cover design – Elite Authors Expert Publishing Services Fri, 12 Apr 2024 16:04:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 cover design – Elite Authors 32 32 Using Color Psychology in Book Cover Design to Attract Readers Mon, 02 Oct 2023 14:00:41 +0000 Welcome to the fascinating world of book cover design, where colors do more than just please the eye. They hold immense power to influence readers, evoke emotions, and set the […]

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A drawing of a brain. The left hemisphere is covered in math symbols while the left hemisphere is covered in multicolored paint splotches

Welcome to the fascinating world of book cover design, where colors do more than just please the eye. They hold immense power to influence readers, evoke emotions, and set the tone for your literary journey. In the realm of self-publishing, your book cover serves as a crucial marketing asset. Understanding color psychology can be your secret weapon in captivating readers. So grab your favorite writing beverage, find a comfortable spot in your cozy writing nook, and let’s embark on an exploration of the enchanting world of color psychology in book cover design.

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The captivating influence of colors

Before we delve into the mystical realm of color psychology, it’s important to acknowledge how profoundly colors impact human emotions and perceptions. Colors have a unique ability to stir up feelings, trigger memories and create associations. This fascinating phenomenon forms the basis for our exploration into designing book covers.

The warm embrace of reds and oranges

Red: The color that signifies passion, excitement, and love. A book cover adorned with red hues can elicit strong emotions and is often associated with romance novels, thrilling tales, and action-packed adventures. It grabs attention effortlessly and serves as a bold choice for conveying intensity.

Orange: With its warm and energetic nature, orange is a color that exudes friendliness and invites people in. It’s particularly suitable for self-help books, cookbooks, and memoirs, as it creates a feeling of optimism and approachability.

When to use them: If you’re writing romance novels or crime thrillers that aim to evoke strong emotions, red is the ideal choice. For nonfiction titles that offer guidance, inspiration, or personal stories, orange works exceptionally well.

The serene blues and tranquil greens

Blue: A color universally adored for its association with calmness, trustworthiness, and reliability. Blue book covers are widely embraced across various genres such as self-help books, mysteries, and travel guides. It projects a sense of tranquility and dependability.

Green: Symbolizing growth, renewal, and nature itself. Green is perfect for books centered around health, wellness, the environment, or personal development. It radiates harmony and balance.

When to use them: Choose blue when you want your readers to feel a sense of trustworthiness and stability. For books focused on personal growth or themes related to health or environmental consciousness, green is an excellent choice.

The vibrant yellows and optimistic oranges

Yellow: A color that simply emanates happiness, positivity, and optimism. Yellow book covers can add a vibrant touch to your bookshelf and attract attention to your work. Yellow hues are particularly suitable for genres like self-help, motivation, and children’s books.

Speaking of orange, we mentioned that it radiates warmth and enthusiasm. It’s a versatile color that can create an inviting and lively feel for your book cover.

Here’s when you should consider using them: Yellow works wonders for self-help books, motivational reads, as well as literature targeted toward children. Orange is a great choice when you want your book to exude approachability and positivity.

Elegant purples and mysterious blacks

Purple: This color represents creativity, luxury, and spirituality. Purple book covers have an irresistible charm in genres like fantasy, spiritual exploration, and personal growth. It evokes a sense of imagination and aspiration.

Black: Synonymous with mystery, sophistication, and intrigue. It’s often used in suspenseful thrillers or dark fantasy novels to add an air of sophistication and mystique.

When to use them: Purple is the perfect match for books delving into topics like creativity, spirituality, or personal development. Black is an excellent choice for mystery novels, thrilling suspense stories, or any work that desires a touch of elegance.

The fresh whites and innocent pinks

White: White represents purity, simplicity, and clarity. Books with white covers are clean and minimalistic, making them suitable for nonfiction, self-help, and memoir genres. They give off a sense of simplicity and clarity.

Pink: Pink symbolizes romance, sweetness, and femininity. Books with pink covers are perfect for romance novels, women’s fiction, or any books that embrace themes of love and emotion. It evokes tenderness and affection.

When to use them: White works well for nonfiction, self-help, and memoir genres where clarity and simplicity are important. Pink is an excellent choice for romance novels or books that explore themes of love and emotion.

The bold neutrals: gray and brown

Gray: Gray is associated with neutrality, balance, and sophistication. Books with gray covers can be used in various genres like business and finance or literary fiction. It creates a sense of balance and neutrality.

Brown: Brown represents earthiness, stability, and reliability. Books with brown covers can be used for cookbooks, nature writing, and historical fiction. It conveys a sense of comfort and reliability.

When to use them: Gray is a versatile choice that works well for genres where neutrality and sophistication are valued. Brown is a good option if your book is connected to nature, food, or historical themes.

Multicolored covers, which incorporate a spectrum of hues, are often used for children’s books, cookbooks, and nonfiction titles with diverse content. These covers bring vibrancy and diversity to the overall look.

Additionally, it’s important to consider how colors interact with each other on your book cover. Contrast can make your text and images stand out more, creating an engaging cover. Complementary colors (for example, red and green or blue and orange), which are opposite each other on the color wheel, can also create dynamic and eye-catching designs.

During book cover creation, self-published authors need to make educated decisions about color psychology that can infuse their book covers with emotion, resonance, and appeal. Utilize colors strategically to captivate readers and make your literary creation stand out.

Keep in mind that while color psychology can offer valuable insight, there is no universal formula that works for everyone. Let the unique theme, audience, and genre of your book serve as your guiding light when choosing colors. Seek input from fellow writers, conduct A/B testing if possible, and be open to experimenting.

As you embark on the exciting journey of cover art, typography, and visual appeal, may your book cover design be the irresistible melody that entices readers into the enchanting realm of your storytelling. If you need help with designing your book, contact Elite Authors today.

Happy writing and designing!

The post Using Color Psychology in Book Cover Design to Attract Readers appeared first on Elite Authors.

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How to Design a Book Jacket Wed, 04 May 2022 14:00:45 +0000 Every book needs a cover. And some need a jacket, too! In order to determine whether your book should have a jacket, you first need to understand what purpose a […]

The post How to Design a Book Jacket appeared first on Elite Authors.

classic books laid on a tableEvery book needs a cover. And some need a jacket, too! In order to determine whether your book should have a jacket, you first need to understand what purpose a book jacket serves and what elements it should include. Then you can decide whether to design your own and learn the ins and outs of how to design a book jacket, or if it’s better to hire a professional designer.

What is a book jacket and why does your book need one?

A book jacket—also called a dust cover or dust jacket—is the paper book cover that wraps around your book. Although it’s usually used on hardcover books, some paperbacks use a book jacket as well.

Book jackets provide both critical and helpful information about your book. And that’s just one of the purposes that a book jacket serves.

Purpose of a book jacket

One of the main purposes of a book jacket is to protect the book itself. Sometimes a reader might drop the book or spill liquid on it, and the jacket takes the brunt of the damage to keep the book itself safe.

