copyediting – Elite Authors Expert Publishing Services Fri, 31 May 2024 02:42:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 copyediting – Elite Authors 32 32 Elite Answers: What editing services does Elite Authors offer? Fri, 10 Feb 2023 22:48:36 +0000   Ready to learn more? Contact us with any questions! Transcription (may contain errors): We offer a variety of editing options to help you refine and polish your manuscript while working […]

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Ready to learn more? Contact us with any questions!

Transcription (may contain errors): We offer a variety of editing options to help you refine and polish your manuscript while working within your budget and timeline. Many authors choose to start with a developmental edit. This service is designed for authors with a rough first draft or maybe even an outline and a pile of notes that needs some direction on how to take their manuscript to the next level. We also offer line and copyediting. Line editing is where your editor will provide feedback on overall structure and comprehension, flow, tone, and organization, as well as spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Copyediting is typically the last step before formatting. This is one final review to make sure the spelling, grammar, and punctuation are all totally polished before you move into the design stage. After the book has been professionally formatted, most authors like to have a proofreader go through one last time to catch any pesky typos to make sure the books as close to perfect as possible.

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How Much Does It Cost to Self-Publish a Book? Wed, 19 May 2021 14:00:34 +0000 Writing a book is a huge accomplishment. And once you’ve completed your masterpiece, it’s time to publish! Many writers consider self-publishing if they’re just starting out. It’s a great way […]

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coins coming out of a black piggy bank

Writing a book is a huge accomplishment. And once you’ve completed your masterpiece, it’s time to publish! Many writers consider self-publishing if they’re just starting out. It’s a great way to establish yourself as a serious author. And before you decide whether to self-publish or work with a traditional publisher, you need to understand the costs associated with self-publishing. So how much does it cost to self-publish a book? Let’s find out!

Editing costs for a self-published book

As a writer, you know how important proofreading and editing are. And as an author, you know that you want to put your best foot forward. This often means hiring a book editing service that can help you finalize your work for publication.

Whether you’re going to work with a traditional publisher or are hoping for an optimized Amazon listing, it’s important to have a team of expert editors on your side.

What are the different types of editing that self-published authors should know about?

Editing comes in many forms. Here are a few different types of editing that you might want to consider before self-publishing your book:

  • Developmental editing is an overall big-picture review of your book. A developmental editor will examine the overall structure and style of your work and make sure that the plot flows without any holes or continuity gaps. If you’ve written a nonfiction book, developmental editing will also research and confirm any facts that you’ve written about.
  • Substantive editing examines your book’s organization. It ensures that each sentence and phrase contribute positively to your story. A substantive editor will provide constructive criticism if there are any chapters or paragraphs that need revision.
  • Copyediting happens in the draft stage of your book—after the book is written, but before it’s formatted for release. A copyeditor will find and help fix any typos, misspelled words, or grammatical errors.

Most published works have to go through several rounds of editing. But it’s worth it to make your masterpiece perfect before you go publish!

How should you determine what type of editor you need?

All authors—even self-published authors—need editing assistance. And when you partner with a professional editing service, you’re hiring a team of experts to help prepare your book for the public eye. These services can also help guide you toward the type of editor you’ll need each step of the way.

The great thing about a professional editing service is that they tend to have all the help you need on their staff. From the various types of editing to proofreading and even book cover design, the best editing services will be able to help you perfect your work.

How do different types of editors structure their fees?

Your editing costs will vary depending on what type of editing service you need. Many publishing and editing companies have professionals who can help you each step of the way, from your initial developmental editing phase through proofreading.

If you need multiple editing services, be sure to ask about package pricing for the most economical service. Editing services that are set up to help you as a self-published author will often offer package deals to help you keep your editing costs low.

Printing costs for a self-published book

Preparing to print your self-published book is an exciting process! But you need to be aware of the costs. You’ll have to allocate funds for things such as your book cover design, book marketing efforts, and the cost of the print run that your publishing house will charge.

Printing costs can add up. But when you know what to look out for, you can self-publish your book efficiently and successfully!

What does it cost to print your self-published book?

One of the biggest questions that independent authors have when self-publishing a book is: How much will it cost to print the book?

Printing costs will vary based on a number of factors. As you research potential printers, make sure that you have an idea of the quantity of books you’d like printed, whether you need to use color ink, how many hardcover versus paperback copies you’re printing, and whether you want help marketing your book.

What factors can affect the cost of printing your self-published book?

Self-publishing costs will vary depending on what your printing goals are. Here are a few factors that will affect your costs:

  • Print run. Many publishing companies offer price breaks depending on how many books you are ordering. For instance, if you order 100 books, maybe the cost will be $15 each. But if you order 250 books, the cost could be closer to $10 each. Every book production company works a little differently, so be sure to ask how your print run will affect your costs.
  • Book design and format. The page count of your book will also be a factor. If you’re printing a long book that requires a lot of paper and ink, it’ll likely be more expensive than a short book. Color ink can also drive up your cost—black ink is more standard and less expensive, so color illustrations on the cover design and interior of the book can cost you more money.
  • Cover style. A hardcover book is more expensive to produce than a paperback. And many companies will allow you to purchase some of each. For example, you can buy some hardcover copies as gifts for your family and friends, and then purchase a larger quantity of paperback books to sell at book fairs or bookstores.
  • Book marketing. Some publishing companies also offer book marketing services to independent authors. In addition to printing your book, they’ll market it to retailers such as Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and other bookstores.

How should you choose a printer for your self-published book?

As a self-publishing author, you have a choice in which printer you work with. Some printers work more like traditional publishing companies while others focus on helping newer, independent authors who have just completed their first book.

Before you decide which printer will handle your book production, make sure you’re comfortable with them. Is their customer service helpful? Is their pricing fair? Think of this decision process as a job interview, and each printer as a candidate. Interview them to make sure they’re the right fit. After all, you and your book deserve the very best!

Costs associated with a self-published e-book

Self-publishing an e-book comes with some costs, just like publishing and printing hardcover or paperback books. But e-book pricing and fees are a bit different than traditional publishing. Before you determine whether to publish your book digitally, it’s important to understand the costs.

What costs should you consider when self-publishing an e-book?

There are several costs you’ll need to be prepared for if you’re considering self-publishing your work as an e-book rather than just the cost to self-publish a book. The good news is that your self-publishing costs might be lower with an e-book than if you’re printing with a traditional publisher. Still, though, it’s best to know what to expect!

Your book design is one cost to prepare yourself for. Several e-book services—including the Amazon Kindle e-book—need to be specially formatted. Fortunately, there are experts who specialize in e-book conversion so that your masterpiece will be ready to launch to the public quickly and without formatting issues.

Book marketing fees are another cost to keep in mind. Your e-book publishing company might offer marketing services to send your e-book to retailers like Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and others. Even if there’s a fee associated with this service, you should really consider paying your book publisher to help with your book marketing. They have a foot inside the door with these retailers, and their help can get your name out into the world!

What platforms are available for self-published e-books?

As a self-published author, you have a lot of options to consider when you decide what platforms are best suited for your work. So take a look at what’s available to you. Decide whether you want to sell your e-book on a huge platform like Amazon, or if you want to stick to a more traditional publisher that specializes in your genre.

Before you decide what platforms to publish on, do some research on self-publishing distribution. Gather as much information as you can so that you can make a well-rounded decision. This will help you make the best choice for your e-book—and for your career as an author!

How do e-book platforms structure their fees?

