published author, it’s essential to have a solid accounting system in place to track your finances. This can help you keep an accurate record of your income and expenses, as well as enable you to make informed decisions about pricing, marketing, and future investments in your writing career. By taking the time to set up an effective accounting system, you can free up more mental energy to focus on the creative side of self-publishing, knowing that your financial well-being is being properly taken care of.

Keeping records of sales and expenses

As a self-published author, it’s important to keep track of your sales and expenses to get a better understanding of your book’s profitability. Keeping records of sales and expenses can also help you file your taxes correctly and plan future marketing strategies. With the rise of digital publishing, there are many software options available to help you manage your bookselling process, from tracking book sales to automatically importing your expenses. Whether you choose a spreadsheet or software program, taking the time to keep accurate records can save you headaches and money in the long run. So take control of your self-publishing business by keeping detailed records of your sales and expenses.

Calculating your quarterly estimated tax payments 

As a self-published author, calculating your quarterly estimated tax payments can seem like a daunting task. However, it is crucial to stay on top of your taxes to avoid any potential penalties or fees. By estimating your tax payments each quarter, you can ensure that you are properly withholding enough money for taxes throughout the year. It may take some time and effort to calculate these payments, but it is well worth it to ensure that you are staying within the legal guidelines of the IRS and keeping your self-publishing business on track. With the right tools and resources, you can make the process of calculating your quarterly estimated tax payments much simpler and stress free.

Working with a professional tax preparer or accountant on year-end filing

As a self-published author, you know the importance of managing your finances and filing your taxes appropriately. However, navigating the complexities of tax law can be overwhelming, and mistakes can be costly. That’s where a professional tax preparer or accountant can be invaluable. By working with someone who understands the ins and outs of self-employment taxes and deductions specific to writers and publishers, you can ensure that you file accurately and potentially save money on taxes. With the end of the year quickly approaching, now is the time to consider partnering with a qualified professional who can help take the stress out of filing your taxes.

With the essence of self-publishing firmly rooted in understanding the basics, it is clear that one needs to keep a close eye on finances and establish business entities. Setting up an accounting system allows effective tracking of sales and expenses, which helps you accurately pay quarterly estimated taxes. Working with a professional tax preparer or accountant at year-end filing ensures that your returns are compliant with IRS procedures. All these steps create a pathway for all new self-publishers to achieve success. Ultimately, pursuing self-publishing should lead to profits while being mindful of having professional financial guidance throughout the journey. To learn more about this process, contact Elite Authors and set yourself up for success today!

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Using Paid Advertising to Promote Your Book Thu, 22 Jun 2023 14:00:10 +0000 Are you an author looking to reach more readers? If so, paid advertising could be the key to expanding your audience. Paid advertising is one of the most effective strategies […]

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Two smartphones displaying metrics

Are you an author looking to reach more readers? If so, paid advertising could be the key to expanding your audience. Paid advertising is one of the most effective strategies for book promotion and can help you get your work in front of potential readers across multiple platforms. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the importance of paid advertising for authors, how it works, and its advantages over organic marketing tactics. Read on to learn how you can use paid ads to promote your book launch or strengthen ongoing sales!

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Understand the basics of paid advertising

Understanding your target audience and where they spend their time online is crucial to developing a successful strategy. It’s important to set a budget and determine goals for your campaigns. Don’t be intimidated by the process—with the right approach, paid advertising can help take your business to the next level.

Determine your target audience and set reasonable goals 

It’s important to know who you’re targeting and what you want to achieve. This is especially true when it comes to marketing and building a brand. Determining your target audience allows you to cater your messaging and content specifically to their needs and interests, while setting reasonable goals ensures that you stay focused and don’t become overwhelmed or discouraged. By taking the time to analyze your market and establish a clear vision for success, you’ll be setting yourself up for long-term growth and sustainability.

Choose the best ad platforms for your book promotion 

You put a lot of time, effort, and heart into your book: after all, it’s your masterpiece, your baby, your legacy. However, once your book is published, you need to start promoting it. And in this day and age, that means using ad platforms. But how do you choose the best ad platforms for your book promotion? First, you need to consider your target audience and where they’re most active. Next, you need to think about your budget and what kind of ad campaigns you can afford. And lastly, you need to do your research and find out which platforms have the highest return on investment for book promotions.

Create ads that resonate with your target audience 

Knowing your audience is key to creating ads that resonate with them. It’s not just about demographics, such as age and gender, either. You need to understand their values, interests, and pain points. By crafting messages that align with these factors, you can create ads that connect with your audience on a deeper level. It’s all about creating content that speaks to their emotions and moves them to take action. Whether it’s making a purchase or sharing your message with others, creating ads that resonate is the key to success in today’s competitive marketing landscape.

Monitor your performance and make adjustments as needed 

As the saying goes, “You can’t improve what you don’t measure.” This holds true for any area of life, including professional performance. Without tracking progress, it’s easy to lose sight of where you’re headed and how you’re performing. Keeping a close eye on your work output allows you to identify strengths, weaknesses, and areas for improvement. This way, you can make informed decisions about how to pivot and adjust your approach to achieve optimal results. So the next time you’re feeling stuck or unsure of your progress, take a moment to assess your performance and make the necessary changes to advance forward.

Take advantage of special advertising opportunities on social media platforms

As social media continues to evolve and dominate the digital world, it’s important for businesses to stay up to date on the latest advertising opportunities these platforms offer. With over three billion active users on social media, companies can’t afford to miss out on potential customers. Whether it’s leveraging Instagram‘s shoppable ads or utilizing Facebook’s retargeting capabilities, there are various ways to take advantage of the special advertising opportunities on these platforms. By doing so, businesses can increase their online visibility, reach new audiences, and ultimately boost their bottom line. So don’t miss out on your chance to get ahead of the competition and start exploring the diverse advertising options available on social media.

