blogging – Elite Authors Expert Publishing Services Fri, 31 May 2024 02:52:42 +0000 en-US hourly 1 blogging – Elite Authors 32 32 Book Launch Strategies That Go Beyond Amazon Tue, 17 Oct 2023 14:00:14 +0000 Hey there, fellow self-published author! Congratulations on finishing your literary masterpiece. It’s such an incredible accomplishment to pour your heart and soul into a book. Now, it’s time to share […]

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A lightbulb with drawings of rocket and space imagery drawn around it on a yellow background

Hey there, fellow self-published author! Congratulations on finishing your literary masterpiece. It’s such an incredible accomplishment to pour your heart and soul into a book. Now, it’s time to share your work with the world. While Amazon is undoubtedly a big player in the book-selling realm, it might not be the best idea to solely rely on Amazon for your book launch strategy. In this blog post, we’ll explore some effective book launch strategies that go beyond Amazon and can help you reach a wider audience, boost sales, and maximize your marketing success. So, grab yourself a nice cup of your favorite drink, and let’s dive into the exciting world of book marketing.

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Harness the power of social media

In today’s digital era, social media plays a crucial role in connecting with potential readers. It’s essential for authors to establish a strong presence on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn. On these platforms, share captivating content, create visually appealing graphics, and regularly interact with your audience. Social media is where word of mouth spreads like wildfire. Building a loyal social media following can make all the difference when it comes to boosting book sales.

Within the social media world, specific communities worth tapping into are Instagram (Bookstagram) and YouTube (BookTube). Connect with popular Bookstagrammers and BookTubers who specialize in books from your genre.

Additionally, you could even consider running paid social media ads. Platforms like Facebook Ads, Google Ads, and BookBub allow you to effectively target your ideal audience. For best results, create visually appealing ads with compelling copy that highlights the unique aspects of your book. Once the ads have begun running, monitor their performance and make adjustments as needed to maximize return on investment.

Build relationships with book bloggers and reviewers

Book bloggers and reviewers are invaluable allies throughout your book launch journey. Make sure to reach out to them well ahead of your book launch, offering a free copy in exchange for an honest review. Positive reviews can create excitement and add credibility, making it more likely for other readers to grab a copy of your book. And don’t forget the personal touch—send a heartfelt thank-you to these bloggers and reviewers. This kindness can go a long way in building positive relationships.

Use email marketing

Harness the power of email marketing to directly connect with your readers. To use this strategy effectively, start building a mailing list early on in your writing journey. Additionally, offer incentives, like a free short story or an exclusive sneak peek of your book, to encourage readers to subscribe. After this initial incentive, send regular newsletters with updates about your book, exclusive content, and special offers.

Collaborate with other authors

Collaborating with other authors opens up doors for cross-promotion opportunities. Seek out authors who share a similar target audience and propose collaboration ideas. These ideas could involve joint giveaways, author interviews, or even cowriting projects. By combining efforts, you can expand your reach and strengthen your overall book launch strategy.

Host virtual events

Consider hosting virtual events as one of your book launch strategies. Virtual events can be effective because they create excitement and provide an opportunity for direct interaction with your audience. For example, you could host a virtual book launch or Q&A session on platforms such as Zoom or Facebook Live. Extend invitations to your friends, family, and fans. Also, make sure to promote the event across your social media channels and email list.

Create a Goodreads profile

Another effective book launch strategy is to use Goodreads as a means of connecting with readers. Create an author profile and actively engage with the Goodreads community by joining relevant groups, taking part in discussions, and sharing your own reading experiences. Take advantage of Goodreads giveaways to generate buzz around your book and to encourage readers to add it to their “to read” lists. Using Goodreads can be priceless in building anticipation for your book launch.

Find other retailers

It’s essential not to limit yourself solely to Amazon when it comes to online book sales. Explore other credible online retailers, like Barnes & Noble, Apple Books, Kobo, and Smashwords. These platforms have their own loyal customer bases, so making your book available on multiple sites can help you reach a wider audience.

Also, don’t forget the importance of local support. It’s worth reaching out to bookstores and libraries in your area. Offer to do readings or book signings, and provide these places with copies of your book to display on their shelves. Local businesses often enjoy supporting authors from their own community, and these connections can lead to valuable word-of-mouth recommendations.

Seek out book clubs

Engaging with book clubs is another effective book launch strategy. Book clubs are filled with avid readers who are always looking for their next great read. Research book clubs in your genre and get in touch with them. Offer discussion guides, participate in virtual meetings, or even send signed copies of your book to their members. Recommendations from book clubs can have a ripple effect, resulting in increased sales and visibility.

Reach out to local media

Don’t underestimate the power of local media in promoting your book. Reach out to local newspapers, magazines, and radio stations to pitch your story as a local author. Craft a press release that highlights the unique aspects of your book, shares your journey as an author, and showcases your connection to the community. Getting coverage from local media can generate more visibility and interest in your work.


Successfully launching a book requires more than just listing it on Amazon and hoping for sales. As a self-published author, you have the freedom to explore various avenues for connecting with readers and maximizing your marketing success. Think of these book launch strategies as valuable tools in your arsenal as an author—using them wisely can make all the difference.

Remember that marketing is an ongoing process that requires persistence. Stay engaged with your audience, nurture relationships with readers and fellow authors, and adapt your strategies based on what works best for you.

With a touch of ingenuity, a hint of insight, and a great deal of passion, you have the power to go beyond Amazon and launch your book to extraordinary levels. So, go ahead and unveil your literary masterpiece to the world. Your readers eagerly await!

If you need help with launching your book, contact Elite Authors today.