Every e-book platform has their own fees. Some might give you a commission on each e-book that you sell. And others might just charge a flat rate. Your e-book pricing might also affect the platform’s price structure. So make sure that you thoroughly research your publisher’s costs and fees before you submit your book to them.

Marketing costs for a self-published book

You’ve written a quality book. And you’ve hired a professional book editor to help get it ready for publishing. So what’s next? Marketing!

Book marketing is crucial to your book’s success. From your book cover design to your publishing package, your marketing efforts should be at the top of your priority list. Whether you’re working with a traditional publisher for printed books or focusing on e-book platforms like Amazon Kindle, you’ll have to put some resources into your book marketing.

How should you market your self-published book?

Marketing can be fun! Just like writing your book, marketing gives you a chance to be creative. You’ve created a quality book, and your book marketing gives you the chance to brag about it to the world. Here are a few ways that you can market your self-published book:

  • Book cover design. That’s right! An eye-catching book cover can be a marketing tool. If you’re not the best artist or illustrator, many marketing services and publishing companies offer graphic design to help your target audience notice your book, starting with its cover.
  • Social media. Post about your self-published book on all of your social media platforms. Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, and Instagram are all marketing tools available to you at little or no cost.
  • Marketing through your publisher. Marketing costs might be included in your overall publishing package. Regardless of whether you’re working with a large or independent publisher, be sure to ask how they can support your marketing efforts.

What factors can affect the cost of marketing your self-published book?

Book marketing costs depend on how much you, as the author, want to spend—and how many people you want to reach. You want each marketing effort to lead to a book sale. And if you want a lot of book sales, you should be prepared to budget for heavy marketing. Your target reach is the largest factor that will affect your marketing costs.

If you want to stay low-budget, you can market your book on social media and spread it word of mouth through your friends and family. But the best way to reach the most people is to cast a wide net! You can consider paying for advertisements on retailer websites and search engines. You can even buy airtime on radio and TV. The sky’s the limit!

How should you determine your marketing budget for your self-published book?

Think of your book marketing as an investment. You’ll need to include some marketing-effort dollars when you think of your overall self-publishing costs. Simply put: book marketing leads to book sales.

Your marketing budget should really depend on how much money you hope to earn from your book. If your goal is to establish a strong author brand and earn a living as a professional writer, then you should set aside a healthy portion of your budget for your book marketing.

Let Elite Authors help you succeed in self-publishing

Self-publishing is a great way for you to make a name for yourself. And we want to help you succeed! Tell us about your book today so that we can help edit, design, and market your masterpiece!

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Different Types of Book Editing: Understanding Your Options Wed, 28 Oct 2020 14:00:45 +0000 So you’re writing your first (or fifth, or fiftieth) book. Whether you’re a first-time author or an established pro, you’ll need an editor if you plan to publish your work. […]

The post Different Types of Book Editing: Understanding Your Options appeared first on Elite Authors.

hands on a typewriter

So you’re writing your first (or fifth, or fiftieth) book. Whether you’re a first-time author or an established pro, you’ll need an editor if you plan to publish your work. Good book editing services can help ensure your manuscript is cohesive, error-free, and ready to make an impact on your readers.

Here’s the confusing part: there’s more than one kind of book editor. Considering content, style, grammar, and formatting all in one go is too much for a single round of edits—and probably too much for one editor. Therefore, you’ll need to figure out not only when to hire an editor but also which pro is best suited to the current stage of your book’s journey.

Types of book editing services

One easy way to understand book editing is as a spectrum of services. These can range from high-level substantive editing, developmental editing, or a manuscript critique to the final, detailed proofread. The type of editor you need depends on the current stage of your book. An author who has just completed an early draft likely isn’t ready for a copy editor’s fine-tooth comb. And if you’re already happy with your book’s structure, you may want to skip the developmental edit and move straight into line editing.

So what makes each type of editing unique? Let’s cover each one in detail.

Developmental editing

Developmental editing is also known as structural or substantive editing. Brace yourself: this is often where your book gets messy!

During a developmental edit, your editor takes a high-level look at your manuscript to evaluate whether elements like your plot, themes, character development, or central argument effectively achieve your goals. Writing a mystery or thriller? Your editor may point out inconsistencies or plot holes that derail your intent. Working on a nonfiction manuscript? Your editor can help make sure your chapters build on each other to support your thesis.

Developmental editing can be a tough process, but it’s essential to writing your best book. Just like metalwork, your manuscript needs to experience some heat in order to become something beautiful. Depending on what kind of book you’re writing, that could mean cutting unnecessary characters, adding new subplots, or changing up your chapter order so your argument flows better.

Line editing

Line editing sits on the spectrum between developmental editing and copy editing. At this stage, the focus shifts from your manuscript as a whole to each individual sentence. As their title suggests, line editors go line by line to evaluate tone, word choice, syntax, and sentence structure.

Line editors are a stylish bunch. Well, at least when it comes to making sure your writing style is consistent. The way you style your sentences can change depending on your mood, energy level, and even the last book you read. Your line editor will be the first to notice if you’ve used too-formal diction or slipped into a stream of consciousness that feels out of place.

A line editor is a little like a piece of sandpaper—though hopefully not as rough! This expert’s job is to make sure every sentence reads smoothly. As a side note, line editors are often great at critiquing character dialogue to help you make sure cowboys don’t talk like English noblemen and kids don’t sound like forty-year-old professors. Since a lot goes into line editing, it can be one of the most time-consuming editorial services.

Copy editing

If you’re ready for a copy edit, congratulations are in order. You have made it through some of the toughest stages in the editing process. At this point, your book should have a solid foundation and consistent style. Now it’s time to home in on the finer points of your manuscript: grammar and conventions.

Expect your copy editor to return your draft with a boatload of suggested edits: Add a comma here. Use a different word there. Let’s fix this dangling modifier. While the process can be tedious, catching these errors before publishing your book is key to keeping readers happy!

Copy editors refer to specific style manuals to find grammatical discrepancies in your manuscript. They also consider many small parts:

  • Fact-checking
  • Punctuation
  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Readability
  • Layout
  • Clarity
  • Consistency

After you work with a copy editor, your manuscript should be well groomed and ready for a date with an agent or publisher.


As a subset of copy editing, proofreading deserves a brief mention. Proofreading is the final comb-through of your manuscript to prepare it for publishing. Why do you need a proofreader? There are at least three excellent reasons:

  1. Your copy editor may miss a few errors. So it’s great to get a proofreader’s sharp eyes on your book.
  2. As you accept and reject copy edits, you may accidentally introduce other errors. A proofreader can catch little mistakes like extra spaces or missing punctuation.
  3. A proofreader can check your book’s formatting for correctness. Trust this detail-oriented expert to help prep your book for publication.

Above all, a proofreader is your last line of defense before your book meets the world. This pro can help make sure small errors don’t hurt its credibility after publishing.

Understanding the different types of editing

Now that you’re familiar with each type of editing, you need to decide when and if your book needs all of the above services. If you haven’t noticed, there’s a clear order of operations to the book editing process. For instance, it doesn’t make sense for a copy editor to polish your draft when what your book really needs is to get messy in the hands of a developmental editor! Here’s how to know what type of editing your book is ready for:

If you are just starting your writing project

At this stage, you need a big-picture thinker. More specifically, you need a developmental editor. While some authors think structural editing is only for completed manuscripts, you can bring in structural or developmental editors at any early stage of the writing process. That’s because these pros often function as strategists and mentors. They can help you gain clarity and focus, whether you have notes, an outline, or a full draft.