To summarize, if you want to get the word out about your book and maximize your visibility, paid advertising is a great option. Understanding the basics of paid advertising, determining your target audience, and creating ads that resonate with them are all key components of successful campaigns. Additionally, be sure to choose the best ad platforms for your promotion and keep an eye on performance so you can make any necessary adjustments. Finally, don’t forget to take advantage of special promotional opportunities on social media platforms as they become available. Paid advertising may seem daunting at first, but with the right team of professionals behind you, success can be achievable. If you’re interested in learning more about paid advertising campaigns or would like to enlist the help of a qualified firm to drive your book marketing efforts forward, please contact Elite Authors today!

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Elite Answers: I’ve written a book. What do I do next? Fri, 10 Feb 2023 22:52:35 +0000   Ready to learn more? Contact us with any questions! Transcription (may contain errors): It’s time to start your publishing journey. Where do you begin? Here are a few tips that will […]

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Ready to learn more? Contact us with any questions!

Transcription (may contain errors): It’s time to start your publishing journey. Where do you begin? Here are a few tips that will ensure you get started on the right foot. One: have your manuscript in a digital format. Microsoft Word is preferable, but pages or Google Docs works as well. Two: have a budget in mind. This will ensure you are focusing on the necessary services for your manuscript. Three: set a goal. Have a timeline in mind for when you want to publish. Authors can continue to refine their manuscripts for months on end. So set a date for when you would like to get started and stick to it.

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Elite Answers: Are there different types of editing? Fri, 10 Feb 2023 22:44:40 +0000   Ready to learn more? Contact us with any questions! Transcription (may contain errors): There are several types of editing services. We offer a variety of options to help you refine […]

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Ready to learn more? Contact us with any questions!

Transcription (may contain errors): There are several types of editing services. We offer a variety of options to help you refine and polish your manuscript while working within your budget and timeline. All successful books go through multiple rounds of editing. In fact, traditionally published books typically go through six to eight rounds of editing. Most authors start with developmental editing. This service will show you what’s working, what could be better, and how to take your manuscript to the next level. Then moving into line editing to review overall structure, comprehension, flow, tone, and organization. The last round of editing before formatting is typically copyediting. Copyediting will review your manuscript one final time for spelling, grammar, punctuation, and sentence structure. Here at Elite Authors, we offer bundled editing options to meet your goals and set you up for success.

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Elite Answers: Does Elite Authors take royalties? Fri, 10 Feb 2023 22:32:43 +0000   Ready to learn more? Contact us with any questions! Transcription (may contain errors): You keep 100% of your royalties when using our publishing services. A benefit of using Kindle Direct […]

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Ready to learn more? Contact us with any questions!

Transcription (may contain errors): You keep 100% of your royalties when using our publishing services. A benefit of using Kindle Direct Publishing is that they offer some of the highest royalties in the industry. You earn up to 70% in royalties on ebook sales. If the ebook is listed between $2.99 and $9.99. On all print books, authors earn 60% of the list price, less the manufacturing cost. For example, if you list a 200-page paperback book for $15.99, you’ll earn $6.34 cents per copy. It’s important to understand this when you’re looking at publishing options, and I’m happy to help you compare earnings per book.

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Elite Answers: What should I expect to get paid for my book? Fri, 10 Feb 2023 20:26:45 +0000     Ready to learn more? Contact us with any questions! Transcript (may  contain errors): Most traditionally published books earn between four and eight% in royalties. This is one of […]

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Ready to learn more? Contact us with any questions!

Transcript (may  contain errors): Most traditionally published books earn between four and eight% in royalties. This is one of the many reasons authors choose to independently publish When you self-publish, authors typically earn a much higher royalty -between 40 and 60%. Most of our authors publish with Kindle Direct Publishing. KDP offers some of the highest royalties in the publishing industry. On print books through Amazon, authors earn 60% of the list price, less manufacturing cost. For example, if you list a 200-page paperback book for $15.99, you will earn $6.34 cents per copy. E-book sales work a little differently as there are no printing costs involved. If you list your e-book between $2.99 and $9.99, you’ll earn 70% in royalties.

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Marketing a Book on LinkedIn Mon, 14 Nov 2022 22:00:54 +0000 Finishing a book is quite an accomplishment. Once you’ve published your masterpiece, it’s time to start marketing! Fortunately, you can successfully market your book on social media platforms like LinkedIn […]

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person tapping table at a table

Finishing a book is quite an accomplishment. Once you’ve published your masterpiece, it’s time to start marketing! Fortunately, you can successfully market your book on social media platforms like LinkedIn even if you’re not a professional marketer. And because there are plenty of free marketing methods, you can start at a very low cost and allocate a marketing budget if you choose.

Free LinkedIn marketing options for your book

You might’ve noticed that self-publishing costs can add up quickly—including book promotion expenses. However, LinkedIn offers some free marketing options that you can take advantage of. LinkedIn provides helpful support for both business and individuals hoping to market their products and services—you just have to know where to look.

How does LinkedIn support marketing?

As a social media platform built mainly for professionals and businesspeople, LinkedIn is a fantastic venue for marketing. Many companies use tools like a customized LinkedIn company page or targeted ads that cater to their followers. They can even create a full LinkedIn campaign as part of their overall content marketing strategy.

In addition to corporate marketing, LinkedIn is a great book promotion venue! You can create posts about your book, join groups to discuss your work, and track your success. When you effectively market your book on LinkedIn, you can start getting ready for some serious book sales.

How does marketing a book work on LinkedIn?

Marketing your book on LinkedIn requires some work to get started. However, since it’s a user-friendly system, you’ll be on your way to book sales in no time. Here are a few elements to include in your LinkedIn strategy for book promotion:

  • Update your LinkedIn profile to include all your published books and create a custom URL for your LinkedIn page.
  • Write at least one LinkedIn post per week about your book to stay in front of your followers.
  • Include four or five relevant hashtags in each LinkedIn post to attract your target audience.
  • Link your other social media accounts like Facebook and Twitter to your LinkedIn profile so your followers can find you across multiple platforms.