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Marketing Your Book on a Budget: Creative and Affordable Strategies Thu, 21 Sep 2023 14:00:41 +0000 Congratulations on completing your self-published masterpiece! You’ve dedicated your time and passion to bring your book to life and now it’s time to introduce it to the world. However, one […]

The post Marketing Your Book on a Budget: Creative and Affordable Strategies appeared first on Elite Authors.

Gold and silver coins raining down on an open book

Congratulations on completing your self-published masterpiece! You’ve dedicated your time and passion to bring your book to life and now it’s time to introduce it to the world. However, one daunting question remains: How can you effectively promote your book without exceeding your budget? Fear not, my fellow writers, as we embark on an exciting journey through the realm of cost-effective book marketing. Prepare your pens and notebooks: we are about to explore clever and affordable marketing approaches.

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Harnessing the power of social media

Social media is not only a platform filled with cat memes and viral trends, but also invaluable resources for authors on a budget. Establish compelling author profiles across platforms such as Facebook, X (formerly known as Twitter), Instagram, and Pinterest. Share glimpses into your writing process, intriguing facts about your book’s universe, or engaging character profiles. Interact authentically with your followers while utilizing relevant hashtags to enhance discoverability.

Building connections in the blogosphere

Guest blogging is a highly effective, yet economical marketing strategy.

  1. Look for blogs and websites that cater to your book’s genre or specific niche and offer to contribute insightful articles or interviews. This not only helps you gain exposure but also establishes you as an authority in your field.
  1. Harness the power of book reviews by offering your book for free (or at a significant discount) in exchange for honest reviews on platforms like Goodreads and Amazon. Genuine reviews are crucial for self-published authors, and this strategy only requires a few copies of your book.
  1. Get creative with eye-catching visual content, even if you don’t possess graphic design skills. Utilize free tools like Canva to design attractive promotional graphics featuring your book covers, quotes from the book, or engaging visuals related to the story. Share these on social media and your website to captivate your audience’s attention.
  1. Don’t underestimate the potential of local resources within your community. Reach out to libraries, bookstores, and local media outlets to organize events such as book readings, signings, or author talks. Your community can be a valuable support system and you might be pleasantly surprised by their eagerness to assist a hometown author.

Jump on the newsletter bandwagon

Start building a mailing list and encourage readers to sign up on your website or social media. Crafting a well-written newsletter can effectively engage your audience and keep them informed about your upcoming projects, promotions, and exclusive content.

Connect with book clubs and reading groups

Search for book clubs and reading groups online or in your local area that focus on the genre of your book. Engage with these communities by offering to answer questions or recommending your book as a potential addition to their reading list. These groups often have dedicated and passionate followers.

Master the art of networking

Networking isn’t just for business conferences in formal attire. Connect with other self-published authors, exchange marketing tips, and support each other’s work. You can gain valuable insights from fellow writers’ experiences and collaboration may open doors to new marketing opportunities.

Utilize book discounts effectively

Offering temporary discounts on your ebook or even making it available for free can generate a surge in downloads and potentially lead to more reviews. Promote these discounts through platforms like BookBub or mention them in your newsletter to maximize their impact.

Embrace DIY book trailers

Creating video trailers for promoting your book doesn’t have to be an expensive endeavor.

You can make your own book trailer using free video editing software such as HitFilm Express or DaVinci Resolve. Even a simple and creative trailer has the potential to capture readers’ attention and can be easily shared on social media platforms.

To sum it up, marketing your book on a limited budget is not only feasible but also incredibly rewarding. By adding a touch of creativity, staying persistent, and utilizing online resources wisely, you can effectively connect with your target audience without breaking the bank. So, dear fellow authors who are mindful of their finances, may your journey in book marketing be fruitful and fulfilling. If you need help with marketing, contact Elite Authors today.

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Designing a Killer Author Website: Tips and Tricks Fri, 21 Jul 2023 14:00:30 +0000 As a content marketer or writer, having an author website is essential in establishing your personal brand and building trust with potential readers. After all, it’s a representation of you […]

The post Designing a Killer Author Website: Tips and Tricks appeared first on Elite Authors.

A person pointing at mockups of a mobile website

As a content marketer or writer, having an author website is essential in establishing your personal brand and building trust with potential readers. After all, it’s a representation of you and the quality writings that you can offer! But creating an effective website isn’t always easy—from designing the look and feel to setting up the right functionality—which is why we’ve put together this blog post to provide tips for crafting the perfect author website. You’ll discover how to effectively pick visuals, attract visitors through strategic keywords, create engaging calls to action, and more. Read on to learn all you need to know about constructing an amazing digital platform for yourself as a writer!

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Identify your target audience and tailor your website accordingly 

When making a website, authors need to know who their target audience is and market to their needs. Are you writing for young adults or a more mature audience? Are your readers looking for romance novels or gritty crime dramas? By identifying your audience, you can tailor the content on your website to better suit their expectations and interests. For example, if you write children’s books, you may want to use bright colors and whimsical illustrations on your site. However, if your readership is predominantly adults, you may want to use a more sophisticated design and language to reflect their taste. By personalizing your website to your target audience, you increase your chances of creating a loyal fan base.

Choose a domain name that stands out and reflects you as a writer

The domain name you choose for your author website is essential as it becomes your online identity. When selecting a domain name, it should reflect your brand as a writer but also stand out in a memorable way. Your domain is like a one-of-a-kind digital signature that represents your work and personality. You want to make a name for yourself, so take some time to brainstorm ideas that portray your unique writing style, and once you have a list of potentials, test them with colleagues or friends to ensure they are catchy and easy to remember.