Another main purpose is book marketing. Your book jacket acts as a sales tool to entice a potential reader to dive into the story within. Since a jacket provides more space than the actual book cover, you can really provide your reader with some great information.

Factors that lead a book to needing a jacket

The main factor in whether your book needs a jacket is the type of book you’re creating. Obviously, since jackets only apply to written books, you won’t need one if you’re only publishing an e-book.

However, you might want to seriously consider a jacket if you’re printing a hardcover. Since a book jacket provides protection to the book itself, a hardcover often deserves a jacket—particularly when compared to its less expensive paperback counterpart.

How to tell if your book should have a jacket

Book jackets should be impressive. They convey that a book is high quality simply because it deserves the protection that a jacket provides. If you want to convey that perception to your audience, you should consider a book jacket.

Additionally, your book might need a jacket if you have a lot of information to provide to your readers. A standard book cover includes the front cover design, back cover design, and spine. A book jacket has more real estate with flaps that fold over the cover.

Elements of a good book jacket

A good book jacket design isn’t just thrown together overnight. It requires careful planning, and in some cases, a skilled designer. Because the jacket is the first thing your potential reader will see, it’s important to make a good impression. People judge a book by its jacket, and you can help control how they perceive it!

Why people judge a book by its jacket

The book cover design printed on your book jacket tells the reader all about the book itself. The jacket is more than just a front cover, spine, and back cover. It of course includes the book title, author name, and publisher, if applicable. And the actual image or illustration and typography or font give your reader an idea of your book’s theme.

Think about the last time you picked up a book from your local library or bookstore. As you perused the hardcovers, you probably made your choice largely thanks to the jacket. You likely also noticed the elements that each book cover included that provided you information about each book and its contents.

Core elements that all book jackets should have

Every book jacket is unique in design and the information it provides. However, there are several core elements that all book jackets should have, which are often organized by placement on the jacket.

Here are a few elements that the front cover should include:

  • Book title
  • Book subheading or tagline
  • Author name
  • Editor name, if applicable
  • Publisher name, if applicable

The back cover should also include its own elements, such as:

  • Book blurb or description that summarizes your story
  • Publisher information, if applicable
  • ISBN barcode

And don’t forget about the spine! This is the simplest part of your entire book jacket. The spine usually includes the full title, the author name—sometimes just the last name if there’s not much space—and the publisher.

In addition to these core elements, there are a few optional elements that you can include.

Optional elements to include—and why you might want them

Although you don’t want your book jacket design to feel too cluttered, you might want to consider adding some optional elements to give your readers more information about your book.

For example, it’s not necessary to include background imagery on your book jacket, but it sure goes a long way to impress and communicate with a potential reader. Adding a creative background design like a photo, illustration, or color scheme that hints at your book’s theme and tone can really entice someone to purchase your book.

Additionally, it never hurts to have a book review or a testimonial from a happy reader or industry professional! Many people in the book industry—including other writers—are happy to promote authors and their work. Consumers love to read reviews, so this could really go a long way to helping you ring up some book sales.

Finally, consider adding an author bio and photo to your book jacket. The flaps that fold around the book cover are a great place for this! Let your readers know a little bit about you and what inspired you to write the book. If a potential reader feels a connection to you as the author, they might be more inclined to read your book cover to cover.

How to design your own book jacket

Book jacket and cover design are not only important to how your target audience perceives your book—they’re also art forms that often require a talented designer. However, great design costs money. If you don’t have much of a budget for your book, you might consider designing your own book jacket.

How to know if you’re ready to design your own book jacket

On the surface, it might seem pretty simple to design your own book jacket. After all, it’s just typing some basic information onto a page, right? Wrong!

There’s a full design process to creating a book jacket. If you want to determine whether you’re ready to tackle the design on your own, start by asking yourself a few questions:

  • Do you have access to graphic design software like the Adobe Creative Suite or Canva, and do you know how to use these programs?
  • Where can you find a stock image or illustration to include on your jacket?
  • Do you have a template for your book jacket, or do you have to set up the file?
  • Are you familiar with design terms like resolution, bleed, and artboard?

If you’re not sure how to answer these questions, you’ll need to spend some time educating yourself on how to design your own book jacket. And during your research, be sure to read up on the legal ownership of the images and typography you choose to use.

How to make sure not to infringe on copyrighted materials for your book jacket

When you design a book jacket, you have to be careful not to use someone else’s work without express written permission. Many design elements like images and fonts you’ll find online are protected, so you could run into copyright infringement.

If you fall in love with an illustration, photo, or graphic for your book’s cover, make sure you understand who actually owns that image. You don’t want to publish something on your cover and later be sued by the person who snapped the picture or designed the image. The same is true for typography. Each font could be a professional designer’s intellectual property.

One way to avoid copyright infringement is to visit a stock image website. These sites often allow a person to purchase images and use them at their will. However, you’ll still have to read the fine print to make sure you’re allowed to publish it as part of your book.

Other things to keep in mind when designing your own book jacket

As you plan your book cover design, there are a few more things to keep in mind. You want to include a font and graphic that fit into your genre. So explore your options and make the right choice!

It never hurts to take a look at what other authors in your genre are doing. Check out some recently published books and inspect their jackets closely. You’ll likely find some book jackets that successfully communicate information about the author and the book itself. And you’ll come across other book jackets that aren’t quite as effective. Use this for inspiration! Springboard off of what works in the examples you find, and disregard the less successful jackets.

Additionally, determine what exactly you want on your book jacket. Thanks to the flaps that fold over the actual book cover, you have more room to work with on a book jacket. If you use every square inch of space wisely, you’ll create an effective book jacket that will entice potential readers.

When to hire a book jacket designer

Most authors don’t have professional design experience. And that’s okay! A professional book cover designer can create a stunning jacket that will attract and intrigue readers. If you’re ready to invest in your book and make a splash as a successful author, it might be time to hire a book jacket designer.

How to know when it’s time to hire a book jacket designer

There are two main factors that will help you decide when it’s time to hire a book jacket designer:

  • You’re not comfortable with elements of the design process like setting up a template or creating a custom graphic image, and you want a professional to handle the design for you.
  • You want your book jacket to have a “wow” factor to ring up book sales and help make a name for you as a serious and professional author.

You can hire a professional designer not just with graphic design experience, but also with experience in the publishing industry. These experts can create and execute a stellar design concept that will grab more readers’ attention than a jacket designed by a novice.

Things to keep in mind when working with a book jacket designer

When you work with a professional cover designer, you want to make sure that you communicate the information that you want your book jacket to convey. Explain your book’s genre, story, and tone to give your designer a thorough understanding of the experience you want your readers to have.

Once you’ve decided to hire a professional designer, you can concentrate on finding the right one for your book.

How to find the right designer

As an author, you take a lot of pride in your book. And you want to work with a book jacket designer who takes a lot of pride in their work.