You can spend money marketing your book on LinkedIn if you’d like. However, there are some free options that you might want to check out before you create a marketing budget.

What sort of free LinkedIn marketing options can you use to promote your book?

LinkedIn has plenty of free book marketing tools—especially if you’re willing to spend some time and energy on it!

One of the best ways to market your book for free is to create a great LinkedIn profile. Include a nice picture of yourself—never use a stock image or an avatar. Add all your publications, links to your other social media platforms, and a link to your author page. The easier you make it for your target audience to contact you, the better chance you’ll have of earning book sales through LinkedIn.

Another helpful free LinkedIn marketing strategy is to join a few groups. Each LinkedIn group is a lead generation opportunity. Your posts should create buzz about your book and help the other group members get to know you as both an author and a person. These are the first couple of steps toward effective LinkedIn marketing.

Effectiveness of paid book marketing on LinkedIn

Authors hoping to make money from their books sometimes have to allocate money to paid book promotion. Although digital marketing might sound expensive, you can easily and effectively control your costs if you do your research and keep a close eye on your overall spend. Just get to know your options!

What sort of paid marketing options does LinkedIn offer for books?

There are a couple of paid marketing options that LinkedIn offers for books. The first is sponsored content, which is sometimes referred to as native ads. In this type of paid media, you basically purchase advertising space on your target audience’s LinkedIn feed.

Sponsored content is available in a few different formats, including a single image or a carousel that rotates a few different images. You might include your book cover, your author picture, or some illustrations. Make sure they’re eye-catching so your followers click on your ad instead of just scrolling right past it!

In addition to native ads, you can create an entire LinkedIn campaign to market your book. This process will include a few steps:

  • Set your budget. Many ads are “pay per click,” which basically means you’ll be charged a fee every time someone clicks on your ad. You can set a daily budget so you don’t spend more than you want to.
  • Identify your target audience. To maximize your marketing dollars, choose the demographic that you want to see your ads the most. Narrowing your audience increases your odds of earning a book sale.
  • Schedule your campaign. Instead of logging into the social platform every day, you can schedule your LinkedIn campaign to run on particular days of the week. Think of it as putting your campaign on autopilot!

Book marketing is a marathon, not a sprint. If you don’t see results immediately, it doesn’t mean your LinkedIn campaign isn’t successful. You just have to be patient and sometimes make small adjustments to your campaign to ensure that it’s effective.

How can you track the effectiveness of LinkedIn’s paid marketing options?

To ensure the effectiveness of your paid ads on LinkedIn, you’ll need to track a few different metrics. The first is impressions, or how many people your ad reaches. Even if people scroll past your ad, it counts as an impression.

The second paid social media advertisement metric to track is engagement, which is how many people interact with your ad. To calculate this, divide your total engagements by your total impressions. You want your engagement rate to be between three and five percent.

A third metric is cost per click, or CPC. This basically tells you how much money you’re spending to attract each potential customer. CPC helps you keep track of your return on investment (ROI). If an ad isn’t earning ROI, you might want to change it up so you earn money back on your marketing investment. The higher your ROI, the higher your book sales!

What else should you know about LinkedIn’s paid marketing options?

If you invest in paid media on LinkedIn to promote your book, keep in mind that you can’t actually sell books directly through LinkedIn. Digital marketing on social media is great for lead generation and letting your target audience know that you have a new book. However, you’ll have to include links to wherever your potential readers can buy your book.

For example, your LinkedIn profile and posts should include links to Amazon Kindle, Apple Books, and any other websites where people can make the purchase. If you’re also selling print books at a local bookstore, include links there too! In other words, you can use social media to generate leads instead of earning actual book sales.

What to do with LinkedIn leads generated by marketing your book

Lead generation is one of the biggest goals of every marketing campaign. This is also true in your book promotion strategy! Leads are potential sales that haven’t happened yet. Once you start earning leads, you’ll need to put in some work to turn them into book sales.

What are LinkedIn leads?

In all marketing—including indie book marketing—you might think that a “lead” is anyone that could potentially be interested in purchasing your work. However, LinkedIn leads go through more of a vetting process.

When you cater your LinkedIn ads to your particular target audience, the leads that you earn though this social media platform will likely be legitimate. LinkedIn can help you generate targeted leads so you’re not wasting advertising money.

How does LinkedIn generate leads created by marketing your book?

As a social media platform, LinkedIn is a great venue for discussion. That means that every content marketing effort can start a conversation. LinkedIn can generate leads for you as long as you dedicate some time and energy to talking about your book.

Use LinkedIn to create buzz and excitement about your book. Post your book cover design or some teasers about your book. Make people excited to read it. The more effective your marketing efforts, the more leads LinkedIn will generate!

What can you do with LinkedIn leads?

Once your LinkedIn marketing efforts produce lead generation, you’ll have to follow up with your potential customers to guide them to actually purchase your book. You basically have to nurture these leads to earn a book sale.

Fortunately, LinkedIn makes it easy to communicate with your followers—including the ones who are interested in buying your book. You might send a message to a book sale lead through LinkedIn’s platform to see if the person would like to know more. You can also gather data about your sales leads, find similarities, and cater your next LinkedIn post or article to what they want to read. You can also feature your book on LinkedIn for a marketing boost!

Featuring your book on your LinkedIn profile for marketing purposes

As your online presence grows, your marketing job gets a little easier. Your followers will increase and you’ll reach a larger audience. People begin to recognize your name—and your book’s title! If you need a little help, you can also feature your book on LinkedIn.

What is the difference between featuring a book and featuring a book for marketing purposes?