Incorporate visuals such as custom icons, graphics, and videos to make the site more engaging

In today’s digital age, having a website as an author is a must. The website needs more than text. By incorporating custom icons, graphics, and videos, your author website can come to life and offer a unique experience that keeps visitors coming back for more. These visuals not only add beauty to your design, but they also help break up long blocks of text and convey information in a more captivating way. So why settle for a static, boring website when you can create something that truly stands out with the use of visuals?

Design an easy-to-navigate layout with call-to-action buttons to make it easier for users to find what they are looking for 

Author websites should be logical, and therefore, the layout design should be easy to navigate. Placing call-to-action buttons throughout your website can guide your readers toward your most important pages, such as your latest blog post or your book purchase page.

Utilize SEO tactics to increase online visibility and attract potential readers 

In the modern-day digital age, building a strong online presence is crucial for any author to reach out to a wider audience. The first step toward achieving this goal is creating an author website that reflects your style and persona as a writer. However, just possessing a website is not enough to guarantee success; you need to actively employ SEO tactics to boost its visibility across search engines, consequently attracting more potential readers to your pages. Creating relevant content and optimizing your website’s design are only a couple ways to improve your online ranking and expand your reach to a wider audience. So if you’re an author looking to build a robust online presence and attract more readers, it’s high time you start embracing SEO tactics to harness their inherent potential.

Add a blog section so you can regularly post updates about your writing journey and share valuable insights

Adding a blog section on your author website may be just what you need! A blog is a platform that can help you develop a stronger connection with your audience. Regularly updating your blog with your writing progress, industry news, and personal anecdotes gives readers a glimpse into your creative process and shows them the person behind the pen. So why not take the plunge and start your own author blog today? It could be the key to building an engaged and loyal fan base.

Ensure your website is able to effectively connect with its intended audience. By taking the time to identify who you’re targeting, choosing an original domain name, introducing compelling visuals, designing a user-friendly format, implementing SEO tactics, and hosting a blog section, you can substantially increase the value of your website as an independent author. So take the first step toward creating an effective platform for spreading your work by contacting Elite Authors—we’ll help make sure your website stands out in a sea of authors and readers alike!

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Difference between a Writer and an Author Wed, 27 Jan 2021 15:00:16 +0000 It’s easy to use the words writer and author interchangeably. But are they really the same? They are not! In fact, there are several differences between the two. The biggest distinction […]

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person pointing

It’s easy to use the words writer and author interchangeably. But are they really the same?

They are not! In fact, there are several differences between the two. The biggest distinction is that an author tends to be a full-time professional writer and often has multiple publications. The word writer encompasses a wider set of people, whether they publish books or blog posts, write professionally or scribble down musings.

Simply put: almost all authors are writers, but not all writers are authors. So how do you know whether to classify yourself as a writer or an author?

The difference between a writer and an author

There is an ongoing debate on how to use the terms writer and author. For the most part, a person who has created a formal literary work—and has published and sold that work—is an author. Many writers, on the other hand, often work behind the scenes as freelance writers or ghostwriters.

Characterizing an author

Authors are talented and dedicated writers. They tend to have more experience in the researching and publishing fields than those who consider themselves writers. And authors are professional storytellers who may specialize in writing any genre at any length, from short stories to full-length books.

Regardless of whether you work in fiction or nonfiction, to be an author, you must dedicate yourself to your creating and writing craft.

An author might also hire a literary agent, who can help boost the author’s career with book tours, marketing, and publishing. Since an author may need to make a living off creating and crafting works of literature, they often need an agent to help sell their books.

Defining a writer

The connotation of the word writer is that it is a more casual title than the title of author. But did you know that you can be a full-time professional writer without being an author? Ghostwriting, content writing, and even editing are all potential professions for a writer.

You can have a lucrative and fulfilling career as a freelance writer—and you’ll always be in demand! Businesses, periodicals, and other professionals consistently hire writers to help create content. Think of all the websites on the internet. Every blog and every page needs to be written.

As a professional writer, you can help clients create blog posts, website content, social media posts, and more! You may not be considered an author, but you will be a successful writer.

Consulting the dictionary

Merriam-Webster is one of the most trusted dictionaries available, so it makes sense to rely on its definitions of author and writer! It identifies the term author not only as a noun but also as a verb. For instance, you can author a book or even a law.

As a verb, author is simply a more distinguished term for write. A writer can be anyone who writes anything. An author is a distinguished and professional writer who has published and sold their work.

Your choice: should you be an author or a writer?

Authors write, and writers write. But which one is right—for you? Sure, you’re pursuing a career as someone who writes professionally. But will you consider yourself an author or a writer? You want to use the correct title. This isn’t just for accuracy—it will also help you find work. If you’re an author, you might already be hard at work on a new book. And if you’re a writer, you’ll need to market yourself to potential clients.

Considering your options as a writer

Not everyone can produce good writing. It is a specialized skill that requires hard work, practice, and experience. But many talented people earn a comfortable living as professional writers, and there are a lot of options available to you if you’d like to pursue this career path.

One of the best ways to earn a living as a freelance writer is to become a ghostwriter. A lot of companies—and the professionals that work within these companies—hire professional writers to create content. A ghostwriter might create anything—a journalistic article, a blog, a screenplay, or something else entirely.

Basically, your employer comes up with an idea and an outline, and you’re the wordsmith who ties it all together. As a ghostwriter you generally won’t receive credit for the content you create. But it’s a great way to make a living!

Another popular option for a professional writer is journalism. The news media and periodicals are always looking for fresh and exciting content. So try it out! Contact as many publications as possible to see if you can secure a consistent writing gig—or at least an occasional writing job.