After all, good ideas take some time to shape up. And turning your vision into a completed book often calls for a carefully planned approach. Developmental editors can offer guidance on how to organize your chapters or map out your plot—even before you’ve started writing.

If you have a completed manuscript

Just typed the last word of your first draft? Congratulations! At this point, wise writers let their work sit for a while before rereading for glaring errors. But editing on your own will only get you so far. It’s easy for writers to “throw the baby out with the bathwater” by editing overzealously and cutting vital parts of their work. On the other hand, you may not be bold enough to “kill your darlings,” as the saying goes. That means you may have written some stunning passages that don’t serve your book as a whole. Those are the hardest to slice and dice.

Again, a developmental editor can help you make these tough calls. This expert can offer the unbiased second opinion you won’t get from the people closest to you. And editors with experience in your genre can approach your book with knowledge of the publishing market you hope to enter. They could help tighten your manuscript to stay within the standard page count for your genre or ensure your plot has the right number of twists and turns for your target audience. Most importantly, you’ll get an honest assessment of your work along with the tools and encouragement you need to make major revisions.

Of course, a completed manuscript means something different to everyone. Maybe you’ve revised and polished your book over multiple drafts or already finished a few rounds of structural editing. In that case, the next step may be a line edit to fine-tune your language at the sentence level. You might even be ready to hire a copy editor.

If you are interested in a collaborative approach to your work

Maybe you have a wealth of stories to tell but struggle to get words on the page. Perhaps you wish to write for an English-speaking audience, but English is not your first language. Or maybe you simply don’t have the time to commit to writing but still want to share your amazing stories or subject-matter expertise with the world.

If you identify with any of those scenarios, think about working with a ghostwriter. A ghostwriter is an experienced writer who specializes in helping other people put their thoughts, ideas, and knowledge into words. These pros work collaboratively with you to understand not just your topic, but your voice and personality. They’ll interview you to learn your story and your goals behind telling it.

In other words, ghostwriting is not a matter of turning over your great idea to somebody else. It’s a partnership with an expert who can help bring your story to life. You will retain all rights to the work, and nobody has to know you hired a ghostwriter unless you want them to. So if you have a great idea for a book, don’t let a lack of time or writing chops keep you from sharing it.

How to choose the right type of editing for your book

Again, the type of editing you need depends on your stage of the writing process and the shape your manuscript is in. But other considerations apply. Here’s what to think about (and avoid) when choosing editing services that fit your needs.

What you should consider when deciding what type of editing is right for you

When evaluating editing services, keep these key considerations in mind:

  • Your budget

Developmental editing and line editing tend to be the most expensive editorial services. They’re also key to creating a cohesive, well-organized book full of snappy sentences. That said, if your budget can’t accommodate multiple stages of editing, look for an editorial services company that can bundle two or more services at a discount.

  • Your “why”

Your goals behind writing your book can help you determine what editing services you need. For instance, if you’ve recorded your memories and family stories for future generations but don’t intend to market your book to a wider audience, you probably don’t need a developmental editor or line editor to whip your manuscript into shape. But a copy editor can give your book the polish it deserves.

  • What’s included

Editing services can range from the basic to the comprehensive. Besides that, some editors charge a lower rate but provide less for the money. And a freelance editor working alone may offer fewer bells and whistles than a book editing service that employs many editors. When vetting editors, ask about the amount and type of feedback you will receive. Learn whether the provider offers discounts for combining multiple services. And find out what options you have if you aren’t completely satisfied with the finished editing job.

What you should avoid when deciding what type of editing is right for you

Here’s what to steer clear from as you chart your course:

  • Cutting corners

The worst mistake an author can make after investing countless hours in a manuscript is to forgo a critical editing stage. Yes, editing services can be expensive, especially if you need multiple types of editing. But deciding not to hire a thoughtful developmental editor or sharp-eyed copy editor can be a big mistake. Ask a professional editor to evaluate your manuscript and provide honest feedback on where you stand. If your manuscript truly needs work, cutting corners will prevent your book from achieving its full potential.

  • Expecting your editor to make all the decisions

Working with an editor is a partnership. Regardless of the editing stage, your editor never has the last word. You do. That means putting in the work to implement your editor’s feedback—or dismiss certain suggestions if you disagree. If there’s an edit you don’t understand, make the effort to follow up with your editor and obtain clarity. You’ll get the most out of your editing service when you take an active role in the process.

  • Relying on friends and family for editing help

Your friends and family can provide helpful feedback. They can support and encourage you. But unless they are professional editors, they can’t edit your book. You need an objective outsider (who also happens to be a publishing insider) to give you an honest appraisal of your work. The best freelance editors understand how to give constructive criticism without hurting your feelings. But in the end, their goal is to make sure your book is awesome. If it isn’t there yet, they’ll let you know.

What if you have yet to share your work with anyone?

It never hurts to ask friends for feedback. But unless you count book editors and publishing pros among your closest pals, their opinions may not be much help. Instead, hire a developmental editor. It doesn’t matter how early you are in the writing and editing process. If you are serious about finishing and publishing your book, it’s the best investment you can make.

If you’re not ready to hire an editor, consider joining a writing group. This can be a wonderful way to workshop your materials, meet new writer friends, and get actionable feedback. But again, unless your writing group members have professional expertise, you should take their advice with a grain of salt.

Cost of each type of book editing

When evaluating editing fees, look for transparency. Knowing what services your money buys ultimately matters more than the bottom line. Why? Because bargain editorial services may not offer the quality your book deserves. Being willing to pay a little more opens the door to a more comprehensive experience and the chance to work with skilled, caring editors who want your book to succeed as much as you do.

Editing services may charge per hour, word, or page. Below is a price breakdown of typical rates for different types of editing services:

Type of Editing Per-Word Costs Per-Hour Costs
Developmental editing $0.07–$0.12 $45–$55
Line editing $0.02–$0.04 $40–$60
Copy editing $0.016–$0.03 $30–$50
Proofreading $0.01–$0.08 $35–$35


To see an example of pricing, check out our pricing structure.

By the hour or by the project?

Although some editors charge by the hour, others charge by the project. There are pros and cons to both.

Paying by the hour provides an incentive for your editor to give your work the time and attention it needs. Your editor may be less likely to cut corners. But with this fee structure, it’s easier for unscrupulous editors to pad their hours. Additionally, your total cost will depend on your editor’s pace. A slower editor won’t necessarily do better work than a faster one, but you’ll pay more for the service.

Paying per project or per word means you’ll know up front how much the editing job costs—no surprises! Your editing service should have factored in how much work your manuscript will require, ensuring your editor is incentivized not to cut corners.

Factors contributing to editing costs

When you first calculate how much editing costs, you may be in for a shock. However, before swearing off editors, think about everything that goes into the process. Good editors read through your work multiple times at a slow pace, take detailed notes, and provide you with structured feedback. In fact, editing can be almost as time consuming as writing.

These and other factors go into determining editing costs:

  1. The length of your manuscript
  2. Your genre (specialized academic texts can cost more to edit)
  3. The type of editing you need
  4. The editor’s experience and expertise
  5. The number of read-throughs performed
  6. Your deadline (expedited editing typically costs more)
  7. The amount of feedback provided

Most authors agree editing services are worth the investment. That’s especially true if you plan to self-publish or pitch to agents and publishers.

Where do you go from here?