Anyone can feature their book. However, when you feature your book for marketing purposes, you’re really homing in on a potential reader. The whole point of marketing is lead generation and sales. When you pay to feature your book on your profile for marketing services, your audience sees that you’re serious about your writing career. This legitimizes you as an authority on your book’s topic, which can lead to even more book sales.

How do you feature your book for marketing purposes on LinkedIn?

One of the best ways to feature your book for marketing purposes on LinkedIn is to add a publication to your LinkedIn profile. This isn’t just a free marketing tactic—it’s quite easy to do! Here are the steps to follow:

  • Log into your LinkedIn page.
  • Click on “Add profile section.”
  • Click on “Add publication.”
  • Fill out the online form and click “Save.”

Additionally, you can create a featured post about your book on LinkedIn. Featured posts highlight what the account holder is most proud of. And you should certainly be proud of your book! To add a featured post from your LinkedIn page, just click on “Add profile section,” then “Recommended.” You’ll see an option to “Add featured.” Click on that link and follow the prompts to create a featured post!

What else should you know about featuring your book on LinkedIn?

Remember: the more successfully you market your book, the more attention and book sales you’ll earn. However, one thing to keep in mind is that your job as an author promoting your book doesn’t end with featuring your work or buying some paid ads. You’ll also have to post at least once per week and respond to any incoming messages or interactions with your posts.

In other words, get seen on LinkedIn to earn book sales!

Get seen on LinkedIn—and earn more book sales!

When used correctly, LinkedIn is a fantastic marketing tool for indie authors hoping to sell books. It’s easy to use and cost efficient, and it allows you to reach a huge portion of your target audience.

If you’re not sure how to effectively use LinkedIn for your book promotion, don’t worry! Elite Authors is here to help. We won’t just increase your book sales—we’ll show you how to do it so you have the knowledge moving forward. Visit our website to learn more!

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Book Retail Industry Statistics Wed, 02 Nov 2022 16:00:47 +0000 The book industry is evolving. As the world has become more digital, book retail industry statistics have shown an increase in digital sales of e-books, audiobooks, and print books. In […]

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bookshelves with lots of books

The book industry is evolving. As the world has become more digital, book retail industry statistics have shown an increase in digital sales of e-books, audiobooks, and print books. In fact, digital sales have had an enormous impact on the book industry!

E-commerce book purchases are one of the biggest developing trends affecting the book retail industry in recent years. Although independent bookstores might not be selling as many print books as in the past, readers are still purchasing plenty of literature in the US and across the globe.

US versus worldwide sales in the book retail industry

Whether you prefer to read a print book or e-book or listen to an audiobook, each piece of literature you purchase adds to the worldwide book industry revenue. Book retail sales bring in a lot of revenue each year, largely because of their marketing efforts.

You’ve probably seen advertisements for new books by famous authors or some informative nonfiction book marketing. All these book promotion efforts help the book industry satisfy readers’ demands. Thanks to successful marketing and a gigantic international audience, the worldwide book retail industry is big—and getting bigger.

How much does the book retail industry make in worldwide sales annually?

The global book retail industry is huge. As of 2021, the worldwide book market was worth over $138 billion—and it’s expected to keep growing!

One reason that the book industry is doing so well is the accessibility of e-books and audiobooks. Instead of leaving home to make a book purchase, consumers download their next book from online retailers like Kobo or Amazon’s Kindle.

The classic print book and your local independent bookstore will always have a place in readers’ hearts. Digital sales are certainly on the rise, but the bookstore industry still has a healthy share of the overall book industry market.

What is the market size of the bookstore industry in the US in recent years?

Recently, the US bookstore industry has declined as digital sales have increased. However, bookstores still bring in a robust $9.9 billion. Revenue is expected to increase a bit in the coming years, partially due to the constant need for academic textbooks.

Because bookstore sales have intense competition from the digital market, booksellers and comics shops will need to become a bit more creative to keep their profits up. If they’re able to increase their market share, both the stores and authors will earn more money.

How much do authors make from retail book sales in a year?

Author income varies based on a variety of factors. Although each professional writer’s situation is a little different, here are a few elements that can affect how much revenue they’ll make from retail book sales:

  • Quantity of published books. An established author already has a following. Their loyal readers might purchase their new book because they’ve enjoyed their past work.
  • Publishing method. Self-publishing authors must handle their own book marketing. Contrarily, authors who sign a book deal with a traditional publisher have access to professional book promotion resources, including a full book marketing strategy and their own literary agent.
  • Book accessibility. The more platforms an author sells their books on, the more potential readers will see them—and the more book sale revenue they’ll earn!

As they sell more books, authors earn book royalties from those sales. Regardless of whether you purchase a book digitally or from your local independent bookstore, you are contributing to the author’s overall income.

How digital sales impact the book retail industry

Digital sales have had a huge impact on the book retail industry. E-books and audiobooks are extremely popular among readers who prefer to purchase and download their next book instead of going to their local independent bookstore.

Additionally, book industry e-commerce has helped self-published indie authors break into the professional writing scene. When books were only available in print, self-publishing was quite difficult and expensive. However, authors no longer have to search for a publishing house or pay out of pocket for their books to be produced. Now, indie authors can rely on e-book sales and promote their books via their optimized Amazon listing and their social media platforms like Facebook and Twitter for a nominal cost. This is just one of the ways that digital sales have impacted the book retail industry.

How have digital sales impacted the book retail industry?

Book retailers have been greatly affected by digital sales. The convenience of purchasing an e-book or audiobook from home—or ordering a print book to be delivered with a few clicks on an e-commerce site—has enticed millions of people to forgo a trip to their local bookstore. Although digital reading is on the rise, Amazon book sales show that print books are still incredibly popular.

In fact, millions of people still prefer holding a print book in their hand as opposed to enjoying their favorite author’s work on an e-reader. According to a recent survey, 45 percent of the United States population purchased a print book, as opposed to the 23 percent who purchased an e-book. Regardless of the type of book readers are purchasing, the book industry has had to pivot in response to the competition from digital book sales.