Becoming an author

It’s difficult to become an author. It requires discipline, a lot of hard work, and true dedication to your work. A writer will finish one project and move onto the next. Conversely, an author might spend years on just one book. Here are a few of the aspects of creating a book as an author:

  • Invent a story
  • Determine whether the narrator will be first person, second person, or third person
  • Develop the characters
  • Make sure the story flows well

On top of all of that, the book has to be interesting enough to sell to the public! While writers can complete multiple projects in a month, an author is likely engrossed by one work for a year or more.

Classifying yourself as a professional writer

There are many different specialties in the writing world. As a professional writer, you’ll have many options for job titles to pursue:

  • Author
  • Short story writer
  • Freelance writer
  • Ghostwriter
  • Blogger
  • Journalist

And that just names a few! It really just depends on finding your specialty. Do you want to write fiction? Maybe you’ll end up as a published author. Or maybe you want to focus on creating strong content for your clients to post on their websites or in their publications.

Choose your focus, and your title will follow. And as a writer, you might wear different hats and therefore hold multiple titles. You can do whatever you set your mind to. So pick the path that you’re most comfortable with, and get writing!

The vast world of writers and authors

The world of writing is immense. And that’s a good thing! It allows writers to be successful in many different ways. You can really choose your own destiny as a writer. You can be a freelance writer or ghostwriter and work for companies across many different industries. Or you can make a living writing books and traveling the world on book tours.

Remember: there are different types of writers and authors, and each type has their own specialty. Together, they make up the wonderful world of writing.

Gaining authorship status

In general, writers receive authorship status when they publish a book or a manuscript. So when you as a writer successfully publish and sell your work, you will likely be considered an author. It doesn’t matter if you’ve created a work of fiction or nonfiction; it can even be a short story. If you are successful in publishing and selling your writing, you can call yourself an author!

Becoming both writer and author of a work

Very often, the same person both writes and authors a work. Think of the classic novels and short stories that you read in school. Renowned storytellers have been both the author and the writer of countless works of literature throughout history. And you can do this too!

First, in order to author the book, you’ll need to create and outline the story. You’ll determine your story’s voice and take great care in developing the characters. You might also want to bring in your literary agent and publishing company to make sure that your book idea will be a hit.

Next, you can begin the writing process. Use your wordsmith abilities to craft interesting sentences. And make sure the story flows together. You want a lot of people to read and enjoy your work. So make every word in your manuscript count!

Even if you play the roles of both author and writer for your book, you will need help editing. An editor will look at your manuscript with fresh eyes to make sure it’s ready for the public eye. They will put your work under a microscope and look for everything from plot holes to typos.

This is a good thing! You want your editor to catch any mistakes before you try to publish, print, and sell your book. You can’t do everything on your own, so let an expert help you.

Authoring a work without writing it

While we often think of a work’s author as being the writer as well, that’s not always the case. It’s quite common for an author to hire a professional writer to finish their work.

A professional and published author might add a writer to their team to ghostwrite an entire story. They also might ask a writer to start the editing process and look for ways to improve the language that’s already been written.

Some authors—particularly very famous people who have created multiple successful works—consistently hire professional writers to actually write the words that the public will read.

The continuing debate

Writing is an art. It continues to grow and evolve. And like all art, good writing is subject to debate. What makes a person a writer, and what makes a person an author? What are the differences and similarities between these two professions?

Observing the opinions in the writer versus author debate

It’s human nature to want to express your opinion. Because of that, there are countless opinions on what defines a writer versus what defines an author. This has been an ongoing debate for decades and will likely stick around for decades to come.

Many people agree that all authors are writers but that not all writers are authors. Some avid readers argue that a writer is similar to a student. A student wants to learn, and a writer wants to write. Conversely, they compare an author to a scholar. A scholar is wholly dedicated to their studies just like an author is wholly dedicated to their books.

Identifying the writers of biographies and autobiographies?

You’ve heard the terms biographer and autobiographer. These are common titles and household terms. A professional author can create a nonfictional book about a historical person. This involves a great deal of research because the literary work absolutely must be factual and accurate. But who else might put in the work on a biography or autobiography?

Authors sometimes hire professional ghostwriters to craft the language and verbiage throughout their manuscripts. Additionally, authors will need editing teams to make sure their books are ready for publishing and printing. The best authors know that they need assistance to perfect their book before it goes public—and they welcome the help of writers and editors.

Looking for the commonalities between writers and authors

You love words. You love reading. And you have a special talent for creating good content. That’s why you’re pursuing a career in professional writing! But there’s more than just a love of wordsmithing that writers and authors have in common.

One of the biggest commonalities that writers and authors share is their ability to accept constructive criticism. Whether you’re working on children’s books, novels, or freelance content creation, your writing will be scrutinized. Your editor and proofreader will point out mistakes. And not everyone who reads your work will like it.

But that’s okay! Writers and authors need to understand that constructive criticism is part of being a professional writer.

How to start your professional writing career—today!

Writers and authors have fun and exciting professions. And these professions will be around forever! People will always need to hire content writers, and readers will always want access to new stories.

Elite Authors is here to help you achieve success. Read here to find out how we can help you build your writing career!

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Indie Book Marketing Ideas Wed, 21 Oct 2020 14:00:49 +0000 The number of self-published books has grown over the past decade, and the industry is poised to continue its progress. As an independent author, you have many tools and resources […]

The post Indie Book Marketing Ideas appeared first on Elite Authors.

a green notebook and a pencil on a table

The number of self-published books has grown over the past decade, and the industry is poised to continue its progress. As an independent author, you have many tools and resources to help you achieve your self-publishing goals and build an author platform. Implementing some helpful indie book marketing ideas can help ensure your book makes it to the right readers.