Maybe your book still lives in your imagination, but you can’t wait to get started. Or maybe you have a well-developed manuscript that’s inches away from the finish line. Regardless, your project deserves attention from experienced editors. Your readers deserve a well-edited book. And you, the author, deserve support on your writing journey.

If you are looking for an editor, we’d love to meet you. Elite Authors provides comprehensive editing services to help you at any stage of the writing journey. No one else makes it easier to craft, edit, proofread, format, package, market, print, and publish your book. Connect with us!

The post Different Types of Book Editing: Understanding Your Options appeared first on Elite Authors.

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Cost of Editing a Book Wed, 14 Oct 2020 14:00:18 +0000 Editing is an exciting step toward finishing your book. A professional editing service will prepare your manuscript for a literary agent’s critical eye and for the world to read once […]

The post Cost of Editing a Book appeared first on Elite Authors.

person at desk with computer and books

Editing is an exciting step toward finishing your book. A professional editing service will prepare your manuscript for a literary agent’s critical eye and for the world to read once your book is published!

Partnering with a professional editor is an investment in your book’s success. However, there are costs associated with editing, so it’s important to understand basic pricing and what factors affect the cost.

The cost of editing a book: Hiring a book editor

Whether you’re going to self-publish or work with a traditional publishing company, it’s important to know what to expect throughout the editing process. The first step is to research average rates for three of the main phases of editing: developmental editing, line editing, and copyediting.

How much does developmental editing typically cost?

Developmental editing is your book’s first overall manuscript assessment. To that end, developmental editors review your book as a whole. They make sure the plot flows well, that your characters are developed, and that any historical facts are accurate.

On average, developmental editing costs around $0.09 per word, $22.50 per page, and $112.50 per hour.

How much does line editing typically cost?

The line editor looks at your tone, word choice, and sentence structure. This helps your book maintain a consistent mood throughout every paragraph.

The industry average for line editing is about $0.05 per word, $12.50 per page, and $62.50 per hour.

How much does copyediting typically cost?

Copyediting focuses on the nitty gritty. Your copyeditor puts your manuscript under a microscope to find any punctuation, spelling, or grammatical errors.

Average costs for copyediting are $0.03 per word, $7.50 per page, and $75 per hour.

The cost of editing a book: Hiring a professional editor

Every book needs to be edited before it’s published. Without editing, your manuscript could contain errors that you don’t want the public to see. A professional editor can catch issues from your book’s organization all the way down to a small typo.

If you’re working with a traditional publishing company, your book deal might include editing services. And if you’re self-publishing, you’ll definitely want to hire an editor. Let the professionals prepare your book for the world!

How does an editor offer a new perspective?

You’ve spent a lot of time on your book. And since you’re so engrossed in the writing process, you might not notice certain plot issues or typos. So you need an editor to look at your manuscript with fresh, unbiased eyes. Furthermore, they can offer a new perspective, ideas, and suggestions you might not have thought about.

Why should you look to an editor for an objective appraisal?

A professional editor will approach your work objectively. They’ll thoroughly review your manuscript and provide constructive feedback on how to fix any issues. They edit books for a living—so they know a thing or two about the publishing industry that you’re not aware of!

Your editor wants to help your book succeed. So be prepared for some suggestions on how to improve your manuscript. And remember: even if the editor suggests major changes, they’re trying to help you ring up those book sales!

How can a professional editor save you money?

Editing prevents you from publishing a book with plot inconsistencies, grammatical errors, and misspelled or misused words. If your manuscript is riddled with problems, your readers won’t take you seriously as an author. And you will have wasted time and money publishing a book that no one wants to read.

So invest in your book and in your success as a professional writer. Hire a professional editing service!

The cost of editing a book: An estimate

Your book needs a comprehensive edit before you publish it. So it’s important that you allocate some time and resources to the editing process. From the developmental edit down to your line editing service, you must be aware of your editing costs.

How does the length of your book factor into the cost of an editing service?

Editors base their rates on quantity of words, pages, or how many hours your book will take to edit. So your book length is a determining factor in your editing cost. For example, a full-length novel will take more time—and therefore cost more—to edit than a children’s picture book.

What types of books cost more to edit?

The main factor in your editing cost is your book’s length. But there are other elements to consider as well. Here are a few things to keep in mind:

  • Historical facts. Your developmental editor will confirm any historical facts in your book. So if you’ve written a nonfiction work, your cost may be higher than a fiction manuscript.
  • Manuscript’s condition. If cost is a concern, ask a friend or family member to read your work before you send it to a professional editor. They might be able to catch any glaring errors that an editor won’t have to fix. This makes the editing process go more quickly, which saves you money!
  • Book cover. Some editing companies offer book cover services. But if you’ve already designed the layout and written the text for the front, back, and spine of your book, you won’t have to pay for these services.

How does your deadline impact the cost of an editing service?

If you have a tight editing deadline, you might need to pay a rush fee to get the work done more quickly. And if you don’t have a deadline, you can pay standard editing rates. But be sure to communicate your timeline to your editing service before signing on with them.

How long does it take to edit a manuscript?

The time it’ll take a professional editing service to edit your manuscript depends on a few factors:

  • Length of the manuscript
  • Condition of the manuscript
  • Your deadline

Each editing phase is unique—just like your book! And although there’s no universal answer to how long your editing process will take, there are some basic industry standards.

How quickly does a developmental editor work?

Your developmental editor will read your book as a whole and provide an overall manuscript critique. The developmental editor needs to thoroughly read your book and keep notes on your plot and characters and confirm any historical facts in your manuscript. Thus, this edit takes time. In general, developmental editors complete about five pages per hour.

How many pages can a line editor complete per hour?

The line editor will make sure you’re using each word correctly and that your sentences are constructed well. On average, professional line editors complete about five pages per hour.

How long does heavy copyediting take?

Oftentimes, a line editor will catch a lot of the same errors that a copyeditor would. In that case, your book will go through a light copyediting process. A copyeditor tasked with light editing or proofreading can edit around ten pages per hour.

If you forego the line edit, you’ll need heavy copyediting. And depending on the condition of your manuscript, your copyeditor can likely complete around seven pages per hour.

The cost of editing a book: Average freelance editing rates

You have options when you research your editor. Maybe you know a professional editor, and they’re willing to freelance for you. Or maybe you’ve already performed a substantive edit, and you only need help with copyediting.

If you choose a freelancer, make sure they’re reliable and professional. Look for someone involved in a professional editorial freelancers association so they’ve been vetted by other writers.

What is the industry standard for words per page?

The writing industry’s standard is 250 words per page. Editing rates are calculated per word, per page, or per hour. So ask your editing service how it estimates its rates for editing your book.

What other editorial services should you consider in addition to book editing?

You know that editing is important. And if your goal is to become a professional author, you might need editorial services beyond your manuscript.

A professional writer needs to market their work. This includes a website, social media presence, and other marketing platforms that broadcast your book to the world. Some editorial services can help with these projects too!

How do you estimate the cost to have your book edited?

It’s hard to budget for your book edit if you don’t know how editing rates are calculated. The first question to ask is whether your editing service estimates its rates based on word count, page count, or per hour. The next thing to consider is your timeline. Although an editing service can work under a tight deadline, you might have to pay rush fees.

How to save money on the cost of editing a book

Everyone wants to save money. And if you’re an indie author, you might not have a big editing budget. Fortunately, there are ways to save money on editing.

What is an economical way to pay for editing and proofreading services?