How has the book retail industry changed in response to competition from digital book sales?

Digital book sales have changed the way the book industry operates because it has changed the way people buy books. Unfortunately, many bookstores haven’t survived the digital sale revolution. Maybe you used to have an independent bookstore in your neighborhood or would pick up your next favorite book at a store like Borders or Waldenbooks. Although some brick-and-mortar bookstores are still around, they’ve largely decreased because they just couldn’t compete with the convenience of digital sales.

Some readers see digital books as more environmentally friendly than printed books. A print book requires resources like paper and ink. They also need to be shipped to bookstores, which causes vehicle emissions and therefore pollution. Some readers simply prefer a digital download to a print book that could eventually end up in a landfill. Thus, the book retail industry has turned some of its focus to digital sales. A by-product of this pivot is the lower cost of digital books compared to those sold in retail stores.

How do the costs of digital books compare to selling books in retail stores?

Unfortunately for many bookstores, print books simply cost more to produce than e-books. Here are a few of the costs associated with e-book creation:

  • Book cover design fees
  • Editing and proofreading fees
  • ISBN purchase
  • Various costs associated with posting your e-book on an e-commerce website

In addition to those costs, print books have a longer list of expenses:

  • Paper
  • Ink
  • Labor to run the printing presses
  • Shipping

These costs stack up quickly—and they’re passed on to the consumer. That’s why an e-book version of your next favorite novel might cost you less to buy than a print book. This is one of the many trends affecting the overall book retail industry.

Latest bookstore marketing trends in the book retail industry

People love reading books, so the book industry will likely stay strong for the foreseeable future. However, the way that book retailers market to consumers may change. As younger readers come of age and begin purchasing books, the book retail industry could become even more digitally based in the coming years.

How is book marketing expected to evolve over the next five to ten years?

Over the next five to ten years, book marketing will likely become even more digital than it is now. Because self-publishing a book with e-commerce websites is so easy and relatively inexpensive, the number of indie authors will continue to grow. Large book retailers like Amazon’s Kindle and Barnes & Noble will need to market these indie authors so their sales keep increasing.

Consumers shop for just about everything online—including books! In addition to looking for their next favorite author in their search engine or by reading book reviews, many consumers turn to social media to see what’s new in the book world.

How has social media changed how books are marketed?

Social media has become a fantastic book promotion method. And because it’s so accessible to countless people around the world—even in developing countries—it will likely play an increasingly large role in book marketing.

Currently, authors build their online presence through platforms like their author website, Facebook, and Twitter. However, TikTok and Instagram are gaining popularity and have evolved as fantastic book marketing venues. Even novice authors can easily promote their graphic novels, nonfiction books, and their self-published cookbooks. And because social media is generally free unless an author wants to pay for advertising, indie authors can keep their book marketing costs low.

What is the average cost of marketing a book?

Book marketing costs vary from a few hundred dollars to a few thousand dollars. Each author’s marketing budget depends on a few factors:

  • Whether they’re self-publishing or working with a traditional publisher
  • Whether they are a career writer who depends on book sales for their primary income or an indie author who writes in their spare time
  • Which book retailers they partner with to sell their books, as some e-commerce sites charge fees or royalties

Indie authors can basically choose how much time and money they want to allocate to marketing their books. As long as they keep an eye on consumer trends, they can create a successful book marketing plan.

Developing consumer trends affecting the book retail industry

With e-commerce book sales increasing over brick-and-mortar bookstores, the publishing industry has had to respond. Although the trend of online book sales began years ago, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a positive impact on the book retail industry.

How did the public’s response to COVID-19 affect the book retail industry?

From children’s books to full novels, people purchased a lot of books during the COVID-19 pandemic. In fact, print book sales have increased by almost 9 percent since early 2020!

Reading is a fantastic way to relax and keep your mind occupied. Many consumers took advantage of these benefits during the pandemic lockdown and have continued to enjoy reading and buying new books. In particular, millennials and Gen Xers are reading more and are beginning to change how the book retail industry communicates with their target audience.

How is consumption of mass media by millennials and Gen Xers changing the book retail industry?

Younger generations have created a sort of new retail revolution. Many millennials and Gen Xers basically live online, so digital mass media has exploded in popularity. And the book industry has recognized this!

Publishers now rely more on the e-book market and print book sales via e-commerce than brick-and-mortar stores. They advertise online and on social media platforms to capture their target audience. Based on the average number of books that people read each year, it looks like their efforts are working.

How many books does the average consumer read in a year?

In the United States, the average person reads 12.6 books each year, or about one per month. This might not seem like a lot, but it’s worth noting that this only includes full-length novels. Readers usually don’t include comic books or children’s books that they read to their kids in their overall book count. However, maybe they should! After all, every single book sale adds to the book retail industry’s statistics.

Elite Authors can help you add to the book retail industry’s statistics!

You don’t have to be a book industry expert to sell a lot of books. Elite Authors is here to help! Whether you need a team of professional editors, a talented book cover designer, or support marketing your masterpiece, we can help you put a beautiful book in front of your target audience and ring up your book sales.

Visit our website to learn more about our wide array of publishing services!

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Book Industry Statistics Wed, 19 Oct 2022 14:00:18 +0000 Book industry statistics are helpful for everyone in the book industry. They help authors and publishers understand where readers are purchasing books and whether current trends show an increase in […]

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books on a self backward

Book industry statistics are helpful for everyone in the book industry. They help authors and publishers understand where readers are purchasing books and whether current trends show an increase in print book, e-book, or audiobook sales.

Additionally, these statistics indicate how much revenue the book industry earns, as well as how much it costs to create and publish each book. When you’re determining whether to self-publish or partner with a traditional publishing house, it helps to learn about the biggest companies in the book industry.

Biggest companies in the book industry

There are plenty of large, famous companies in the book-publishing industry. Some of their names are likely even visible on the book spines on your bookshelf!