Don’t just sign on with the first designer you find. Look around and review multiple design portfolios. When you find a designer whose style you like, talk to them about your project. Make sure you feel comfortable with them and feel confident in their work. After all, they’re going to create your book jacket design, and therefore provide your first impression to your readers.

Your book deserves an Elite book jacket design

The world is ready to read your book. You just have to show off a great book jacket design to draw them in!

Elite Authors knows how important book cover design is. And we take great pride in making beautiful books. Visit our website to learn more!

The post How to Design a Book Jacket appeared first on Elite Authors.

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How to Design a Back Book Cover Wed, 20 Apr 2022 14:00:22 +0000 Think about the last time you picked up a new book to read. One of the first things you likely did was read the back cover. And why not? A […]

The post How to Design a Back Book Cover appeared first on Elite Authors.

hand holding a book looking at the back coverThink about the last time you picked up a new book to read. One of the first things you likely did was read the back cover. And why not? A book’s back cover contains great information. It summarizes the story, provides information about the author, and sometimes even includes testimonials.

Your book’s back cover is an overview of your masterpiece. And although it might seem like a small component of your overall work, it’s an extremely important one. Read on to learn more about how to design a back book cover.

Why the back cover of a book is important

The back cover of a book is a key component of your book marketing strategy. It draws attention to your book by giving your potential reader an idea of what the book is about. So as you plan your book cover design, think about what will make your readers want to dive right into your story.

What should be on the book spine?

A book spine is small and simple, but important. It’s basically a quick snapshot of your book: the title, author name, and—if applicable—the publisher. Your potential readers might find your book at their local library or bookstore, and the spine is the first thing they’ll see.

Make sure the book spine accurately reflects the cover design and the theme of your book. The background of your cover art should also be the background of the spine. Additionally, use a font that represents your book’s theme. Just make sure the font is clear and legible so your potential readers can easily read it.

What makes a good author photo?

Your author photo is often the first time your readers will see an image of their next favorite writer. As you sit in front of the camera, try to take a picture that represents your personality and your book’s themes.

For instance, if your author photo is going on the back cover of a children’s fiction book, your picture should be colorful and lighthearted. So smile for the camera! Conversely, if you’ve written a nonfiction book about a serious topic, your picture should be more solemn.

Readers often want to see the face behind the masterpiece so they can see the storyteller. So give the people what they want with a nice author photo on your back cover. In fact, your photo is just one of the reasons that the back cover of a book is so important.

Why is the back cover of a book so important?

The back cover of a book provides the reader with some great information. However, it’s more than a quick book description and a nice picture of the author. It gives the reader an enticing summary of your story and a taste of your writing.

Think of it this way: the book spine and front cover make the reader want to learn more about the book. The back cover makes the reader want to enjoy every word that’s inside the book.

Because the back cover of your book is so important, make sure you allocate some resources to perfecting it. Spend some time editing it and consider hiring a professional cover designer. After all, your book and your readers deserve a stellar cover!

Elements that should be on a book’s back cover

You might not realize it, but your book’s back cover is a powerful marketing tool. When the back cover is designed well and includes the right elements, it’ll make readers want to buy your book.

What software is used to design book covers?

There are various software programs available to design book covers. A professional graphic or cover designer will likely have high-end design software like the Adobe Creative Suite. If you’re trying to create your own book cover design, you might start with a less expensive—but therefore less powerful—software. Online programs like Canva are a great place to start.

If you’re self-publishing, your printer or e-book publisher might send you a cover template. The template will show you the size of the front cover, back cover, and spine. Some templates even guide you on ideal image resolution and font size. If you have a cover template to work with, choose the best software to accommodate the template. Your self-publishing company might be able to provide some guidance here.

What will make readers want to buy your book?

Your book only gets a few seconds to make a first impression on a potential reader. In order to make readers want to buy your book, your entire cover design needs to draw them in.

Your book’s back cover is a built-in marketing tool. A great back cover can itself make readers want to buy the book. Find a great cover photo and get creative when writing your book blurb and author bio. Leave that reader wanting more!

What elements should be on a book’s back cover?

Your book’s back cover should include basic information about you and your book’s story—along with a few other pieces of information. Here’s a list of the elements you should include on your book’s back cover:

  • Book blurb, also known as a book description. This summary lets your reader know what to expect about the plot as well as your writing style.
  • Author bio and author photo. Give your readers a glimpse into who is telling them the story!
  • Publisher information. Most publishers require that their name and logo are printed on your back cover and book spine.
  • Short book review or testimonial. Consumers often check reviews before buying anything—including a book. Print a couple of short testimonials raving about the book on your back cover if you can.
  • ISBN barcode. Your publisher or self-publishing company can usually create this barcode for you. This is important information, and is standard for all fiction and nonfiction book covers.

If you have any trouble getting started with your back book cover design, check out some resources for authors online. The writing world is a vast and supportive community, so use others’ experience to help design a great back cover.

How to design a back cover that tells a story

From the cover blurb to the author bio and cover art, your back cover should tell two stories:

  1. Your story as the author.
  2. Your book’s story as a literary work.

Since the back cover is an important element of your book marketing, check out some cover design tips that have worked for other authors. Use their advice as a springboard to begin writing your back cover copy so your cover can tell a great story.

How much information about the author should be included on the back cover?

Your readers want to know a bit about you as the author. So it’s a good idea to include a quick author bio and a small photo of yourself on your back cover.

However, don’t monopolize your cover. Give your readers a glimpse into who you are, but keep in mind that the main reason that a potential reader picks up your book is for the literature. Keep your author bio under three hundred words and make sure your picture doesn’t take up more than 20 percent of the back cover.

In other words, let your masterpiece—and not yourself—be the star of the back cover.

Who writes the summary on the back of books?

Have you ever read a book cover blurb and wondered who wrote it?

The answer generally depends on the author’s preference and how they published their book. Some authors like to write their own cover copy so the tone and voice stay true to the way the rest of the book is written. In other cases, literary agents hire professional blurb writers to craft the summary. And if you’ve created a picture book, the back summary might be best left to the cover designer.

Regardless of who writes the summary on the back of your book, remember: your back cover needs to tell a story.

How can you design a back cover that tells a story?

Your back cover will tell a story as long as you include a well-written book description and author bio. Testimonials and an author photo are a bonus! However, sometimes writing these elements is easier said than done.

As a writer, you’re a talented storyteller. However, writing a manuscript with a well-developed main character and a complex plot is a lot different than squeezing the entire storyline into a paragraph-long book description.

Try to separate yourself from your book’s story in order to create an effective book description. After all, it’s difficult to boil your entire manuscript down to a small paragraph. If you’re self-publishing and don’t have access to professional writers or cover designers, consider asking a friend or a colleague to help write your book description.