Some editing services let you pay in increments rather than the full amount up front. This can help with budgeting. And if you’ve already asked some family and friends to read your work, you might not have to pay for developmental editing. So be sure to let your editing service know if you only need a proofread or a copy edit instead of all phases of the editing process.

Your editor might offer an indie author discount. So if you’re just starting out with your first manuscript, be sure to ask if they offer any financial assistance!

What are the benefits of bundling editing services?

Each editing phase costs money. But sometimes you can get a bundled cost that’ll reduce the price! If you need everything from the developmental edit down to proofreading, ask your editorial service if they offer the full package at a discounted rate. You could get the same excellent service for less money.

What should authors avoid doing when they are looking to save money?

Hiring a book editor is a financial commitment. Think of it as investing in your book and in your career as an author. So although it’ll cost a bit of money, you have to avoid cutting corners.

Editing prepares your book for your readers. You worked too hard on your manuscript to send it into the world with plot issues or misspellings. So find an expert editor to help you. The up-front cost of hiring a professional editor will pay off when you start ringing up those book sales!

How to evaluate freelance editorial services

Everything from developmental editing to copyediting is an investment in your book. And it’s important to find an expert editor that you can trust. Take these steps before selecting an editor:

  • Learn their communication style.
  • Get a sample edit.
  • Review their references and testimonials.

How do you judge an editor’s communication style?

Your editor should be an excellent communicator. For instance, they should clearly explain their rates and timeline. In addition, during the project, they should provide constructive recommendations on how to fix any issues.

Finding the right editor means finding someone you’re comfortable with. So communicate with each potential editor to find the best fit.

Why should you consider the quality of a sample edit when considering a freelance editor?

Your manuscript deserves the best editor money can buy. So ask for a sample edit from any potential editors. This will let you compare their work, review their attention to detail, and find the right editor for your project.

Why should you look for a freelance editor with references and testimonials?

An expert editor should have a group of happy clients. Read their website and online reviews to make sure other writers have been impressed with their service. If a freelance editor doesn’t have willing references and positive testimonials, chances are their work is subpar.

Elite Authors is your affordable and comprehensive editing service.

You need an editorial service with expert editors who can work efficiently—even on a budget! We can turn even the roughest manuscript into a publish-ready book. Contact us to get a quote!


The post Cost of Editing a Book appeared first on Elite Authors.

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What Does a Book Editor Do? Wed, 14 Oct 2020 14:00:12 +0000 As an up-and-coming author, you’ve worked extremely hard on your manuscript. You’ve put in time and effort and have gone through several rounds of revisions. Now, with a completed draft […]

The post What Does a Book Editor Do? appeared first on Elite Authors.

a person laying in the grass with a pen and paper

As an up-and-coming author, you’ve worked extremely hard on your manuscript. You’ve put in time and effort and have gone through several rounds of revisions. Now, with a completed draft finally in hand, it’s time to start looking to get your work published! But not so fast. Before sending your draft out to publishers, it might be a good idea to get a fresh perspective on your work. This is where professional book editors come in. So, what does a book editor do?

What is a book editor?

A book editor is a professional who can help you prepare your manuscript for its next stage in the publication process. Professional editors offer crucial feedback on how to improve your manuscript. They may work with you on things ranging from large-scale organization and plot to smaller-scale grammatical and mechanical issues.

Most importantly, a professional editor has expertise in identifying the kinds of issues that keep your manuscript from getting published or sold. And they can show you how you can fix them.

How can book editors help authors?

In general, book editors work with authors to make their work as professional as possible. In most cases, editors focus on a variety of different areas when editing a manuscript.

Often, editors have specific knowledge of the target audience or industry that an author is writing for. They can help in more effectively meeting the demands of that audience by proposing specific types of revisions. Throughout the editing process, your editor can help you edit your manuscript according to both general and genre- or industry-specific standards.

How do book editors improve an author’s work?

In providing objective feedback on your manuscript, editors can help you better prepare it for publication.

If your grammar, for example, needs some polishing, they can identify any errors in spelling and syntax that you may have missed. They can also provide broader feedback on your book’s plot, development, and organization.

What are the most important elements of the author-editor relationship?

On the one hand, the relationship between an author and an editor may seem to be somewhat adversarial. After all, the editor is suggesting you make changes to the book that you’ve worked so hard on! But rather than being professional sparring partners, authors and editors should work together with a spirit of mutual respect.

The key to a successful author-editor relationship is remembering that both of you have the same ultimate goal in mind. And that’s the publication and success of your book. If you remember that your editor is also invested in your work, you’ll be more appreciative and accepting of feedback.

Types of book editors

There are three primary types of editors that you may work with. These are developmental editors, copy editors, and proofreaders. Of course, they may overlap in their specific duties and in the feedback that they offer. However, they do tend to focus on different areas of your writing.

Therefore, when seeking out an editor, it’s important that you get a good idea of what kinds of revisions you want to make and what kind of feedback you need. Regardless of the specific type, a quality editor can offer helpful and meaningful feedback on key issues with your writing while maintaining a respectful, cooperative, and tactful tone.

What is developmental editing?

A developmental editor looks at a manuscript in terms of large-scale issues. These can involve things like plot, characterization, pacing, focus, organization, and other global concerns. Developmental editors therefore usually go over a work as a whole, focusing on how it may be effective or ineffective in the context of its target audience.

What is line editing?

Related to copyediting is line editing. Line editing, like copyediting, involves going through your manuscript on a line-by-line and sentence-by-sentence level. However, line editors tend to focus on stylistic as well as mechanical issues.

A good line editor offers helpful feedback on things like word choice, flow, and direction. Line editors usually recommend changes that require more in-depth revisions of your manuscript not just simple spelling and grammar corrections.

What is copyediting?

Copy editors tend to focus on specific issues in individual lines and sentences, rather than global concerns. These can include areas like sentence structure, grammar, style and tense consistency, logic, flow, and so on.

In this sense, copy editors are less concerned with the overall effect of a manuscript. Instead, they concentrate on how “professional” a manuscript looks on a line-by-line and sentence-by-sentence level. A manuscript that’s sound in terms of global issues still isn’t very readable if it’s full of awkward sentences, grammatical errors, and inconsistent style!

What is proofreading?

Finally, proofreaders serve as the last quality control checkers before publishing. A proofreader meticulously combs through a manuscript to find and flag leftover grammatical, spelling, punctuation, style, and formatting errors for the editor or sometimes a designer or typesetter to fix.

What else should an editor be familiar with?

As a writer, you may be familiar with different style guides detailing essential dos and don’ts for professional writing. For example, publishers may use the Associated Press (AP) Stylebook, the Modern Language Association (MLA) Handbook, the American Psychological Association (APA) Publication Manual, the Chicago Manual of Style, and so on. The sheer number of different styles and formats, each with their own specifics and each preferred by different publishers and different fields, may be a bit overwhelming for a new author!

Here, professional editors can help you navigate the somewhat complex world of writing styles. When hiring an editor, look to see if they have particular experience with the relevant style guide. If you need to write according to a specific style, a professional editor can help you ensure that everything is on point and correct for your publisher.

Depending on which genre or area you are writing in, where you want to publish, and your target audience, you might be dealing with specific requirements in style and formatting.

For example, if you are writing fiction, the editor that you hire should understand things like plot development and characterization, so that they can help you with larger developmental points in your writing.

With academic writing and general nonfiction, the requirements for formatting and style are often fairly strict. Nonfiction editors should deal more with the organization of your information and the clarity of your main points.