When you research the biggest companies in the book industry, you can divide them up into a few categories. For instance, investigate both traditional publishing and self-publishing. After all, the top Amazon book listing might be self-published! Learning about the top publishers in the world can help you decide where to publish your masterpiece.

Who are the top book-publishing companies in the world?

Although publishing industry trends are constantly changing, there have been a few consistent top book publishers in the world over the years. Here’s a look at some of the biggest publishing houses of 2022:

  • Pearson (London, England)
  • RELX (London, England)
  • Thomson Reuters (Toronto, Canada)
  • Penguin Random House (New York, USA)
  • Hachette Livre (Paris, France)

These companies generally focus on print books. If you’re more interested in digital publishing, look into the top e-book publishers as well.

Who are the top e-book publishing companies?

E-book publishers are on the rise as the world becomes more digital. And as you might guess, Amazon’s Kindle Direct Publishing is a perennial top e-book publisher. Kindle offers great accessibility to both self-published authors and their readers, so it’ll likely remain near the top of the list.

However, other digital publishing companies have given Kindle a run for its money in recent years. Authors hoping to self-publish their e-books have options like Smashwords, Draft2Digital, Lulu, and Kobo Writing Life. The e-book industry doesn’t show signs of slowing down, so these companies might become top publishers in the near future.

Who are the top publishing companies in the United States?

Several of the top publishers in the US overlap with the top companies in the world. In fact, some have emerged as the “Big 5” in English-language publishing:

  • Penguin Random House
  • Hachette Book Group
  • HarperCollins Publishers LLC
  • Simon & Schuster
  • Macmillan Publishers

There are also some huge publishing companies not included in this list. For example, McGraw-Hill is perhaps the largest educational publisher around, and Scholastic Inc. might have published your favorite children’s book.

Publishing print books is big business. As you research book industry statistics, though, don’t forget about the fast-growing digital publishing industry!

Digital publishing revenue in the book industry

The digital publishing industry has been catching up to the traditional-publishing market in recent years. Printed media will likely always be available, but web-based content is quickly gaining popularity. If you’re interested in digital publishing, you should get to know the different types available to you and your readers.

What are the types of digital publishing?

When you think of digital publishing, your mind likely goes to e-books. However, there are several different types of digital publishing! Think of all the online magazines, newsletters, news websites, and even blogs. These are all aspects of the digital publishing market.

As an author, you’re likely an avid reader. And if you’re like most readers, you’ve probably enjoyed an e-book or two. Since so many people are turning to e-readers and tablets instead of print books, digital publications are gaining traction in the traditional publishing industry.

Why is digital publication gaining so much traction?

E-book sales are on the rise, and the e-book industry has both readers and authors to thank for the boon.

Many readers love the convenience of purchasing an e-book. Instead of venturing to a bookstore, they can buy their next favorite novel from their e-reader or tablet, and the entire book is immediately at their fingertips. Additionally, some readers see an e-book as an eco-friendly option to a print book. Although they don’t get the same satisfaction of turning those lovely paper pages, they still reap the benefit of the author’s voice and storytelling ability.

On the author side, it’s just easier for many self-published authors to publish an e-book as opposed to a print book. The digital publishing industry is accessible to indie authors because it’s simpler for DIY authors to self-publish than find a literary agent and sign a book contract with a traditional book publisher. And since e-books allow writers to reach an enormous audience over the internet, e-book sales might come easier than physical book sales.

Thanks to the increase in digital publication, the US book industry is raking in the profits!

How much revenue does the US book industry make from digital publishing each year?

Fortunately for authors, book industry sales are still strong in the United States. According to a recent study, the US book industry earned almost $26 billion in 2020. And it’s not only classic titles that are bringing in book sales. That same study showed that over four million new books were published in 2021.

As long as this upward trend continues, average book industry sales numbers will be on the rise for years to come.

Average book industry sales

It’s easy to get engrossed in book industry statistics—and it can help you as an indie author! This data will teach you what genres people are reading, where they find their books, and whether they prefer a print book, e-book, or audiobook.

If you’re an indie author hoping to increase your book sales, it’s also important to have a book-marketing plan. This could include an author website, a social media presence, and even appearances on a podcast. However, part of your plan should also be to understand how much the average book sells in the book industry.

How many books does an average book sell in the book industry?

In recent years, the average book has sold about 500 copies in the United States. If you invest in marketing your book—and make it available in both print and digital options—you could raise that average!

However, when you look at book-sales averages, keep in mind that you’re actually considering several different industries. These include

  • print book sales, which are sometimes divided into paperback and hardcover sales;
  • e-book sales; and
  • audiobook sales.

Overall book sales have been on the rise since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic in early 2020. Readers are dedicating more time and money to the written arts, especially through online purchases. Here are a few book sales statistics from the year 2021:

  • Print book sales are up almost 9 percent since the pandemic began and are still the most popular method of reading.
  • E-books account for about 21 percent of all book sales, and readers purchased 191 million e-books in 2020.
  • Audiobook sales were estimated at $4.8 billion and are expected to almost double by 2026.

In other words, the book industry is booming. Although not everyone can be a best-selling author, it never hurts to try to ring up as many book sales as possible!

How many copies do best-selling books sell?

You’ve probably read something from the New York Times Bestseller List. However, did you know that those books sell between 5,000 and 10,000 copies in one week?

The overall sales number isn’t the only criterion for earning the “bestseller” title. Your sales also have to be diverse. Instead of selling all the books in one place, you must spread the sales around. For example, a bestselling author could sell a few thousand Amazon Kindle books, plus print books through retailers like Barnes & Noble. They could be on their way to selling a million copies!

How much money does an author make on a book that sells one million copies?

An author’s income on book earnings varies depending on several different factors, including

  • whether you’ve self-published or are working with a traditional publisher,
  • which company you’re publishing with, and
  • whether you’re publishing a print or digital book.