How to present testimonials on the back of your book cover

Testimonials are fantastic additions to a book’s back cover. These are short reviews from well-known sources that will entice prospective readers to pick up your book. The more testimonials you have from renowned sources, the more readers will respect your book—and want to read it!

Why should you include testimonials on your back cover?

People love to read reviews. And that includes your potential reader. Testimonials lend credibility to your book. They show that other readers—oftentimes book reviewers, publishers, or other book industry professionals—enjoyed your book so much that they took the time to write a positive review.

Additionally, large bookstores love to see testimonials. If you have a review or blurb from a credible source on your book’s back cover, retail stores will take note. This might lead them to purchase copies of your book. And for an author, what feeling is greater than seeing your masterpiece on a large retailer’s shelf?

How should you present testimonials on your back cover?

Incorporating testimonials into your back cover design can be a challenge. You want to include all the great things reviewers have said about your work, but you also need to save room for the other back cover elements.

First, pick the two or three strongest testimonials. They should be one or two sentences each, preferably from renowned and credible sources. Then, find the best place for them on your back cover. Since you want to distinguish the testimonials from your book description and author bio, you might want to change the font size or color.

How can you get testimonials for your book?

Indie authors tend to have a lot of publishing questions—including how to get testimonials for their books. Getting testimonials for your book can be difficult, but here are a few ways you can do it:

  • Write letters to book reviewers or established authors within your genre. Ask them for a testimonial you can include on your back cover. Since you’ll directly quote them on the cover, they’ll get some publicity too!
  • Ask your family and friends to write online reviews of your book. The more positive reviews you have, the more likely it is that a professional book reviewer or publisher will notice—and the easier it’ll be for you to ask them for a cover-worthy testimonial.
  • Even if you haven’t had success with literary agents and publishing companies in the past, keep contacting them. You never know when the timing might be right to get a testimonial or a book contract from an industry professional.

Requesting testimonials can be a frustrating process. Just be patient and stick with it. You’ll get a great testimonial eventually!

A great book deserves a great back cover

Your book’s back cover needs to reflect the story within. Regardless of whether you’re looking for a simple or complex book cover design, Elite Authors can create an amazing book cover for you.

Visit our website to learn more about our award-winning cover designers!

The post How to Design a Back Book Cover appeared first on Elite Authors.

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How to Design a Book Spine Wed, 06 Apr 2022 14:00:45 +0000 Take a look at your home bookshelf. What do you see? That’s right: the spine of every book! Even though the spine is one of the smallest physical parts of […]

The post How to Design a Book Spine appeared first on Elite Authors.

stack of classic books

Take a look at your home bookshelf. What do you see? That’s right: the spine of every book!

Even though the spine is one of the smallest physical parts of a book, it’s often the first thing a potential reader sees. So when you’ve finished writing your masterpiece, spend some time learning how to design your book spine!

Information to include on a book spine

You need an eye-catching spine design to attract potential readers. Although it’s small compared to the rest of any publication, the spine is one of the most important physical parts of a book.

What are the physical parts of a book?

Before you start on your book cover design, it’s helpful to understand the different physical parts of your book. As an author and a reader, you already know about the table of contents, chapters, and acknowledgments that you wrote. However, the book’s anatomy goes beyond those components. Here are a few terms to familiarize yourself with:

  • Text block. The physical pages of the book which are glued into the cover.
  • Cover board. A stiff board, usually cardboard, that encases a hardcover book. Cover boards are often wrapped in a dust jacket with the book cover design printed on it.
  • Flyleaf. A piece of paper inserted between the cover and the printed pages.

Another physical part of a book, of course, is the spine. And although it’s a small physical part of your book, it’s an important one—and you have to include the best information on it.

What type of information is typically included on a book spine?

The book spine generally includes the book’s title, the author’s name—or at least last name—and the publisher. Your book spine design depends on two main factors: whether you’ve printed a hardcover book or a paperback, and your book’s length.

Hardcover book spines are larger than paperbacks due to the binding process. So you can include more information, imagery, or a larger font on your hardcover copies. And since the spine width is determined by the number of pages in your book, books with more pages have a bigger spine size.

What factors should you consider when deciding what information to include on a book spine?

There are a few factors to consider when laying out your spine design. Your publisher or printing company might require that their name or logo is prominently displayed on the spine. And depending on the length of your title, author name, and spine size, you might have to just use your last name or very small spine text.

One more factor to consider is your book spine design budget. If you’re hiring a professional designer, your cost will vary depending on the spine design’s simplicity or complexity. One of the best ways to create a great book spine at low cost is to only use the key elements of an eye-catching book spine.

Elements of an eye-catching book spine

Remember: your book spine is often the first thing that a potential reader will see on a bookstore or library shelf. So your book spine design needs to be eye-catching and informative. And although you only have a little bit of space to work with, you can use your book spine to make a great first impression. The best way to begin your book spine design is to understand the best practices and check out some good examples.

What are some best practices for book spine design?

If you’re working with a traditional publishing company, chances are they have a graphic designer on their staff who can create your entire book cover design—including the spine. However, if you’re self-publishing, you have to understand some best practices for spine design. Here are a few tips:

  • Your book spine should be a continuation of the front and back cover. So if you’re using an image or a gradient, carry that through to your spine instead of making the spine a different color.
  • Most online and self-publishing companies will provide you with a book cover template that includes spine size. Follow the template exactly so your spine text fits in the allotted space.
  • Include your book title, author name, and (if applicable) the publisher on the spine. Don’t go overboard on the spine text since you don’t have much room to work with.
  • Use an easy-to-read font so your readers can quickly identify which book is yours.

Just like there are best practices for book spine design, there are also some things to avoid. And those things should be next on your list to learn.

What should you avoid in book spine design?

The main thing to avoid in book spine design is an illegible, busy spine. The spine should be clean and easy to read. A potential reader’s eye should be drawn to the book’s title first, and then your name. There’s no need to overstuff the spine with information. When it comes to spine design, less is more!

What are some examples of effective book spines?

Once you know what to do—and what not to do—for your book spine, it’s helpful to look at some examples. Check out the spines on some of your favorite books. Is the spine informative and easy to read? Does it reflect the color scheme or imagery of the front and back cover?

Keep in mind that some authors have help with their book spine design. Maybe they have a literary agent or publisher who has connected them with a professional book cover designer. So use their work as a resource! Even if you’re self-publishing and creating your own cover design, you can get their expert advice just by looking at their effective spines.

How to start designing your book spine

Alright, you know the best spine design practices, what to avoid, and how to find examples of effective book spines. Now comes the fun part: starting your design!

What tools and resources are useful when designing a book spine?

You don’t have to be a professional graphic designer to create an effective book spine. In fact, depending on what platform you’re using to self-publish, the book cover template might be as easy as dragging and dropping your background image and typing in the cover’s information.