If you are writing in a particularly esoteric field, you may also want to seek out an editor who has unique knowledge and experience with that field.

Why hire a book editor?

Book editors can serve as an essential resource for both new and established authors. Good editors are usually familiar with the industry that you are looking to publish in and therefore know what works for your intended audience.

How can hiring an editor help authors get a new perspective on their work?

As a writer, it may be a bit difficult for you to see your own work objectively. After all, you have intimate knowledge of what exactly went into its development and writing. Your audience, however, doesn’t have that advantage.

As independent readers and as professionals, editors can help you identify possible issues or areas for revision that you may not have noticed on your own.

How can a book editor help traditionally and self-published authors?

When looking to publish your work, a central issue that you may face is that of self-publishing versus traditional publishing.

When seeking traditional publishers, it’s important to remember that the main thing a traditional publisher is looking for is new manuscripts that sell within their target audience. Additionally, an editor can serve as a helpful medium to move the manuscript toward what the publisher wants while maintaining the author’s core work and vision.

Editors may also know what appeals to different publishers and can help make it more likely a publisher will accept your work. In other words, an editor can help you make your work more sellable.

Even if—or especially if—you choose to go the self-publishing route, a good editor is a useful tool for your manuscript. While you may not need to impress a specific publisher when you self-publish, you still need to connect with your readers in order for your work to be successful. Your editor can help ensure your work is professional and therefore more marketable.

How to find a book editor

When first setting out to find a book editor, there are two main things that you should consider. First, what genre are you working in? In other words, who is your intended audience? Second, what level of editing does your manuscript need, and what areas need the most revisions? Once you answer these questions, you should have a better idea what kind of editor or editors you need.

How should you find a book editor online?

As with all online searches, it’s a good idea to make sure that your search is as specific as possible. Simply searching for “professional editors” will probably leave you wading through thousands of irrelevant search results.

Instead, try to include things in your search like your genre, your audience, particular publishers, what services you need, and so on. This will help ensure that your search returns include specific editors who will be the best fit for your manuscript.

How can you use your social and professional network to find a book editor?

If you have any trusted writer friends, you can also ask them to refer editors that they use. This way, you know that an editor has a good track record with published writers. Even if these authors don’t work in your genre or industry, you can still network with them to build connections that may lead to meeting more helpful editors. And of course, you can make use of social media platforms—especially LinkedIn—to make connections and find resources.

How can you find a book editor by attending publishing and literary events?

Finally, literary events, such as book fairs and writers’ workshops, can also be great resources for getting in touch with editors. Many professional editors, alongside publishers and agents, set up booths at literary events like these, hoping to build their client base and find promising new authors.

Most of these events require an entrance fee, so you should take that, as well as any related travel costs, into consideration.

What does a book editor cost?

The specific cost of a book editor varies according to several different factors. In general, editing lengthier manuscripts usually costs more. The specific type of editing that you need may also affect the price.

If your manuscript requires extensive revisions or English is not your native language, it can also affect the final cost. And if an editor can offer an expert opinion on a very specific genre, publisher, or audience, they may charge you more for this valuable feedback.

Editors may charge by the word, by the page, or by the entire manuscript, depending upon what specific service they are offering.

What do a book editor’s services typically cost?

Costs vary between developmental editors, copy editors, and proofreaders. In general, a good developmental editor will usually (though not always) be the most expensive of the three. Developmental editors, on average, will charge somewhere between $0.07 and $0.12 per word or between $7.50 and $20 per page.

Copy editors and line editors will normally be a little cheaper, charging between $0.04 and $0.09 per word or between $5 and $15 per page. Finally, proofreaders tend to be the cheapest, with usual rates around $0.01 and $0.02 per word and between $1.50 and $3.50 per page. For more global issues, such as book formatting, costs may start at around $329 for an entire manuscript.

Quality professional editors should not leave you in the dark about what kind of fees they charge. So you should get a clear idea up front about what you can expect to pay. If an editor needs to change the pricing as issues arise, they should let you know as soon as possible and get your agreement.

How to hire a book editor

When approaching editors you are looking to hire, you should of course discuss with them pertinent details mentioned earlier (your book’s length, your target audience, whether you are going the traditional or self-publishing route, and so on).

You should also have a good idea of your budget and how much money you want to spend. The editor should, in turn, give you a comprehensive understanding of their fees and how they charge. Some editors may provide a sample edit to help you get a better idea of their abilities and competence for editing.

Why is it important to set expectations when hiring a book editor?

Ideally, an author-editor relationship should be one of mutual respect and effort. Your editor should respect you as a professional, even if you are just starting out as a writer. You, in turn, should recognize that your editor is not there to be the “bad guy” but is rather invested in getting your book published and sold to the largest audience possible.

Editors, of course, usually have multiple clients taking up their time, so it’s a good idea to set expectations for how much time an editor has to commit to your book specifically.

What should you look for when hiring a book editor?

Good editors should have a solid track record of referrals and recommendations from past clients. When approaching a potential editor, you might ask yourself questions like the following:

  • How professional does this person come across?
  • How knowledgeable do they seem in the particular genre, industry, or audience I am looking to publish in?
  • Are they clear and up front about their rates?
  • Are they prompt in responding to inquiries, and how timely can they be in getting my manuscript back to me?

Answering these kinds of questions helps ensure that the editor you hire is a good fit.

Where can you hire a book editor?

Many companies offer professional editing services for hire. For example, Elite Authors offers multiple levels of book editing, from developmental editing to proofreading—and you can bundle the services. Purchasing a complete editing package may be more beneficial and cost-efficient, depending upon what kinds of services you need. If you feel your manuscript needs editing on several different levels, purchasing a complete package may end up costing you less money than purchasing several different services independently.

Ultimately, professional editing serves as an essential resource whether you are a new or established author to help you with your ultimate goal: publishing and selling a successful book.

If you are an author with an unpublished manuscript, it’s time to start looking for a professional editor today. Your future bestseller will thank you!

The post What Does a Book Editor Do? appeared first on Elite Authors.

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What Does a Book Editor Really Do? Wed, 26 Dec 2018 13:45:12 +0000 When it comes to completing a book, no writer should go it alone. A professional book editor can help you develop your ideas and polish your work. Moreover, they can […]

The post What Does a Book Editor Really Do? appeared first on Elite Authors.

person outside with pen and paper

When it comes to completing a book, no writer should go it alone. A professional book editor can help you develop your ideas and polish your work. Moreover, they can help ensure your finished book is a high-quality, professional product ready for publishing. This guide will show you just how editors can help. Even better, it will help you find a book editor who is the right fit for you.

What Is a Book Editor?

When you’re a writer, opting for professional editing services will help you make your finished book as professional as possible. Professional editors make suggestions to improve things like pacing, characters, or plot. In addition, editors improve sentences so that they flow better, fix errors, and make sure your writing is clear and effective.

What does a book editor do?

The job of every editor is to improve your book and help make it a top-notch finished product. However, different types of book editors work on different aspects of books. The three main types of editors are developmental editors, copy editors, and proofreaders. We’ll describe each of the three types in greater detail below.

Developmental editor

A developmental editor looks at the story on a large scale. They critique structure, plot, character, and global style issues. Developmental editors work on the broad aspects of the book rather than on specific details. They look at the larger issues instead of editing the language sentence by sentence.