Book royalties range anywhere from 10–70 percent, but the higher percentages don’t come overnight. If you’re a self-published indie author, it could take years to earn one million book sales. Since writers who are backed by large traditional publishers have resources like professional book marketers and literary agents, indie authors need to take into account the cost of administration and support services to help boost their own book sales.

Cost of administration and support services in the book industry

Regardless of what kind of book you’re publishing, you’ll need to budget for some administration and support services. These might include a fixed cost such as the annual fee to keep your author website online or an indirect cost like purchasing an artist’s image for your book cover. In fact, these costs are a large component of the book industry’s annual spend.

How much does the book industry spend on administration costs over the course of a year?

The book industry spends serious money on book-processing charges. Professionals like literary agents, editors, and printing teams all earn salaries from the industry. These are just some of the costs that publishing houses need to account for when they determine their profits.

In the United States, the book industry is currently worth about $26 billion. If you consider large publisher Simon & Schuster’s profit margin of 21.4 percent in 2021 as the benchmark, that means that the book industry spends about $20.4 billion in overall costs!

What are the book industry’s support services and how much do they cost?

The book industry has generated smaller institutions that are imperative to publishing. Here are a few support services you’ll need to consider, along with some estimated costs:

  • Graphic design. To catch your target audience’s eye, you’ll need a striking book-cover design. Graphic designers are highly skilled and educated in their field, so you could pay upwards of $100 per hour for an outstanding book cover design.
  • Editing. Every manuscript needs professional editors to handle things like developmental editing, copyediting, and proofreading. Costs for editors vary, but typically you’ll pay a certain rate per word.
  • Book marketing. Even if you don’t hire a literary agent or a traditional publisher, you’ll still need to market your book. In order to really ring up those book sales, consider hiring a professional to help with your book-promotion strategy.

In addition to the support services, you’ll need to pay some publishing fees. These will vary depending on whether you publish a print book or an e-book and whether you work with a traditional publisher or a self-publishing company.

How does the cost of traditional publishing compare to digital publishing?

In general, digital publishing costs less than traditional publishing. When you publish an e-book, you’ll still need to invest in services like book-cover design and professional editing. However, you won’t have to worry about paying for the ink, paper, labor, and shipping that print books require.

In other words, it takes less time and resources to create an e-book than a print book. Despite the potential costs, you can boost your book sales with a print or digital publisher—as long as you have a strong team to help you!

Boost your book’s sales statistics with Elite Authors!

Sure, we focus on helping you create great books. However, we also love educating our clients on book industry statistics! The more you understand about the book industry, the more successfully you can publish and market your book.

We offer expert, affordable, and personalized service to authors of all genres and experience levels. Visit our website to learn how we can help

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Book Sales Statistics Wed, 05 Oct 2022 14:00:18 +0000 As an indie author, you might not expect to make a living selling your book. Maybe you’re entering the book market for the first time, or maybe you’ve generated some […]

The post Book Sales Statistics appeared first on Elite Authors.

people browsing at a bookstore

As an indie author, you might not expect to make a living selling your book. Maybe you’re entering the book market for the first time, or maybe you’ve generated some nice revenue with previous publishing experience. Either way, you’ve worked hard to finish your manuscript, and now you have a great opportunity to earn money from your book sales.

If you’re working with a traditional publishing house, the publisher will carefully track your book sales statistics. And if you’re self-publishing, you’ll need to keep an eye on each e-book, print book, and audiobook sale—and how much each sale costs you. The first step here is learning what book sales metrics really are.

What book sales metrics really mean

Book sales metrics are data that show you how much money you’re making from book sales. However, this goes beyond just the quantity of books sold and your overall sales revenue.

Regardless of whether you’re traditionally publishing or self-publishing, you’ll also have to track other KPIs (key performance indicators). Your profit margin, cost per customer, and how the sales cycle affects your particular book are all performance metrics that you should pay attention to.

Which sales statistics should authors track?

Determining your author income isn’t as simple as looking at how much money comes in from your book sales. Although that is an important sales KPI, it doesn’t tell the whole story. Here are a few additional sales metrics to keep track of:

  • Gross margin. Add up your total book sales revenue and subtract the amount of money you’ve spent publishing and marketing the book. This will give you your net profit. Then divide the total revenue by the net profit. That percentage is your gross margin. The higher the percentage, the more money your book is making for you!
  • Cost per customer. If you’re advertising online, on social media, or on your author website, you’re spending money to earn each potential customer—and you have to keep track of those expenses.
  • Sales cycle. Does your book’s sales velocity increase or decrease at different times of the year? If you’ve written a holiday-themed book or a story that takes place in a particular season, you might sell more books in certain months.

Each sales metric helps you understand whether your book marketing strategy is effective. You can then compare your sales data to other authors to see if your metrics are strong or if they could use some improvement.

What are good sales metrics for a book?

There really isn’t a universal standard for good book sales statistics. Some authors want to build a career as an author, and others publish as a hobby and an opportunity to make a little money on the side. However, you can compare your sales metrics to industry standards.

Do some online research every few months to find out how the book market is performing. Look at traditional publishing companies and indie authors’ self-published titles.  How are their printed book and e-book sales doing? What is the book industry’s current average gross margin? Compare your sales metrics to theirs. If your numbers are similar to the rest of the industry, you’re doing great! And if they’re lagging, consider investing in book marketing to increase those book sales numbers.

What are the sales numbers and metrics of best-selling books?

Many authors dream of someday being on a bestseller list. When you research other writers and publishers, look at how many books they’ve sold. Oftentimes, best-selling titles have sold hundreds of thousands—or even millions—of copies. Since these popular books are usually backed by a large publishing house, they likely have a healthy marketing budget as well.

Although a self-published author might not have the benefit of a publishing house’s marketing team and budget, they can still earn good money on their book sales.