Marketing your book does not have to be expensive, but you do need to spend time planning. From your own writing experience, you know that solid research is the foundation of great work. Likewise, you should start your marketing plan by researching how other authors have marketed similar titles, as well as the habits of your target audience.

With so many resources available to reach readers online, via social media, and in person, you should evaluate all options and then decide what works best for your book promotion plans. The ideas in this article are not a one-size-fits-all solution for every author, but they can give you a good start in customizing your own plan.

How to create an author website

Creating (and maintaining) an effective author website is the starting point for all your online marketing efforts. Everything else you add to your plan will direct potential readers back to this site. It should be professional and customized for your needs. In addition to providing basic information, you can choose to interact with readers via a blog or a mailing list.

What to include in your author website

Your website should let readers learn more about you, so include an in-depth bio to give potential readers a sense of who you are. You should also plan to devote a page of content for each book you’ve written. These pages offer a description of the book, as well as links to reviews and online retailers.

The media section can contain your photo and links to download more information specifically for the press. Your contact page should have the obvious—links to your primary contact information—as well as your social media profiles.

If you plan to maintain a blog for your audience, include it in your website. You should commit to updating it regularly so that readers have a reason to engage with you. In addition, you can offer guest blogging opportunities for other authors in your network. You might also consider offering a newsletter with extra content for subscribers on your email list.

How to design your author website

You can always hire a web programmer or designer to help you set up hosting and build your website. Fortunately, you also have a variety of tools to choose from if you need to tackle the project independently. These tools don’t require that you know how to program or code. Many offer free versions, with the option to add more for a monthly, quarterly, or annual fee.

You will also need to consider the visual aspect of your author website. For instance, a high-quality headshot is important to include with your bio. Also consider other ways to include photos and interesting visual elements. For example, you could include favorite quotes from your book displayed in an appealing way. The internet offers many resources for finding royalty-free stock photos and learning about graphic element creation.

Benefits of collaborating with book bloggers

Exploring opportunities in the network of book bloggers is a smart addition to your book marketing strategy. Book bloggers are reading enthusiasts who can help promote your book to like-minded readers. Not only do they love to read widely, but they are in the habit of writing on a regular basis.

Book bloggers have cultivated an online audience that is actively looking for new reading suggestions. Your indie book could be their next book review feature.

Word of mouth is a dependable way to help potential readers find your book. In addition, book bloggers can help you build your digital network and find a support group of other indie writers.

Building your author network with book bloggers

First, research which blogs would be a good match for the tone and style of your book. Keep an ongoing list of recommended book blogs. Ask peers for recommendations, and use the internet to research other possibilities with websites that maintain book blogger listings.

Blogs are excellent ways to target readers of a wide variety of specialized subjects. Spend some time reading blogs that fit your genre, and research their policies on author pitches. When you find good matches, offer a free review copy.

How blog tours can help publicize your book

While book bloggers are a continuous source for book publicity and reviews, blog tours can provide a more targeted approach over a specific period of time. Instead of physically attending a bookstore signing event on a traditional book tour, you can make guest appearances on a variety of targeted blogs during a one- to two-week window.

Your appearance can be a guest post, a giveaway, an excerpt from your book, or even an author interview. Work with the blogger to decide on your content. Be sure to create original content for each “stop” on your virtual book tour.

This type of promotion is particularly timely considering the current health concerns with large gatherings during the COVID-19 pandemic. You will also save on travel expenses and time spent managing logistics for in-person events.

Bonus material to include with your book

Everyone loves to get something valuable for a bargain—or better yet, for free. This includes books as well. Especially if you are a new indie author, offering bonus materials with your book can entice readers to buy.

The material should add to the story or support the instruction in your book, depending on the genre and topic. Whatever type of bonus material you choose, it should have a specific goal and ultimately enhance the reading experience for the buyer.

Ideas for bonus materials or packages

Use your book’s topic and target audience to decide on the best bonus marketing material for your book. Is your book nonfiction? Then a checklist might appeal to your readers as an easy format to remember key points. Is your book fiction? Your readers might enjoy a short story involving the characters, set either before or after the events of the book. For a children’s book, consider a game or flash cards.

Creating bonus materials can be a fun and creative exercise for you. Consider these options as well:

  • Book club discussion guide
  • Music playlist (Spotify)
  • Printable artwork to download
  • Quizzes or puzzles
  • Worksheet for ideas the reader needs to explore or journal about
  • Video demonstration of a topic in the book

Social media platforms to use to market your indie book

With the prevalence of social media for all age groups and demographics, you cannot leave it out of your marketing plan. An active social media marketing presence is vital for authors who self-publish.

Social media platforms are accessible and affordable. They also allow you to see real-time reactions to marketing campaigns and interact directly with each potential reader.

How to decide which platforms are right for your book

First, you need to find out which social media site your target readers are primarily using. In addition to their interests, consider your audience’s age group and other demographics for social networking as well.

For example, if you are promoting young adult fiction, Instagram or Snapchat may be a better platform than Facebook, which typically draws an older audience.

Also consider the type of social media content that will complement your book. Instagram and Pinterest rely heavily on appealing visual content whereas Twitter features hashtags and quick, catchy written phrases to encourage connections.

Promoting your book on a social media platform

Facebook is a valuable tool because of the number of marketing options it provides. You can ask readers direct questions, set up events for your followers, share video content, and more.