However, if you want to create a more intricate book cover and spine, you might need some additional resources. Fortunately, some of them come at little or no cost. Start with online resources like Canva or the Adobe Creative Suite. You might have to purchase some design software—but consider it an investment! Your spine and cover are built-in ways to market your book, so it’s not a bad idea to spend a little money here.

What should you consider when choosing colors for your book spine?

Self-publishing often means that you don’t have professional guidance on your book cover design. So you might feel like you’re on your own on even basic design decisions like choosing colors for your book spine. Don’t worry! You can learn all about the best colors to use. Here are a few things to consider when you choose your spine color:

  • The color should be a continuation of your book’s front and back covers. Make the spine part of the cover instead of its own entity.
  • Use a background color that relates to your book’s theme and your cover image. If you’ve written a children’s novel, a bright, happy color does the trick. And if your book has a darker theme like crime or horror, you might want to use black or some dark reds.
  • Find out if your book printer is using matte or glossy paper for your hardcovers and paperbacks. Some colors look better or worse depending on the type of paper.
  • Try to stick with regular colors instead of gravitating toward metallics. Metallic paper tends to be more expensive than matte or glossy paper. And if you’re publishing a digital book, your e-book cover won’t show the metallic effect.

The next step in your book spine design is choosing the font. And since there are countless fonts available, you might need some time to check out the options!

What should you consider when choosing the font for your book spine?

Whatever software you use to create your book spine design, you likely have access to hundreds of fonts. And if you don’t fall in love with any of them, you can find thousands more online for free. So how do you choose the right font for your spine?

Like your spine’s color, the font should reflect the theme of your book. So choose a typeface that relates to your story. You’ll also have to pick a font that’s easy to read. Don’t make your potential reader work to interpret your book title or your author name!

When to hire someone to design a book spine

Not everyone possesses the talent for book formatting and design. And that’s okay! You can hire someone with a graphic design background who also has expertise in the book industry to create a standout book cover for your masterpiece.

What are the benefits of hiring a professional to design a book spine?

When you hire a professional book designer, you get a talented partner who knows how to create an eye-catching book cover and spine. A professional designer likely has access to powerful design software and can lay out the design within your cover template.

Your book deserves a professional book cover design. And a graphic designer can create a cover with a spine that will get your book noticed! Some designers even prefer to work with indie authors such as yourself rather than established writers. And if you give them illustration credit on the book, you might be able to negotiate a discounted fee for their services.

What is the typical cost of professional book spine design services?

Professional graphic design costs money. And although you might have to set aside part of your book budget to cover design expenses, there are ways that you can estimate and control your spend. Here are a few things to ask your graphic designer before they begin work:

  • Do they charge an hourly rate or a flat project fee?
  • Does their estimate include any revisions?
  • Does their estimate include versions for your hardcover book, paperback, and e-book covers?

Shop around and interview a few professional designers before you make your final decision. You worked hard on your book, and you want the world to read it. So don’t rush through the design process. Take your time and find the right cover designer!

How should you determine when to hire a professional to design your book spine?

It can be difficult to determine whether to hire a professional to design your cover and spine. Basically, it comes down to your purpose for publishing your work. If you wrote and are publishing your book for fun, you might not want to incur the expense of a professional designer. If that’s the case, consider giving the cover design a try on your own.

However, if you’re hoping to establish yourself as a serious author, you need an outstanding book cover and spine design to attract readers and large publishing companies. And a professional can make that happen! The more dedicated you are to your professional writing career, the more seriously you should consider hiring a professional designer.

A great book needs a great book spine design

The world is ready to read your masterpiece. All you need is a great book spine and cover design to draw readers’ attention!

At Elite Authors, we make beautiful books with indie authors just like you. Visit our website today to learn more!

The post How to Design a Book Spine appeared first on Elite Authors.

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How to Design a Book Cover Wed, 23 Mar 2022 14:00:33 +0000 It takes a special writer to complete a book. So congratulations on finishing yours! Now it’s time to start preparing it for the world to see. And that includes your […]

The post How to Design a Book Cover appeared first on Elite Authors.

classic books on a table

It takes a special writer to complete a book. So congratulations on finishing yours! Now it’s time to start preparing it for the world to see. And that includes your book cover!

A great book cover attracts readers and helps establish you as a serious author. The cover design is a very important process. So before you start thinking about what your book cover will look like, you should understand what goes into designing a book cover.

What you need to know about book covers

The first step in designing a book cover is to understand why the cover is so important. You spent a lot of time writing your manuscript, but readers won’t even experience your masterful storytelling if they aren’t intrigued by the cover. Drawing them in is the main purpose of the cover itself.

What is the purpose of a book cover, and why is that purpose important to nail down?

Your book cover is your book’s first impression to each potential reader. It needs to be eye-catching, inviting, and informative. When a reader looks at your book cover, they want a snapshot of the story your book will tell. They want to that they’ll enjoy the plot and empathize with the characters. And your book cover can communicate this to them!

A great book cover creates an emotional reaction. The background color and the book title’s typography should give your reader an idea of what your book is about. For instance, a children’s book should have bright colors and a large title. And a book that tells a horror story could be dark, with a creepy book title font. In other words, your book cover gives the reader a glimpse into your story.

What costs are associated with book covers?

Custom book cover design often comes with a cost. And the price varies depending on your publishing method and how intricate your cover is. If you’re working with a traditional publishing company, your contract might include a professional book cover designer as part of your book marketing strategy.

If you’re self-publishing, you might need to branch out for book cover design help. One of the best ways to get a brilliant custom cover is by hiring a freelance designer. Talented illustrators and graphic designers generally charge either by hour or by project. However, you might be able to get a discount by giving them design credit on the book cover. Just talk to your designer about the scope of your project, and negotiate a design fee that you’re both happy with.

What do you need to understand about book covers and book cover design?

Before you start looking for a book cover designer, you should understand the elements that create a great book cover. Here are a few aspects to keep in mind:

  • Imagery. What color scheme will you use? Will you showcase a custom illustration or a stock image?
  • Typography. Choose an appropriate font that conveys the theme and feel of your story.
  • Subtitle. Some authors include a one- or two-sentence description on the front cover.
  • Book summary. The back cover should include a plot summary to draw your readers in.
  • Author bio. Tell your readers about yourself!
  • Spine. The spine is a small portion of your overall book cover design, but it’s the first thing readers will see on a bookshelf.

Once you understand the elements of book cover design, you can start researching the different techniques you can use for your book cover.

Different techniques used in book cover design

Technique is the foundation that helps you determine your overall approach to designing your book cover. Remember: your cover introduces your book to the world. So it’s important to understand the various book cover design techniques.

Why is it important to understand the different techniques used in book cover design?

Understanding the different techniques helps you appeal to each potential reader. A good book cover includes the necessary elements on the book jacket. A great book cover makes people want to dive into the full book!

Your book cover design technique might also change based on what type of book you’re publishing. Different methods exist depending on whether you’re printing hardcover or paperback copies—or going digital with an e-book. In fact, those are the main three categories of book cover design.