Average book sales for a self-published book

The self-publishing industry can be intimidating to an indie author who isn’t familiar with how to sell books. The good news is that you can make money through self-publishing! It’ll take some hard work, but if you focus on book promotion, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much you can earn.

How much does the average self-published book make?

Self-published authors generally don’t have an extensive marketing budget. While this is part of being an indie author, it can also keep sales revenue down compared to famous authors who have book deals with large publishers. And marketing also factors into how much a self-published book will make.

Some self-published writers earn several thousand dollars each year in book sales revenue. Keep in mind, though, that you have to spend money to make money. Authors who invest time and funds into a strong book marketing strategy will sell more copies than average—and make more money than average!

How many copies does the average self-published book sell?

There are many factors that affect how many copies a self-published book will sell. One of the largest factors is genre. If you’ve written a book in a popular genre with a large following, you have a good sales opportunity because you’re tapping into a large book market. However, if you fall into a more obscure book category, you might struggle to find potential readers.

In other words, there aren’t any universal metrics for how many copies the average self-published book sells. However, there are ways that you can estimate how many book sales you can ring up.

How can you estimate how many books you can sell by self-publishing?

One of the best ways to estimate how many books you’ll sell is by keeping up with book industry trends. The e-book industry is much different than the print book and audiobook industries, so keep an eye on how both printed and digital books are selling in your area and genre. You can use those sales statistics to get a gauge of how many readers are looking for your type of book.

Book sales for a traditionally published book

Traditionally published authors usually have more resources at their disposal than indie authors who self-publish their books. A traditional publishing house might even absorb costs for a marketing campaign and a literary agent as part of a book deal.

In many cases, this means that traditionally published authors sell more books than self-published writers. Even with a publishing house’s resources, though, not every author is a bestseller.

How many books does a typical bestseller sell?

So, how many books do authors on bestseller lists actually sell? It depends on factors like genre, book market size, and which list you’re looking at. Some bestseller lists require around 5,000 to 10,000 book sales per week.

Those numbers might seem unattainable. However, remember that a large, successful publishing house can provide great resources to back your book. They consider your manuscript an investment—and they believe in your writing! The publishing industry is extremely competitive, so your publisher will do everything they can to boost your print book, audiobook, and e-book sales.

How many books do traditionally published midlist authors typically sell?

Midlist authors earn a lot of book sales revenue but don’t quite make a bestseller list. Although they won’t exactly break any publishing-industry sales records, they sell enough books to be considered successful. And if they can publish multiple books with the same midlist result, a publishing house might see them as a reliable source of author income and offer the writer a contract for multiple books.

While bestselling authors need to sell thousands of books per week, midlist authors generally need to sell thousands of books per month. Since each book sale is revenue, higher sales mean higher earnings!

How much do traditionally published authors make?

Successful authors who partner with traditional publishing companies can earn a lot of money throughout their careers. However, it might take some time for you to reap the benefits of a book deal.

Many publishing houses provide their authors with a cash advance as a sort of bonus for signing a book deal. Once that advance has been paid back, you can begin earning royalties from each book sale. Royalties are basically a percentage of the book sale price and are generally around 10 percent for a traditionally published author. For example, if you receive a $10,000 cash advance as part of your book deal, you’ll start earning royalties after your book has earned $10,000 for the publisher.

Regardless of whether you’re traditionally publishing or self-publishing, you can boost your book sales and improve your metrics so you can earn more money from your manuscript.

Ways to boost book sales as an author to improve your metrics

In order to boost your book sales and improve your metrics, you need a book marketing strategy. Here are a few questions to ask yourself as you outline the best strategy for you and your book:

  • Who is your target audience?
  • Where will your potential customers try to find your book?
  • What is your ideal book profit margin?
  • How much time and money can you allocate to book marketing?

Regardless of your budget, one of the best places to market your book and boost your book sales is social media.

How can social media help you boost book sales to improve your metrics?

Social media is one of the best digital marketing tools available to authors. Platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram are excellent venues for authors breaking in to the book market. You can set up an author page or a publication page in addition to your main profile and plug your book for free.

Most social media sites also allow you to pay for advertising if you want to get a leg up on the competition. You can use these paid advertisements to reach your target audience, guide people to your Kindle page or author website, and highlight the e-commerce sites where readers can buy your book.

When you pay for social media advertising, most platforms also give you access to sales metrics so you can see how your ads are performing. It’s important to familiarize yourself with common ad campaign metrics so you can compare how your book sales are performing compared to how they should be performing.

What are common ad campaign metrics when you are marketing your book?

Once you begin investing in an ad campaign, you’ll need to keep an eye on certain metrics to make sure you’re earning a return on your investment. Basically, your marketing dollars should yield book sales—and you should earn more sales revenue than you spend.

Here are a few common ad campaign metrics that you should consistently track throughout your book-promotion efforts:

  • Cost per ad versus your sales revenue per book
  • Quantity of book sales, including print book, audiobook, and e-book
  • Customer engagement on social media
  • Author website traffic increases and decreases

These metrics will provide a picture of how your ad campaign is performing. If your metrics are lower than you’d like, there are ways to improve those numbers!

How can new authors improve their metrics?

New authors need to be creative in order to make a name for themselves and earn book sales. If your social media and author website aren’t performing well, look for other marketing outlets.

Talk to local bookstores about holding a book reading or a book launch event. Sponsor a book club. Or even find a popular podcast related to your genre. You’ve achieved one major goal by publishing your masterpiece. Now it’s time to make some money by boosting those book sales!

Elite Authors can boost your book sales statistics!

Whether you need a hand with editing, book cover design, book marketing, or anything in between, Elite Authors can help you reach your book sales goals. We can help make your book the success it deserves to be. Visit our website to learn how our wide array of services can help you reach the bestseller list!

The post Book Sales Statistics appeared first on Elite Authors.

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