Facebook also allows groups based on any interest, providing another way to target your audience. Tagging and resharing features on your Facebook page can help you network with libraries, bookstores, and other authors.

Like Facebook, Twitter allows you to post messages and updates for your followers with each tweet. But Twitter allows more people to potentially discover your work with industry-specific hashtags. Your audience can learn more about you through the content you decide to share via retweets as well.

Instagram, while predominately visual, also relies on hashtags to help people find interesting topics. Research similar genres and authors already on the platform, and take notes on their most-used hashtags.

When planning your Instagram content, consider what topics would complement the visual setup and engage followers. For example, you could share a photo of your favorite novels and ask the audience to chime in. You can get creative with props and backdrops that complement the content of your book. The possibilities are endless!

In addition to the major social media platforms, consider Goodreads, the world’s largest book recommendation website. Its author program features resources geared for any author to manage and promote their listings in the database. Goodreads users can discover your work if it is similar to books they have read and liked in the past.

Planning a successful book signing

Online marketing outlets can be the base of your strategy, but keep in mind the power of connecting to your readers in person. A local indie bookstore is a great place to make connections with potential readers. Personal, local connections can also help boost your book sales.

Special considerations for indie authors planning a book signing event

You will partner with the selected site to promote the event and target the audience interested in attending. Local bookstores are an obvious choice, but keep other venues in mind, depending on your book’s subject. If you have published a cookbook, consider approaching a local spice store, or if you wrote a gardening book, reach out to a plant nursery.

Design a program that will attract readers. For example, include a reading or talk relevant to your book’s subject. You could plan a traditional book launch party as a celebration of your accomplishment.

You can even reach out to your author network and work to create a themed event with multiple presenters. Then reach out to your established contacts through your website, blog, social media, and old-fashioned word of mouth.

Once you have an event planned, don’t forget to include local media outlets to help promote the event and your book. In addition to your community’s traditional newspapers or TV stations, consider smaller special-interest lifestyle publications as well.

Getting the most out of your book signing event

At the event itself, be sure to collect information from your audience. You can have audience members provide their email addresses to receive future blog or newsletter updates. Consider printing a giveaway, like a bookmark, that includes artwork from the cover along with your social media profiles. Finally, remember to have fun and enjoy interacting directly with your readers!

How to create a book trailer

Well-written marketing copy for your blog, social media posts, or website is the cornerstone of your promotional efforts. But consider adding a video book trailer to the equation. Much like a movie preview, a book trailer video is a short promotional video that highlights the general topic of your book, leaving the viewer curious and wanting to read the whole thing.

What to include in your book trailer

When planning your book trailer, write a script specifically for the video. The book cover copy does not always translate well to the video medium.

Focus on the strongest themes of your book that will hook viewers in a short amount of time. And definitely don’t give away too much of the plot! The most effective book trailers will be thirty to ninety seconds long.

Professional imagery and audio are critical to the final product. For example, if you use mostly pictures and text for the visual component of your trailer, the music you choose needs to tie everything together.

Finally, include a brief call to action at the end of the video trailer. Choose a simple message to direct the viewer where to purchase your book, or direct viewers to your author website or Twitter handle.

Attracting new readers with a book trailer

According to statistics from Cisco, global consumer internet video traffic accounts for 80 percent of all consumer internet traffic. User engagement with video is high on social media platforms. So once your book trailer is complete, start using it to gain new readers and expand your audience.

First, post it to all available channels—your YouTube channel, Goodreads author page, author website, and social media profiles. Email it to your newsletter subscribers. You could even plan to premiere your trailer on Facebook and create an event page to further spread the news.

Customize your own indie book marketing plan

As an indie author, you have more tools than ever before available to prepare a successful book launch. You have accomplished the goal of publication, and your next step is to research, plan, and execute the right marketing efforts for your book.

When you are ready to take this step in the process of indie publishing, reach out to Elite Authors to get book marketing strategies from the experts.

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Do Any Jobs Pay You to Travel and Write Books? Thu, 23 May 2019 12:17:31 +0000 You’re at the Grand Canyon. It’s breathtaking in a way that makes you speechless but not wordless. Your hands begin to twitch with the need to capture what you’re smelling, […]

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person taking a picture with their cell phone of a beautiful landscape

You’re at the Grand Canyon. It’s breathtaking in a way that makes you speechless but not wordless. Your hands begin to twitch with the need to capture what you’re smelling, tasting, hearing, seeing, and feeling. But you’re only off for a few days, and your office job is waiting for you come Monday morning. That’s when you find yourself wondering, Do any jobs pay you to travel and write books?

The light bulb goes off. Your distinct voice is ready to capture different parts of the world. Sounds amazing, doesn’t it? Let’s hit the open road toward that ultimate destination—getting paid to travel and write books.

Blogging—not grease—is the word

A great place to get started as a travel writer is via blogging. You can get paid to blog. Many travel magazines will pay a blogger to provide engaging content for their readers. Moreover, travel companies often pay for bloggers and social media influencers to take sponsored trips and write about their experiences on the company’s website.

You can also start your own blog and allow advertising on your site as well as connect to other social media platforms (like Instagram and Twitter) to get your words out into the world. (See the resource section at the end of this post for more information.) Though your blog will likely not pay the bills for a while, part of your job as an independent blogger is to grow your followers. Once you have built a platform, you can partner with like-minded brands, which will bring in money that will allow you to travel and write books.

The point of a blog, beyond a way for you to find and practice your distinct writing personality, is to make believers out of your readers. This may parlay into other paid travel-writing opportunities. Blogging builds your writing portfolio and your traveling experience, and those are tickets to more and better opportunities.