Copy editor

On the other hand, copy editors edit the text on a line level, ensuring sound logic, grammatical correctness, and consistent style. They don’t generally address larger issues like plot holes or confusing character motivations. (Of course, they can point out that they exist!) By the time a copy editor is working on your book, a developmental editor should have already addressed those issues.


A good proofreader examines the text on a purely mechanical level. They make sure that words are spelled correctly, that formatting is consistent, and that punctuation is used correctly. Further, they don’t have creative input—their job is simply to correct errors.

Why Hire a Book Editor?

A second pair of eyes on your manuscript can make all the difference, especially if that person is trained to recognize what works and doesn’t work for a certain type of book. However, the editor’s job isn’t to tell the author what to do. Instead, it’s to help the author bring her own vision fully to life. That’s why the best editors are patient and perceptive. They allow your vision to shine through without taking it over or pushing it in a new direction.

It’s difficult to look at your own writing objectively, especially when it’s something you’ve been working on for a long time. Thus, you need an editor to provide expert eyes on developmental, copy-related, and other issues with your manuscript. An experienced editor will catch things you never would have caught yourself—because you, the author, are too close to your project. Your editor will help you remedy overlooked issues that could weaken the experience for your readers.

Improve your manuscript

For traditional publication

Editors usually know how the publishing industry works and what acquisitions editors are looking for. Further, a good editor can help make a manuscript attractive to a traditional publisher. This gives you the key to getting your book to a place where it’s as sellable as possible.

For self-publication

If you are self-publishing your book, working with editors is still critical. When you work with a traditional publisher, they provide editors to work with you throughout the process. Self-publishing, however, means you’re responsible for whipping your book into shape. No writer should send his book to the printing press without a few sets of well-trained eyes to help improve it. And that’s what professional editors are for.

how to find a book editor


How to Find a Book Editor

When you’re considering how to find a book editor, think about your manuscript, and find someone who specializes in that particular genre. In addition, think about what level of editing your manuscript needs. Do you need someone to edit every sentence? Or are you still looking for someone to help you strengthen your book’s ideas and themes? Find out which of the three types of editors you need. Then follow the tips below.

Ask around.

Referrals are one of the best ways to find a good book editor. If you have any trusted writer friends, ask them for a referral. The people they refer may also know other talented editors who specialize in the kind of editing you need. For example, if you are self-publishing a science fiction novel, try to find an editor who has worked on self-published science fiction books that have gone on to be successful.

Search online.

You can start by googling “book editing services.” Then, narrow things down by looking for an editor with lots of experience and positive testimonials to work on your type of book.

At Elite Authors, we take the guesswork out of the process for you. We offer a full suite of book editing services, from developmental editing and line editing to copyediting and proofreading.

What Does a Book Editor Cost?

How much an editor charges depends on the type of editing you need. The more intensive the editing, the more time an editor spends on your book, which increases the cost. Some editors charge by the job while others charge by the hour or by the word. If you choose to work with us, you’re hiring a collaborative team who will take the guesswork out of the editing process. And we keep our prices easy and transparent so that you know up front how much a service will cost.

With a set of professional eyes helping you make your book the best that it can be, you’ll be ready to pitch your finished book to literary agents or publish it on your own. Behind every great writer is a great editor, so don’t skimp on book editing services. They can make all the difference when it comes to telling the world your story.

The post What Does a Book Editor Really Do? appeared first on Elite Authors.

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Copyediting Services Thu, 30 Dec 0202 17:15:10 +0000 Copyediting is an often-overlooked service, and people frequently confuse it with proofreading. But they’re both extremely important steps before you publish your manuscript. Basically, copyediting happens during the draft stage, […]

The post Copyediting Services appeared first on Elite Authors.

pen and paper

Copyediting is an often-overlooked service, and people frequently confuse it with proofreading. But they’re both extremely important steps before you publish your manuscript. Basically, copyediting happens during the draft stage, before you format your book. Proofreading happens after your book has been formatted—it’s the last step before the book goes to print.

You worked very hard on your manuscript. Now it’s time to let a professional editing service make sure it’s pristine before you start formatting and printing.

Rely on our copyediting services for authors.

Congratulations on your finished masterpiece! You’ve poured your heart and soul into your work. Although you’re excited about sending it off to be published, there is a crucial next step: copyediting!

You understand that copyediting is important for basic spelling and grammatical errors. But do you know how vital copyediting is—or even what copyediting is? It’s a failsafe to make sure that everything is ready to be published. Without copyediting, you risk embarrassing typos, misspelled words, and grammatical errors.

Copyediting can be a scary process. Your work is going under a microscope and is vulnerable to criticism. But when you hire the right professional editing service, you’re hiring a partner that will offer suggestions to make your work the best it can possibly be. A professional copy editor is the cornerstone of your book’s success.

How much copyediting experience does Elite Authors offer to authors?

Elite Authors comprises a team of experienced professionals. They work on manuscripts every day to make sure each one is thoroughly edited and ready to publish. They’re passionate about words, language, and storytelling. That means they pour their hearts and souls into your work!

Elite Authors can assist you through the entire prepublishing process. Did you know there are multiple stages of editing before you even get to the copyedit? Here are a couple of the additional editing phases:

  • Developmental editing is a big-picture review of your manuscript. A developmental edit will examine the structure and style of your work. For works of fiction, developmental editors will make sure that the plot flows well and doesn’t contain holes. For nonfiction books, developmental editing will address the organization of the information in your book.
  • Line editing is pretty self-explanatory. During the line edit, the editor goes through your book line by line looking for grammatical or spelling errors. This phase of editing might include suggestions on how to improve or upgrade your use of words. Since this phase of editing might lead to changes to your manuscript, you’ll need a copy editor to go over your work after the line edit.

The Elite Authors team knows how hard you worked on your manuscript. Remember the sense of pride and fulfillment that you felt when you finished your book? The Elite Authors staff puts that same investment into every piece of writing that they copyedit.

Why should you choose Elite Authors for your copyediting service?

Elite Authors are thought leaders in the field of copyediting. They understand the ins and outs of the publishing industry and will read your manuscript with a keen eye focused on making you successful.

All authors—new and established—need a strong copy editor on their team. You put a lot of yourself into writing your book. Let the experts take you the rest of the way.

Why does your manuscript need copyediting?

A manuscript takes a long time to create. You’ve probably read it a hundred times and are now blind to any grammatical and spelling errors. Or maybe there’s a plot hole that you’ve overlooked since you’ve spent so much time buried in your book. You need a fresh set of eyes: a professional editing service.

Most published works have to go through an average of six to eight rounds of editing. This sounds daunting, but each of these rounds is a crucial component of your success. If you’re self-publishing and don’t hire a professional copy editor, you are risking sending fixable mistakes to all of your potential readers. If you’re working with a traditional publisher, they might not read past the first few errors. Your manuscript deserves the very best. Hire a professional copy editor to take great care of your work.

How to find your perfect match

Your manuscript is just that: yours. In order to keep it yours, you have to find the right copy editor to fit your needs and exceed your expectations. In researching your options, you should look for a flexible editing service whose editors understand that your book is unique and can’t just fit into a boilerplate package.

What does a copy editor correct?

A copy editor will correct everything that you and the larger-scale editors might miss. Your copy editor will focus in on each word to make sure it’s spelled and used correctly. The last thing you want to do is to send off your masterpiece with typos!

It’s extremely important to pick an editing service that has a strong history and track record—and that understands that your work is your pride and joy. In addition, you’ll want to choose an editing service whose editors pride themselves on keeping up with the ever-changing trends in the writing and publishing industries.