What are the different categories of book cover design?

The three main categories of book design are hardcover, paperback, and e-book. Since each type of book has its own design requirements, you’ll have to design your cover accordingly.

If you’re printing your book, you might have a slightly different design for hardcover copies and paperbacks. Hardcovers tend to have thicker spines and therefore more room for larger typography or more words than a paperback. And since you can print your book just about any size and shape you’d like, your cover designer might have to start from scratch instead of working within an existing book cover template.

E-books are a different story. Just about every e-book publisher has their own ready-made template that your graphic designer or illustrator can use.  The template includes sizes and resolution requirements for quick and easy cover production. Just keep in mind that since the template will vary depending on your e-book publisher, you might have to create a few different designs if you want to publish on a few different platforms.

What else do you need to know about techniques surrounding book cover design?

When you plan your book cover design, it’s important to know what mistakes to avoid. The biggest mistake, of course, is creating a bland, boring book cover that doesn’t reflect the theme and vibe of your story. However, there are other obstacles you might encounter.

Here are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind as you determine which cover design technique works best for your book:

  • Determine your target audience, and create a book cover that draws them in. Your book cover design needs to speak to your potential readers. The book jacket will look and read differently depending on whether you’ve written a children’s book, a young adult novel, or a manuscript with more complex themes meant for adult readers.
  • Get creative. Your book cover is more than your title, author name, and a plot summary. Use interesting typography and imagery to entice your readers. There are millions of books out there, and a great book cover design will help you stand out.
  • Try out different book design techniques. You might have found a great stock image for your book jacket. Include that in one cover design draft—but don’t just stop there! Keep searching for other images, and hire a graphic designer to create a custom cover. Use a few different techniques, and create a few cover drafts. You’ll be shocked at how different your book can look with a variety of designs!

Here’s one final pro tip: ask for help when you need it. You’re a great writer and have written a fantastic book. However, book marketing necessities like cover design and book promotion might not be in your wheelhouse. And that’s OK! You can find experienced professionals to craft and execute a marketing plan for you.

When to hire a professional book cover designer

Maybe you’re an indie author learning the ropes of the self-publishing industry. Or maybe you’re a serious author trying to make a splash. Either way, one of your goals is probably to put your masterpiece in front of as many people as possible.

A great book cover is one of the best ways to market your book. So if you want to impress your potential readers, you might want to consider hiring a book cover designer.

Should you hire a professional book cover designer?

Professional book cover designers are experts in their field. They know what your target audience wants to see and can create a custom cover inspired by your story and genre. When you work with a professional designer, you don’t just get a gorgeous book jacket. You get a thought leader who can produce an attention-grabbing cover.

What is the best place to find good graphic designers for book covers?

So, where do you look for good book cover designers? The internet is a great place to start. Established designers have professional websites that give you an idea of their talent and capabilities. So search around, read their online reviews, and see if any particular designer stands out to you.

Word of mouth is another great method for finding a good designer. Try joining a few author groups on social media, and ask for some advice. And if you have any family, friends, or colleagues who have published a book, get them on the phone! Draw from their experience to find a great—not just good—book cover designer.

What should you keep in mind when looking for a professional book cover designer?

Your book is a personal achievement. And you want to know your book cover designer is going to take is much pride in their work as you do in yours. So when you search for a designer, first look at their experience. How many book covers have they designed, and how many different authors have they worked with? Do they specialize in your genre, or do they branch out?

There are a lot of designers out there. So take your time and pick the one that will best communicate your book’s message through their cover design.

What to do before you hire a book cover designer

You already know that cover design is just part of the book making process. And if you’re ready to hire a book cover designer, there are just a few more steps that’ll help you choose the right one.

How do you organize your material and finances before hiring a book cover designer?

Before you hire a book cover designer, you should have everything organized so your designer can jump right in. Create a checklist of items to prepare, including the following:

  • Book title and subtitle or tagline
  • Author name and bio
  • Genre
  • Dimensions and template, if applicable
  • ISBN so your designer can drop it into the layout

You should also have a budget in mind before you start working with a cover designer. Determine whether you’ll pay by the hour or a flat fee for the entire project so you can have a better idea of what costs to expect. Be sure to communicate any financial concerns with your designer so they can work within your parameters.

How do you pick a book cover designer that is right for you?

Because the cover is one of the most important elements of book design, you want to choose your cover designer wisely. After all, they’re your creative partner and will help you convey your book’s message to the world! The cover designer that’s right for you will understand your genre and demographic. Your cover needs to appeal to your target audience, and the best designers are able to create custom covers that bring you more readers.

In addition, you and your designer need to have a strong rapport. They should believe in your book and be excited to work with you. And that relationship goes both ways! You should be enthusiastic about the author-designer partnership. Don’t just choose the first or cheapest designer you find. Make sure they’re the right designer for you!

How do you go about setting up a contract with a book cover designer?

Alright, you’ve chosen your book cover designer. The last step before the design can begin is setting up the contract! Because contacts are legal, binding documents, you’ll need to make sure all parties are satisfied with its terms. Make sure you clearly describe each party’s responsibilities, publishing rights, and ownership rights.

Before anyone signs a contract, it’s best practice to have a lawyer review such an important document. So try to set aside a portion of your budget for legal fees. And once you and your designer sign the contract, the fun and exciting design process can begin!

Your masterpiece deserves a beautiful book cover.

Great books use words to tell a story. And great book covers use powerful images and striking designs. Elite Authors can craft a custom cover design to get your book into readers’ hands. Visit our website today to learn more.

The post How to Design a Book Cover appeared first on Elite Authors.

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Why You Need a Book Designer Wed, 28 Jul 2021 14:00:35 +0000 Your book cover is your novel’s first impression to potential readers. The cover design not only communicates your book’s genre but also highlights the tone of your story. Thus, creating […]

The post Why You Need a Book Designer appeared first on Elite Authors.

person with book up to their face

Your book cover is your novel’s first impression to potential readers. The cover design not only communicates your book’s genre but also highlights the tone of your story. Thus, creating a book cover design that captures readers’ attention can help you generate book sales.

If you choose to traditionally publish your book through an agent and publisher, then the publishing house will often use an in-house graphic designer to create your cover design. However, if you choose to self-publish your book, then it’s important to consider hiring a professional book designer.

Book designers are well versed in the software needed to create a book cover that appears professional and attracts readers. A professional designer can help you create the graphics and typography that best portray the style and content of your book. Hiring a book designer can also save you time as you work to get your book ready for publishing.

What does a book designer do?

The goal of your book cover is to catch the reader’s attention. Book designers create graphics and fonts to make readers grab your book off the shelf.

At the end of the day, your book design is a crucial visual for your book promotion. Understanding the role of a book designer can help you budget publishing costs and outline your marketing plan.

What’s the difference between a book cover designer and a book designer?