Journalism is a job that often requires writers to produce material on assignment or, if you’re a freelance journalist, on a pitch you’ve created. The subject matter may not be travelcentric, but traveling is incorporated into the job description.

Of course, freelance travel journalism specifically allows a writer to travel and create articles about special interests or holidays or special events. Still, at first, freelance travel journalism may be a rough way to make a decent living. Keep building your brand and your writing voice throughout the process. Start a portfolio. Collect followers. Write and pitch your work to travel guides, magazines, and journals. Find a unique angle, like you would for any story, and go for it!

Newspapers are sometimes open to travel pitches from freelance writers. While they probably won’t pay for your travel expenses, they will pay for your writing. This is true of a lot of freelance travel journalism. At first, you’re paying for your travel expenses, but the publication is paying you for the words you write afterward. Once you’ve established yourself more fully, you’ll confidently be able to negotiate getting paid to travel and write books.


If a travel guidebook editor hires you, you can get paid to go to specific locations and report back, much like journalism. Guidebook writing allows you to get paid to travel and write books. You may not be going exactly where you want to explore, but you’ll be traveling and getting paid to write on your assignments.

Setting your book in faraway lands

Most people have at least heard of Elizabeth Gilbert’s book Eat, Pray, Love. Gilbert became one of the world’s most influential people (according to Time) for her work in traveling and writing. Her journey to India, Italy, and Indonesia after a bad divorce was so inspiring that many readers subsequently did their own versions of an “eat, pray, love” soul cleansing. Other writers like Cheryl Strayed and Bill Bryson have traveled and then written books about their traveling. Publishers are more likely to pay you to travel and write books if you have a preexisting platform and a reason for your exploration.

Persistence on the journey

So do any jobs pay you to travel and write books? You now know the answer is yes.
Enjoy the experience of building your brand, blog, or portfolio as you take on whichever job most fits your dreams. Even before you’re getting paid, you’ll be paid with memories that will transform you. You’re one of the lucky ones. You’re living life. These jobs often take years to offer steady income, but they’re worth it if you believe they are.

Furthermore, it doesn’t matter whether an article, memoir, blog, essay, or book remains your end goal—your words will inspire others when you share them. And people will be compelled to pay you to tell them a good story, which will often lead to even more job opportunities. As writers, isn’t that what we crave? Do any jobs pay you to travel and write books? Many do. Many will.

I can’t wait to read about the places you’ll go. That’s more than a Dr. Seuss saying.

It’s a mantra.


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How to Start Blogging Fri, 08 Mar 2019 13:09:57 +0000 The web offers seemingly endless opportunities for blog writers. But with so many blogs to contribute to, it’s hard to know how to start blogging. Not every blog is worth […]

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person with a laptop

The web offers seemingly endless opportunities for blog writers. But with so many blogs to contribute to, it’s hard to know how to start blogging. Not every blog is worth your time, and a new blog can take a long time to become profitable. However, for those wondering how to start blog writing, we have some tricks of the trade to get you going.

The first step in starting blog writing is to figure out what you’re good at. For example, it’s always easier to start blogging about things you know well, so think about your hobbies. Are you into car repair or fitness, or do you know a lot about local restaurants? Whether you want to start your own blog or write for other people’s, blog about topics you’re already interested in. You’ll find that that makes the process much easier!

How to Start Blogging on Your Own

If you’re starting your own blog, the first thing to do is open a free account on a platform like WordPress, and get writing! Next, produce content on a reliable, consistent schedule. Further, make sure you carefully proofread and format each post to look professional. Finally, stay on topic, and use Google to find out what people are searching for. This will help you target a larger, more engaged audience. It takes time, but as traffic builds, you’ll have opportunities to earn money from your visitors.

How to Start Blogging for Others

If you’re trying to earn money to write for other blogs, search online for blogs that cover topics you can write about. Search terms as simple as “survival blog” or “mountain biking blog” can help you find the top blogs in your target niche.

Certain websites also help writers find gigs specific to blogs. And using these makes it easier to find opportunities all in one place. You won’t have to reach out first and ask if a blog is hiring writers or looking for paid guest posts.

Do you already have blogs in mind that you think you could write great content for? If so, send them an email explaining who you are, what you love about their blog, and why you’d be a great contributor. It can’t hurt to ask!

In Conclusion

Ultimately, the question of how to start blogging begins and ends with you—the writer. You have to be proactive, whether you start your own blog or find other blogs to hire you as a writer. All you really have to do is reach out to blogs in your niche, get comfortable with rejection, and come up with content that readers love.

The more blogs you write for, the stronger your portfolio will be, and the more opportunities will come your way. Identify your passions, and start blogging!


Like this post? Try this one on starting a writing career or this other post on blogging.

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Is Writing a Viable Career in 2019? Fri, 08 Feb 2019 14:58:58 +0000 Being a writer has never been easy. You have to be comfortable with harsh critiques, lots of rejections from agents and publishers, and slogging your way through low-paying gigs before you find […]

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computer and a notepad and pen

Being a writer has never been easy. You have to be comfortable with harsh critiques, lots of rejections from agents and publishers, and slogging your way through low-paying gigs before you find one that can pay you what you’re worth. But there is always demand for people with strong writing skills, and that might be even more true in the internet age than it was in the old days. Still, the question remains: Is writing a viable career in 2019? 

The short answer is yes! You can make writing your career, but it isn’t going to be easy. Here is some information on how to become a working writer, along with a few of the reasons why writing can be a viable career in 2019…if you have the skills, the grit, and the attitude to make it happen. 