Why should you work with an experienced copy editor?

Your manuscript is the fruit of your labor. Writing a book isn’t easy, but you did it! Now you need professional assistance to make sure it’s ready for publishing. Sure, you can ask your friends and family to proofread it for spelling errors. But you also need an experienced editor to view it through the professional lens of copyediting.

A professional copy editor will be able to identify and help you correct any issues that will raise a red flag to your publisher. After all of the time and resources that you poured into your manuscript, you deserve to have an expert put it through the copyediting process.

What are the risks of publishing without using a copy editor service?

Whether you’re self-publishing or working with a traditional publisher, there are major risks if you don’t hire a professional copyediting service. And although spellcheck software will remove some of the margin of error, it won’t catch everything. Here are a few of the dangerous mistakes that you might not catch without personal and professional assistance:

  • Spelling. Are all of your words spelled correctly? What about commonly misused words like “your” and “you’re”?
  • Word choice errors. Spellcheck software also won’t flag a word that is accurately spelled but incorrectly used. Do you mean “pour” or “pore”? “Definitely” or “defiantly”?
  • Grammatical errors. “Your” and “you’re” also fit into this category. But keep in mind that spellcheck will not catch most errors with apostrophes, commas, semicolons, and other punctuation.

These are embarrassing, but they happen to everyone! All manuscripts—regardless of their length—will almost certainly have an error here or there. Don’t leave yourself vulnerable to easily fixed mistakes. Hire a professional editor to guide you to success.

Why should you choose Elite Authors for your copyediting?

In order to give your manuscript the best chance of success, your work needs to be clean, understandable, and free of errors. The best way to achieve this is to partner with a professional copy editor who will closely study your book.

And since every author is unique, Elite Authors offers multiple packages and custom services to ensure that you get the best service available. They understand that writing isn’t a “one size fits all” profession, and they are set up to provide custom options for each author.

How can Elite Authors protect your reputation as an author?

Everyone has experienced typos. They’re bad enough in text messages and emails. But they’re even worse in professional and published manuscripts! Elite Authors understands that your credibility is on the line and that even small mistakes will have a negative impact on your work.

Typos, misspellings, and grammatical errors are embarrassing and sometimes difficult to overcome. In the case of published literary works, they can be detrimental.

Consumers and readers might not take you seriously as an author if they see mistakes that you missed. And traditional publishing companies might toss your manuscript out if they see too many errors.

Elite Authors understands that your reputation and credibility are at risk. Their team of specialized copy editors is available to protect you from these mistakes and set you up for success.

How do Elite Authors’ copy editors work with authors?

Elite Authors understands that copyediting needs to be a cooperative process. Multiple revisions and proactive communication are part of this process.

Elite Authors will use Microsoft Word’s Track Changes feature so that you can review each and every suggestion they make and comment they write. They will be a full-fledged partner to help your book succeed.

What manuscript editing services does Elite Authors offer?

Elite Authors knows that helping you succeed has multiple phases. That’s why they offer several manuscript editing services:

  • Developmental editing
  • Line editing
  • Copyediting
  • Proofreading

Each of these phases is as important as the next. You need a trusted partner to help you on your way. And you deserve to be successful! Elite Authors will work to make sure that you achieve the highest level of success at the best price available. Copyediting is an investment in your book. Don’t leave this to chance—hire the esteemed professionals!

Common copyediting questions

Most authors want to focus on the substance of their manuscript. You have a story to tell or information to share. You have enough on your plate developing the characters and organizing the plot.

For many writers, copyediting is the last thing on their list—if it’s even on their radar at all! But that doesn’t mean that copyediting is unimportant. In fact, it’s a vital part of fully finishing a book.

What is copyediting?

Copyediting is the crucial step between finishing your manuscript and having it published. Without copyediting, you are opening yourself up to simple errors like spelling and grammatical mistakes. You’re also vulnerable to larger gaffs like using the wrong word.

A professional copy editor will capture all of these errors. And the best editing service will offer you multiple phases of editing. You’ll need help with big-picture edits like developmental editing all the way down to the nitty-gritty aspects of line editing.

What is the difference between copyediting and proofreading?

Copyediting happens in the draft stage, before you have fully formatted your book. Since the formatting process generally involves typesetting instead of simply copying from a word processing document and pasting into a book template, mistakes can happen when you format.

The proofreader is the final set of eyes on your formatted book before you send it to publish and print. Your proofreader is your last line of defense against simple mistakes.

So hire a professional editing service! Their expertise will help pave the way for your book’s success.

Why does a manuscript need multiple rounds of editing?

Your manuscript wasn’t written in a day. It took a lot of time to perfect, and you had to read it and reorganize aspects of the plot multiple times. Your work is complex and deserves a complex team to ensure that it’s ready for your readers.

Every book needs a few experts to put their lens to different aspects of the work. A developmental editor will make sure that the plot flows smoothly and the characters make sense or the information is organized in a cohesive, impactful way.

And a line editor will put each sentence under a microscope. Your copy editor will check for grammatical and spelling errors.

Once your manuscript has been formatted into your book, a proofreader will review it for any remaining errors or errors introduced in formatting. Each team member will offer suggestions or recommendations if they see anything that can be improved.

Although it can be difficult to accept constructive criticism, this is an absolutely vital part of the writing process. Your editing team is here to help you ring up book sales once you’ve published your work. Let them provide suggestions to improve your manuscript.

Get ready to publish everywhere.

You’ve finished your book and are ready to prepare it for publishing. Whether you’re an established author or a newcomer to the writing field, this is quite an accomplishment! Now it’s time to get ready to publish your work everywhere.

How does copyediting prepare your manuscript for online publication?

Copyediting will ensure that your manuscript is ready to publish. If you’re planning to publish your work as an e-book, your copy editor can even help you prepare your work accordingly. The best copyediting services even have tips and tricks to publish with huge companies like Amazon and Barnes & Noble, so you know you’re in good hands!

How do the publishing requirements of online media houses differ?

Each online media house has different publishing requirements. If you’re publishing an e-book, you’ll need to reformat your manuscript to comply with each house’s template. Additionally, the various print-on-demand companies will have differing requirements for page counts and formatting.

Your professional editing team can help you with all sorts of formatting, so just be sure to inform them of your publishing goals.

Why is copyediting recommended for traditional publishing as well as self-publishing?

The editing process is an anxious one for many authors. You’re putting your raw work into a professional’s hands so that they can put it under a microscope and identify problems that you need to fix.

Sometimes the relationship between an editor and an author can be strained because of this anxiety. But it’s important to remember that your copy editor is a teammate who is trying to help you.

If you’re sending your manuscript to a traditional publisher, you’ll need the aid of a professional copy editor to ensure that there are no errors.

Traditional publishers receive a lot of book proposals, and the slightest mistake might make them toss your work in the trash. And if you’re self-publishing, you could unknowingly release an error-riddled manuscript into the world. Hiring a professional copy editor saves you from these disasters.

Hire a copy editor to ensure your success.

You gave your best effort to your manuscript. Now it’s time to partner with a professional copy editor so that they can give their best effort to making it ready to publish.

When you rely on an expert copyediting and proofreading service, you are setting yourself up for success. And when you partner with Elite Authors, you are hiring the cream of the crop. Let Elite Authors start copyediting your masterpiece today!

The post Copyediting Services appeared first on Elite Authors.

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