A book cover designer creates the graphics and layout for the front cover, spine, and back cover of your book. Book cover designers work on everything that relates specifically to your book’s outside cover. So, from the font of your title to the artwork on the cover and the summary on the back, book cover designers can help design the exterior of your book.

Book designers also design book covers. However, they do more than just cover design and typography.

Book designers work on the entire physical appearance of your book. This includes designing the interior of the book along with the exterior. As a result, book designers outline the font and layout of your book’s text and choose the type of paper for your book.

Depending on the setting of your book, different styles of paper may better fit your book’s theme. For example, if your book is a historical fiction novel set in the 1700s, then your book designer may choose paper that is slightly discolored and ripped around the edges.

Reading is a visceral experience. Your story has the power to transport readers to a different time and place. Your book’s feel and appearance should contribute to that experience as well.

It’s the book designer’s job to make sure the physical appearance of your book reflects your story’s theme so the reading experience can be as vivid as possible.

What kind of educational background do book designers often have?

Book designers often have a background in graphic design or some form of art. Most book designers have a bachelor’s degree in graphic design or art and understand how to use different types of design and editing software.

Designers who didn’t pursue art specifically will often have a portfolio displaying their previous projects. Viewing a book designer’s portfolio is a great way to see their experience and the style of their work.

Additionally, many book designers have a background in marketing. Because book covers are a key marketing statement for generating book sales, many book designers can help you develop a marketing strategy for your book cover.

Finally, book designers have a strong understanding of how the publishing industry works. For new self-published authors especially, having a designer who understand the field can help you create a finished book that looks professional.

How are book designers paid?

Book designers can be salaried or hourly workers. Designers who work directly for a publishing house or marketing firm are usually salary employees. On the other hand, freelance designers are often paid on a per-project basis.

As a result, depending on the publishing route you choose—the traditional route or the self-publishing route—your designer will be paid differently.

Elements of book design

Book design is more than just the cover of your book. From typography to layout and ISBN, numerous factors go into designing a bestseller.

What should a good interior layout look like for e-books and print books?

In general, both e-books and print books have the same design elements for a book’s interior layout. On the page level, a good interior layout formats the chapter headings, margins, page numbers, and footers.

From an overall standpoint, your book’s interior content should follow the traditional order of title page, copyright page, dedication, table of contents, body of the book, acknowledgments, and author bio. Additional elements, such as prologues, epilogues, and book previews, may also be included.

It’s also important to note that the interior design of e-books is usually simpler than that of print books. Because e-books appear differently across various types of e-readers, designers tend to maintain simple graphics and typography. Reflowable layouts allow the book’s contents to adapt to different e-readers.

How long does it take to create the elements of a great book design?

A great book design accurately and creatively formats the interior and exterior of your book. Depending on whether you’re designing an e-book or printed book, the timeline may vary.

If you’re looking to design the book cover and interior layout of an e-book, it can take anywhere from a week to a few weeks depending on the page number and design complexity.

The book layout for a print book, however, can take a few weeks to a few months depending on the graphic designer and the book. Print books are generally more complex to design than e-books as they have additional book design elements.

Why do margins and typesetting affect book design?

Margins and typesetting affect book design because they determine the interior layout of your book. If your margins and typesetting are not formatted correctly, your book design can appear unprofessional.

For example, most book margins provide extra space near the book’s binding. If your book’s margins are too small, your book may be hard to read. Creating wider side margins prevents the text from getting lost in the book’s binding.

Typesetting is the layout of your book’s text. Essentially, it’s how the words appear on the pages. Most books follow the same typesetting guidelines, using justified paragraph alignment and serif fonts.

Following both margin and typesetting tips when self-publishing can help you avoid common mistakes and help you create a professional book design.

Challenges with using Microsoft Word for publishing

There are numerous programs and formatting services you can use to layout your book. For self-published authors, Microsoft Word is a common platform.

Understanding the challenges and limitations associated with Microsoft Word can help you determine the best publishing option for your book.

What are the disadvantages of using Microsoft Word for publishing?

One of the main disadvantages of using Microsoft Word for publishing is the lack of customization. Although you can choose different book templates in Microsoft Word, you cannot edit and customize many of the book design elements.

For example, in Word, you cannot edit the banners and page numbers, as these elements are already outlined in the template. As a result, using a template from Microsoft Word can make your book appear generic.

Additionally, editing content in Microsoft Word’s text box can be challenging. Word has an autoflow feature that can help you outline your book. However, if the text box isn’t large enough, then Word won’t accept the content.

Finally, while many platforms within the Office app are compatible with one another, incorporating graphs and charts from Microsoft Excel into Microsoft Publisher can be difficult for new authors. This is because Publisher converts charts into images, so once you add them to your book layout, you can’t edit them.

Which are the best software programs for book design?

Depending on the type of book you’re creating, different software programs can better format your book. For example, Shutterstock Editor is a book design software specifically for e-books. Adobe InDesign is a popular software program for e-books and print books.

Some additional top-rated publishing software programs include Microsoft Publisher, Canva, and Pages.

What do you need to know about Microsoft Word before you use it for book design?

First, text boxes and images in Word can get misaligned easily. This can be frustrating for authors because as you begin editing and formatting a new page of your book, previous pages can get realigned.

It’s also important to know that Microsoft Word has limited version compatibility. As a result, if you try to convert your final book template into a PDF file, the template can look completely different.

Finally, Microsoft Word was not designed for print production. If you’re looking to generate a book template to send to designers, then using Word may work for you. However, if you’re trying to create a polished final product that can get printed, then considering other software programs is a good idea.

How to choose a book designer

Choosing the right book designer for your book can be overwhelming. You may already have an idea for your cover design, or you may have no idea where to start.

Following the below  tips for authors and understanding your different design options can help you narrow down your search.

What should you avoid when choosing a book designer?

Avoid hiring a book designer who typically works outside of your book’s genre. The book’s genre plays a significant role in determining the color scheme and graphics for your cover design. For example, mysteries often use a darker color scheme to create an ominous tone whereas romance novels use a lighter color palette to reflect tones of love.

If a designer is not accustomed to working within your book’s genre, their graphics may not fit your book’s tone.

Also, avoid hiring an inexperienced designer. While it may be more expensive to hire an experienced book designer, these designers understand how the publishing industry works. Therefore, they will have a background in book marketing and will understand how to use colors, visuals, and fonts to best portray your story.

How much does it cost to hire a book designer?

If you choose to hire a freelance book designer, costs range depending on the designer’s experience level. For example, hiring a junior designer can usually cost between $50 and $150 per project, whereas hiring a more experienced book designer can cost between $500 and $800 per project.

These price ranges also reflect the type of book design you’re purchasing. Oftentimes, less-expensive book design costs can lead to generic book covers and interior layouts.

What should you look for when hiring a book designer for your book?

First, identify your budget. Determining how much you can spend on cover designs and formatting services can help you find designers within your price range.