Freelance Writing Gigs vs. Staff Writing Jobs

There are two main types of professional writer: freelancers and staff writers. Freelancers apply to contract jobs or send pitch letters to editors in an attempt to land a writing gig. When freelancers are journalists pitching news outlets who become ongoing contract writers for those news outlets, they’re sometimes called “stringers.” Staff writers, on the other hand, are employed as permanent staff on the team at a company. That company might be a newspaper or magazine, but marketing departments at all sorts of organizations frequently hire full-time writers as well. 

One helpful tip is to write about what you know! If you are passionate about a new industry most people don’t know much about, there is a good chance for you to swoop in and start writing for that industry while there is still less competition for gigs.  

There Is Always Demand for Great Writers

Writers who are skilled, versatile, creative, and dependable are genuinely hard to find. So whether it’s writing grant proposals, technical manuals, or copy for marketing campaigns, there’s always work out there for writers in various specialties, and this won’t change in 2019.  

Many types of professional writing require some specific expertise or training. However, every industry has demand for writers of some kind. If you can get your foot in the door, or get some experience writing for a certain industry, you can begin to build up a portfolio of work that will get you better-paying clients. You can make this happen even if you don’t have a degree in a special kind of writing (like technical writing or journalism). It just takes time and perseverance. 

If freelancing isn’t your thing, you could try to become a staff writer at a news outlet, magazine, or marketing firm. The hitch here is that these require experience and often a degree in a field like writing or communications. So whether you have a degree or not, whether you’d be happy freelancing or not, you need to take time building up your résumé of published work before you should expect to land a permanent job as an in-house writer. 

Strike Out on Your Own as a Blogger

If you are passionate and knowledgeable about a certain topic, you could try to make it as a blogger. Blogging requires diligent updates where you are publishing great content on a regular basis. Remember that in almost any imaginable blog category, you will be competing with many other bloggers for visitors. This makes it hard to stand out, but that doesn’t mean it’s not worth trying. 

A blogger’s goal is to build a sufficiently large following that you can begin selling ad space on your blog, making money from affiliate product sales, or leveraging your blog’s brand to sell books and other items. Building that level of brand recognition takes a lot of time, effort, and marketing prowess. It won’t happen overnight. However, excellent writing will stand out, and that will attract readers. 

What to Expect in Making Writing a Viable Career in 2019

The key to making writing a viable career in 2019 is making sure your expectations are reasonable. At first, you’ll only get offers for low-paying gigs and jobs. Even if you have a college or postgraduate degree, there is no better credential than a strong portfolio of work. This means that you need to make your peace about doing work that you think is beneath you or that you feel you’re overqualified for. As you build your portfolio, higher-paying companies will become more willing to hire you. 

Final Thoughts

So is writing a viable career in 2019? In short, yes! But it takes very strong writing skills to stand out among the countless aspiring online writers out there. It also takes a lot of hard work and dependability, along with a humble attitude. You need to have thick skin as well, so practice incorporating helpful criticism, and don’t give up, even after a string of rejections. Stick with it, and you can make it happen. Successful writers are those who never stopped trying. 

Good luck, and happy writing! 


Like this post? Check out this post on how to start blogging.

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How to Start Blog Writing Tue, 04 Dec 2018 13:45:37 +0000 Wondering how to start blog writing? You aren’t the only one! At a time when everyone and their cats have blogs, starting your own can be a daunting task. But […]

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excited person with yellow background

Wondering how to start blog writing? You aren’t the only one! At a time when everyone and their cats have blogs, starting your own can be a daunting task. But by following a few simple steps, you will be well on your way to becoming a blog writer extraordinaire.

Pinpoint Your Area of Expertise

Why should people come to you for advice? Why should people value what you have to say? Homing in on your niche is crucial to being true to your voice while also attracting readers who will be invested in what you are writing about. Whether your passion is cooking, knitting, fashion, or gardening, there are people out there who share your interest and want to hear what you have to contribute.

Once you have settled on a subject, you can begin writing. And don’t worry about finding things to write about. Keep in mind that every topic has subtopics that you can explore. For example, if your blog is about gardening, you don’t have to stick to watering tips and mulch suggestions. Consider writing a guide on how to use plants as decor, or include a favorite recipe that includes some of your home-grown herbs. A range of on-topic content will not only keep your readers interested, but it will also help you reach a wider audience.

Get Inspired

It’s easy to imagine hitting a creative block when you start thinking about how to start blog writing. Even before you set up your blog, start taking notes about ideas when they come to you. The best ideas rarely come when you sit down to write—that is, when you actually need them—so it’s important to jot them down whenever they do come to you, whether you’re at work, cooking dinner, or about to fall asleep. Get in the habit of always having a little pad of paper and a pen nearby so that you don’t let a good idea slip away.

Plan Ahead

Planning out your blog posts is an important part of creating quality content. Create outlines for blog-post ideas, and play around with catchy titles. Do some research on the topic you are writing about, even if you already consider yourself an expert! Backing up your own advice and experiences with other relevant sources is a great way to solidify yourself as an authority on the subject. Planning your posts beforehand will ensure that even when you get busy, you have content ready to go so that there’s always something new to enjoy. Consistency is a great way to build your audience.

Quality over Quantity

We’ve all heard this one before, but that doesn’t make it any less true. It’s more important to have a few well-thought-out, unique blog posts than a flood of pieces with little value or originality. Your readers come to you for insight and advice they cannot find anywhere else. The more you write that sets you apart from the competition, the better.

Keeping these guidelines on how to start blog writing in mind will set you up for success. Stay committed, and with practice and patience, your blog will take off!

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