After selecting a price range, research book designers within your genre. You’ll want a graphic designer who has experience creating book covers for your genre. If a book designer doesn’t have a portfolio of their previous work online, ask to see samples of their work. This will help you determine whether they’re a good fit for your book.

Finally, be sure to ask designers about their estimated timeline. Although some freelance book designers may be able to offer a quick turnaround, designers working on multiple projects may require more time. Understanding how long the final concept will take may also factor into your decision.

Creating an Elite book design

For self-published authors especially, it’s important for your book cover to look professional. Your book cover can be the difference between potential readers grabbing your book off the shelf or walking right by it.

At Elite Authors, we have award-winning designers who can create captivating visuals that will attract readers. Contact us today, and we’ll help you create a beautiful book cover that promotes your book and your author brand.








The post Why You Need a Book Designer appeared first on Elite Authors.

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Book Cover Design Tips for Authors Sat, 03 Nov 2018 02:54:42 +0000 You know the old saying “Never judge a book by its cover”? Well, it’s terrible marketing advice! A great book cover design represents your first—and often only—chance to grab a […]

The post Book Cover Design Tips for Authors appeared first on Elite Authors.

person writing in a calendar planner

You know the old saying “Never judge a book by its cover”? Well, it’s terrible marketing advice! A great book cover design represents your first—and often only—chance to grab a reader’s attention. The right book cover can mean the difference between a book’s success and failure.

To create a book cover capable of attracting your target audience, you’ve got two choices: hire the services of a professional cover designer, or design your own self-published book covers. Of the two choices, professional design services yield the best results when marketing your book, but free book covers are also an option.

How Do You Design a Book Cover by Yourself?

Content Is King

How do you create a book cover from scratch? You start with the most important aspect of your book—its contents. Whether you choose professionally designed covers or look for free book covers online, your cover must reflect what the reader will find inside.

Spend time online searching for similar books in your genre, paying special attention to covers. You’ll start to see patterns in color, font, images, and other elements. The big publishing houses know what their target audiences look for in book covers, so draw on their covers for inspiration.

Free Book Cover Design Templates

If you lack visual design skills, a quick internet search for “book cover design templates” will yield hundreds of results. However, proceed with caution if you choose a template. While it’s possible to find cheap or even free book covers online, they often have a one-size-fits-all, cookie-cutter appearance that can make you book look rushed or low quality. Readers are quick to spot—and judge—book cover shortcuts.

Using Book Cover Design Software

Image-manipulation software is necessary to create a book cover. Although many people know how to use Photoshop to perform simple image manipulations, relatively few can make the best use of the software’s complicated features. Unless you work with graphic software regularly, you won’t get the most out of the program, and your book cover will suffer as a result.

Using Free Images and Stock Photos

Self-published book covers often take advantage of stock image sites, where thousands of images are available for attractively priced licensing fees. Once you purchase the license, you can manipulate and alter the photo to make a unique cover image. Bear in mind, however, that image manipulation is a complex process.

Pro Tip: Don’t pull any image off the internet and use it without permission. It’s the photographic equivalent of plagiarism and can land you in legal trouble.

Choosing Fonts and Positioning Text

Creating a compelling image for physical or e-book covers is only one part of the design process. The cover’s images need to complement your book’s title and cover text. As one of the great challenges of book cover design, this is best handled by a design service.

If you’re designing your own self-published book covers, there are a few considerations as you position text and choose fonts. Consider using different fonts for your title, the author name, and the tagline. Don’t go overboard, though—use no more than two or three fonts. Here are a few more tips:

  • Avoid overly elaborate, flowery, or hard-to-read fonts.
  • Keep things simple: often your title and name are sufficient for the front of your book cover.
  • Some fonts are so universally hated that they should be avoided at all costs (here’s looking at you, Comic Sans).
  • Remember to consider the back cover of your book and how your back cover copy looks. It’s easy to focus on the front cover and neglect the back.
  • Keep the author name smaller than the title of the book. Only the most famous of bestselling authors give their own name pride of place.

book cover design

What Is the Size of a Book Cover?

What is the size of a book cover, and who determine that size? Most self-publishing book covers are measured in pixels, and each publishing company has its own size requirements you’ll need to consider. You’ll also need to submit your book cover as a specific file format. Here are some examples:

Publishing Company File Format Recommended Book Cover Size Cover Size Range
Amazon Kindle Direct JPEG or TIFF 2,560 x 1,600 pixels Between 1,000 x 625 and 10,000 x 10,000 pixels, with one side at least 1,000 pixels long
Apple iBooks JPEG or PNG 1,400 x 1,873 pixels or 1,600 x 2,400 pixels At least 1,400 pixels wide
Barnes & Noble JPEG or PNG Height and width of at least 1,400 pixels Minimum height and width of 750 x 750 pixels
Kobo Books JPEG or PNG 1,600 x 2,400 pixels Minimum width of 1,400 pixels
Smashwords JPEG or PNG 1,600 x 2,400 pixels Minimum width of 1,400 pixels
Draft2Digital JPEG 1,600 x 2,400 pixels Must form a tall rectangle


Market Research for Book Cover Designs

After you’re designed your book cover—or better yet, if you have two or more possible designs—do a little market research before publication. Show potential readers your cover options through your website and social media, and ask them to rate how intriguing each cover is. Any feedback you receive can be used to fine-tune the cover’s effectiveness.

Don’t be afraid to change e-book covers after publication. Authors have seen previously underwhelming book sales spike after changing their book covers.

Book Cover Design Experts for Self-Publishers

Although it’s possible to create your own book cover using stock images and free book cover design templates, most writers lack the design skills needed to create effective, beautiful book covers. In such cases, professional book cover design will provide you with a high-quality end product.

Why hire a professional design service for your book cover? To begin with, professional designers have a deep understanding of how text, images, and other visual elements should interact on your cover. They know what the latest cover trends are for your genre and how readers respond to cover layout and typography. A professional designer also possesses image manipulation skills far ahead of most people’s abilities.

To provide you with the best possible cover, a book cover designer needs information about your book. You should provide the designer with a comprehensive brief that includes the following:

  • A detailed synopsis of the book’s content
  • The book’s genre/genres
  • Your target audience
  • A short author bio
  • Any back cover text you want included
  • Any thoughts or inspirations you have on the design
Pro Tip: Don’t forget that the inside of your book is just as important as the outside—the interior layout of things like photo images, pull quotes, and alignment require skill and attention to detail, both of professional interior designers will have in spades.

Most book cover designers will produce two or three sample designs for you to provide feedback on as you move toward a final product.

Professional design services such as those provided by Elite Authors give you an attractive return on investment. You’ll receive a high-quality book cover in much less time than others take to make their own e-book covers, allowing you to become a published author sooner. Marketing your book is more effective with a professional cover design because it allows you to focus on what you do best—writing a great book.

The post Book Cover Design Tips for Authors appeared first on Elite Authors.

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